Harry shot his son a confused expression, "Come again Al?" Rosie sighed and pushed her marker at Al, "Uncle Harry the threats said you took everything from Lord, that means you must have done something to him probably during the war. We need to know every death eater who you personally hurt in some way." Still glaring at Rose Al picked up where she left off, "Rose's right dad we know that this Carrow woman is Carr's mother you're pretty sure Carr is Lord so he is probably referring to something from his childhood or something you did to his parents that changed his life."

Harry led Kingsley to a chair and turned back to the kids. "You're overlooking one thing. The thing I could have done to ruin Carr's life could just be killing Voldemort." Al and Rose looked at each other than back at Harry, "We still need to know." Harry sighed and sank into a seat at the table, "I'm not sure I can remember everything." Hermione and Ron came to sit on one side of Harry and Ginny sat on the other. Ginny took Harry's hand and Hermione spoke, "Maybe we can help we were there for a lot of it."

It took several hours but soon they had a list of every death eater who could be holding a grudge against Harry. Rose and Al crossed off the names of everyone who couldn't be Carr's parents and when they were done the list was still too long. Kingsley spoke from where he was sitting, "I think it's time to bring Carr in." The older members of the Weasley family looked at one another with grim expressions. It was time to fight again. Molly Weasley looked at her grandchildren, "Okay you lot, upstairs with you. We've let you help, but this part is too dangerous we won't put you in anymore danger." The younger kids made their way back up to the bunk. It didn't escape anyone's notice that when Harry had remodeled the attic into the children's bunk he had made it a secure and easily defended room. Once her grandchildren were out of sight Molly turned to her two oldest, "Teddy, Victoire, I need both of you to guard the children's bunk do not let anyone past that door." They nodded and hand in hand followed their younger cousins up the stairs.

Now Harry took charge, "Bill can you put up more wards around the house we need to make sure that any neo death eaters who get in can't leave on their own. George will you take Charlie and Angelina and set up booby traps around the house? Things we would all recognize as triple W products that neo death eaters wouldn't. Kingsley will you and Arthur go to the ministry and make inquiries about Carr? Molly, Fleur will the two of you prepare the house for a fight?" Once everyone had acted on their orders Harry turned to Ginny, Ron, and Hermione, "Let's go get Carr and Mary."

Harry and Ron were under the invisibility cloak again trying to make their way quietly through the Auror office. Carr was in Harry's office. They made their way into the office and once safely inside triggered a distraction in the lower levels of the ministry. Soon someone came running into the Auror office looking for help. Once the chaos was in full swing Harry and Ron grabbed Carr and with a pop reappeared at number twelve. They forced Carr into the kitchen and tied him to one of two chairs remaining in the room.


Ginny and Hermione were using the emergency exit of the ministry they made their way to the inner chambers of Kingsley's office and waited at the door until they heard the distraction Harry and Ron triggered. They heard Marry make her way to the doors of the outer chambers and used that as an opportunity to grab her. Soon the two women had a struggling Mary strapped to the second chair in the kitchen of number twelve.

Ginny glared at the two people who threatened her family. The older Weasleys closed ranks around Carr and Mary. Harry stepped forward wand raised, "It's time for some answers Carr." Carr was silent for a moment and had a calculating expression on his face, "Fine Potter. I suppose it can't hurt to answer a few of your questions." Harry nodded and turned to his family gesturing for them to follow him. Once Harry had ensured that he could see and hear Carr, but Carr could not hear them he spoke, "Something isn't right, Carr has to have something up his sleeve why else would he be willing to cooperate?" Bill Weasley nodded his assent, "What do you think it is."

Harry paused for a moment, "Ron, Hermione, and I were talking earlier about how the Neo death eaters seem to circumnavigate our wards. We think maybe they have something similar to the dark mark which allows any neo death eater to gain entry to anywhere another one already is." The adults' faces looked grim; Hermione spoke up, "So you think Carr wants to distract us until reinforcements arrive?" Harry nodded. George looked around at his family, "If that's the case then we shouldn't all stay in the kitchen we'll be sitting ducks." Ron nodded, "George is right it makes more sense to spread us all out so they are forced to divide their forces as well. And if we're spread out there will be people to step in if one group gets boxed into a corner." George nodded, "Well then, mum why don't you take the top floor with Percy and Audrey, Bill and Fleur you two can take the second floor, Angie and I will take the first floor, and Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione can take the bottom floor where Carr and Mary are."

Once everyone else had made it to their respective posts the four friends returned to the captives. Forming a semi-circle around Mary and Carr wands drawn, Harry spoke, "Okay Carr start talking." Carr shot Harry an insolent smirk, "Whatever about Potter?"

