Hi everyone! I've finally decided to upload my new story. I'm going to let you get straight into this one.

I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think :D

"Nik!" Rebekah's voice bellowed out throughout the mansion as she flashed into the kitchen to find Hope sitting at the table beside Elijah as she ate her cereal whilst the latter had his eyes on a newspaper which he carefully folded in half and placed to the side as Rebekah came in. "Where is that ungrateful little wan-"

"Rebekah, there is a child present." Elijah said with a lazy tone causing Hope to roll her eyes and push away her cereal as she glanced between them.

"I'm not a child, I'm a 17 year old woman Uncle Elijah." His lips quirked up as he looked at his niece.

"Of course you are, dear, my apologies." His eyes moved back to Rebekah who was standing with her hands on her hips glaring at both of them. "What has Niklaus done now?"

"Nothing," she slipped into the seat opposite them, "I've just been to see Sophie and her coven, they can't find any damn answers about Hope's magic." She ran her fingers through her blonde hair. "What the hell are we supposed to do?" Hope leaned back in her seat and glanced up at her aunt.

"I'll be fine." Rebekah narrowed her eyes.

"You keep fainting when you use magic, tell me on what level that is fine, Hope." Hope bit her lip and glanced away to see her father come through the door. "Nik, tell your daughter that she isn't in the right frame of mind, we need to figure out what's wrong." Klaus scanned over his family before stopping to look at his daughter who had tears shimmering in her eyes.

"Your aunt is right Hope, as much as it pains me to say that, I've contacted all my covens and they can't seem to figure it out, but that doesn't mean that we've stopped looking for answers, I will figure this out and in the meantime you will stay at home with Sophie."

"You've got to be kidding me." Hope murmured under her breath. Klaus raised his eyebrow challenging her to defy him. "I'm not going to be locked up here for days on end."

"You're vulnerable, Hope, I'm trying to keep you safe."

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Let me know when I'm done being under house arrest." She said with a bite before she stormed past him. He sighed then followed her out as she began climbing the stairs. "You'll be staying in the Bayou for tonight, Hope." She span on the step to face him.

"No way." She gripped the banister tightly, "They hate me, I'm not going back there." Klaus felt his dead heart clench at her words.

"They don't hate you sweetheart, I made sure of that." She let out a mirthless laugh.

"By threatening to kill them if they didn't act with respect. They hate me because I'm different. I don't want to be anywhere near them." She said resolutely just as Elijah came out followed by Rebekah.

"Hope, your mother wants to see you." Elijah said calmly. Hope rolled her eyes at him.

"If she wants to see me, she should come here instead of making me trudge half way across the city. Either way, I'm not going to the bayou." She flashed up the stairs, slammed the door shut and leaned against it running her hands over her face before stepping into the middle of the room which was full of canvases. She sighed releasing the overwhelming emptiness that had begun filling her.


"You don't belong here." Jenny hissed into her ear as she sat beside her in front of the burning fire. Hope rolled her eyes before looking at her.

"Maybe you're not comprehending the fact that my mother is your alpha and I'm her daughter making me part of this pack." Jenny smirked at her.

"But your sorry excuse of a father is a bloodsucker making you one too. Like I said, you don't belong here, the sooner you're gone the better." She gave her a malicious smile before getting up, flicking her auburn hair and walking towards a group of teenagers who began sniggering and glancing at Hope who swallowed back her sadness and looked into the fire trying to find some warmth but none graced her being.

Hope glanced at the unfinished canvas in the corner, the dark brown wolf which was in mid howl against the backdrop of the moon which lit down upon its fur turning the hair a caramel brown in contrast to its bright gold eyes that seemed to grow out of the canvas. She picked up her paintbrush and swirled it in some light blue colour before dabbing specks in the previously gold eyes covering them up with light blue orbs that fitted the wolf, it was just like the others turning during a full moon but was unique in its own ways with the azure irises, her gaze slowly fell on the window which was angled just right to reflect her own eyes and she snapped them shut as she saw the light blue eyes reflected on her.

