Disclaimer: I do not own Chicago PD

A/N: Hi PD fans..So first time with a fic for this show. So yeah hopefully it is good enough to catch someone's attention.

The Art of Deception-prologue

Trudy had seen every Tom, Dick, and Harry come through the precinct door. It was routine infact to make things intresting she started a betting pool every week. Mostly how many times Vioght scares the heck out of people in a day.

She had become so used to telling people to quiet down and request to come one at a time to the desk, hardly works. It was one of those days and it even wasn't a Friday a Tuesday to be exact when a wrench was thrown into her routine. At first she thought she was imagineing it or perhaps her glasses needed an upgrade.

A man in his late twenties walked in the door stumbiling slightly as he stepped forward. She was going to assume drunk but it wasn't until she took in his appearence. His white shirt was desheveled to abnormal state even for a drunk. His dirty blond hair looked like he stuck a finger in a socket but what caught her attention most was the black boxer briefs and the bare feet. Either this guy just walked out of bed or thier was a big shunk of information that she was missing. His appearence was so out of place that even the others in the room both cop and citizen couldn't believe what they were seeing. He made it half way between the desk and the door. When his glazed over eyes met Trudy's, the simple motion made her heart stop no one moved or made a sound.

The man opened his mouth and the words that came out was as just as disbelieving as his appearence.

"I..have..been raped."

Trudy stared wide eyed as she watched with everyone else as he collapsed completely to the floor. Breaking out of her shock she grabbed her phone as Kim broke through the crowd along with another officer.

Kim placed a hand against his throat. "He..He's got a pulse but it's thready."

"Bus is on it's way Trudy confirmed. Everyone back up and give the man space to breathe!" She ordered.

Kim cradled the unconicous man in her arms as Hank and Antonio decended the stairs shocked at the scene before them. Leaving to ask the silent question. What the hell is going on?


Everyone at the nurses station froze as a woman came in her shirt torn in places along with her skirt. Her stained face and her unkept hair around her head caught everyone's eyes down to the red heel missing from her left foot.

"Please help me...I think I've been raped."

The doctor caught her as she fell into his arms. "Someone get a gurney!" he ordered. She looked back at the woman in his arms... "Don't worry You're in good hands take."