Chapter One

This was it. Everything was set and ready. All Naruto had to do is walk now. His father appeared at his side. Sasuke was across the room, waiting. People were outside, waiting to see Naruto. It was early fall, the leaves just turning colors, and it was the perfect weather for this special event.

Naruto paced in his room, not ready just yet. Iruka brushed his unruly hair, and tried to comb it back, but it wasn't sticking, so Iruka gave up. Naruto's father laughed and took the brush from Iruka. He brushed Naruto's hair softly and fixed his suit.

Naruto almost couldn't believe it was happening. Iruka and Kakashi just got married a year ago, and now here was Naruto, in a white tux. He swallowed a lump in his throat. Wasn't it a bit rushed? Naruto couldn't even remember how long he and Sasuke have been together for. Many puzzling questions formed in his head. Like how is it that Minato and Kushina here? Along with Sasuke's parent's. Why can't he remember Sasuke proposing? How did they get here? But as the coordinator for the ceremony stepped in and lead Naruto to a large set of double doors that would lead to Sasuke, those questions evaded Naruto.

"You ready, son?" Minato asked his smiling son. Naruto felt queasy. It is a big step in his relationship, but he has been wanting this for a while now. He told himself he was ready, but his nerves were getting to him. He didn't want to mess up somehow because that's just how he is.

Minato offered Naruto his arm and Iruka handed him a small bouquet of roses. "Naruto?" Iruka asked softly. Naruto nodded and Iruka patted his shoulder. "I'm so proud of you, Naruto."

Naruto smiled brightly. He was ready now. He's been waiting for a while, and now is the time. He hooked his arm in his father's and Iruka stepped off first. The coordinator next to Naruto signaled for him and his father to step off.

Naruto seemed to glow with happiness. This was his and Sasuke's day. Naruto was lead down the aisle and towards Sasuke. Naruto looked over the crowd quickly before his gaze locked with Sasuke's. The sight took Naruto's breath away. Could this man get any sexier than he is now? Naruto couldn't help but mentally undress him. Then that lead to some inappropriate thoughts, and that was something that he couldn't think about. There's no way he wasn't getting a boner in the middle of his wedding. Sasuke smirked, guessing what Naruto was thinking. Naruto felt his face heat up and a blush creep across his cheeks. Naruto stopped at the altar and slowly stepped up with Sasuke.

He couldn't believe that he and the teme were getting married. Naruto was barely aware that his mother was holding out her hand for the flowers until someone cleared their throat. Naruto broke his gaze from Sasuke and looked at his father. He nodded towards his mother, and blushed.

Kushina giggled as she took the flowers and stepped back. Minato gave his son away to Sasuke and sat with Kushina. Naruto now faced Sasuke, who took his hands and held them.

Sasuke was in an off-white tux with a cream colored bowtie. Naruto was dressed in the same thing, except with an orange bowtie because orange is the best color. Sasuke's hair was brushed back and out of his face, and Naruto's was well, at least it was brushed.

There was a pregnant pause before the Wedding Officiant started her speech. All Naruto could do was stare at Sasuke. He looked uncomfortable, and Naruto giggled thinking it was because of the formal wear.

Naruto looked at Sasuke with all the love he could. He's never met someone who completed him completely. They had something special, something most don't. They were friends for a long time, they built their relationship from the ground up, and it's sound, sturdy, and full of trust.

The Wedding Officiant asked Naruto if he took Sasuke Uchiha to be his husband, and Naruto immediately replied. "I do."

The Officiant smiled before turning to Sasuke took a while to reply though. Naruto looked at his soon-to-be-husband quizzically.

Sasuke still had this look of discomfort, like he was in pain. "Sasuke?" Naruto asked reaching his hand out to cup Sasuke's cheek but Sasuke turned away from the gesture and closed his eyes.

"I can't do it." Sasuke stated before running down the altar and aisle, and racing out of Naruto's life forever.

Naruto felt everything break. Their foundation, their trust, everything. Everything broke into a billion of pieces that couldn't be picked up and mended. Naruto dropped to his knees and watched his reason for living run away. To Naruto, the world ended. After everything they been through together, Sasuke runs away when it gets serious.

"Sasuke!" Naruto screams, tears flowing freely down his face. He wanted to run after him and ask what was wrong, but Naruto collapsed to the floor and curled in on himself.

"Sasuke…" Naruto whimpered.

