Author's note: I don't own the characters, but they speak to me. More dreams, more stories, because this is how humanity keeps itself warm.

She had whimpered in her sleep when they had first brought her to this chamber. There was ringing in her ears and her dreams were full of engines roaring. Her blood would not stop fizzing in her veins. Sometimes she wondered if she had died in the open desert, if the walls around her were really, truly solid or if she was seeing visions as her soul escaped her body.

Then a soft hand would explore her brow. A quiet voice would hum in her ear to drown out the ringing. She could focus on the warmth of the body next to her and know she was safe enough. "Never again, love. We are growing the green place. The light inside me grows into life too, I know you can feel it." She could feel it, this sense of Two. One of the sensations was faint still, but growing stronger. She felt a sense of Many in the bag next to their bed, soothing herself with the promise of green it held.

Her own shaky voice. "Tell me again. Please? Tell me what the world will be like by the time she's born."

A kiss below her jaw.

"We'll build the world. She'll grow up playing in trees and running in grass and no one will ever call her property. The earth will smell like damp and life and maybe we'll even get seasons again. No one will ever need to snap anybody because there will always be enough to go around. She'll pray to flesh instead of chrome and she'll have many mothers to guide her, not just us."

A sigh escapes her.

The darkness doesn't seem so heavy when she can remember what is to come. She melts into embracing arms, welcoming heart and warm mouth. She cherishes the peace her wife brings to her body and soul and drinks in the kisses raining like glory from adoring lips. They might fail. It's possible. But she has faith in the promise of the green and the hearts of women, even when her own heart pounds with fear. She wants to roar back at the chaos of her nightmares with a voice of thunder and love is teaching her how. The moments of strength are teaching her more about herself than the Immortan ever could. His lies cannot stand in the face of the fragile one building the world.