Favorite Review: BrightSideOfTheMoon chapter 10

I think Naruto should punch Sasuke first and thus prove his relation to Tsunade. I can't wait for them to see each other again it's going to be awesome! And I'm really excited to find out what's in the box. I'm assuming it's a ring? Oh, and I'm also predicting the story ends with Naruto topping even though I think he's more of a sub.

All I can say is…you'll see.


The plane landed in a few sort hours and the flight attendant that had early served the handsome brothers, walked over and woke them up. She watched the older one wake first and smile at his younger brother, who has helplessly clinging onto the elder.

Sasuke woke up and stared up at his brother and frowned. "Itachi?" Sasuke mumbled and sat up straight.

"Yes, brother?" Itachi smiled down at his brother and watched him rub the sleep from his eyes.

Sasuke frowned even more as an announcement was made over the PA system. "This never happened, and be honest. How bad does it look?" Sasuke murmured.

Itachi looked over his brother's cheek with the Band-Aid. It was a purple-red color and swollen around the Band-Aid. The cheek itself, was inflamed and stuck out like a sore thumb. Itachi swallowed his chuckle and stared straight into his brother's eyes.

"It looks better than before." Itachi lied smoothly. It actually looked a lot worse now. Sasuke sighed in relief, completely trusting his brother. Itachi hummed and grabbed his bag and stood. He and Sasuke pushed their way to the front, Sasuke having grabbed Itachi's wrist and tugged him through the crowd. They didn't need to go through bag check, having only brought the one bag.

Sasuke was out of the airport in a mere hour and was quick to flag a taxi down. He tugged Itachi in and quickly told the man to drive to Konoha. Sasuke was restless. He needed to see Naruto, now. Even if the blonde wouldn't take him back right away, Sasuke was never going to give up, as Naruto never gave up on Sasuke.

The cab slowed and dropped Itachi off at their house and Sasuke quickly waved goodbye before getting back in the cab and directing the man to his and Naruto's apartment. He sped off and Sasuke's leg began to shake.

"What's wrong kid?" The cab driver asked.

Sasuke looked up at the man. "Everything is fine, just – nervous?"

The older man laughed, "You don't look like the type of man that would get nervous." He observed and turned right in the apartment development.

"I'm not, but this time it's different." Sasuke answered and grabbed his stuff, and opened the door.

"And how is this time different?" The man accepted Sasuke's money and put the car in reverse.

Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes. When he opened them, all his nerves and doubts vanished as he looked at the older man. "Because this time, I'm proposing." Sasuke answered and waved the man bye before racing upstairs.

Sasuke opened the door to his apartment, almost expecting to see Naruto on the couch, a bowl of ramen in his hands, and SpongeBob playing on the T.V. But there was none of that, the place was empty, and clean. Like nothing has been here since Sasuke left, all except for Kurama, which Sasuke is guessing Naruto took him.

Sasuke set his stuff down and turned around. He jumped when he saw the neighbor staring at in pure shock. "Sa-suke? What are you doing here?" The old woman asked. Her hands started to tremble as she looked over the young man. She didn't know why he was here when Naruto was about to be leaving. "Shouldn't you be with Naruto?"

Sasuke glared at her, masking his confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked.

She swallowed. "Naruto is leaving. He decided to take the job over in Japan. He's having a Farewell Party right now at the new Animal Hospital. Shouldn't you be there with him? He's leaving in about four minutes till he needs to leave to catch his flight." She explained.

Everything froze. Sasuke dropped his bag and shoved his hand in his pocket. He felt the velvety box and raced out of his apartment, leaving the old woman to stare at his retreating back in confusion.

Sasuke hasn't ran for years now. But he wasn't a track star for no reason. He pumped his legs and arms to get there faster. The Hospital is about a mile away and according to the woman, he had four minutes to get there. Sasuke began to panic. That was Naruto's record at school, the record Sasuke couldn't beat.

But now is different. If Sasuke didn't get there it would forever end their relationship, and Sasuke couldn't live without his dobe. He jumped over objects and dodged cars, since traffic was terrible. Four more blocks. His legs were screaming for him to stop, but he kept pushing. Three more blocks. Sasuke ducked under a construction worker carrying a ladder. Two more blocks. He looked down at the watch on his wrist, four minutes have passed. He wasn't going to make it. He stretched his legs as far as he could go. Come on Sasuke. He yelled at himself. One more block. He looked like a blur to others, and his heavy breathing frightened some people.