"Dobe? Dobe, you okay?" Naruto felt someone shake him slightly. "Naruto, wake up." A familiar voice called out.

Naruto blinked his eyes, feeling wetness. He was crying? Was that just a dream? "Naruto?" Sasuke called again, worry lacing his voice. He tugged on Naruto's shoulder trying to get him to turn to face him, but Naruto didn't bulge.

It was just a dream. It was the only thing Naruto could think about. Naruto and Sasuke have only been together for three years, which was still a small amount of time before marriage. Naruto began to fear that his subconscious was telling him something. Maybe Sasuke wasn't happy anymore. Maybe he didn't want to be with Naruto anymore. What if he left? Naruto began to panic and cry harder. No, he couldn't lose Sasuke, not after he just got him.

"Naruto, what's wrong?" Sasuke's voice was hard now. He forced Naruto onto his back and climbed over him. Naruto brought his hands up and covered his face, not wanting to look at Sasuke. "Are your dreams coming back again?" Sasuke asked. He lightly traced Naruto's hands with his own.

He ran his hands into Naruto's hair and stroked the hair softly, comforting his blonde. Sasuke had felt Naruto move and shake slightly, but didn't think anything about it. He didn't get to hear what Naruto was saying until he began screaming and crying. Sasuke never felt so scared in his life before.

Naruto remained silent. Never a good sign. He just covered his face and cried quietly. Sasuke laid on top of him and rolled over, pulling Naruto on to his chest. He wrapped an arm around Naruto's back and ran the other through his hair, massaging the scalp.

Naruto's sobs died down, but he still hid his face on Sasuke's neck. "Do you want to talk about it?" Sasuke asked kissing Naruto's cheek.

Naruto shook his head and moved his arms under Sasuke's pillow. "It was just a dream." Naruto hummed and evened his breathing out.

"What kind of dream?" Sasuke pressed. He didn't want troubling thoughts festering in Naruto or it might ruin today's events. It was Iruka and Kakashi's wedding and there is no way Sasuke was letting a dream ruin today.

"A dream." Naruto replied curtly, ending the conversation. It unnerved Sasuke immensely that Naruto wasn't opening up. They talk about everything. From their favorite sex positions to the most embarrassing events that happened to them.

Sasuke continued to rub and massage Naruto's head and back. Eventually the blonde went back to bed. Sasuke could tell by his even breathing and soft snoring.

Sasuke couldn't go back to sleep after that. Thoughts about what just happened tearing through his head. If only he heard what Naruto said before screaming his name, maybe, just maybe he would know what his dream was about. He just hoped it didn't ruin the day already. Naruto wasn't looking at him, and that would result badly at the wedding since they were each the best man for the couple.

Sasuke decided that he would pamper his dobe and succumb to his every wish today, get drunk at the reception and then make fiery, passionate love to Naruto right on this very mattress. Sasuke smirked smugly before yawning. He snuggled into the bed and pulled Naruto closer to him, smelling his shampoo on him.

By the end of tonight, the neighbors would know Sasuke's name.


Sasuke threw Naruto on his bed. He slowly walked towards him, untying the knot of his tie. He looked over Naruto's body with an unquenchable hunger. He doesn't think he will ever get enough of his dobe. But through the hunger, if you looked pass the lust and need, undeniable love shone through Sasuke eyes.

Naruto swam in that love, nearly drowning in it every day. Sasuke never spoke the words, not once, but Naruto knew with the small things Sasuke did. Naruto sometimes wondered how Sasuke puts up with him every day and survives to tell the tale.

The tie comes undone and Sasuke disregards it to the floor, his only interest is Naruto. They had sex at Itachi's, and to Sasuke's surprise, on Itachi's bed. That time was just a fuck to release their nerves before the wedding. That was just a fuck where love was barely there but the need for each other's bodies was high.

This time, Sasuke will love Naruto, he will drill inside Naruto and claim him. Sasuke doesn't know how to show love because the only person who loved him was Itachi until Naruto came into his life. He doesn't know if saying it every day will somehow make it more meaningful. He doesn't know he if he said it while they were alone would make Naruto love him more. Sasuke didn't know what love is fully, but he did know his feelings for Naruto.

