100 years prior Niklaus Mikaelson made a promise to protect his mate. He thought he would never be capable of loving her, but when he meets her he can't deny the pull between them.

Disclaimer: All rights go to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries. I own nothing.


Caroline never imagined her death before. She never even once considered dying, until now. The blonde had heard stories about the Mikaelsons and how cruel they were, but she had no choice but to give them the benefit of doubt, and now she definitely regretted it.

She hadn't expected to end up into the library completely surrounded. When she told Klaus she wanted to talk she didn't think he would involve his sibilings, and although she was terrified she still had time to appreciate the library. It was breath-taking. Floor to ceiling bookshelf's encasing the room, and even a bar.

Her family had money, and she was used to seeing amazing things, but the Mikaelsons home was gorgeous. This is probably the only time in Caroline's life she wished she was wealthy, just so she could replicate this library into her home. From the off taupe walls to the 18th century hand woven tapestry on the Distressed Brazilian oak floors. If she had to die this was the perfect way to go, surrounded by beauty and knowledge.

She couldn't even imagine the books that they've collected over their years, and it's a shame she won't get to see them.

"Ms. Forbes," Elijah began.

"Niklaus informed us that you know we are vampires, with the exception of Freya of course." She had to admit that there was definitely something scary about him.

He maintained his poker face and upheld his mannerisms, but she had to remind herself that he was a murderer. If she lived to see another day she promised herself that she would try to figure out Elijah, only after she finished looking through the books in their library.

Deciding that it wasn't a good idea to try and push the older brothers' buttons as he had done with Klaus previously, she let her mind wander back to the first time she had met the woman.

"Mommy, please tell me what's going on! I don't understand what's happening." Caroline pleaded to her crying mother. She had returned home and immediately started gather Caroline's clothes. The servants stood in the hall and watched as her mother ran through Caroline's room in a complete state of panic.

"Bill is not your father, I had an affair with a stranger. I tried to hide it as long as I could baby, but I can't anymore."

"But, why are you packing my stuff?"

"Bill is my family, without him I am nothing, baby. He promised to let you stay on the premises you just have to live with the maids, you'll have your own room, and you'll still see all of us, you'll just sleep there.

"Please mommy, I'll be good."

"I don't have a choice, Caroline. Now stop crying, you have to take your things."

Caroline sat alone crying in her new room. Confused couldn't even a quarter of the emotions she is feeling at this moment. She thought her mother loved and cared for her, but she was wrong. She had chosen her husband over her own daughter. Her world was shattered, and there was no fixing it. Her entire life was based on a lie- a lie that her mother created, and the young blonde hated her for that.

"What are you shedding tears for child?" She was positive she had never seen the woman before, but she felt a sense of comfort around her.

"My father really isn't my father." Caroline mumbled.

"Is that so terrible?" She questioned.

"Of course it is, my parents don't love me anymore."

"They just don't know how important you are, Caroline."

"How do you know my name?"

"You will find out in due time."

"What is your name?"


"A witch - Anya. She told me about your family when I was a child."

"She told you our true nature, and yet you still came. I am sure you have heard stories." Freya interrupted.

"Yes, but I'm more interested in forming my own decisions." She clarified.

"So, you knew about the mate bond before you arrived." Klaus accused.

"Mate bond?"She repeated.

"If this is another trick, it will not end well for you." He threatened her, inching dangerously close.

"I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Do not toy with me, Caroline!"

"I don't know anything about a mate bond." She defended herself while crossing her arms across her chest.

"I find it hard to believe that your witch told you of us, but not the mate bond." Rebekah snapped.

"Anya wasn't my witch," She explained. "She raised me for the past ten years, but she never spoke of a mate bond."

"How much did she tell you?" Klaus spoke so low she almost missed it.

"I guess everything that's public knowledge." She replied releasing a deep breath.

"This isn't a game, Caroline." Elijah threatened moving to his bothers' side.

"I know about Mikael and Ester, Tatia, the curse and becoming a hybrid, the daggers and Dahlia." Her heart raced so quickly while she focused on everyone's expressions. She felt as if she were standing trial and at any given moment she would be executed.

"That's impossible." Elijah spoke in awe.

"Why are you here?" Klaus snapped coldly taking another step towards her.

"I need to know who my biological father is, and I thought that you might have answers." She quickly replied inching away from him.

