(A/N: Bare in mind, English is not my first language - flaws to be expected. Read and enjoy. Ideas and reviews are welcome.)

"12-David, show us responding" Jamie said in his radio. Eddie flicked on the lights and sirens as he sped down the dark and almost empty streets in the hot night air. He felt Eddie glancing at him. "What?" he said, without looking at her, a little smile tugged in the corner of his lips.

"You jinxed us," she sighed dramatically. "Every time and then again, imagine all the paperwork we have to do now!" Eddie shook her head. "Working with you is hopeless," she continued. "It's not like I don't want to work, but writing reports on night shifts are so overrated," she said, looking ahead as they approached the scene. The call was about a domestic disturbance, clearly audible from the street, they realized when they got out and hurried up the staircase in the hall. The door was already open, Jamie and Eddie looked at each other, drew their firearms and walked into the suddenly silenced screaming and crying.

"Police!" Jamie shouted when he caught the sight of a big man, twice the size of Jamie, standing above a woman, smaller than Eddie.

"Put the vase down," Eddie ordered. The man looked like he was about to throw it down on the floor, the woman. "Twitch and you'll see what a bullet looks like," she added. The man didn't look to be any kind of smart or quick, but he realized what was happening and dropped the vase on the ground next to him, easing his broad shoulders in the dim light.

"Get down on your knees and interlace your fingers behind your head," Jamie demanded with the right authority in his voice. The man obeyed and Eddie moved around the couch to the woman on the floor, still with her gun and eyes trained at the man. Jamie moved the other way around the couch so he was behind the man to put handcuffs on. He had to holster his gun in order to cuff the guy, because he needed both his hands. The man was huge, even when he was on his knees, Jamie thought, when he locked the first ratchet around the man's right wrist. And then all hell broke loose and Jamie was to slow to realize it. In the first second, the guy seized Jamie's wrist.

"Whoa!" Eddie uttered surprised. In the next second Jamie was being tossed over the man's shoulder, sailing through the air and colliding with a floor lamp and the cupboard, head on, in the third second. Eddie had to shield herself from the lamp when it bounced once on the floor and swung towards her and the woman. It caught her on her arms and hit the ground a second after Jamie and spun to a halt. After that, she caught a brief glimpse of the man running out through the front door. For a second she would go after him, but she turned to see Jamie pushing himself up from the ground. The woman was on her side and first then, Eddie saw the small puddle of blood beneath her. Instantly she reached for a pulse. "It's weak," she announced and turned the woman on to the back. She had a small wound in her abdomen, which she put pressure on.

"12-David, we need a bus at this location for a female, thirties' with a knife wound to the lower abdomen, and additional back-ups, be advised, suspect is fleeing the scene, male, white, thirties, 6' 4", 250 pounds, dark brown hair, black jeans, dark blue shirt," he reported in the radio on his shoulder while kneeling next to Eddie.

"You all right, Reagan?" Eddie asked when she saw the side of his head, smeared in blood. He nodded a bit reserved.

"I'm just a bit battered. From flying. And hitting a cabinet," he rolled his shoulders and saw the look Eddie gave him. He touched a hand to his head and wrinkled his nose when he felt the warm fluid on his fingers. "Oh," he said.

"Oh?" Eddie replied sarcastic. "Oh?" she repeated to herself as sirens grew louder. Shortly after, two EMT's walked in and took over from Eddie. One of the EMT's pressed a cloth into Jamie's hand and he put it to his head, realizing it hurt a bit. They collected the knife from under the couch just as two fellow officers walked in.

"Hey Janko, why don't you take Reagan to visit the ER, we can take it from here," one of them said when they saw the red material in his hand. Jamie didn't get around answering him, before Eddie almost pushed him to the door.

"Thanks, Perry!" she called over her shoulder walking down the stairs in the hallway. Jamie just followed.

"What was that about, Eddie?" he asked as he pulled up the keys from his pockets. She snatched them from his hand.

"What was what about?" she asked innocently when she sat behind the steering wheel in the car. "You are getting your head checked out," she said. "The hit might have knocked something loose, in there. I don't want you to drop on my watch" she said as she put the car in motion and headed for the nearest hospital. Jamie sighed and put the soaked cloth to his head again. "Besides, you're my partner," she said.