Placing the brush down, she picked up one of her father's sketchbooks that lined the bookstand, this one in particular had caught her eye as she had never seen it before, and the cover was an off white showing no significance to what secrets it held inside, with tattered markings and the spine which had been reshaped with the pages having constantly been flipped over creating lines at the place it was held together. The others were a much darker colour from black to dark greens, occasional reds if they had been given as presents. She found solace seeing her father's work, the patience shown in his markings and the workings of his mind evident in the calculated pencil marks.

She thumbed through the pages of this one finding pictures of a simple hut made of what seemed like wood, a fire had been built in front of it burning away as a shadow peeked out of the window. The next page was a young blond girl, her locks lowed effortlessly past her shoulders and she grinned as she held a violet flower in her fragile hands. Under the drawing was the name 'Rebekah', this must have been her aunt when she was just a child, her face was glowing with happiness and Hope wondered what had happened over the thousand years that her family had lived to turn into people who were feared. She had heard the whispers in the city as she grew, her father had a dangerous reputation and she had once seen it.



"Daddy!" She stumbled through the dark corridor heading towards her father's voice. "Dad!" Her fingers followed the line of the wall guiding her towards a heavy oak door, her 13 year old body was tired from the constant running she had undertaken as her vampire abilities had been 'turned off' by some crazy witches. "Dad!" Using all her strength, she pushed the door open slowly peeking out into the room and saw her father fighting with a group of men and woman who kept pouncing on him. Her heartbeat was elevated and she could hear the blood rushing through her ears as she breathed in slowly keeping her rate shallow.

"Where is she?!" he screamed to one of the men that he held by the throat, veins rippled under his eyes which glowed a luminescent gold whilst he bared his fangs. "Where?!"

"I don't-" before he could finish his words Klaus ripped into his throat with his fangs tearing out a chunk of his neck and allowing crimson blood to smear his mouth. The man was thrown to the side as he set to work tearing apart the others as Hope watched from behind the door, what she hadn't anticipated was someone coming up from behind her, she felt hands grab her waist and haul her up over a shoulder, her eyes went wide as the person began running down the corridor from where she had just escaped from. Without thinking about what she had just seen, she screamed out for the one person she relied on.

"DADDY!" The sound echoed through the whole building and rang in Klaus' ears, he released the woman he was about to kill and scrambled towards the door throwing it open to see his daughter being carried down the corridor, his mind became blank and his usual thought out plans were nowhere to be found instead they became replaced the basic primal instinct to save his daughter.

Hope watched his face transform again and blinked to see him gone suddenly just as whoever was carrying her froze and began shaking. She felt herself being lowered to the floor and escaped the person's hands backing into the wall, her vision was marred with her father ripping the man's organs out before finally ending his life with a crush of his heart.

"Hope…" she heard her father's voice enter her ear and she looked at him to see his clothes soaked in blood but his face back to his human form. Without thinking twice, she rushed into his arms hugging him tightly allowing the blood to soak her clothes too.

She was drawn away from the memory when her fingers fell on the face of a blonde woman smiling. Her eyes were filled with disbelief and gratitude as her cheeks were a blush pink. Her hair was straightened but held a wavy effect as it flowed around her shoulders, her dress was a light green with hints of white and the backdrop consisted of a…football stadium? Hope blinked furiously trying to figure out who this woman was, she had never seen her before and as her eyes travelled down the drawing she found the word 'Light' softly written in the corner of the portrait. The name was quite correct, whoever this was, she was full of light, her entity brought such brightness that it actually warmed Hope inside. Flicking the page over she found the woman again but this time dressed in what seemed to be a ball gown with her hair up in a bun and soft tendrils framing her face. The dress was a dark blue with lace straps, her hands were covered in white gloves as a sparking infinity bracelet graced her wrist.

Sparkling infinity bracelet?

Hope's eyes widened, without thinking she ripped the page form the book, she placed the book back on the shelf and quietly entered her father's bedroom, without wasting any time she opened the draw in the night stand which was full of necklaces, reaching in she fumbled around in the back and found it. Plucking it out from the draw, she raised it to the light allowing it to shimmer. She flashed into her room closing the door softly before sitting on the bed and laying the bracelet against the drawing, her eyes pinpointed the features of the diamonds that lined the jewellery and the diamonds carefully drawn out in the sketch.