He looked at his dobe and knew he was sexy as hell. But it wasn't because of his natural sun kissed tan, and it wasn't because he was muscled in all the right places and had a nice ass. But it was Naruto's eyes. Sasuke looks into them and saw his love reflected back in them. He saw the pain Naruto endured in his life and saw how hard he fought through it all. When he looked at Naruto, he saw everything he wanted to be but was too broken to be. It's because Naruto has such a strong personality and big heart that Sasuke finds himself feeling this way for him.

Sasuke wants to protect Naruto. If he could, he would wrap Naruto in layers of bubble wrap to make sure he didn't hurt himself, or hold Naruto every day to make sure that whatever pain he was feeling from his past would fade away. He wanted to soothe his bad dreams and replace them with pleasurable dreams of himself. Sasuke wanted to hold his hand every second of the day and let Naruto know that everything was going to be alright. He wanted to tell Naruto that he loves him, but he was never good with words when he is around Naruto.

Something broke Sasuke out of his trance. He looked down and saw Naruto sitting on his knees from his position on the bed. He was naked and hard as steel. He cocked his finger at Sasuke in a come hither movement. Sasuke was on autopilot. He moved to the edge of the bed till his chest brushed against Naruto's bare one.

Sasuke slowly unbuttoned each button, driving Naruto insane. His smoldering dark eyes never left Naruto's hazy blue eyes. He let the dress shirt fall off his shoulders and join the tie on the floor.

"Sasuke," Naruto whined. Sasuke loved knowing that he had this effect on the dobe. Sasuke reached out and cupped Naruto's cheek gently. He brushed his thumb over Naruto's scars, eliciting a blush to dance across his cheeks. Sasuke did the same thing to the other side of Naruto's face.

Naruto's dream this morning came back to Sasuke, and he drew his brows together. "Naruto, what was your dream about?" Sasuke needed to know before he could continue.

Naruto's eyes focused as he pondered Sasuke's question. He rested his cheek against Sasuke's hand and placed his hand over his. Naruto closed his eyes and sighed. "I dreamt that I lost you." It was enough for Sasuke. He too had his share of dreams where he lost Naruto, but he never told Naruto about them.

Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto and pulled him into a warm embrace. "You won't ever lose me." Sasuke said before removing his arms, and pulled his slacks and boxers off. He pulled Naruto close again, rubbing their erections together. Naruto gasped in surprise as he felt pleasure rack through his body.

Sasuke cupped Naruto's chin and tilted it up. He leaned in and captured Naruto's lips. It was soft, and gentle, and Naruto melted into Sasuke, their bodies molded to fit the others. Naruto tilted his head, and parted his lips allowing Sasuke to plunge his wet appendage inside to explore. Sasuke rubbed Naruto's tongue to life, and they wrestled for dominance. Sasuke trailed his hands down Naruto's arched back, awakening bumps in his path until he reached Naruto's hips. He held Naruto stationary as he began to grind slowly into Naruto. Sasuke's teeth grazed Naruto's tongue as his hands reached Naruto's ass, squeezing them. A moan began to nascent in Sasuke as he fondled Naruto's ass and Naruto sucked on his tongue.

He felt his lungs burn for air, and he pulled back, tongue hanging out, saliva slowly forming at the tip and falling between their chests. Sasuke looked at Naruto, who had spit hanging from the corner of his mouth. His face was flushed and his breathing shaky.

"That was quite the kiss Sasuke. Something wrong?" Naruto asked a little breathless.

"Hn," Sasuke answered before pushing his dobe back into the mattress and climbing over him. He leaned down for a quick, distracting kiss as his hands worked the bottle of lube open and over his fingers. He sat back and watched his lover's face as he slowly traced his puckered hole, teasing him to relax before he slipped inside.

Tonight was going to be slow and memorable, for both Sasuke and Naruto. Naruto's question suddenly rang through Sasuke's head. When will it be turn our turn to get married? Sasuke had no idea why it suddenly appeared, but he let it go and continued to stretch Naruto open.

He was slow, and twisted his fingers inside, taking his time to properly open Naruto up. "Sasuke, please. Enough." Naruto whined and arched his back off the bed. Naruto began to push himself onto Sasuke's fingers, so Sasuke pressed a hand down on his stomach, effectively holding him down. Naruto whimpered but complied anyways.