He could see the hospital from where he was, and he watched in disdain as someone walked out the double doors walking around seven dogs. Sasuke growled knowing that this would cost time, but as he neared the door, he saw pink and silver hair.

Sakura and Kakashi appeared and held both doors open for the dog walker. The dog walker thanked them and quickly left, but the two still held the door wide open. Even though they appeared to be there for the walker, the smile Sakura sent him told him that they knew exactly what he was doing. And it only fueled Sasuke to run faster. God, how did Naruto do this?

He thanked them as he veered around the walker and jumped over a small yapping dog. The sound of his feet slamming into the title stopped the chatting that filled the air. It grew quiet, the only sound was Sasuke's panting from his mile sprint.

He pulled the box out of his hand and people instantly began to move so he could walk to his target. Sasuke was slow at first and then he heard someone offer Naruto a ride to the airport. Sasuke sped up, his legs shaking severely from the run. The last person moved from Sasuke's path, and Sasuke finally was able to see the shock of blonde hair he loved so much.

Naruto didn't reply, but stared disbelievingly as Sasuke pressed forward, his legs threatening to give out. Sasuke stood in front of Naruto and out of habit went to kiss him. Naruto reared back and decked him in the same place his grandmother hit, reopening the cut and knocking the Band-Aid off. Blood poured from the cut and Sasuke collapsed in front of Naruto. Sasuke cursed loudly and gripped his thighs, and winced. He looked up at Naruto, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His throat went dry and he was in need of water.

"Naru..." He couldn't talk. His throat dry and voice scratchy. Damn, why now of all times? He licked his lips and swallowed his saliva. "Naru..." He tried again but failed. He coughed violently and slapped his chest a few times.

He coughed and wheezed. Jeez, just how long has I been this out of shape? He cleared his throat and tried again.

"Naruto." He got out. "I love you." Sasuke took some deep breaths. "I love everything about you."

"Sas-" Naruto started but Sasuke cut him off. No, Sasuke would finish, and then let Naruto speak his mind, and he would listen with open ears and accept everything Naruto had to say.

"Hear me out. I love the way your smile lights up an entire room. I love how your beautiful eyes express everything you have trouble saying. I love how you eat ramen like it's your last meal every freaking day, and I love how you think you have to force me to eat it and I would complain but I would eat that garbage every day and every meal if it made you happy. I love hearing the sound of your voice, and hearing you sing in the shower. God, its terrible Naruto, but I would listen to you all day long.

I love how you push all my buttons to start an argument, hoping to win, and I love how you pout when you know I won the argument in the end, and I love how you stubbornly cover all your good parts when you're mad at me and deny me pleasure. I love waking up next to you and knowing that this isn't a dream that I'm having, I love knowing that this is real. I love being able to say I love you. I love you, I love you, I fucking love you Naruto.

I love your kindness, your big heart, and how you balance my cold and unforgiving one. You make me a better man without even realizing it, and make me happy. Happy, Naruto. I haven't been happy since my parents were murdered. I love how you're the only one that can make me smile. And since you make me the happiest person alive, I have come here to ask my hero one question." Sasuke maneuvered his body to sit on one knee – though the pain was nearly unbearable – and pulled out a box. A few people gasped and it grew quiet again.

"Dobe, will you marry me?" Sasuke opened the box, extended his arms and he watched realization and recognition fill his eyes. The rings were his parents. Naruto eyes the blue gem twinkling up at him from his mother's ring, and the gold band of his father's, with tiny diamonds embedded around the band.

"You left me in a jewelry store, crying. You left saying that you were holding us down, and that I should find someone else to make me happy. You left for seven months, and not once did you call me, or message me to tell me you were ok. You left me broken and now you came back. You stop me from choosing a better life in Japan, and ask me to marry you. Did you except that you could give a loving speech and pop the question and I would forgive you just like that?" Naruto snapped his fingers and asked in a condescending voice that scared Sasuke a bit.

He didn't lower his hand, instead he asked again. "Naruto, please. You have me on my knees, begging. I don't think I could live if you weren't there to keep my demons away."

Naruto didn't move his hand. "You did just fine those seven months." Was all he said.