"It's the same." She murmured to herself, her eyes drifted back to the woman, who is she? The words that were carefully scripted on the bottom of the sketch made her even more confused.


However long it takes

Before she could wonder anymore, the door knob twisted, she pushed the bracelet and drawing under her pillow and pulled out a grimoire instead just as the door opened to reveal Klaus. She couldn't ask him who this woman was, for one she didn't want him to know that she was snooping and two, she didn't want him to lie to her and then raise his suspicion.

"Hope, I know you don't like going to the bayou-"

"It's fine. I'll go." He sat beside her on the bed wondering where this change of heart had appeared form. "Look, I get it. You want me to be in touch with my heritage and that's fine. I'll go." He smiled allowing his dimples which she shared peak out.

"Good, I-"She smirked at him.

"But…" His smile lowered as he waited for her to continue.


"I don't want to stay for the whole night. I want to stay with Sophie, she can teach me some simple protection spells that won't drain my magic." He shook his head.

"Sweetheart, your mother is expecting you to stay the whole night, as is the pack, you can't-"She snapped up and stood in front of Klaus.

"And I'll be there like she expected, but I need to put my safety first, what happens if someone comes to the bayou in the middle of the night and I can't control my magic again, next thing you know I could turn everyone into pumpkins." He tried to stifle a laugh but failed miserably.

"Pumpkins?" He chuckled at her adamant yet cute stare.

"Yes, pumpkins, you've seen it happen in Cinderella-"

"Don't remind me." He muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes.

"-and it's not a major jump for it to happen to the pack. Therefore, I can't stay the night unless you want me to turn them all into magical beings from a fairy-tale and if you don't agree with me then you can be the one to explain to a whole pack of wolves how they turned into vegetables because you couldn't just agree with little, old me." She tilted her head with a small smile and her hands resting on her hips greatly resembling Rebekah. Klaus smirked at her rant as she reminded him of another blonde who he hadn't seen in 17 years after attending said-woman's graduation.

He shook his head clearing his thoughts and looked back up at his daughter who was staring at him with an 'I'm a sweet, innocent puppy' look that she had adopted from the age of 4 whenever she wanted something. He sighed in disbelief at how such a look could make him melt and want to agree with everything she was saying.

"Fine. But you will explain to your mother as to why you won't be staying the full night like she had arranged." Hope grinned and launched herself at him rapping her arms around his neck.

"Thanks, Dad." Klaus returned the embrace before standing up.

"I'll tell Sophie to come down to the bayou to get you and then you'll stay with her. Make sure you grab everything you need."

"I will, thanks again."

"You're welcome, sweetheart." He gave her a smile as she grabbed her bag from underneath the bed and began taking some clothes and her toothbrush. He closed the door behind him as he left the room and headed back down the stairs to tell his siblings of tonight's arrangement.

Back inside her room, Hope twirled the bracelet in her fingers as she looked back down at the picture before folding it up with the bracelet inside and placed it in her overnight bag which she was going to take with her to the bayou. Hope ran her fingers through her hair as she turned and looked at the wilting rose on the window sill, she approached it and brushed her fingertips against the petals and pictured it straightening up into a velvety scarlet rose which she projected onto the object allowing her will to be followed through. She smirked feeling proud of the little magic she could do without putting herself through too much strain but she could still feel the tingles in her fingers as she pulled away.

"Come on." She said under her breath as she wiggled her fingers trying to get rid of the sensation making it lessen but it took minutes until it finally disappeared.

"Hope!" Rebekah came into her room and tilted her head as she looked between the rose and her niece before cocking her eyebrow up. "You know you can't do any unnecessary magic, you'll hurt yourself." Hope rolled her eyes.

"What's the point in having magic when I can't use any of it?" She said with a tense tone feeling sick and tired of having the same conversation again.

"You know the risks-"Hope strode towards her bag grabbing it before storming past Rebekah and down the stairs.

"Yes. I get it! Magic's a bitch."

