Chapter 1

McGee and Bishop Apartment

"Tim! Tim! It's time to get up, your alarm is going off." Ellie said as she was trying to wake Tim up, so that he would not be late for work and his boss does not kill him. She would rather have her fiancé remain alive.

"5 more minutes Ellie." Came Tim's mumbled reply from under the pillow.

"No, Tim, not even 2 more minutes." Ellie said, sounding a little annoyed at this point, as she got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom.

McGee had stayed up late writing the night before, even after Ellie told him more than once to get to bed because Tim had to be at NCIS early that morning. Moreover, she had to be at the NSA office soon.

"I'm still tired," Said Tim

"And whose fault is that? I told you to go to bed last night, but noooo, you stayed up writing." Came the reply from the bathroom as the shower was turned on.

"I know, I know. But I was on a roll with a new chapter for my book." Said Tim as he got up to start getting ready for work and headed into the bathroom as well.

He saw Ellie in the shower and decided to join her. Tim got in behind her, put his arms around her waist and started kissing the back of her neck. He heard a light m*** come from Ellie. She turns around and puts her arms around his neck, and pressed her lips to his. After a while, they had to come up for air, Ellie pulled away and looked at Tim with a smile on her lips.

"As much as I would love to continue, we are going to be late for work. And didn't you tell my last night that the new SECNAV was going to be at NCIS today for something?" Ellie said.

Oh, man he had almost forgot all about SECNAV coming in today Thank god, he had Ellie to remind him.

However, McGee really did not want to go to work. He would rather stay home with Ellie all day. However, he would never hear the end of it from Tony if he were be show up late for work. In addition, Gibb's would probably kill him.

Therefore, with one last kiss before separated from one another. They got out of the shower, continued getting ready and ate breakfast before heading out the door to their respective agencies.

NCIS office.

McGee stepped out of the elevator and walked into the bullpen and headed to his desk. Getting there he could see DiNozzo was already there sitting at his desk, which in its self is weird, it was rare that Tony gets there before McGee does.

"You are almost late McGoo, what? You stayed up late playing video games again? Or were you with that girlfriend you say you have?" Tony said in a smug tone of voice. "When do the rest of us get to meet her?"

"Shut up Tony!" McGee replied.

"Alright calm down McMoody." Tony said back.

"You two, MTAC now!" Gibbs said gruffly just as McGee was about say something. "DiNozzo leave McGee alone."


The alarm goes off after the SECNAV is done speaking.

"Is this another dramatic touch, McGee?" SECNAV said annoyed.

"Not exactly, Madame Secretary. Network security detected an unauthorized electronic transmission. Everything shuts down automatically." McGee replied.

"So that means someone's trying to hack in from the outside." Porter said

"No. Lockdown only happens if the attack is internal." McGee tried to explain,

"So that mean the threats in this room." Vance replied.

While McGee swept the room, DiNozzo scanned the four defense contractor representatives the SECNAV was briefing. Nothing was found until DiNozzo came in close proximity to SECNAV, and his scanner went off.

"Raise your arms, please. Ma'am. Just remember I have mouths to feed. Two goldfish. I am their only source of income. They're awfully cute." Tony said nervously.

"Relax, DiNozzo. I'm as anxious about this as you are." Porter replied.

DiNozzo found a pen that contained a covert listening device.

"I had no idea that was in there." Porter said.

"Ma'am do you know where you got it and how long you've had it on you?' Gibbs asked.

"No I have no idea where it came from or when, but I have had some meeting in the last few days." Porter explained.

"That means we have a national security breach on our hands, Gibbs you and your team are going to find out who is behind this and what's going on." Porter said urgently.


"What do we have?" Gibb's barked.

"Nothing yet boss, but I'm going to take the bug down to Abby to see what she can get from it." McGee told Gibb's.

"I have something Boss." Tony exclaimed.

"What DiNozzo?" Gibb's snapped at him.

"Well boss I found a paper written by an NSA analysis that describes the exact scenario, boss." Tony explained.

"Alright, McGee go down to Abby's lab and work with her on the bug, while DiNozzo and I go talk to the NSA analysis." Gibbs ordered.

McGee started to panic a little 'what if they run into Ellie while there?' Tim was thinking as he went down to Abby's lab.


Gibbs and Tony walked into the NSA office, talked with NSA Agent Chad Flynderling, and asked who had wrote the paper with the idea for a pen with a listening device inside. Flynn took them to a blonde hair woman sitting on the ground with papers all around her and her headphones in her ears. She couldn't hear them when they approach her so when she finally saw them she jumped a little.

"Oh! You startled me," Replied the woman.

"Agents Gibbs and DiNozzo, NCIS. We want to ask you about a paper you wrote." Gibbs said as the two men showed her their ID's to her.

"Ellie Bishop, It's nice to meet you. My fiancé, actully work for NCIS." Ellie said with a bright smile on her face. "What can it do for you?"

They started asking her questions about her paper.

"So you got twenty-five pages of national security strategy from inside a breakfast cereal." Tony asked.

"In order to better prepare for attacks I dream up threats that haven't happened yet." Ellie explained.

"This dream came true." Tony told her.

"Do you mind coming down to NCIS and helping us?" Gibbs asked.

"Sure I don't mind." Ellie replied 'maybe I'll run into Tim'.