"Your witch knows about us but knows nothing of your father?" He sarcastically shouted.

"She's not my witch, Klaus!"

"What was your plan, use all of my secrets and make me trust you?" He disgustingly asked.

"I don't have a plan. I don't have any ulterior motives besides finding my father."

"Are your powers active? Anya told us they would be bound?" Elijah once again questioned her.

"What are you talking about? I'm human."

"Have you never questioned why a witch would expose herself to a child?"

"What are you insinuating?"

"You're a witch Caroline, and you're my mate."

"I'm not a witch and were not mates! Anya would have told me." She wore.

"She came to us a century ago and told us you would be my mate."

"That's not possible."

"I'm not going to continue playing this game with you, sweetheart." He spat closing the distance between them and forcibly grabbing her by the neck. He slammed her petite body into the bookcase and looked her directly in her eyes. "You will tell me what you're truly here for."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" She screamed clawing her nails into his hands to remove his hold.

"Nik, she's telling the truth." Freya screeched. "Anya didn't tell her. I would've done the same thing."

He immediately released her neck and watched her fall to the floor trying to catch her breath. Freya rushed to her side and held her.

"Why did Anya come from the future to tell you all of this?" She cried, holding her neck.

"You died." Freya told her while smoothing out her hair.

"I need to lie down." She respond.

"I'll take you upstairs, love." Klaus offered extending his hand to her.

"No!" She spat while smacking it away.

"It's okay, brother. I'll take her to her room." Freya offered. She helped her up and walked her to her room. She felt bad for, Caroline. She could see how hurt and confused she was, but she didn't know how to make it better.

"Please, be patient with him. He's been through so much, and he doesn't process things well." She asked.

"He had no right to put his hands on me." She cried. She could still feel his hands constricting around her throat.

"He was out of line for that, and you shouldn't forgive him so easily. Just remember this as new to him as it is to you." She offered as advice on defense of her brother.

"He's known for over a century, he had time to prepare, I only found out today."

"This is unimaginable, but keep an open mind. Anya wanted you to have an open heart meeting Nik, he's so damaged and your innocence is going to make him be the man he once was."

"Thank you, Freya." She stopped her.

"Get some real sleep, and think about what I said. Good night."

"Good night." She dryly replied. She didn't want to sleep, she wanted answers.

Knowing that it wasn't the right time, she opted against letting Klaus know exactly how she felt about him choking her. She stripped out of her clothing and laid under the covers. She wanted to relax and clear her mind.

"Oh God, Kol! Go harder."

She jumped out of bed and put her ear against the wall.

"Like that, darling?"

"Yes. Just like that!"

She wanted Klaus to make her scream like the girl next door. She got back in bed, laying on top of the covers and focused on the bed slamming into the wall at a rapid but steady pace. She sucked two of her fingers before opening her legs and toying with her clit. She closed her eyes, sliding her index finger into herself. She focused on the bed crashing into the wall and imagined Klaus doing the same to her. She added another finger, picking up the pace.

She heard a knock on the door. "Caroline, are you awake."

"Shit." She whimpered, removing her soaked fingers. "Come in." She yelled, jumping from the bed to greet him.

"I don't mean to disturb you, love."

"I couldn't sleep, there's someone... Making a lot of noise."

"Are you okay, love? You look flushed." He asked inching closer to her.

She didn't want him any closer, because she wouldn't be able deny herself of the member in his pants. She could still hear the girl crying out in pleasure as Klaus continued to stalk her as if she were prey. She held her hand out as a baracaid she hoped it would stop him.

She saw his eyes light up while he grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

He flashed her a tiny smirk. "Just having a taste." He said, before placing her wet fingers into his mouth. She watched as he sucked all of her juices off her fingers. Once again, she felt her body acting in ways it never had.

"Delicious." He complemented, releasing her wrist.

She nervously broke away from his stare, but couldn't hide to red that invaded her cheeks, or the uncontrollable itch in between her legs.

"So Kol."She awkwardly mentioned.

"Yes, that's Kol and his witch." He enlightened her.

"A vampire and witch, are they mates too?"

"What we have is rare, love. They simply have an arrangement that works for them."


"From the beginning of time, there has always been something intriguing about forbidden fruit, sweetheart."

"Do they love each other?"

"It may be possible, they've been playing cat and mouse for over a year now."

"What is she like?"

"I'm not sure, love. I only hear them romping around."