"Hope." Elijah chastised her for her words. She narrowed her eyes wanting them to all be quiet for once and allow her to break the rules.

"God, why do you all have to crowd me so much, isn't it enough that I can't go out of this house without having someone come with me, or the fact that I didn't go to school or maybe have any real friends because all of you think that everyone who tries to get close to me wants to kill me! This isn't a soap opera, this is real life where not everyone wants to kill everyone else!" She shouted out at them coming to a breathless stop. Rebekah glanced at Elijah who pursed his lips.

"Hope, we understand but our family has lots of enemies-"Hope scoffed whilst Klaus came in wondering what the shouting was all about, "-we're just trying to protect you. The supernatural world is split, some believe you're a miracle whilst others think you're a –"

"Not natural. It's not your fault." Hope rolled her eyes at her father.

"You're right. It's not my fault that my father couldn't keep it in his pants and stop himself from screwing my mother." She picked up her bag. "Yep, totally not my fault. Except for the fact that everyone thinks I'm either a magical miracle child or one who's going to bring the end of the world around…you know what, screw it, if she wants to spend some time with me it's going to be on my terms not her or her pack. I'd like to be dropped off at the bayou now please." Hope shook her head as she turned around and walked out of the house before sitting in the car to wait for her father.

"Niklaus, she didn't mean it." Klaus sighed as he ignored his brother and followed his daughter out leaving his siblings behind.

"What do we do?" Rebekah whispered as she approached Elijah who remained pensive.

"Always and forever, Rebekah." He said before flashing into the library. Rebekah shook her head as an unsure curve crossed her lips.

"What does that even mean anymore?" She murmured to herself.

Silence had fallen between them which neither had tried to fill until they had arrived in the bayou and began trudging through the mud.

"I'm trying keep you safe." Klaus murmured as they walked through the fallen leaves. Hope glanced at her father saw his expressionless face as he looked ahead ignoring the voice in his head which told him to look at her.

"I know." She sighed. "But I want a normal life, dad. I'm 17, a teenager, I should be going to school, hanging out with my friends, meeting boys." Klaus glared at her as his daughter rolled her eyes.

"Over my dead body."

"You can't die." He smirked.

"Exactly." Hope scoffed.

"Boys aside, I need some sense of normality, you can't protect me for an eternity no matter how much you try."

"Of course I can." Hope shook her head as they got closer to where the pack resided before narrowing her eyes at him.

"What? So you're going to follow me around wherever I go, you can't do that." Klaus shrugged his shoulders before looking back at her to see the fire in her eyes, he suppressed the urge to laugh at her adorable yet deadly expression.

"Of course not, your uncle and aunt would help me as would the pack." As the words left his mouth they entered a clearing where the pack were. Klaus stood straighter his presence commanding the respect of the beings before him.

"Klaus." Jackson strode towards them offering Hope a smile, "We weren't expecting you till the evening." Klaus gave him a smirk.

"Yes well, I like to keep things interesting, where is Hayley?" The brunette came striding out form the forest glaring at Klaus but her gaze softened as they fell on Hope who pursed her lips and stood taller having learnt the posture from her father.

"Klaus, Hope. I thought you were coming later?" She asked confused at their sudden appearance.

"Yeah well, I decided that I would come earlier since I won't be staying the whole night." Hayley's eyes flickered between the pair.

"Klaus a word?" She gestured to the side leaving her daughter with Jackson who began talking to her. "Why are you here so early?"

"Would you believe that Hope wanted to see you?" He glared at her causing her to look away.

"Why isn't she staying for the whole night?" She said with a hard edge to her voice.

"She wants to go to Sophie to figure out what's wrong with her magic." As Hayley opened her mouth to speak, they were interrupted by Hope.

"Look, if you don't want me here, then fine, I'll just go and dad, shouldn't you be looking for some answers?" She said with a hint of venom. Hayley cleared her throat before turning to her.

"Of course not, I still have some things left to do but I'll be back in a few minutes." She called for Jackson who took Hope's bag for her before glaring at Klaus and flashing away. Hope glanced up at Jackson who felt the awkwardness and left the pair. Klaus glared at the path Hayley had taken before looking at his daughter who was shuffling on her feet.

