The Lost Melody Of The Ponds:

The Silence has fallen,

But you do not feel like you have won.

They have taken your little Pond,

And turned it into a raging River.

No longer is its Melody sweet and small,

Instead its Song is loud and dangerous.

It rushes at you,

For a moment you think you will drown in this strange new River.

But then, you feel a spark,

A tiny sliver of the Songs hidden Melody,

And you grab on for dear life.

You remind it of what it was,

And what it will be,

And let the water gently cradle you as it calms.

You smile contentedly as the River carries you home,

And feel a great swell of love for it in your hearts.

You may have lost a Pond,

and been unable to find its Melody,

But already you find yourself falling in love with the turbulent Song of the River.

For although it came from Silence,

The Rivers Song is already as familiar and comfortable to you as your own heartbeats.

And now that you have it,

You will never have to hear the Silence for the rest of your lives.

For where the River is,

Silence can never exist...

Hey, so I ended up writing another one. This is obviously a prequel to the first poem. Its more or less when The Doctor is looking for Melody, and then he finds out that Melody is now River, and she tries to kill him, and all that good stuff. I played around the double meaning of 'silence' in this one, and its the same deal with the line-breaks to separate the verses of the poem...I don't know if this poem is better or worse than the first one, but please review and tell me what you think! I may write some more eventually, so feel free to follow/favourite these poems just in case...I don't mind, really! XD