"I'm sure she's nice."

"Would you like to take a quick trip somewhere? By the time we come back they should be done."

"Yes, I'd love to. I just need to freshen up and get dressed."

He drove about thirty minutes outside of town before finally pulling into an alley. The entire car ride over Caroline felt butterflies in her stomach. His close proximity and overwhelming scent excited her, but she couldn't shake the anxiety. This was their first time truly alone, and she was unsure of what it entails.

"Are you ready, love?" He asked while turning the car off.

Taking in her surroundings she was truly confused. "Ready for what?"

"Come, I'll show you." He encouraged exiting the car. He opened her door and helped her out. They walked down the alley eventually leading them to a whole in the wall.

"This is so beautiful." She squealed with excitement.

"It's been here for centuries. Not many people know about it, including my siblings."

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked.

"I want to start over, Caroline." He began. "I swear I will never hurt you again." He promised, starring into her blue eyes.

"I forgive you, but why did we leave New Orleans?" She asked.

"It's not safe for us to be seen in public together." He told her escorting her to a booth.


"My family and I have a lot of enemies, and none of them will hesitate to use you against us."

"I understand, especially with you being the King." She watched his lips turn into a slight smirk.

"Yes sweetheart, I am king." He replied with pride.

"So, how often do you come here?" She asked, changing the subject and trying to maintain conversation.

"Whenever I need time away from everyone to think."

"That's understandable, you have a lot on your shoulders."

"I thought having you knowing everything about me wouldn't be a good thing, but it's surprisingly comforting."

"I feel the same way, although it's fate, it feels so natural."

"I want to learn everything there is to know about you."

"I want to know more about the mate bond." She bargained.

"I swear to tell you everything, but we should head back. Today has been hectic, maybe you should rest."

"I'm definitely not tired, but tomorrow then." She repeated with excitement.

The ride back was comfortable. Klaus was the perfect gentleman even with him knowing what she was doing before leaving. He kept a hand placed on her thigh gently rubbing it, sensing her comfort. She lowered her seat back, closing her eyes, and listened to the hushed radio and enjoyed his company.

Within no time she could feel the car turn off. She sat up and looked out the tinted window admiring the scenery. Although it was dark outside, lanterns were strategically placed throughout the back courtyard illuminating it perfect. "This is so beautiful." She gasped in awe.

"I can give you an official tour in the morning." He suggested, ushering her inside.

"Bonnie?" The blonde asked watching while watching the woman creep down the hallway. She head to rub her eyes and make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Caroline, what are you doing here?" She yelped. "You need to leave right now!"

"She's not going anywhere, witch!" He growled.

"Klaus, calm down." She encouraged, placing a hand on his chest and moving into his eyesight. "This is my best friend, Bonnie Bennett." She explained.

Turning towards Bonnie, she observed her presentation. Her usually short black maintained hair was frizzy, and she was barefooted.

"I live here, Bon." She forced herself to say. "What are you doing here?"

"You don't know who these people are, Care. Please just trust me."

"I know who they are, I know everything."


"It's a long story. So, you're Kol's witch?"

"I'm not Kol's witch, we're friends."

"I heard you two being friendly a few hours ago." She squealed while remembering her best friend being pleasured a few hours prior.

"I'm so sorry, Care."

"It's totally fine, but why are you sneaking out on him?"

"I don't think I could ever sneak out on Kol, but I'm heading back to my hotel. It's not too far from here."

"Have you lost your mind? You're staying here. We have so much to catch up on."

"Care, I don't think that's a good idea." She mumbled looking at Klaus. She never encountered him before tonight, but oddly enough, Kol described him perfectly.

"It's 3 A.M., Bon." She tried to reason with her. "Klaus won't mind." She added.

"It's not Klaus I'm worried about."

"Kol won't mind, he's usually all torn up after you leave." Klaus joked.

"Okay, but just until morning."

"I love you so much, Bon." She squealed, hugging her friend. "There's so much I need to know about witchcraft and the mate bond."

"What are you taking about?"

"Caroline, love. You should exercise caution with that information." He warned.

"Klaus and I are mates." She responded, rolling her eyes.

"No, that's impossible."

"I can assure you that it's not, witch."

"The prophecy." She whispered.

"Bonnie, tell us what you know!" She begged.

"A war is brewing, and it's coming for you."

Thank you all for reading! Til next time...