Sasuke shook his head, tears were beginning to form in his eyes. That would be the fifth time he's cried since his parents died. "You are wrong. I nearly drank myself to death when I left. I was admitted to the hospital from overdosing on sleep medication. I attempted suicide, Naruto. I nearly died without you. I was miserable, my thoughts filled with blonde hair and blue eyes. When I was in that hospital, I dreamed about you all the time, all expect for once. It was my parents Naruto. My parents and your parents, happy and laughing. Then they told me where to find the rings." Naruto jumped slightly.

Sasuke hated visiting his parents. They were great and all, but he hates showing weakness in front of them. And Naruto couldn't believe that Sasuke actually did that too himself.

"I will ask you one more time. If you say no, that's it Naruto, it will end for good, and we both know that would kill us both." Sasuke stated.

He readjusted his arms and looked up at Naruto, letting his walls fall in front of him. "Naruto Uzumaki, will you marry me?"

It was quiet. No one moved, no one even dared to breathe loudly. Naruto looked down at Sasuke, his eyes betraying the love he felt for the raven haired man. Naruto looked into Sasuke's eyes, and gasped. The mask the raven held, it broke and shattered in front of Naruto, and he could see everything. Naruto was hit full force with all of Sasuke's emotions. He could see the pain he went through, and all the love he possessed for Naruto. Naruto's heart gave up and quickly forgave the raven.

"Yes, teme." He said. Sasuke took Kushina's ring from the box and carefully slid it on Naruto's finger before crushing his lips onto Naruto's. There was a wall behind him and you could hear the breath leave Naruto as Sasuke slammed him against the wall.

They kissed for the first time in seven months. Even though it was quite the intimate sight, no one bothered stopping them after hearing what happened.

Sasuke attacked Naruto's plump lips, seeking safety in those lips. He needed them, needed Naruto, and he was only just beginning to understand that this is reality, and Naruto really does love him. In that moment, Sasuke grasped the understanding of love and held onto it. Naruto's mouth opened and Sasuke slid his needy tongue inside to collect the moisture he needed. Air was begging Sasuke to pull back, but Sasuke didn't listen. Naruto was his air, and he took it greedily. Sasuke pushed his leg in between Naruto's and lifted his knee to put pressure against Naruto's growing problem.

Finally, after all the slurping noises and tongue action, a voice stopped them. "Sasuke, seriously, let the poor boy breathe." Itachi's tenor voice drifted through the air.

Sasuke released Naruto but didn't move too far from him. "Itachi. How long have you been here?" Sasuke asked from his position.

"The whole time, little brother. I'm quite moved you threw away the Uchiha mask to propose." Itachi was messing with Sasuke, and Sasuke felt his lips tug into a smirk. "Mother and Father would have been proud of you." Itachi added on a softer note.

Sasuke froze, and smiled sadly. "I would think so too nii-san." Sasuke replied before burying his head in Naruto's shoulder. Sasuke felt Naruto move around, but didn't question it until he felt Naruto grab the box from his hand and pulled Minato's ring out. Naruto slipped it onto Sasuke's left ring finger and intertwined their fingers together.

The stared into each other's eyes. "Guess, it's our turn to get married." Naruto stated simply before pecking Sasuke on the nose. Instantly, Sasuke sneezed and glared at the blonde, who giggled.


"Okay, this is nothing like my dreams." Naruto paced back and forth in his old room. He and Sasuke had agreed to arrange the wedding to be in Naruto's old house where there parents died so they could have their future together.

Naruto was dressed and a cream colored tux with a sunset orange bow tie. His hair was cut short and brushed and a fresh white bandage was wrapped around his right arm. He paced around some more and Iruka sat down and giggled into his palm.

"Breathe Naruto, you won't screw anything up." Iruka smiled up at Naruto. Naruto stopped pacing and ran a hand through his hair.

"You're wrong Iruka. I always mess up. I'm going to ruin this day." Naruto sighed and Iruka motioned for Naruto to come hither. Naruto walked toward Iruka and sat next to him. He leaned his head on his shoulder.

"You will be fine Naruto. It's your day, and you can make it any way you want to. If you mess up, laugh and keep going." Iruka rubbed the top of Naruto's head. "I'm so proud of you. You're all grown up now, and don't need me anymo-" Iruka's voice cracked as tears fell from his glassy eyes.

"No, I will always need my dad." Naruto pulled the older man into his arms and hugged him. "Without you, I would literally be dead. I can never thank you and Kakashi enough." Naruto murmured and pulled back when there was a knock on the door.

A woman entered and Naruto recognized her as Shizune. "You ready to start walking?" She asked. Naruto nodded and stood up, helping Iruka up. He wiped his tears and Naruto straightened his clothes out.

