The doorbell rang right as she pulled the rolls from the oven.

"Just a minute!" she called. She moved the rolls to the waiting basket and added it to the already set table on her way to the door. Cho stood in the hall, complete still his face a blank mask. "Right on time," Michelle noted check her watch. Cho didn't mention that he had arrived ten minutes early but waited in his car until the exact time they had agreed on.

"Well, I hate when people are late, and everything gets cold," he shrugged.

"Yeah, me too. The dining room, and by dining room I mean table, is right through there," she gestured. Cho lips quirked in an almost smile. Her apartment was so small that there was no missing the little table tucked in the corner between the kitchen and the living room.

"This looks nice," Cho mentioned as he sat down. The table was set with everything lined up perfectly, but it didn't look romantic. There were no candles, or flowers. In the center was a medium sized pot with a lid on it. If anything, it looked homey. A thought he quickly ignored. He could see Vega moving around the kitchen. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Nope, just finishing the garnishes. What would you like to drink? I have Corona, Coke, diet coke, or water."

"Water would be fine, thanks."

"Are you sure?" She didn't want to mention that she had gotten diet coke, because she knew that was what he liked.

"Just water for now," Cho repeated. Vega put the plate of garnishes on the table and then went back to the fridge for her britta pitcher and a beer for herself. "I guess I never asked if you actually liked pozole," she mumbled as she filled his glass.

"I've never had it."

"Oh, well, my mom severed it with rolls. So, I made rolls, but if you hate it we can always just order a pizza or something."

"I'm sure I will like it." Even if he didn't, he could fake it. It couldn't be worse than what Rigsby used to make before Van Pelt came along.

Vega took the lid off the pot and served him, then herself. "I like it with just lime and a little cilantro, but you can try whatever or just eat it plain."

Cho copied her motions garnishing his own bowl. The spoon was almost to his mouth with the first bite, when Vega stopped him.

"I forgot to say it's hot," she explained nervously.

"Yeah, I got that from the steam coming out of it."

"No, spicy hot, and heat hot."

"Oh, I don't think that will be a problem." He took a bite, and then another, aware that Vega was watching closely for a reaction. Luckily, he didn't have to fake anything. "This is really good. It reminds me of my mother's jjimdak."

Vega's shoulders relaxed, and she started eating. For a few minutes they just ate in silence. "I can't believe it took so long for us to do this." She said, as she picked apart a roll and dipped it into her bowl.

"It hasn't been that long."

"Cho, I asked you to come over for dinner on my birthday. That was four months ago."

As he thought back, he realized that she was correct. Between the wedding, cases, Abbott leaving for Washington, Lisbon and Jane taking a month-long honeymoon and adjusting to his own promotion, the time had gotten away from him. "Fitting though," he shrugged. "I made something for your birthday, now you made something for mine."

"What?" Vega asked looking confused.

"It's my birthday."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, why would I lie about that?"

"It's just… no one even mentioned it. No cake in the break room. No gifts. No … anything."

"Lisbon and Jane know I prefer not make a big deal about it."

"Still… wait, you said you were free today."

"I was."

"But, it's your birthday."

"I know, I just told you that."

"Why would you want to spend your birthday with me?"

"Why not?"

"I didn't even make a dessert. I would have made a cake, if I had known," she continued, ignoring his question.

"I don't really like sweets, and a whole cake just for the two of us is just a waste."

"I didn't get you a gift either."

"Michelle, you made me a great dinner. I don't need a gift. I just want to enjoy the evening."

She thought about it for a moment, then shook her head. "Alright then, do you want to watch a movie or play a little Xbox?"

"Do you have the new Fallout?"

"Yeah, are you any good?"

Cho gave her that look he gave her when she said something ridiculous.

"Alright then, Fallout it is."

"Watch out for that deathclaw…"

Cho's character splattered across the screen before falling to the ground.

"Sorry," Vega winced.

"No, it's fine. I should be going anyway. Thank you for a good evening." He seemed to hesitate, though.

"What?" She asked nervously.

"Nothing, I was just go to say…. maybe… we could do it again sometime?"

"Yes! But next time you're cooking."

"I don't think I can live up to this."

"Nope, not buying it. I've had your chicken soup and divinity. Next time you are on kitchen duty."

"Fine, just don't expect too much."

"Deal." She agreed, smiling as he walked down the hall.