I actually started roughing out this story last year at this time, and was considering doing a three part story. Then I found that I liked the idea, and played with it off and on. Updates will be weekly on Saturdays; and are edited and complete through February.

Dogs Playing Poker
Saturday, October 31st

"I don't see why we have to do this," Inuyasha whined for possibly the millionth time.

"Simple," Kagome shrugged. The girls and I are taking the kids around for Trick-or-Treat, and you guys are going to stay here and play poker while we are out. You said you wanted your poker night," she reminded him.

"Yeah," he snorted, "but I wanted my regular poker night with the people I regularly play with, not hanging at home to hand out candy to every neighborhood brat, with some people I can't stand and one I've never met."

"Miroku is coming with us and bringing Kohaku and all of the kids, because Sango is tired and pregnant and staying at home to hand out candy," Kagome ticked off a finger, "Sota is stuck finishing a big project for his graduate work. That leaves you two men down. Ayame and the kids are coming with us, so it makes sense that Kouga fills in, and don't pretend you don't like him – he is your favorite person to fight with. Same with your brother – you know how down he's been since-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," Inuyasha waved her objections away. "Whaddabout this other guy that I've never met. Kyle? Kipper?"

"Kiba," Kagome said flatly. "His wife and I met at an archery tournament – she won her division."

"Oh, yeah," Inuyasha grumbled, remembering. "She was pretty cool, I guess."

"She was awesome," Kagome corrected. "Besides," she smirked. "She beat Kikyo."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "And you introduced yourself like, what, thirty seconds after that?"

"Pretty much," Kagome smiled happily. She nudged him. "I'm allowed to dislike any and all women who previously dated my husband. It's in the handbook."

"I hadn't even met you yet," he grumbled.

"Wife's prerogative," she said dismissively. "It's not like you have to like anyone I dated. Feel free to dislike whoever you choose."

"Who, like Hojo?" Inuyasha snorted. "Please. If I went to kick his ass and he'd give me ten home remedies and bunion sandals before I got close enough to throw a punch."

"Probably true," she laughed. "Ayumi and he are a good couple."

The doorbell rang. "That'll be Tenten. She's always early."

Inuyasha swallowed the fifty acerbic comments he wanted to make. The timer dinged and he jumped to stir and begin slurping his instant ramen noodles.

He could hear voices in the hall – two female, one male. What was that jingling sound? Curiosity got the better of him. He slurped down the last bit of ramen (it hadn't been a big pack) and just remembered to wipe his chin with the towel on the counter, rather than his sleeve. He sauntered down the hall and saw one man, one woman, and one very large dog. The man looked up as he approached, noticing the direction of his gaze.

"Hope you don't mind," he nodded to the dog. "Akamaru is really well behaved – you won't even know he's here."

"He's fine, Kiba," Kagome assured him. "Besides, don't let his expression fool you. Inuyasha loves dogs." She turned to her husband. "Inuyasha, you remember Tenten," the brunette bobbed her head, "and this is her husband, Kiba."

"Hey," the man pulled a hand out of the gray zip up hoodie pocket to wave casually. Inuyasha sized him up; he was pretty tall. He had longish wild brown hair, a bit of a goatee, and two red, triangular tattoos – one on each cheek. Before he could cross to shake hands, a sound similar to a small stampeding herd of cattle came flying down the stairs.

"Akamaru!" was the only warning that proceeded the launch of something fast and ginger toward the giant white dog. To his credit, the dog didn't even flinch as the young boy flung his arms around his neck in excitement. "I didn't know you were coming!" The boy looked up at Kiba who was smiling, his sharp canines visible.

"Hey, squirt."

"Kiba!" the boy launched himself at the man's lower body, and Inuyasha stared at Kagome with an open mouth. She just shrugged.

"That's enough, Shippou," Kagome chided gently.

"H-How…?" Inuyasha stared between them.

"I help out over at the dojo now and then," Kiba shrugged. "Shippou is in Lee's class – he is one of our friends."

"Yeah!" Shippou smiled brightly. "Lee-sensei says that I am most youthful and a precocious young fox." He blinked and looked over at Kagome. "What's precocious?"

"It's another word for awesome," Kiba's grin grew wider.

"Hmph," Inuyasha snorted. "Annoying is more like."

"Inuyasha," Kagome warned as Shippou stuck out his tongue. She looked down at the young boy, who had adopted an angelically innocent expression. "Where are the other two?" she asked.

"Just finishing up getting their costumes on," Shippou said, bored. "I've been ready for aaaaages," he rolled his eyes.