"I'll see you later, sweetheart." He said quietly, she looked up and nodded giving him a tight smile before enveloping him in a hug which he returned.

"Bye, dad." Giving her a small smile and scanning the area, he looked at her and then walked away returning to his car and leaving Hope in the clearing.

"Hope?" She swallowed back her nerves and turned to Jackson who was waiting for her. "Come on." She walked towards him crossing her arms over her chest following as he walked towards a cabin which she had come to know as 'the office' since it had a large business like desk in the centre and books full of werewolves lining the walls. "Since you won't be staying the night, I'll just tell you the basics of today's lesson. Werewolf history."

"Didn't we already cover this? My dad's dad was the alpha of the first wolf pack, yada, yada, yada…" She leaned back watching Jackson run his fingers along the spines of the books on the shelves.

"I suppose we have, but this time we're going to learn about myths and where they derived from." He gave her a small smile before looking back at the books. Hope sighed internally not wanting Jackson to feel bad. She couldn't argue the fact he was nice, he was a good husband to her mother and he didn't hate her but she could tell he wasn't completely comfortable with her, neither of them were to each other. She glanced out of the window to see Jenny laughing with a group as they sat on the sun bathed grass. How she longed to have a life like that.

"Hope." Her attention was drawn back to Jackson as he placed a book in front of her and walked to the other side of the desk to sit in the chair. "So, where do you think myths were derived from…?"

Taking a deep breath she prepared herself for the next hour of learning, she laughed mirthlessly inside, her mother promised to be a few minutes like she always did but it would always turn into hours.

"I guess it must have something to do with people's perceptions…."

The few minutes turned into an hour without her mother, then two and when she had actually looked at her phone she saw it had been three hours until Hayley had finally finished her errands.

The sky had begun to darken incredibly as Hope sat on the steps that led up to the cabin.

"Hope!" She looked up to see Hayley walking towards her, "I'm sorry, it took longer than I expected, I promise it won't happen again." She rolled her eyes.

"You said that last time as well, you should really look for better excuses." Hayley let out a strained breath and closed her eyes before reopening them as Hope stood up and looked at her phone. "Well, it's been 3 hours and I have to go now." Hayley reached out to stop her.

"Look, I'm sorry, just stay for a bit longer, the pack wants to talk to you." Hope scoffed at her mother.

"I wanted to spend some time with you, not the pack or Jackson or anyone else. You." Hayley frowned and her shoulders sagged.

"I'm sor-"

"Sorry. I know."

"How about we talk now." Hayley sat on the steps beside her and patted the space for Hope to sit. "How have you been?" Hope crossed her arms over her chest.

"Good, you?"

"I've been good as well, so is the pack. You know you should stay the night and get to really know them, they'd love it and so would you." Hope grit her teeth before ignoring what she said.

"What's your favourite colour?" Hayley's brow furrowed at the question.

"Umm, orange. Why?" Hope shook her head with a small smile.

"I didn't know that about you. You're my mom and I don't even know that detail." Hayley sighed before looking out to the darkening trees that surrounded them. She felt a pit at the bottom of her stomach at Hope's confession which she tried to ignore but failed. "Do you have a middle name?"

"No." Hope hummed at her answer as they both looked out ahead rather than at each other. "What's your favourite food?" Hope smiled.

"Dad's pancakes, they're amazing." Hayley nodded, she hadn't ever seen Klaus cook before, and yet one of her daughter's favourite foods was his dishes. "Actually, it might also be his spaghetti Bolognese or pizza when he makes it. I really can't decide but it's definitely one of his dishes that I love." Hayley felt a sense of loneliness at her words, it was very rare for her to see Hope at the mansion since the pack didn't like their alpha living in a house of vampires even if she was half vampire herself.

"That's nice."

"Hmmm." They descended into silence which neither filled which neither attempted to fill even though it felt awkward.

"Hayley." Jenny approached them with a fake smile. "I was hoping we could start now." Hope looked between them.

"Start what?"