"Naruto," Sasuke whispered. He wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words. Naruto opened his closed eyes to look up at Sasuke. His eyes were wide and Sasuke hoped that he could see everything he was feeling for the dobe, but when Naruto didn't say anything, Sasuke knew he didn't see it. He mentally sighed, knowing his Uchiha mask was glued on. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

Sasuke kept his eyes locked on Naruto as he pushed three fingers inside him. He felt around the crinkled and soft walls, working them to relax and become tender. He rubbed and stretched, hearing Naruto whimper his name, and clutch the sheets.

"Naruto, let it out. Don't hold anything back." As soon as Sasuke said that, a loud gurgling sound came from Naruto.

"Please, Sasuke. I need you." Naruto moaned loudly. But not loud enough.

"Need me to do what?" Sasuke teased. He removed his fingers, and wrapped his fingers around Naruto's rock hard shaft. He pumped it slowly, rubbing the slit in a circular motion before bringing his hand back down to the base, pulling the skin back.

"Need you inside me." Naruto cried loudly when Sasuke traced his nail over Naruto's slit. Sasuke bent down and lapped at the pearly drops of cum leaking from Naruto before replacing his fingers with his cock.

He studied Naruto's face. His hands clenching the sheets, knuckles white, chest rapidly rising and falling, soft moans falling from red, plump lips, eyes screwed shut, cheeks flushed. Sasuke loved the sight. He plunged inside Naruto, who screamed out his name.

Sasuke loved the feeling of being buried deep inside Naruto, knowing that no one else will ever get this chance. He laid down on Naruto, his hands searching for Naruto's. When he found them, he worked them loose from the sheets and laced his fingers between Naruto's, holding them. Naruto wrapped his legs around Sasuke's waist, squirming with the feeling of Sasuke entering him deeper.

Sasuke didn't move until he knew Naruto was ready. He just hoped that the small things he does for him shows that he does love Naruto. It kills him when he can't say it because he's too scared that one day it might end, or he will wake up from a dream, or that the Uchiha mask he built his whole life will break.

"Move." Came the simple command. Sasuke sat up, bringing their intertwined fingers behind his head. Naruto knew the message and let go to wrap his arms around Sasuke's neck. Sasuke tried to sit up even more but was restricted by something. He felt a tug on his neck and looked down. His green jewel necklace was tangled with Naruto's blue matching one.

His eyes moved from the tangled necklace to Naruto, who had one eye opened. Their gazes never broke as Sasuke pulled back and slammed back inside. Naruto's tongue slipped out, and drool began to form, but it only added to the beauty in Sasuke's eyes.

Sasuke set a slow tempo, adding grunts here and there. He did get a bit tipsy at the wedding, but he blames Naruto, he kept handing the drinks to him, so if Naruto asked why he was slow, that would be his answer. He would stop to watch Naruto, who would blush and tell him to go faster. He did, but only for a short time.

His thrusts were sharp, and quick, and he felt Naruto's cock bounce against his stomach. He moved one hand from the mattress to pump Naruto's forgotten cock.

"Sas-sas-uke!" Naruto was a mess of words. Sasuke sped up some more. Wet sounds echoing in the room, and the sound of skin slapping skin mixing in with the needy moans. Sasuke leaned down and captured Naruto's lips in a wet, open mouthed kiss. Their tongues battled and spit was exchanged. He pulled back, a string of saliva connecting them. Sasuke broke the string and leaned his forehead against Naruto's. He kissed it, keeping his cool lips against the sheet of sweat that formed on Naruto's skin.

"Sasuke!" Said person could feel Naruto's hot breath on his neck, and could feel Naruto clenching around his shaft. He squeezed Naruto's cock and milked the orgasm out from him. He felt the heat radiate from Naruto and knew it was close. He continued his relentless attack on him, and felt his pooling inside his belly.

Naruto screamed louder than he has that night. He saw stars and his vision went white multiple times. His body shivered and shook underneath Sasuke until he felt Sasuke release inside him. The hot cum warming his entire body, slowly dripping back outside, tickling the sensitive muscles.

He kept his arms around Sasuke, who worked their necklaces apart. He felt Sasuke clean them up and cradle him in his arms. Naruto felt the blanket being set on his shoulders and felt the warmth that settled over him radiate from Sasuke.

Naruto smiled in the dark. He knew Sasuke loved him, and understood his reasons to why he couldn't say it. He, himself, was like that in the beginning, but when he got bruises from pinching himself every morning after waking up next to Sasuke, he began to believe that this was reality and not a dream.

Sasuke smirked in the dark, he was fairly certain the neighbors knew his name now.