chapter 1: close call

It was a normal day at the BAU office. People were doing their usual stuff: finding a suspect to arrest. Meanwhile, a computer geek named Penelope Garcia was doing her own normal stuff. She was trying to hack a criminal's computer to get some information. It was a long day and she was getting tired and bored, so she decided to surf the Internet. She was in a gaming website and an ad popped up in her screen. She tried to close the ad, but the mouse curser missed the X button. The screen was loading and then a porn website popped up. Garcia closed her and she was scared that she'll get caught. After a brief moment, so she opened one of her eyes and smiled at the porn images. She clicked on a video with an image of girl and a guy having sex. Garcia watched the whole video and felt horny and upset. She felt alone because she wasn't in a relationship. , she felt her vagina tingling and closed her eyes with pleasure. Garcia had an orgasm. Outside of her door, Aaron and Morgan were having a conversation. The conversation suddenly stopped. Garcia felt scared that she'll get caught, so she closed the Internet and grabbed a blanket to cover her pants. The door opened while Garcia was pretending she was doing her work. It was Derek Morgan. "Garcia, I need you to find a suspect. He probably lives near the area so keep a close eye". Garcia felt the sensation when Morgan was talking. Garcia replied with a yes and began doing her work. The man walked away and Garcia sighed with a relief.

Sorry for the grammar. English is my third language and I was typing this during class, my bad I guess.