Reviewer's Response:

To Angelicedg: As always, hun, thanks so much for reviewing!I'm glad you like Peter's nickname for Ariel, I thought it was cute lol. Of course Peter does kinda know that his relationship with Ariel is changing. But he's a guy, so he's dense lol. Their relationship won't be all sunshine and rainbows, that's for sure. I hope you like chapter four!

To SPARKELS77: Thanks hun!I'm glad you are liking it so far!


Chapter Four

Through the rain, Ariel caught a distinct scent. One that she recognized, but couldn't place. All she knew was that Hemlock Grove wouldn't be the same. And not in a good way.

Over the past few weeks, Ariel had officially moved into the Rumancek families trailer. Lynda figured that since the seventeen year old shifter was always there, they might as well bring her stuff there too. Of course Ariel still shared a room with Peter, and Things were slowly starting to become more heated between the two. They would occasionally steal kisses when Lynda was seemingly not paying attention, Ariel most always woke up with Peter's lips on her shoulder and his ringed fingers tracing shapes on any exposed part of her body.

As time when on, Ariel couldn't help but want more of those touches. More of the kisses. She fucking craved them.

"School's gunna be starting soon" Peter spoke up from his spot on the bed. Ariel couldn't suppress the shiver that trailed down her spine as Peter's lips brushed her shoulder. The warmth that spread from Peter's body and into her own was so much more intense than it usually is. So, Ariel trained her perfectly honed senses throughout the house. Only to find that Lynda had left earlier in the day.

Suddenly the air in the room shifted. With a purr, Ariel turned in the small bed to face Peter, catching his lips instantly with her own. Peter moaned at the contact and instinctively pulled the blonde girl flush against him. As his hips ground against her own, Ariel let out a small moan at the friction and hitched her leg up so that it was hooked over his hip. She craved him in the most primal of ways. There was no turning back now.

As they kissed, Ariel found herself moving against the friction that Peter was causing, meeting his movements easily. Ariel whimpered when Peter detached his lips from hers. With a smile, Peter removed his hand from her hip and traced her swollen lower lip with his thumb.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asked her softly. Ariel couldn't bring herself to speak, so instead she just bit the lip that Peter had touched and gave him a nod. Smiling, Peter bent his head once more. His kiss was more urgent and filled with pure, unadulterated fucking need.

He pulled away once more, but this time it was to pulled the t-shirt he had stolen from him off of her. It wasn't the first time that they had been naked in front of each other, due to the full moon, but it was the first time that Peter could truly appreciate the softly body beside him.

His long fingers traced from her chin and over her collarbone. His descent over the curve of her breast caused Ariel to shudder and arch her back, letting out a small breathy moan.

In a matter of seconds their kisses became more fervent and sloppy while what little clothing the two were found it's way to the foot of the bed.

Once on her back, Ariel gazed up at Peter. Sweat was already coating their bodies and making their hair stick to their skin. Ariel's eyes fluttered closed, her hands in his hair, as he kissed his way down her body only to come back up and reclaim her lips.

He had long reached into the nightstand and pulled out a small square of foil. There was no time for foreplay, this was long awaited.

Ariel gasped as he entered her. Peter stilled his movements, allowing her to get used to the feeling of him. It didn't take long for him start to move against her, his thrusts becoming more and more powerful. With his hands on her hips, Ariel brought her legs up around his back and locked her ankles, allowing him deeper.

Her moans eased into screams as they moved against each other. Peter's breaths coming out in short huffs as he chased his release.

"Oh, fuck Peter" Ariel moaned against his skin. The sound of her breathy voice caused him to shudder, his thrusts gaining more fervor.

She was close. Ariel could feel the burning coil in her lower belly grow taught. Her legs began to tingle with her oncoming orgasm. Her moans and screams were coming out as high pitched whimpers as her mouth latched onto his neck.

With a loud groan, Peters motions stilled and Ariel could feel him pulse inside of her. They were motionless. Neither saying anything over their ragged breaths as they placed sloppy kisses on each other's sweaty skin.

Once Peter rolled off of her and discarded the condom, he instantly pulled Ariel flush against him. His fingers tracing over her bare shoulder as she placed tired kisses on his chest. Both of them basking in their post sex haze.

But their euphoria was short lived when they heard the front door slam shut.

If Lynda knew what the two teens had just finished doing, she didn't let on. Something that Ariel was glad for. Things were never going to be the same for her and Peter, and she didn't know if it was a good or bad. All she knew was that having him in the most intimate of ways was know something she craved.

After taking a quick shower and changing into a pair of shorts which were paired with a white tube top and her black boots. As she walked into the living room, braiding her still wet hair, Ariel could smell the scent of fresh coffee wafting through the air. Giving Lynda a small smile, Ariel quickly poured herself a cup, jumping slightly when Peter came up behind her and put his hands on her hips. Laughing, Ariel playfully slapped his hands away and offered him a cup, which he took.

"So what are the plans for today?" Peter asked as he lit them both a cigarette.

"I might shift and go for a run later" Ariel shrugged as she blew on the steaming cup of coffee.

"You know, I missed your last turn" Peter commented.

"Well, you were too busy with your own excruciating pain" Ariel giggled. "But, I think we should probably hit the town, get some stuff for school" she added. "Then you can watch me writhe in pain."

"Ugh school" Peter groaned through a trail of smoke. His comment causing Lynda to chuckle from her spot in the large armchair.

Almost an hour later, Ariel was walking down the street with Peter's arm around her leather clad shoulders. They didn't talk about what had happened between them that morning, instead they talked about everything else that they possibly could. Ariel didn't want to be that girl who demanded a relationship just because she fucked the guy. Of course she wouldn't be opposed to one with Peter, but she knew that it would be short lived as he would probably move on within the next year.

Peter could tell that something was on Ariel's mind, but didn't question it. He just enjoyed having the playful blonde under his arm.

They didn't need to pick up much for the upcoming school year, just a few notebooks and pens each. After getting everything they needed, Ariel decided that she was hungry and dragged Peter into a small diner. Everyone in town had learned about the small Gypsy families arrival, and no one was as happy about it as Ariel was. As they sat and ate, the other patrons watched them warily. Both teens could hear the murmurs of the other people, and as angry as it made them, they ignored the insults that they weren't meant to hear.

AN: Okay, so Ariel and Peter have FINALLY relieved some of that sexual tension between the two of them! Do you think Lynda knows that Peter and Ariel had sex, or is she oblivious? Where do you think the relationship between our favorite shifter and werewolf is heading? Will they be an official couple, or will something come between them? Can't wait for you guys to find out!

Coming up next on 'Animal Instincts': Peter and Ariel mess around with a creepy stalker chick (hint hint lol), more lovin's between our male and female leads, and we learn a little bit more about Ariels 'family life. So come back next week to see what happens!

Just a warning to you guys now, I won't be posting after next week as I haven't written anything past next weeks chapter. It's not that I have lost interest, I can promise you that. It's just that lately I've been working more on my Walking Dead story 'In The End', which is now entering season two. If you guys are fans of the walking dead and enjoy Daryl/OC stories, go check it out.

I apologize for not writing more for 'Animal Instincts', but I promise, I'll get to writing soon!

As Always, Leave Love

)0( Iris RainbowWolf )0(