Boredom overtook me, so I decided to write more smut. This one is Clace again, due to request, and it is a bit long so I hope some readers like long-ish chapters. It's also more full of humour than the last chapter. I want to write more Clace in the future since neither in this chapter or the last they actually never went 'the whole mile' (I'm using that description for lack for a better one). But I'll be doing Sizzy next ;) If any readers read my profile, then you'll know I had to get surgery because I'm clumsy. So, updating has been slow...yeah... anyway, enjoy. Again, requests are... appreciated. Sorry for spelling mistakes, or just plain weirdness, I have never written this kind of smut scene before. Actually, I have never really written many smut scenes before. Which is why we are here. It seems we've come full circle. Anyway, onward~

City of Ships: Jace and Clary Part II

Clary had to cut her and Jace's 'session' short, due to hunger. But Jace really, REALLY can't endure the wait, not with his little problem.

"I wouldn't touch your food with a ten-foot-pole, if it was the last thing to eat on Earth, and I was about to die an extraordinarily painful death from starvation," I declare loudly to Isabelle, though I'm staring at Clary, who is sitting across from me, freshly dressed in new clothes since I had successfully ripped a few holes in her other one about half an hour ago. Her green eyes are fixed on Isabelle, sometimes darting to cast an uneasy look at the food on the counter, then looking down at her nails, or flashing up to the window. Avoiding my gaze, though every time she does look at me, her face flushes and the corner of her mouth twitches, but then she looks away quickly to immerse herself in conversation with my sister. Such a tease, my girlfriend is. One of the reasons I love her. Albeit, I do wish her stomach had not growled earlier, and then we would not be down here, in the kitchen, both of us giving Isabelle's food worried glances, and my hard-on rubbing against my jeans, and Clary's occasional mischievous smile that is thrown my way is only driving me more crazy.

"Oh, stop with the dramatics, Jace," Isabelle says with a scowl, placing her hand on her hips before walking over to the food. She takes out three plates, setting two pieces of meatloaf on each, with a side dish of rich-looking lettuce, which she begins sprinkling cheese and pouring a golden-orange liquid on top. I set my elbows on the table and rest my chin on my hands, my eyes fixed on Clary. I pout my lips a bit. The puppy-dog look had worked in the past.

Clary looks at me out of the corner of her eye, shakes her head with a soft smile, then looks back at Isabelle. "I'm not sure if I'm hungry, Iz."

"Your tummy is growling every other minute! Perfect time to eat. Man, Jace must have really been working you," Isabelle says with a deep sigh, walking over while holding all three plates with a grace and beauty that had to be a gift from Aphrodite. Her cooking skills were not a gift though, so I just scrunch up my nose at the food, glancing at Clary again. Her brows furrow as she hesitantly picks up her fork.

"I don't know, Isabelle, I've... been trying to... watch my weight," Clary lies. Well, attempts to. Isabelle places a hand on her hip, raising one eyebrow while staring down at her, and I snort while reaching my foot forward under the table, touching Clary's foot gently. She blushes, hanging her head over the plate.

"Clary, if anything, you need to gain weight," Isabelle says, sitting down in her seat. I nudge Clary's foot again, demanding her attention, and she rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm not hungry," Clary says again.

"Yes, you are," Isabelle insists.

"No, I've been... feeling kind of sick..."

"You'll be feeling sick when you eat Izzy's food," I say with a wicked grin. Isabelle glares at me briefly before turning to Clary again.

"One bite. You won't regret it," Isabelle promises. Clary looks at me pleadingly, and I shrug, not really having a choice to make up an excuse. My only excuse would be 'me and Clary are going out to eat as a date', but the very noticeable bump in the front of my sweats wouldn't allow for me to just stand up and begin prancing around the house, especially in front of my sister. Just thinking about my problem was making me more anxious. I shift in my seat, clenching my jaw to remain calm as I stare at Clary.

"Fine, fine," Clary exhales deeply, cutting a corner of the meatloaf carefully, and holding the piece on her fork. Isabelle smiles triumphantly, clasping her hands together. I hold my breath. Slowly, Clary lifts it to her mouth, plopping the food in quickly, chewing it with an apprehensive expression. Her eyes widen, and I almost expect her to start throwing up chunks, but instead she closes her eyes. And moans. I shift again, enjoying the pleasurable noise that escapes her, but also confused and shocked that she actually appears to be enjoying the food.

"Do you like it?" Isabelle raises her eyebrows, and Clary nods.

"It's so good, Isabelle," Clary says with a mouthful, already cutting off another huge chunk. I sigh inwardly, realizing I'm doomed to sit here and do nothing for the remainder of this meal.