Iruka was lead out first, being Naruto's best man and all. Naruto was told to wait and Iruka headed out. Suddenly, music echoed through the house and Naruto was lead to the spiraling stair case in his house. The altar was set in the open space at the bottom of the stairs.

Naruto took some calming breaths. This is real. Not another dream. Sasuke was actually done there, waiting to make their relationship final. This is the final step, and all Naruto had to do was say I do.

Naruto took the first step down and a few more. A wide smile spread across his face as he came to terms that he was getting married. To Sasuke of all people. Naruto shook his head, but kept the bright smile on his face. He twisted down the staircase and soon, raven hair came into sight.

Naruto's breath was drawn away as he eyed his boyfriend. He was dressed in the same cream colored tux with a midnight blue tie wrapped around his neck, his long hair slicked back out of his face and a small smile on his face. Itachi stood behind Sasuke, smile on his face and Kakashi stood behind him, his visible eye closed and upturned to show he was smiling.

Naruto walked down the red carpet that was laid out and to Sasuke. Their eyes found each other's and locked. Naruto's smile grew genuine and Sasuke's eyes shone brightly. Naruto stood up on the altar, never breaking eye contact. Naruto sucked in his breath and closed his eyes, almost waiting for Sasuke to leave. His heart was pounding, waiting to be broken once more by the man he loves.

Naruto felt a cold hand cup his cheek and his eyes shot open, closing in on Sasuke standing in front of him. "I'm not going anywhere Naruto." Sasuke whispered and everyone sat to begin the wedding.

Naruto barely processed what the man was saying until he heard. "Time to exchange your vows. Mr. Uzumaki, you may proceed first."

Naruto blinked and a dumb look crossed his face. "Oh, sorry. I got caught up." He pouted when Sasuke chuckled. "Shut up teme." Naruto barked.

Naruto dug into his pocket and pulled a crumpled piece of paper out. "Oops," he smiled and the audience laughed.

"It's a poem I wrote back in high school." Naruto started, and began unfolding the paper.

Naruto cleared his throat and began reading the poem.

"Wake up to the sun shining on my face.

I smile, and then remember the hole in the ceiling above my head.

Walking to the kitchen, I smile as I smell breakfast being made.

Then I look out the kitchen window and see the neighbors eating happily.

My stomach growls and I smile, patting my stomach.

Then I remember that there's no food in the kitchen.

I smile when I hear my father enter the house and my name being called.

Then I see my father drunk and asking for some more whiskey.

I smile as I look at the happy faces of my friends.

Then I turn and see the hated and disgusted looks from all the others.

Looking away, I smile and think to myself 'I'm loved, it doesn't matter what others think.'

Then I look around me, and no one is there. 'I'm invisible'. 'They don't care'. 'Whatever'.

Then I smile, telling myself that it will get better and crying won't make things better.

But I couldn't help thinking. 'No one will see my pain or tears, so it's ok to cry.'

Heading home slowly, 'Someone will love me one day, I just can't give up. Believe it!'

"I didn't grow up in the best places. I was starved, nearly raped, beaten on a daily basis, and love deprived. But none of that mattered because every day I would get to go to school and see you. I would get to see you show off to the teacher, and run laps on the track, and I don't think you realized it, but you always had the tiniest smile on your face when you ran. I always wanted to run, you know? I was always running from my foster parent, so why not? Others hated me for these ugly scars that he gave me, and I knew you were the one when you looked past the scars and looked at me, Naruto. Oh, and I know it was you that gave Iruka the idea to adopt me." Naruto winked at Sasuke and smiled.

"I love you Sasuke. All of you. From your mood swings to your surprisingly kind heart. I promise to be the best husband I can be. I can't promise to fix all of your problems, but I can promise you won't face them all alone. I, Naruto Uzumaki, take you Sasuke Uchiha to be my wedded husband, and my forever best friend for as long as we both shall live."

Naruto finished his speech and the Officiant turned to Sasuke. Sasuke took in a much needed breath.

"How am I supposed to surpass that?" He asked and smiled at Naruto. "Nonetheless, I should start with, dobe. I love you, and for the longest time I wasn't able to tell you that, and it always hurt me more. Like you, my parents died. Unlike you, I had Itachi to raise me, and though we never had the perfect family, it was more than I could ask for. And now, if you could hand that poem over." Naruto blinked and handed Sasuke the folded paper.