"Looks great," Tenten smiled at him as he adjusted his fox ears.

"Will you check on them?" Kagome asked sweetly. "You know how they count on you."

"Okay, Kagome," Shippou sighed as if he was performing an enormous favor before trudging upstairs.

"Take Akamaru," Kiba suggested. "He can help round them up."

Shippou's eyes brightened at that. "Can I?" he asked Kagome, his eyes huge and blue and begging.

"Sure," she laughed. "Hurry up."

"Alright! Let's go, Akamaru!"

They bolted up the stairs, leaving four amused adults in their wake. The doorbell rang, and Kagome let Ayame and Kouga in. Introductions were made, Kouga's kids went thundering up the stairs after Shippou, and Kagome moved them all into the living room. Miroku and Kohaku showed up next, with Miroku's five kids (two sets of twins!). Miroku collected the coats while the kids and their young uncle also ran up the stairs. A cheer of "KOHAKU" and Akamaru's enthusiastic bark echoed down the stairs, and Kagome smiled. Sesshomaru was uncharacteristically the last to arrive, and his daughter Rin apologized as soon as they walked in, out of costume and clutching a garment bag, even more uncharacteristically bothered.

"I couldn't get my costume right, Aunt Kagome" she lamented. "Jaken tried, but-"

"We'll fix it," she soothed her niece. "Come with me. Kohaku could probably use the help anyway, he is upstairs with all of the kids."

"All of the kids?" Rin blinked twice. "We'd better hurry." The fourteen-year-old hurried upstairs, and another cheer of "RIN!" rang out.

Kagome smiled at Tenten. "The kids love Kohaku and Rin. We'd better do a costume check, Ayame," she said to her friend. "You, too, Miroku," she narrowed her eyes at the man who was just starting to sink into a chair.

"I'll help," Tenten stood. "Let him take a break – he'll need it to keep up with all of you." She gave Kiba a quick kiss before following Kagome upstairs.

"I've never met you," Miroku said to Kiba, "but I already like your wife."

Kiba arched an eyebrow and Inuyasha snorted. "Better not let Sango hear you say something like that. You know how she gets when she's pregnant."

"I-I meant that as a compliment!" he stammered, rubbing the back of his head with a too-bright smile.

"Yeah, right," Inuyasha muttered while Kouga laughed.

"Old habits die hard, eh, Miroku?" his smile was wolfish.

"I'm not worried," Kiba shrugged. He watched Miroku relax before his grin grew sharp. "She can handle herself. Bows aren't the only thing she shoots." Miroku paled, Inuyasha smirked, Kouga guffawed, and Sesshomaru looked as if he would rather be anywhere rather than there.

About fifteen minutes later, the parade of children in costume made their way down the stairs. Kohaku was carrying the younger set of twins (a boy and a girl) who wound their arms around Uncle Kohaku's neck. Ayame and Kouga's two boys, Inuyasha and Kagome's son, Miroku and Sango's older son and Shippou (who was trying to contain his excitement and act like one of the 'older' kids, even though he was just now turning eleven) followed in various superhero costumes, laughing. Miroku's two eldest children were twin girls. They each had one of Rin's hands, and one held Ayame's daughter's hand, and the other held Kagome's daughter's hand, and they were beaming. They wanted to be princesses, and had asked Rin to be one, too. Rin wasn't much of a princess-y kind of girl, but she had promised to dress like one when her younger cousins begged her to join them. The moms, Akamaru, and Tenten were the last down, and the kids paraded their costumes in front of the dads. Miroku sent Sango a few pictures via text, smiling at her replies.

Sesshomaru glanced over them all, and his eyes hovered on Rin before turning to Kagome. His sister-in-law smiled sweetly and said "Yes, brother dear?" He narrowed his eyes at her innocent tone.

"Rin is so pretty," one of Sango's older twins swung her hand. One twin was Mulan in her Kimono; the other was Mulan in battle armor. Ayame's daughter was Merida, and her curly red hair bounced with every step. Kagome's little girl was Cinderella. The girls decided to make Rin Jasmine.

Sesshomaru looked Rin up and down. "Where is the middle of your costume?" he asked in his dangerously cool tone.

Rin shrugged helplessly. "They wanted Jasmine."

"That doesn't answer my question," he drummed his fingers on his crossed arms.

"I have a jacket," she offered. "Please, Dad," she flicked a pleading glance over the little girls. "It's not a big deal."