"Training. She's teaching me how to defend myself and lead." Hayley smirked at Jenny and nodded, Hope watched her mother's face transform into one of joy and happiness whilst she herself felt a burst of jealousy run through her.

"Lead?" Hayley stood up and walked towards the girl without looking back at Hope who remained sitting on the steps.

"She's going to lead a pack one day," Hayley laid her hand on the girl's shoulder and looked at her proudly, "I have high hopes for you. Come on." They began walking away before Hayley turned back to look at Hope, "I'll see you next time, Hope." She gave her a small smile which Hope mirrored forcefully as Jenny lead her mother away and they disappeared.

Hope took out her phone and got up walking back to the cabin where she took her bag and then called Sophie.

"Hey Soph, can you pick me up now?"

"Yeah sure, give me two minutes, I'll be there." Sophie hung up as Hope left the cabin and began walking towards the road where she would get picked up. She didn't bother telling anyone she was going, it's not like any of them would care.

A few minutes later Hope hopped into a little black car which Sophie was driving. "Hey Sophie."

"Hey Hope, what was it like today?" Hope rolled her eyes with a sigh and leaned her head back.

"Pointless, like it is every time. I know that she's my mom and that the pack is her priority but sometimes I just wish…."

"You just wish that she'd act more like your mom than an alpha."

"Yeah, I mean is that too much to ask?" Sophie glanced at Hope as she turned into the Quarter.

"No, look Hope, I understand how you're feeling and-"

"I didn't even know her favourite colour." Hope looked out of the window watching the lights flash by. "And she didn't know my favourite food. 17 years and we don't know a single meaningful thing about each other. How sad is that?" Sophie stopped the car in front of her house and Hope got out swiftly grabbing her bag and heading into the building.

"Why did you want to see me Hope?" The younger blonde placed her bag on the sofa and turned to look at the brunette.

"I want your help, I want to know what's wrong with me." Hope said in an exasperated tone. "Tell me what's wrong with my magic."

"I don't know, we've all been trying to figure it out, we don't have any answers."

"Then find someone who does." Hope snarled out channelling her father's temper before she clenched her eyes shut. "I'm sorry, I'm just really, really frustrated."

"It's ok, I understand. We're all looking for a lead in New Orleans but we can't find any witch who would know."

"In New Orleans? How about outside of the city?" Sophie grabbed a map from her paper littered desk and placed it on the small coffee table.

"We could, but there are 50 states in America and we can't exactly narrow it down to a certain witch because we don't know which one could help." Hope ran her fingers through her hair before her eyes narrowed on the map.

"Or we could just look for the most powerful witch lineage, find the descendant and they would probably know."

"If they refuse to help or try to hurt you?" Sophie asked with a glare causing Hope to roll her eyes.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Sophie continued to glare at her. "Ok. How about we don't tell them who I am, ask them for advice on what's happening and if we can trust them, tell them the truth." Sophie's lips curved up.

"You're diabolical."

"I get it from my dad." Sophie rolled her eyes at the blonde before grabbing a book from the bottom of a stack.

"It's full of witch legacy and history, but the most powerful lineage that I know of is the Bennett line." Hope looked at the page to which Sophie had opened the book at.

"The Bennett bloodline is a matriarchy of powerful witches descended from the first immortal being, Questsiyah who created the Other Side. Their lineage has continued for more than 2000 years. 2000 years? They must have hell of a lot of power." Hope said as she read the passage. "We have to find a descendant, couldn't we just do a locator spell." Sophie glanced at Hope and then back down to the book.

"We could try, I don't have anything of them so it might not even work." Hope pushed the book away and pulled the map closer.

"It's a chance, the sooner we find her, the sooner I get answers. What do you need?"

"Some salt and 8 candles." Hope ran out of the room into the kitchen grabbing the things they needed and rushed back letting Sophie trail the salt into a circle surrounding the map whilst placing the candles on the salt at equal distance from each other.

