Anyone who knew Kurt could say he's a total fashionista, he loved doing makeovers to his friends, create his own designs, etc. so you could understand why he was being nervous about applying to an intership at Vogue, no matter he wouldn't get paid. It would be an amazing experience, and a new item to be crossed in his bucket list.

"Ms. Wright will see you now." A girl with a very deep voice said.

Kurt swallowed, the girl (who might be Isabelle's assistant) scared him a little bit. Her voice sounded like one of these bad horror movies Finn and Puck watched on the living room, so deep and dark, that could give shivers to anyone.

Taking a deep breath he shook those thoughts and stood up, walking to Isabelle's office. He knocked and a 'come in' was heard before he stepped inside.

Isabelle was like a sunshine, could say, smiling brightly at him.

"Please take seat, Mr. Hummel" She said in a sweet voice, and Kurt sat down "I saw you're from Ohio, I'm from Columbus."

"Yeah, I know. I read your biography" Kurt added and inmediately blushed a Little thinking this might look too much like a bootlicker, but Isabelle smiled brighter, if that was even posible.

"I once went to Lima, and I got food poisoning an italian restaurant. Breadstick I think it was the name" She said while making a face like she was remembering.

Honestly Kurt couldn't believe a woman like that would eat there (not that in Lima were a lot of fancy restaurants but better than Breadstix yes)

"So I'm impressed about your online resume, and" she turned around her laptop "your gallery of bold clothes. Where did you get them?"

"Well I…made them" He said, smiling nervously.

That was enough to break the formal questions and start chatting joyfully about fashion, their fashion icons, their dreams and experiences, and Kurt was sure he won her over when suddenly the door slammed open.

"Auntie!" A very excited, female voice screamed and Kurt turn around to see who it was "You have no idea what just" The girl shut up and blushed a little when she noticed there was someone sitting there. She looked like she was about to say sorry and get out but then she her eyes went wide open "Oh my god! I know you!"

"But we-" Kurt couldn't even finish the sentence before the girl spoke again

"You're from the New Directions right? The glee club? You're Kurt Hummel!" She was grinning like a 12 years old girl who just met his celebrity crush. "My brother was on The Warblers."

Before Kurt could ask who was her brother, because he honestly didn't remember a warbler with a sister – and to be honest he didn't know them too much except for Jeff, Nick, Trent and Blaine – the assistan came in, looking exhausted.

"I'm Sorry, Ms. Wright. I tried to tell her to don't come in but she wouldn't listen. " The assistant explained coming behind the girl that just interrupted. She seemed upset, but like she was used to this kind of behave.

"In my defense I was wearing earbuds" The tiny girl answered.

"It's ok, Lila. I know Sara can be very…impulsive sometimes, go back to your work, I'll talk with her." Though any other person would be at least at least a little bit mad, Isabelle was still smiling. Then Lila left the office. "Sara please sit down." When the girl sat down, Isabelle turned to Kurt again "I'm sorry."

"No, it's ok" He said honestly, because the girl didn't interrupt anything important at the end.

"Ok now coming back to what we were talking: you're hired" She said grinning, and it looked the same way Sara grinned before.

"Thank you!" Kurt almost screamed, he couldn't believe it and suddenly he had two arms around him.

"Congratulations!" Sara said, sounding as excited as Kurt "You totally deserve it!"

Kurt was puzzled about the girl attitude, but he returned the hug anyway and thanked her, still a Little bit shocked but smiling. When she got back to her seat, Kurt stood up and kissing Isabelle's hand say goodbye and said a shy (ok he was a Little bit scared about this girl would jump on him) goodbye to the girl.

When the door closed, Sara turned to her aunt.

"I want to ask you a favor." The girl pleaded.


Kurt was almost out of Vogue when he heard a very familiar mocking voice calling him.

"Hey princess" Kurt shivered "Are you going to be the next model of the line of female clothes?"

When Kurt turn around, because he had to make sure he wasn't hearing wrong, he was even more shocked than when the girl, Sara – supplied his brain - hugged him.

"Glad to see you turned a new leaf" He returned dry and could see how the pattented smirk faded a little bit.

"I tried, but being nice is not my thing." He shrugged.

"KUUUURRRT!" Sara screamed, running in her high heels and grinning like a maniac. When she reached him, she grabbed him by the shoulders "I have a proposal for you!" She said her eyes sparkling and honestly, she kinda reminded him to Rachel.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Sebastian asked sounding confused.

"Yes, did you forget it? You told me who he was!" Sara said and then it clicked in his head.

"Oh my gaga" He said, his eyes open like plates looking between both of them "Sebastian is your brother?"He asked terrified, because yeah Sara was kinda scary but Kurt could see she was full of joy and she seemed too sweet to be related to Sebastian.

"Yes." Sebastian answered before Sara "But I try to keep it secret." He said giving her a little smack behind her head, which she answered punching softly his arm.

"Shut up, you'd be dead bored without me" She answered rolling her eyes and then returned her attention to Kurt "So Kurt I wanted to ask you if you'd be interested to make some designs for my class." – Kurt must have show how confused he was because then Sara started to explain – "We have two big events this year: one is the Homecoming Dance, and the other will be the Halloween Party, and I have a group of friends, mostly girls, looking for someone who can design their dresses and sure there are a lot of known dressmakers but your designs are always so fabulous and outstanding and just perfect and I think no one could beat you at this work. So do you accept?" – Sara ended, and Kurt was impressed the girl didn't stop to breath even.

"Mmm, I don't know." Kurt had now a job "I'd love to but now I'll work for your aunt and-"

"That's not problem, I told my auntie about it and she said she had no problem if you design the dresses even in your work time, she will even borrow fabrics, because it will be the tape of the next magazine. This also will be a great chance for you, because your designs will be known by everyone in the dance! Almost everyone at my school are daughters of important people, or at least rich people, so they could recommend you. Just say yes please?" She almost pouted and Kurt couldn't decide what to do.

"Accept it." Sebastian said and Kurt turned his attention to him. "If you don't want to waste time designing for a bunch of crazy girls, then they could borrow some of your clothes" And the smirk was back in his place and Kurt could perceive a challenge in his tone and his eyes.

"I accept it." At this Sebastian's eyes went wide open and now it was Kurt's turn to smirk and turned to Sara " I'll design your classmates's dresses."

"GREAT!" Sara jumped and hugged him, and Kurt almost lost his balance "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Giving him a last kiss on his cheek, Sara ran inside again (probably to tell Isabelle)

"I don't think you know where you're getting into" Sebastian spoke again after Sara disappeared "Do you have any idea of what you just signed for?" He asked arching an eyebrow.

"I love to designing clothes and as your sister said, this is a big opportunity to me" At this Sebastian scoffed "What's the matter? I can work with her, it doesn't mean we have to see each other, so you can keep enjoying your life and pretend Sara doesn't know me." He finished shrugging

"You're right. We'll be fine as long as we don't have to see each other." Sebastian nodded and then walked inside, probably to where Isabelle was.

But they wouldn't have such 'luck'