Sesshomaru knew that she was asking him not to upset the little ones, but he didn't know how she expected him to comply when she was planning on leaving the house with her middrift showing.

"She's not a little kid anymore, let it go!" the familiar laugh echoed in his ears. Except the person whose voice he heard was no longer among the living. Perhaps he was just still so attuned to what she would have said, that he could still hear her.

"She is also going out with a veritable task force," Tenten offered. "And a star K-9." Akamaru barked.

"Hn," Sesshomaru humphed and turned back to the table. Rin visibly sighed in relief as everyone gathered up their coats. She helped take the younger twins from Kohaku and get their coats on, and then he helped her into hers. She smiled at him over her shoulder before heading in to her father.

"I'll be back soon, Daddy," she said quietly in his ear. "Try to have fun." With that she kissed his cheek, and joined the crowd in their chorus of goodbyes, and left to head into the fray.

"Well after all of that, I need a beer," Kouga announced. "What?" he asked when they all turned different looks to him. "Didn't all of that make you thirsty?"

Sesshomaru's night improved considerably when he started winning poker hands. The conversation went around the table as they got to know each other, but he remained largely silent, speaking only when responding to the dealer, directly answering a question, or artfully rebutting an insult. More importantly, he was in the lead with wins. Kiba was proving to be entertaining competition, but it appeared Inuyasha and Kouga were far more interested in insulting one another than winning the game.

Wagers were made and lost and soon they became more creative.

"Next person with the worst hand has to answer the door and hand out the candy," Inuyasha declared.

"It's your house," Kouga scoffed. "Why should we hand out the candy?"

"Tell me when you lose the next hand," Inuyasha sneered.

Sesshomaru was amused that when it came to losing, the two of them took the most turns of the four. He hadn't won every hand, but he had never had the worst hand, either – so he was immune from this strange corollary to the game.

Then, inconceivably, Kiba beat him at the next hand where the other two had folded, making him the loser.

"Sorry," he shrugged. "Happens to the best of us."

The doorbell rang, and Inuyasha grinned smugly at his older brother. "That would be you."

Sesshomaru stood stiffly. "Fine."

"Oh, and loser gets beer, too," Kouga added casually. "I'll take one on your way back."

"Ditto," Inuyasha called out.

Sesshomaru turned and narrowed his eyes at Kiba. "Well?"

"Hey, if you're offering, I won't say 'no,'" Kiba shrugged.

"Very well," he said tightly before striding to the door and all but yanking it open.

"Yes?" he asked icily.

"Um….t…trick or treat?" a boy's voice cracked and stuttered behind a Mario mask. Luigi hid behind him.

Sesshomaru held out the bowl of candy, and the kids nervously reached in and took the smallest pieces they could find before stammering "Th-thank you!" and running away so fast they almost took out a passing Gru and a fleet of minions.

The next few trick-or-treaters got kinder, or rather less frigid treatment. Sesshomaru watched the clock, calculating that everyone would return soon, and that would necessarily end the card game and the ridiculous condition that accompanied it.

He had just sat down when the bell rang again.

Sesshomaru opened the door, and arched an eyebrow when he found a grown woman standing on the other side.

She was fairly tall, not in costume, not with a child, and not familiar to him. She did have similar markings on her face as Kiba, though, so he did not immediately slam the door in her face.

He was, however, clearly considering it.

"Yes?" he asked.

She looked him up and down. "Something tells me you aren't Inuyasha," she said wryly.

Sesshomaru's aura went from icy to subzero. "I am not."

"Hana?" a voice came from inside. "Is that you?"

Kiba came to the door, and Sesshomaru stepped back to allow him to pass.

"I didn't think we'd see you," he said warmly, beckoning her into the house and pulling her into a hug before rubbing her arms briskly. "You're cold," he said, worry in his tone.

"I'm fine," she waved his concerns away. She looked up to the others. "Hi," she waved. "I'm Hana. My son is friends with Kagome and Inuyasha's kids."

"She's also my sister," Kiba chucked an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Can I get you anything?"

"No," Hana smiled. "We met up with Kagome and the others by chance. She sent me ahead to let you guys know that they are all on their way back… but I admit to ulterior motives."

"Got it," Kiba nodded. "Gimmie your coat. You know where you are going?"

"I was given directions," she grinned, and handed her dark coat over to him. "Thanks."

She disappeared around the corner, and Kiba hung her coat on a peg. "Close the door, man," he said to Sesshomaru. "You'll let all of the good luck out."

The older man didn't bother to roll his eyes, but his aura suggested that he strongly considered it.