"I'm glad you loved it! I worked so hard, heating, beating, mixing, measuring," Isabelle chirps, waving her hand before digging into her own meal. I watch the two of them.

"Sure you didn't just put a potion into it?" I ask Isabelle while looking at her with a smirk. She glares again, neatly cutting her meat.

"Once again, you are as charming as ever, Jace," Isabelle says.

"What can I say? I'm practically Prince Charming," I reply.

"More like Prince Arrogant of Conceited Land," Isabelle mumbles under her breath. Clary chokes on her food a bit, looking at me wide-eyed.

"And, of course, you are my lovely sister, Princess Bitc-"

"Jace," Clary says, interrupting me. I sigh, reaching my foot forward again, but lifting it higher so it hits the inside of her thigh. She blushes, nearly dropping her fork.

"I am a queen, thank you very much," Isabelle says with a scowl. I try and move my foot expertly up the inside of Clary's thigh more, but she closes her legs, shutting me down. I sigh with frustration as I drop my foot, and then Alec walks through the door.

"Great, more company," I say, throwing my arms up into the air. Clary shakes her head with exasperation, and Alec looks at me with confusion before looking at the plate, and then the empty counter top.

"As usual, you eat all the food before I can have any. Typical," Alec says as he walks over the fridge, opening it and searching it. I nudge Clary's knee, and she reaches under the table to slap my hand away. Alec resumes talking again. "And, as usual, I receive no thank you for preparing the food."

"You made it?" Clary looks at Alec, then at Isabelle, who was glaring at our brother. I sit back against my seat, then move forward when I still notice my own issue. I run a hand through hair, willing Clary to finish eating, willing Alec to go, willing Isabelle to leave and learn not to take advantage of Alec's cooking. Alec closes the fridge door, looking at Clary with confusion.

"Yes, I did. Did no one read my note? It had instructions to heat the stuff in the microwave," Alec says, turning around to search the cupboards for food.

"Izzy!" Clary turns to Isabelle, crossing her arms.

"Honestly, I am amazed that Isabelle managed to use the microwave," I say with a bored voice, watching Alec scratch his head as he stares at the empty cupboards.

"Excuse you," Isabelle says with a huff, standing up with her plate. Alec looks over his shoulder with confusion, and Clary tilts her head as she watches Izzy waltz to the door.

"Where are you going?" Alec frowns, watching our sister walk away.

"To eat in my room where I will not be judged for my wonderful microwaving skills," Isabelle says, exiting the room. Feeling slightly victorious, I look at Alec.

"Are you going soon?" I smile at Alec as I ask, and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Eager to get me out?"

"No, just inquisitive as to what my parabatai has planned," I say with a cheerful grin. He shakes his head and sighs, walking to the exit, hands shoved deep into his pockets.

"I have no choice but to search for food, since you vultures ate it all. I need to eat too."

"Good. You can eat Magnus' meat... loaf." I add that last word when Alec casts a furious and embarrassed look over his shoulder. Once his footsteps have faded away, I lean back in my chair and look at Clary, who was chewing her food and looks as though she was thoroughly enjoying it. Even her brows were furrowing, and she was closing her eyes every now and then. I nudge her foot again. She looks up. I exhale loudly before smiling happily, winking and speaking up again. "Speaking of meat..."

"Wha... oh," she says, cheeks tinging a light shade of pink. "Let me eat first, Jace."

"But Clary-"

"But Jace-"

"Little Jace insists," I sigh, leaning on my elbows. Clary rolls her eyes, and I wiggle my eyebrows in response. This causes her to laugh, and she grabs a towel, wiping her chin.

"I need to go to the washroom then. Or something. Brush my hair, my teeth-"

"You look as gorgeous as I ever, you don't need to brush your hair. Beside... I have gum somewhere," I say quickly, digging around inside my sweatpants before my fingers brush lightly over something. I smile cheerfully, and pull out a small package and hold it out to Clary, who looks at me incredulously before shaking her head slightly, taking the package. She looks down at it, then back up at me.

"Getting a bit desperate there, are we," she says with a snort, pulling one gum out and popping it in her mouth.

"Not me, little Ja-"

"Please don't ever say 'little Jace' again," she says as she chews, leaning back in her chair and running her hands through the bright red curls. Soft and silky looking, I want nothing more than to curl my fingers into it and pull, tug, touch the smooth and beautiful red.

"I promise if you'll chew faster," I answer back, and she briefly mocks me by speed-chewing for a few seconds. I sigh deeply, just staring at her as she stares back at me, the emotions clear on her face. Love. Fondness. Contentedness.

