Prompt 1: Fix

It had been the fifth shop he had gone to today and he was tired of hearing the same answer over and over. Glancing down at the communications lacrima in his hand he sighed, before making his way to the next shop. It honestly couldn't be that hard just to fix a crack but so far it was proving to be. Entering the shop he gave a quick glance around before approaching the counter to ask his question, having a feeling he was going to get the same answer from the previous shopkeepers.

"Excuse me." He called out.

"Hello, welcome." The elderly woman greeted him with a smile. "How can I help you?"

"I wanted to know if you'd be able to repair my communications lacrima." He asked and waited, feeling annoyed when the woman shook her head.

"Sorry, but we don't do that sort of thing. We do have an assortment of lacrimas in the shop if you'd like to look." She offered.

"Thanks." He turned and left the shop wondering where else he could go. It was already enough he had to leave Magnolia just to try but he had to be told numerous times to just buy a new one. Calming, he focused on trying to find another magic shop only to have his agitation spike when someone ran into him. "Oi, watch where – Cosplay queen?" His anger staved off quickly upon seeing the celestial mage.

She looked up at him surprised to see him before giving him an apologetic smile. "Hey Bickslow, sorry about bumping into you"

He shook his head, brushing it aside. "It's alright cheerleader. You okay?"

"I'm fine. Will you quit calling me that? I wore the outfit once." She complained.

He chuckled as he shook his head. "Never going to happen, it was a very memorable outfit."

The blonde pouted, a light blush staining her cheeks and he couldn't help but grin at her. "So" She began, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "What are you doing in Acacia? I didn't think you ever left Laxus' side." He scowled at her and she giggled.

"I'm trying to get my communications lacrima fixed but apparently every damn magic shop here doesn't fix them."

"That's because you're going to all the wrong magic shops." She stated with a smile.

"Am I?" He asked, amused and she nodded her head.

"Come on, I'll take you to a place I know that can fix it for you." He blinked upon feeling her small hand take his, letting himself be dragged through the crowded streets and to an area of the town he was unfamiliar with. They continued walking for another moment before they arrived in front of a small shop. "Here we are." She smiled up at him and he eyed her curious about the place. The exterior making him suspicious.

"Are you sure this is even a magic shop, cosplayer?" He asked, glancing down at the blonde.

"Of course it is!" She exclaimed and proceeded to drag him into the shop. "I come here all the time to get things fixed. Mr. Tarumi is fantastic and he doesn't cost a jobs pay just to get something fixed." She said as they entered. "Hello?" She called out, leading him toward the counter. "Mr. Tarumi?!" There were a few moments of silence before a man appeared, smiling.

"Well, Miss Heartfilia, I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon. Did your friend break something else?"

"Mr. Tarumi, please call me Lucy." He chuckled at her, leaning against the counter.

"What can I do for you Miss Lucy?" She pouted before answering his question.

"My friend broke his communications lacrima and I was wondering if you could take a look at it and work your magic?"

The man chuckled and gave a nod of his head before turning to Bickslow, who in turn handed over his lacrima to the man. Mr. Tarumi gave it a quick inspection before looking at him. "I'll see what I can do. Come back in an hour and I'll have it taken care of for you."

"Thanks a bunch!" Lucy thanked him before she and Bickslow left the shop. "See, what I told you?"

Bickslow chuckled. "Thanks cheerleader, I appreciate it."

"Of course" She smiled brightly at him and he returned it. There was a moment of silence between them before Lucy cleared her throat. "Well I'm going to get going I'll –"

"You want to get coffee with me?" Bickslow suddenly blurted out, surprising the blonde. "I mean, I've got an hour to kill and I was wondering if you would like to keep me company while I wait."

Lucy smiled nodding her head. "I'd love to."

Bickslow smiled glad she agreed before leading the celestial mage back into the center of town, finding a coffee shop. After ordering their drinks, Lucy protesting his paying for them they sat together, both silent and unsure what to say.