They returned to their poker game.

Hana came back to the table and idly watched them.

Inuyasha looked up at her. "Want in?"

"Isn't this a boys only game?" she asked.

"What else are you gonna do while you wait," Inuyasha grunted. "Pull up a chair."

Kiba got up and put a chair between him and Sesshomaru.

"Here," he said, handing her a stack of chips.

"Looks like your luck is good, Little Brother," she grinned as Kouga dealt her in.

"You play?" Inuyasha asked her.

"A little," Hana shrugged. "I'll try and keep up."

Kiba cut the deck and Inuyasha started to deal.

"So you must be Inuyasha," she said, carefully trapping the cards under her hand as they were flicked her way.

"That's me," he smirked. "This loser is Kouga," he jerked his head to his left.

"This loser kicked your ass ten times tonight," Kouga said, bored. "If you met up with Kagome," he looked up at Hana, "then you ran into Ayame and our kids."

"Ah yes, a Merida, The Flash, and Kid Flash?"

"That's them," he grinned wolfishly. "You should see them run track."

"I've heard," she said, genuinely interested. "The Ōkami Tribe, right?"

"Yeah," Kouga laughed. "That's what their coach calls them."

"I heard through the parental grapevine," she chuckled. "So that just leaves Mr. Congeniality," she looked over to Sesshomaru with a sly grin.

"Sesshomaru Taishō," he said, ignoring the jibe. "My daughter Rin was accompanying the other children."

Hana flicked her eyes between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. "Brothers?"

"Half-brothers," Sesshomaru said, an undertone of annoyance in his voice.

Hana glanced at Kiba, and he gave a barely perceptible shrug.

"Mm," she hummed politely.

"Yeah, well, half is more than enough when it comes to being related to you," Inuyasha muttered. "Having the same last name is big enough pain."

"Brothers can be a pain," Hana said sagely. "Especially little ones."

"So can sisters," Kiba snorted, and she fake-punched his arm. The tension diffused, and the game went on.

Several hands later, Hana had a considerable pile of chips stacked next to her. Just as the men groaned at her winning one more hand, a tumble of children spilled though the door.

"Looks like my time is up," Hana smiled at them. She gave Kiba back his original amount and then split the remaining winnings equally between the four of them. "Thanks for letting me play," she said, shoving the stacks of chips to each player.

Miroku came over to the table, and Hana stood up.

"I believe this is your seat, Miroku" she said, pulling out her chair.

"Thanks," he sank into it with a wearily.

"You know each other?" Kiba asked.

"I'm their vet," Hana grinned. "Or, rather, I'm Kilala's vet."

"Any time you want to take the other five as patients, let me know," he sighed.

Hana laughed, and after her offer to get anyone anything was declined, she went and joined the others.

"Deal me in," Miroku said, rubbing his hands together. Kouga, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru were all eyeing him strangely. "What?" he asked.

Inuyasha looked over to Miroku. "Wow. Not even a flirty comment. You must be tired."

"I already know Dr. Inuzuka," he looked at the cards in his hands. "Besides - I'm not stupid. I have five children. I know a pregnant woman when I see one."

"Yeah, about that," Kiba said, darting a look over his shoulder before lowering his voice. "Probably not the best idea to bring that up. She…she's having a rough time of it."

"Bad pregnancy?" Miroku asked sympathetically.

"Something like that," Kiba rubbed the back of his neck.

"Not our business," Inuyasha shrugged, which was guy code for 'We won't ask."

The men resumed their poker game, and the subject was dropped.

Now that the kids were back, the house was filled with noise and sugar-induced hyperactivity. Pizza was ordered, and the kids all played while the adults chatted. Hana's son fit right into the melee, and happily dragged his aunt, uncle, and mother into the games whenever he could.

Rin had changed back into comfortable clothes, and Sesshomaru visibly relaxed. He didn't even glower too much when she and Kohaku were chatting innocently.

"You're getting soft, Sesshomaru."

He could just see Kagura's face, teasing him.

He went into the kitchen to brew a cup of tea, and found Hana standing next to the heating kettle. "Would you like some?" she offered.

Sesshomaru took his favorite mug out of the cupboard and selected his tea.

"You're brave," Hana chuckled. "I won't do anything without a lid around this crew," she held up her travel mug.

"I don't intend to be around this crew," he replied flatly. "I shall go to the table."

"Good luck," Hana said, unoffended. "But chaos has a way of moving around."