"It's not that bad, mom" he said with a teasing smile, looking out the window. Eddie just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Aahh, I get it," she smiled. "You hurt your pride," she said just as teasing. "Well, it was an unfair fight, I'll give you that, he was like twice the size of you, barrel-chested, no-necked, arms the size of a small tree, I get it," she said and laughed shortly.

"He got away with my cuffs," Jamie muttered and looked at the cloth again. He might need a couple of stitches, he thought as Eddie parked in front of St. Vincent's. They walked in to the ER and looked around shortly. They didn't even get to sit down before Jamie's name was called and they both turned around to see Linda approaching them.

"Jamie? What happened to you?" Linda said and led them to a cubicle of white curtains.

"A domestic call, with a guy twice the size of Jamie, happened," Eddie answered when Jamie sat on the bed. He rolled his shoulders, they were a little sore.

"Young woman with a knife wound?" she asked, kind of surprised and shone a light in his eyes. First the right one, then the left and both of them again. "Any headache, nausea or dizziness?" she asked and started to clean the wound.

"Nope, I'm fine," he said.

"That's the one," Eddie said. "She came through here? How's she doing?" she asked.

"All right, I think, it was not as deep as we thought. She'll be out tomorrow. That guy hit you?" Linda asked, mildly astonished.

"He didn't hit me," he said and jerked away, when a sharp pain stung him above his left ear. "Hey!" he mumbled, slightly irritated.

"Technically, you hit a cabinet after flying through the room," Eddie said and looked at her watch. "I told you, you jinxed us, J." she let him now again and he smiled at her sarcastically.

"Very funny, Officer Janko," he muttered and wrinkled his nose as Linda rinsed the wound with some kind of strong antibacterial disinfectant.

"Have you lost consciousness at any time?" Linda asked deeply concentrated about her work.

"No, I'm telling you, I'm fine, let me just go back to work," Jamie said and sighed. He looked at Linda. "And, please, don't tell anyone anything about it. Especially not Danny," he said. Linda looked at his you-know-Danny-can-be-look and shone him in the eyes again.

"Are you absolutely sure, you are alright?" she asked him seriously. He nodded and she threaded the needle.

Halfway through their 12 hour shift they walked out of the hospital towards the car. It was midnight and supposedly more quiet than normal for a Monday night. Linda would have wanted Jamie to rest, but knew he wouldn't so she had asked Eddie to keep an eye on him. She gave her strict directions if he was getting tired, unfocused or pale. And she got to drive the car back to the precinct.

"You should let me drive more often," she said with a smile. Jamie looked at her, shortly, before looking back out on the nearly empty streets.

"Yeah… nah… I don't think so," he answered. He didn't mind her driving, but he liked it better when it was himself behind the wheel. The radio scattered.

"12-David, please return to the 12th," the voice said. Eddie reached for the radio.

"12-David responding 10-4, returning to 12th," she answered and looked puzzled at Jamie, he looked at her, equally puzzled. Fifteen minutes later, they walked in, Renzulli waved at them and walked into his office.

"What's this about, Sarge?" Jamie asked, when he and Eddie entered.

"You are going to the hospital," he answered and lifted a file from his desk. Eddie looked more puzzled.

"We've already been there, Sarge, he says he's fine?" Eddie said, looking confused at Jamie.

"Who?" Renzulli replied and looked at Jamie, realizing the band aid in his hair above his ear. "You all right, Reagan?" he asked when he connected the dots. Jamie nodded, like always.

"I'm fine," he said and heard himself talking Eddie of the mouth.

"Good, get changed then, and get your butts back to Vincent's. As of now, you are the protective detail of Elizabeth Kramer, the woman with the knife wound, you called in," Renzulli said and handed Jamie the file. He opened it and started reading it with Eddie glancing over his shoulder. In the upper right corner was a picture of Kramer, E. Underneath, details about her, such as dates and educations, was listed.

"You think the husband will come back for her?" Eddie asked and Renzulli handed her another file.

"Fiancée," Renzulli corrected her. "Her father, Gregory Kramer, pulled some strings to get her protected, in case he does come back," he said and Eddie opened the file in her hand. Now it was Jamie's turn to read over her shoulder.

"Gregory Kramer, the politician? The Mayor's friend?" Jamie asked without looking up. The second file contained a photo of Duncan Miller, the giant they had encountered hours before.