"It started with another normal lovely dinner.

Then there was a call, and they had to leave.

There was a kid, and he didn't know what was happening,

At first he was excited, then time passed and he was scared.

Hours upon hours, and they never showed up. Then another call to announce their bad news.

This scared little kid cried rivers and never understood why him, and why them.

He put on a mask of indifference and fell into a dark hole.

It wasn't until he stumbled upon another lonely boy,

That he had someone to understand him and someone to love.

Years and years later, he learned that this boy was the ray of light that showed him the way out of the dark.

The boy finally grew up to learn that his parents left protecting this ray of sunlight.

And the boy smiled for the first time in a while."

"You, Naruto, were the reason I lived this long." Sasuke rubbed the scars on his arm. "I've done a lot of wrong, and I've decided to start righting those wrong. Starting right now by taking you, Naruto Uzumaki, to be my husband. I promise to push your buttons and force you to cook dinner and clean my wounds, and I promise to love you with every beat of my heart and protect you from everything. I promise you will never be alone ever again for as long as we both shall live." Sasuke finished.

"With the power invested in me, I declare you husband and husband. Sasuke, you may kiss Naruto." The Officiant declared.

Sasuke smirked and pulled Naruto close. He leaned in and Naruto closed his eyes, but the kiss never came. His eyes snapped open and Sasuke smiled. "I love you." He whispered before pressing his lips against Naruto's.

Everyone jumped up and cheered, but one female stood out the most. "HELL YEAH! THAT'S MY GRANDSON!" Tsunade cheered and Jiraiya stood next to her and clapped loudly.

Naruto pulled back, confused. He looked into the crowd and over at the loudest persons. His eyes widened when he took in his grandparents. "Old hag!" He screeched and raced out of Sasuke's grip. He flung himself at his granny and wrapped his arms around her.

"You brat. What did you call me?" She yelled but still hugged him back. "It's been too damn long." She said and buried her face in his soft hair.

Naruto was blabbering like a baby, snot dripping from his nose. "I've missed you guys so much. Where have you been?" He asked. Jiraiya gave him the simplified version of what happened just as Sasuke appeared.

Tsunade let Naruto go, and Sasuke wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him close, nuzzling his face into his neck. "Sasuke! I see you have a scar from our first encounter." Tsunade huffed.

Sasuke looked up and brushed a hand over the scar on his cheek. "Actually, this scar is from Naruto, sorry." Sasuke smirked.

"Whatever, brat. I'm so happy for you Naruto!" She exclaimed to Naruto. He smiled brightly and leaned closer to Sasuke.

"Yeah, me too. Now Sasuke is my slave forever." Naruto boasted and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"You mean, you're his sex slave?" Jiraiya piped up and wrapped an arm around Tsunade. "I can't believe our Naruto bottoms." Jiraiya shook his head and Tsunade lightly punched him.

Naruto blushed brightly and stumbled with his words. Finally, his angry glare turned on to me. "I can't believe you told him them." He shouted.

"I was drunk!" Sasuke defended himself.

Naruto snorted and turned away. "I need to get drunk." He sighed and walked towards Iruka and Kakashi.


Naruto and Sasuke finally made it to the resort they were staying at in Florida. It was located on the Keys on their own private island. With Naruto's and Sasuke's money combined, this was pocket money, not that they liked to brag.

Sasuke carried Naruto into their master bedroom and laid him down on the bed and straddled him. He leaned down and kissed Naruto passionately.

"I want you to take me this time." Sasuke whispered in Naruto's ear as he sucked softly on the blonde's lobe. "I want to feel you inside me, claiming me, making love to me." Sasuke licked the shell of Naruto's ear and felt the blonde shudder underneath him.

"Take me Naruto." Sasuke said and suddenly Naruto rolled over and was sitting on top of Sasuke.

"Is that what you want Sasuke?" Naruto rolled his half hard erection over Sasuke's. Naruto unbuttoned his shirt and let it slide off his shoulders slowly. Naruto leaned down and captured Sasuke's lips with his own. He bite the bottom lip and tugged gently, and then proceeded to lick at the seam of Sasuke's lips. He slowly dipped his tongue inside Sasuke's warm cavern and took his time to re-familiarize Sasuke's mouth. Sasuke moaned lewdly and gripped Naruto's golden hair. Both erections were beginning to throb and press painfully against their shorts.