Perhaps he should have considered those words as prophetic, as not ten seconds after being handed his fresh cup of tea, a pack of children raced through the kitchen, bumped into him, and disappeared even as the hot liquid spilled down his crisp and expensive charcoal slacks.

He heard the quick laughter, and looked sharply up at Hana, but she was already running a washcloth under cold water.

"Trick or treat?" she asked over her shoulder, eyes dancing.

"Hn," he grunted as he exchanged his mostly empty mug for the washcloth, and began to dab gingerly at the splotches of hot liquid. He looked down at the damage with a grimace - he no longer had scalding hot tea soaked into his clothing, but he did have wet patches on his trousers.

"Here," Hana said, handing him some paper towels. "Now that you won't be pressing hot water into your skin, these will be more useful."

She waited a beat before taking a few more paper towels, and stooping to clean up what had splashed on the floor.

He shot an arm out to her elbow, preventing her from doing so. "I'll do that," he said surprising both of them.

She held his gaze, and smiled slowly. "Alright. I'll make you another cup of tea."

He nodded his satisfaction, and after cleaning himself up, he wiped the floor with paper towels and washed his hands. When she handed him a fresh cup of tea, he still had no explanation for his actions. He supposed it might be because she said 'trick or treat,' and not 'I told you so'… but that was only a guess.

"Curious," he mumbled to himself when she left the kitchen.

Kagome came in a second later.

"Did you meat Hana?" she asked.

"Briefly," he replied, sipping his tea.

"I was hoping she'd join us," Kagome said, throwing away the paper plates she had collected. "She lives outside of town, and there aren't any neighbors. I'm glad her son got a chance to go trick-or-treating. I think he needed the pick-me-up."

"Oh?" he asked, not particularly interested in the emotional state of anyone other than Rin.

"Hana, too," Kagome said sympathetically. "I can't imagine what she is going through."

Sesshomaru did not understand this statement. Was this Dr. Inuzuka's pregnancy a problem, and problem enough that it affected her son?"

"I can hardly believe she went back to work so soon."

She looked up at her brother-in-law, expecting some form of agreement, but was met only with mild confusion.

"Oh," she said, with dawning realization. "Kiba didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Sesshomaru asked. "That she is pregnant? Miroku deciphered that detail, and we were asked not to bring up or linger upon the subject." He thought back to the woman's face. She did not appear to feel ill. Fatigued, perhaps, but she looked healthy enough.

"It's just that…" Kagome hesitated, before lowering her voice. "Her husband passed away recently and unexpectedly. She's pretty early on in her pregnancy, as in I don't think she knew she was pregnant when she got the news about her husband."

"It is just her and her son?" Sesshomaru asked.

"For the most part, yeah," Kagome sighed. "Her mom lives near her and is semi-retired, so she helps out, and she has Kiba and Tenten, but that's it, really."

"No in-laws?" he asked. "No other family?"

"Her husband's parents died when he was a kid, and no one else is close."

"How do you know this?" Sesshomaru crossed his arms.

"Tenten told me," Kagome admitted. "I had seen Hana a few times because our kids are in the same class, but I didn't really know her. It wasn't until I took Shippou to his taijutsu class that I made the connection. She was there with her son and Tenten, and it all fell into place."

A cheer came up from where the children were playing, and Sesshomaru looked up in time to see Hana laughing. It seemed the children had just wrestled Kohaku to the ground, and he was swarmed by triumphant conquerors. She turned and said something to her brother, and they both chuckled, watching the entropy before them.

She smiled down at her son when he brought something over to her, they had several words, she ruffled his hair, and he went back to play.

Her eyes followed him, and although her face remained composed, Sesshomaru knew all too well that wistful look that had settled around her eyes.

He looked to his own daughter and felt that same pang somewhere inside where so many swore he did not have a heart.

"I am glad that they could join us," Kagome said, a small smile at the corner of her lips.

She chanced a glance up to her brother in law.

"It takes time to bounce back from that sort of loss."

Sesshomaru slid a glance down at her before looking back to the young widow and her child.

"Yes," he agreed. "Yes it does."

The evening wrapped up not too terribly long after that, and soon Sesshomaru was driving a chatty and happy Rin back to their home.

Long after his daughter was in bed, he took a glance at the night sky, and spared a thought for Dr. Inuzuka and her son. The wind that rustled through the trees reminded him of Kagura, and he fell asleep to the familiar sounds of a late autumn night.

Thanks for trying this one out, friends! Inuyasha was my first real anime fandom, so it is fun to get to touch back to it. Drop a line and say hello, and be safe out there tonight! Happy Halloween!