"Ready?" Sophie said as she looked up at Hope who nodded slowly. The brunette clicked her fingers lighting the candles and closed her eyes as she held her hands over the map and began murmuring. "We du le mon ennemi on ton. We du le mon ennemi on ton" the salt grains began moving towards the center of the map gathering in Kansas before it slowly trailed through Missouri, Kentucky before finally spotting at the edge of South Carolina. Just as Sophie began moving her hands back she gasped and clenched her eyes firmly shut.

"Soph?" Hope whispered as she watched the brunette begin panting. "Sophie?" Her eyes kept flickering in different directions under her eyelids as if she was watching something, Hope observed her intently waiting for her to stop as she didn't know what to do. Just as Hope reached out her hand to Sophie, the witch gasped and her eyes flashed open as the flames of the candles died out.

"Bonnie Bennett." Sophie whispered as she came back to reality and locked her eyes onto Hope. "Her name is Bonnie Bennett and…" they both looked down at the map to see where the salt had gathered, "…she's in Charleston."

Hope felt a sudden warmth fill her stomach at the name 'Bonnie Bennett', this woman could help her and figure out what the hell was wrong with her. "I need to go to her." Hope attempted to get up but was stopped as Sophie's hand clasped onto her wrist.

'Not on your own, we need to tell Klaus, he'll want to know." Hope shook her head.

"If she's as powerful as you say she is then she won't help us. Witches are brought to hate vampires, Sophie, you know that. If you tell him he'll barge in there all guns blazing and I can't let that happen especially if this 'Bonnie Bennett' is the last definite person who could help me. I need to do this. On my own." Hope pulled her arm away from Sophie's grasp.

"No." Hope locked eyes on her and saw the guarded look the brunette had. "You can't do this on your own. I won't let you." Hope took in a deep breath and glanced to the side before looking back at her.

"I'm sorry Sophie, but you really can't stop me." Sophie shook her head and got up moving towards her phone which lay on the desk as Hope followed her, grabbed her arm and spun her round.

"Hope!" Sophie's eyes were wide as she looked at the girl before her whose eyes were ablaze with fire.

'Forgive me." Hope grasped Sophie's temples between her hands and closed her eyes digging through the witch's memories. "You will forget locating Bonnie Bennett, I came here and you allowed me to look through some grimoires before we watched 'The Notebook' and went to sleep." Hope pulled away slowly watching Sophie's eyes flutter open as she regained her senses and let out a lazy smile before yawning.

"We should really go to sleep now, Hope." Hope smiled softly suppressing the guilt.

"Yeah, we should…

So...how was it?

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, Caroline will be making her appearance in the next chapter along with a few of our favourite characters.

Since this is my first story in which Hope is included in a much more direct way, I wanted to get some things clear before people try to judge Hope and the way I've portrayed her:

Hope may seem like a really bratty character right now but the way I intend for her to come across as is a very isolated child who has been stopped from doing things normal teenagers would do like go to school and socialise. In my head her life revolves around the way her character is suppressed due to who her family members are and the fact that she is upheld to be such a vital person in New Orleans.

Even through what I've heard about the way TO is going, Hope Mikaelson is deemed to be a really important and one-of-a-kind person who is even more powerful than her father but what everyone seems to be forgetting is that she is still a normal girl yet she isn't growing up in a fitting environment. I'm going to explore this through her relationship with Caroline and the way they bond.

I hope I've cleared that up a bit and because I'm really excited about the concept of this story I'm going to give away a few hints/spoilers:

-Kol is alive, everyone breathe a sigh of relief, he will be on Caroline's end of things.

-Kol's character will develop and we'll see some friction between him and the other Mikaelsons.

-Kol was not, I repeat NOT, brought back by his siblings.

-Katherine is included

-The Mystic Falls gang's version of events of what occurred in their little town just before Caroline left may be different to Caroline's. Who do you suppose will be telling the truth?

-Klaus will find himself at odds once he reunites with Caroline and sees the way in which she runs things. Their styles are very different, who do you think is part of a much closer knit community and who feels a spark of jealousy at this?

-Caroline is withholding a big secret and no it is not a secret Klaroline baby though I do love the idea of a Klaroline baby it won't be happening in this story.

I hope that's enough to tide you over until the next update.

See you very soon... :D