As Jake left Olivia turned and sat on the couch, elegantly dropping her legs over their long exterior. She sighed and let her head fall back against the pillow, causing the man who had only sat down to raise his eyes from his work in curiosity.

"Liv, is everything okay?"

"Yes… I just don't like seeing Jake."

He stood and walked to the couch opposite, sitting down and staring at her frankly.

"Regrets?" He asked, he was prepared for any response and the old feelings he had began stirring in her.

"Yes," She inhaled and spoke quickly after she saw his face twist in pain, "He's a ghost of bad choices I've made, always following me around and reminding me and I regret that every day of my life. He's a murderer, he killed my friend and he kept us apart and I can't deny I didn't ever have feelings for him. That plagues me Fitz, it eats at me. Am I such a horrible person that I could ever feel for someone like that?" She had tears in her eyes when she'd finished, and she now had shifted on the couch, sitting and burying her head in her hands as she sobbed.

In the seconds that followed she felt him sit next to her and put his arm around her, bringing her towards him and into his embrace. He stroked her back gently as she let it out, all this pain that she carried around with her.

"It makes you human, Livvie. It means you're just as flawed as the rest of us. You can wear the white hat all you want but at the end of the day, you are just as human as the rest of us."

She pulled back and looked at him, his eyes full of nothing but understanding and she bathed in his warmth. How many times had she put him back together? She could allow herself to falter this once.

"We've been through a lot and we've come out with scrapes and bruises but we're here. In my book, that's all that matters."

She softly caressed his cheek bringing his face down to hers and kissing him gently, as if the kisses were like breath to both of them, giving them moments of their lives.

"Do you know what I see when I look at you?" She said and he smiled, shaking his head.

"Us. I remember the past, everything that's brought us here, and I see everything that's coming for us but what I love most of all is when I just see you. And I know that I can kiss you and love you wherever we are because we've weathered the storm and now we're here. I see the present and the possibilities all at once."

"You are incredible, I've known that since the first moment I saw you." She gave him a small smile and he looked into her eyes again and found complete peace.

"It took me a little longer to find that in you…" He laughed and elbowed her in the ribs, causing her to chuckle with him.

"Alright," He sighed and stood, buttoning his suit jacket and paced towards him desk, "I've got a world to run so you can either stay and help or distract me with your incredible-ness and I can't say I won't fall into the trap that is Olivia Pope, at least not while I'm working."

She smirked saucily and paced towards the desk, slowly and with complete power.

"Maybe later tonight?" She put both hands on his desk and leaned forwards, showing the darkness of lust in her eyes.

He looked at his watch, "Or we could… maybe the bathroom, say, 20 minutes?"

She shook her head, "No, we're going to wait."

Walking towards the door she spoke purposefully, "It's going to be worth it."

He groaned as she left but when the door shut he smiled to himself and mumbled, "It always is."


A/N: Am I alone in wondering what happened after Jake left the room? I'm thinking we might get a deleted scene on this, or rather I'm hoping for one but this will suffice until then :) Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Also please be awesome leave me a review with your thoughts on this and the episode! I'm now going to take PM requests and prompts for one shots and dribbles within canon so if you have an idea please don't be shy and let me know as I'm totally looking for new things to write right now. Much love and hugs to you all!

Sam x