"So, why did you want to get your lacrima repaired? Why not buy a new one?" She asked after taking a drink of her coffee.

"The lacrima crystal was only cracked; it wasn't like I couldn't talk to anyone with it. I didn't see a point in replacing something that could easily be repaired."

Lucy nodded, looking at him curiously "How did you crack it anyways?"

Bickslow chuckled awkwardly before answering. "Laxus called early this morning and I accidently knocked it off my night stand." The blonde let out a giggle and he changed topics. "So, what are you doing in town cosplayer?"

Lucy rolled her eyes, smiling. "Books and keys" She replied simply, taking a drink of her coffee.

"Anything good?" The stellar mage nodded her head.

"Yeah, I managed to get Camelopardalis and Canis Venaticai." Setting her cup down after a drink she continued. "Of the books I bought Cosmos, Sidereus Nuncius, The Copernican Revolution and Harmonices Mundi. I also bought a thirty-two encyclopedia set."

Bickslow frowned, glancing down at the bag she had been toting around not seeing how she could fit thirty-two encyclopedias in it. Upon hearing her giggle his eyes moved from the bag to her.

"The encyclopedias are at home. I had Virgo take them for me."

Nodding his head he sat back, taking another drink of his coffee. "I'm not sure why you bought thirty-two encyclopedias …" He trailed off half assuming it was the same reason Freed bought a random encyclopedia set "But I can tell you that Harmonices Mundi is a good read. I like Kepler's Astronomia Nova as well and The Copernican Revolution was interesting."

Blinking the stellar mage stared at him in surprise. "Where did you get Astronomia Nova?"

He gave a slight shrug. "I bought it a while ago from some book shop on the way back from a job."

Lucy's mouth fell open. "I'm so jealous."

He chuckled. "You can borrow it, if you'd like?"

She looked at him excitedly. "Really you'd let me?" He nodded, smiling when she squealed in excitement. "Oh, my, gosh. Bickslow you're the best! You don't know how long I've been looking for that. Thank you so much."

"Anytime cosplay queen."

She frowned slightly at the nickname, shaking her head. "You know I'm actually surprised; I didn't know you liked astronomy."

He shrugged finishing off his drink. "It's just something I got into when I was younger." He stood up. "Have you finished?"

"Huh?" Lucy blinked before looking at her cup, nodding her head. "Yeah." She stood up and they made their way out of the coffee shop and began walking back to the magic shop. "You have any recommendations?"

He looked at her. "For what?"

She giggled. "Astronomy books."

He tilted his head, thinking about his collection. "There's Epitome of Copernican Astronomy and Harmonies of the World, and On the Heavens."

"I've read both of those."

"How about De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium?" She shook her head. "That one's not bad and there's also Ptolemy's Almagest."

"I'll have to check those out." She turned to him, smiling as they arrived in front of the magic shop. "Thanks for the coffee and the recommendations."

He smiled. "Thanks for the company."

She giggled, biting her lip. "Maybe we should get together and go star gazing sometime?"

"Sure." He said half shrugging. "I've even got a telescope somewhere in my place. I'll bring it out."

Lucy grinned happily. "Great, then it's a date." He tensed as the blonde stood on her toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll see you Friday Bickslow." He watched her give him a wave before leaving, a bright smile on her face as she left. Smiling he turned and entered the magic shop greeting the shopkeeper. "I'm here about my communications lacrima."

"Ah, yes." Mr. Tarumi nodded, taking it off a back shelf. "I apologize but upon closer inspection, the crack is actually deeper than the surface. In fact it goes nearly half way. I would recommend buying a new one." Bickslow looked down at the lacrima picking it up.

"How much do I owe you?"

The man shook his head. "No repairs were made so there's no charge."

"Thanks." The seith mage exited the shop, still irritated by the fact that he couldn't just get it fixed but that was quickly pushed to the back of his mind because in two days he had a date with Lucy Heartfilia. Smiling he made his way into town, deciding to check out one of the shops and buy a new communications lacrima. He was sure he'd seen one he liked anyways.