"His rap sheet is longer than my arm," Eddie said, turning a page. "Everything from aggravated assault, harassment, possession and distribution to a couple of DUI's." Jamie whistled impressed. That sounds about all right, he thought.

"And we are doing this in plain clothes, because..?" Jamie trailed off with a curious look to Renzulli. Normally, that kind of job was done in a uniform.

"Kramer doesn't want the publicity around his daughter," Renzulli explained and sat down behind his desk. Jamie and Eddie looked at each other, shortly.

"Later, Sarge," Jamie called over his shoulder as they walked out.

Half an hour later, they were back in the hospital in their street clothes and relieved the security guard outside the door.

"I'll find some coffee," Eddie said as Jamie sat down in a chair outside the door to Elizabeth Kramer's room. He scanned left to right and sighed. A couple of minutes later Eddie came back with two Styrofoam cups and sat down next to Jamie. He took one of the cups. Eddie was dressed in dark blue jeans and a light grey shirt. "It's horrible," she warned him when he was about to take a sip of the damping hot mud. Jamie smiled. Evidently she had tasted it, and she wasn't far of the track to judging the coffee, he thought. Kramer was surrounded by glass walls and they could see her at all times. She was sleeping on the meds, quiet and peaceful. Jamie and Eddie stayed for a couple of hours, checking out who ever walked by the door.

"I don't think anything will happen until the morning," Jamie said and yawned. He stood up to stretch his legs and walked around for a little bit.

"What did I tell you about jinxing us, J.?" Eddie asked and looked at her wrist watch. It was almost half past three in the morning. Sitting in a chair was much more exhausting than driving around the streets. Jamie was wearing dark grey jeans and a dark brown leather jacket over a dark green t-shirt, that looked to have been washed to many times. Like Eddie, he had his badge on a chain around his neck and his gun holstered to his hip. A movement from the room caught his eyes and he turned to se Elizabeth Kramer look around, confused.

"Get a doctor, Eddie," Jamie said and she pushed up from the chair to find someone. There wasn't happening much at this hour in the hospital. Jamie walked in to the room and the young woman's eyes came to rest on him.

"Ms. Kramer, I'm Officer Reagan of the NYPD, how are you feeling?" Jamie asked with a calm voice.

"Everything hurts..." she said and looked around. "Where's Duncan?" she asked, with a slight tremble in his voice as Eddie walked in, followed by a doctor and a nurse.

"We don't know where he is, but we are here to protect you from any harm," Jamie said and stepped back a pace to give doctor room to work. Eddie stood next to him with her arms crossed and her eyes at the woman they were assigned to protect for now.

It was Danny's turn to work the graveyard shift at the 5-4, and as always his temper was a little shorter than during the day. He and Baez had spent a couple of hours working the street for any possible leads to where the suspect would be going. They were working a domestic call gone wrong and the mayor had pulled some strings for the father of the victim. Because of the suspect, he and Baez were put on the case, even though it wasn't a murder. They had talked to a couple of neighbors and the cops on scene, learning that the first responders had taken a trip to the ER, but not much else. Then Danny and Baez had gone to the hospital only to find their victim sedated. Now a call came in on Danny's phone from the hospital.

"Detective, Elizabeth Kramer is awake and talking. A couple of officers are outside her room," the doctor said and soon Danny and Baez were making their way through the city. They reached the hospital soon after and was pointed in the right direction to the room. They turned the corner and Danny looked at his brother, a little surprised. Jamie only returned the look.

"You caught a murder?" Jamie asked when he got closer. He could see the victim through the glass.

"No, a favor to the mayor," Danny replied. "What happened to you?" he asked and looked at his brother's head.

"We had a run-in with the cause to that favor," Eddie said standing next to Jamie.

"You were the first responders?" Baez asked and both of Jamie and Eddie nodded.

"Now, we're the protecting detail," Jamie said and opened the door. They all walked in, single file and surrounded the bed, Elizabeth looked at them, a little bit dazed.

"Ms. Kramer, I'm Detective Reagan, this here is my partner Detective Baez, we just have a few questions for you, if you are up for it," Danny said.

"Yes, he's my brother, he'll help us find him," Jamie said, when she looked confused at him about the name.

"Anything," she said, trying not to look hesitant.

(A/N: I hope you like it, more chapters to come!)