"You know what Carr. Are you Lord?"

"Well Potter maybe you aren't as stupid as I thought. Yes I am Lord."

"Why Carr? What did I do to you to make you hate me so much?"

"What didn't you do Potter? You are the reason for all my misery. Mary and I used to have a family; we were poised to be a part of the new world rule. We would have been in The Dark Lord's inner circle just like our parents were. Then you came along and got both our parents thrown into jail. They rotten away in that hell hole of a prison. When they died last year Mary and I knew it was finally time to act. We would resurrect the death eaters. We would destroy you in the most painful way we could think of and then we would take leadership of our world. The rightful order would be restored and everyone would know how useless you are Potter."

Harry watched as Carr let out a maniacal giggle wondering how Carr had hidden his insanity so well. "Who are your parents Carr?"

Carr's lip curled into a sneer, "What the great Harry Potter and his meddling friends couldn't figure out who our parents are?" Carr nodded at Hermione, "I thought that one was supposed to be intelligent."

Harry bit back the retort on the tip of his tongue and calmly said, "We know your mother is Alecto Carrow, but who is your father?"

"Amycus Carrow of course!"

Harry stared at Carr in shock, "But I thought they were siblings?"

Carr got a deranged look in his eye, "They were but you have to keep the pure blood in the family."

Thinking quickly Harry replied, "Carr that must be Carrow abbreviated then?"

"Of course Potter it's been right in front of your nose this whole time and you didn't see it."

Harry bit back his anger, "Of course Carr you must be very clever. So tell me why Noah, why did you need a man inside the Auror office? How vast is your network within the ministry?"

Carr was silent for a moment, "I needed to destroy you completely. If I were to just murder your family and then you. You would have been a martyr. The wizarding world would be singing the praises of the Weasley and Potter families who had been needlessly cut down trying to keep our world safe. You would have been the hero of yet another wizarding war. I needed to discredit you, make it seem like you were public enemy number one. That plan needed to start with the Auror office. As for my network within the ministry it is more extensive then you will ever know. Say goodbye Harry Potter."

Harry spun around just in time to dodge the curse thrown at him from one of the neo death eaters. Harry heard the crashes from within the house and knew his family was fighting back. Harry and Ginny fought back to back next to Ron and Hermione. For the better part of an hour curses flew through the rooms of number twelve. Eventually the dust settled and the Weasley family emerged bruised and bloodied, but safe.

They quickly bound and immobilized the neo death eaters who had come to attack them. There had been 18 neo death eaters, twenty if Mary and Carr were included. Molly sent a Patronus to Arthur who brought Kingsley and the Aurors to Number twelve. The Aurors made quick work of the prisoners and soon had all twenty in holding cells at the ministry. Until they could determine the full extent of Carr's pull within the ministry there would be Aurors standing guard 24/7 to ensure no one got into or out of the holding cells. Elias' body had been found. In his place Kingsley promoted Hermione to head of the magical law department. Harry was reinstated as head of the Auror department, and Teddy was removed from probation and could return to work. Noah was released from Azkaban and reinstated as an Auror. He was then tearfully reunited with Amelia. Once father and daughter had gone home for a much needed nap time the various pieces of the Weasley clan returned to their own homes.

Harry found himself lying awake in his bed with Ginny curled up next to him. He reached over to grab his glasses from the bedside table and Ginny's sleepy voice broke through the silence of the room. "Wha's a matter Harry?" Harry pulled Ginny into his side and once she had settled her head on his shoulder he spoke, "Nothing is wrong love, I'm just glad everyone one got out of this relatively unharmed. I also can't help worrying about what will come next. Which direction will the next threat come from?" Ginny kissed Harry's cheek and snuggled into his neck, "You worry too much love, for now we are all safe. That's the important thing, threats will be made and we'll face them when they arrive, but for now sleep knowing everyone is safe again."

Harry relaxed back into the pillows remembering a time many years before when Hagrid had said something similar to him. Harry's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door opening. Three heads peeked around the edge of the door. James spoke, "Mum, Dad are you awake?" Ginny propped herself up on one elbow, "we are what's wrong?" James toed the ground, "nothing exactly we were just wondering if, well we thought maybe we could, well Lily is, I mean…" Harry took pity on his son and lifted up the comforter on the bed, "Do you three want to sleep with us tonight?" The Potter children didn't need to be asked twice. Soon Harry found himself drifting off to sleep listening to the peaceful breathing to the four people he loved most in the world. For now they were safe.