"Yes, please Naruto. Make sweet love to me." Sasuke begged when his lips were freed.

Naruto hummed and began trailing kisses down Sasuke's jaw and neck, stopping to leave hickies and love bites up and down Sasuke's pale neck. He continued down his shirt, using his mouth to unbutton the shirt.

When he got to the bottom he sat up. "Sit up." Naruto commanded and Sasuke complied. He took the shirt off and dropped it on top of his. He moved down and unbuttoned Sasuke's pants and slowly pulled the zipper down, adding to Sasuke's need. He tugged on them and Sasuke lifted his hips to help. Naruto pulled the shorts and briefs down at the same time. Leaving Sasuke completely naked. Naruto stood and looked into Sasuke's eyes. He undid his belt, never breaking contact with Sasuke. He whipped the belt out and let it drop to the ground. Naruto watched Sasuke gulp when the metal buckle clanked when it hit the wooden floor. Naruto's shorts followed and Sasuke's eyes travelled to his briefs. He watched Naruto's penis be pulled down and bounce back when the briefs fell to the floor. Precum splattered onto Naruto's stomach and he crawled back over to Sasuke. He kissed his knee and trailed his nose up to Sasuke's manhood.

Naruto sucked one hard time, and Sasuke's back arched off the bed. They haven't done a thing together ever since Sasuke came home two months ago. Naruto released him and crawled up his body. "Sit up." He said and Sasuke obeyed.

Sasuke sat up and leaned against the headboard, and felt Naruto crawl into his lap and wrap his legs around Sasuke's waist. Naruto snuck his arm under the pillow and pulled out a full bottle of lube.

Naruto stared into Sasuke's eyes as he uncapped the bottle and poured it all over Sasuke's length. "I'll make love to you, but you will be inside me." Naruto said and lifted his hips. He placed Sasuke's hands on his waist and then grabbed Sasuke's cock. He positioned it at his entrance and slowly lowered himself onto the slick shaft. He continued to lower himself until he was fully seated.

It stung, and was uncomfortable. It hurt and tears began to form in Naruto's eyes. He hasn't prepared himself and he didn't want to. He wanted to feel all of Sasuke and feel it for the next few days. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck and panted into his chest.

He felt Sasuke's heart race and eyed the green jewel around Sasuke's neck and then his own blue one. Sasuke's grip on his waist tightened and relaxed. Naruto looked up and kissed Sasuke. He lifted himself and impaled himself on Sasuke's shaft.

More tears fell down Naruto's face. He missed Sasuke, and he's back, for good now. Sasuke would never leave again, right? Naruto lifted himself and dropped himself.

"Ngh! Naruto." Sasuke moaned and leaned back, his head hitting the headboard hard. Sasuke opened his eyes and lifted a hand to wipe away Naruto's tears. "Don't cry Naruto… I'm right here… I promise I'll never leave you alone again…" Sasuke whispered and pushed Naruto down into the bed.

Naruto stared up at him, and nuzzled his cheek into Sasuke's hand. "I know that. Love me." He demanded. Sasuke smiled and pulled out of Naruto. He slowly pushed his way back in till his balls pressed into Naruto's ass. He leaned down and kissed Naruto's chest, over his heart. He pulled out and angled his hips before pushing back inside. He pushed teasingly on Naruto's special spot.

"Sasuke!" Naruto gripped Sasuke's long hair and pulled. "Faster." He said breathlessly. Sasuke pulled out and pushed back in slowly. He rolled his hips around in circles to excite Naruto more and was rewarded with a loud string of moans.

Sasuke clenched his teeth and gripped the sheets next to Naruto's head. He pulled out with only his head inside Naruto's tight heat. "Look at me." He told Naruto. He sucked in a breath when bright blue lust filled eyes gazed up at him. He slammed back inside Naruto and repeated this motion multiple times before slowly down. A scream ripped from Naruto as his prostate was abused and he was being filled completely. The pain began forming into bliss and drool was spilling form Naruto's opened mouth.

Sasuke slowed down again and shook Naruto's hand from his hair. He intertwined their fingers and thrust deeply into Naruto's body. Sweat dripped from his body and on to Naruto's as they rubbed together and rolled around. Eventually, their necklaces tangled and both men came calling each other's name in pure love.

They laid under the covers, clean and thoroughly loved. Sasuke cradled Naruto in his arms. "Dobe."


"My hero."

"My savior."

"My love."

"My only love."

The end.