"There, I'm done," Clary says, causing me to just sit there and blink at her.

"Did... you swallow it?"


"It stays in-"

"Digests my stomach for a while, yes, I know, Simon tells me continuously," she says, tilting her head and leaning on her hand. "So... what do we do?"

"Way to make it sound so clinical-"

"Well, you're the one with the problem," she says with a grin. I bite my lip, thinking of a retort.

"The problem is there because of you-"

"Fine, fine," Clary says, straightening up. She smiles and bends over the table to place a kiss on my nose, then pulls away and scoots her chair back. I frown as I watch her, moving back myself, assuming she wants to go somewhere else. A bed would be nice. Instead though, she ducks under the table, disappearing for a few seconds before her head finally appears. Right between my legs. My nerves flame up, and I smile at her with an excited gaze as she looks up, blushing and eyeing my crotch.


"Are you just going to stare at it? Although I don't blame you, it's very-"

"Once again, you manage to insert unnecessary sarcasm in another situation," Clary says, lifting one hand and touching my thigh, the other hand lifting up to lightly knead me. She the rubs the head with her thumb, making small circles, and I let out a little breath of air. She blushes more, avoiding my gaze as she reaches up to tug the hem of my sweats. I lift my hips, helping her, and watch her slowly pull the black fabric down, my boxers following the pants.

"Isabelle might come back," I say softly, glancing to the doorway. Clary shakes her head, following my gaze.

"You get rid of a few calories by chewing a lot. Isabelle is a slave to appearances, you know. We've got a good fifteen minutes," Clary informs me, green eyes flickering to look up at me. I like it when she looks up at me like that, gaze warm and loving and needing. And not just because she was about to suck my cock, though I did love that particular fact too.

"You've got everything down to the facts."

"One of us needs to use our brains."

"Are you saying I don't use my brains, Fray?"

"Maybe~," she says with a sly smile, before using her hand and grabbing the base of my cock, running it slowly up, using her thumb to flick the tip before quickly moving it back down. I swallow, at a loss for words as I take in another shaky breath, watching the small and angelic face that is completely focused on me. Her free hand lightly presses my thigh, the slim and delicate fingers gliding over my skin. She uses her free hand and places two fingers in her mouth. Sucking. She slowly lifts her eyes, gazing through the green up at me as she takes her wet fingers out, replacing her other hand with that one.

"Fuck, Clary," I mumble under my breath as she coats my head with her own saliva, her gaze never wavering from mine. She runs her hand down my shaft, back up, then down again, lightly squeezing. Keeping a very slow and steady pace, so slow that it is making me antsy, but I do not dare command her to move faster. Lest she give me a lesson about how 'patience is a virtue'. The thought of Clary lecturing me while stroking at the same time makes me grin, but the thought evaporates as she leans forward and lightly licks, eyes looking away from mine.

I let out a low moan, reaching forward to bury my fingers into her red curls, revelling in the pleasant silkiness. Perfection. Clary would go on and on about how perfect I am, but I continuously maintain that she is perfect. She pulls back for a second, smiling up at me, before sliding her hand down and caressing my balls lightly as she takes me slowly into her mouth.

Clary. The word occasionally escapes me, along with a moan, or a soft breath of air, and she slowly bobs her head up and down. The warmth, the wetness, was driving me crazy, and I watch as she switches between licking and sucking, precum slowly beginning to seep out. Clary's lips are shining now, a deep pink-ish red that is seductive, soft, and makes me want to kiss her right then and there.

Groaning, the noise catches at the back of my throat when I feel teeth, grazing lightly enough to be pleasurable. My thighs twitch, and I shift my hips before thrusting them a bit, and Clary uses her hands to grasp them, fingers squeezing as she bobs her head faster. Her tongue... oh, god, her tongue. I moan again, trying not to pull her hair too hard as I squeeze my eyes shut, resisting the urge to cum too early.

"C-Clary," I sigh, settling back into the seat as my hip buck up, involuntarily this time. Her fingers move, the tips soothing while making random shapes as the palms struggle to keep me from moving again. Useless, I move my hips up again, spine stiffening as I feel my orgasm nearing. I try and take a deep breath in, inhaling the sweet smell that was Clary, paint and flowers.

"Clary," I moan much louder this time, my own voice sounding a few notes higher. Panting and moaning, I let go of her hair so I don't harm her, and squeeze the armrests of my char in an iron grip, my hips shifting once again. I let my head fall back a bit, eyes opening into slits to stare at the ceiling as I feel my muscles tighten. I look down, watching Clary still go, moving quicker as though sensing I am close.

Clary. If I'm not moaning the name, I'm thinking of it as I feel myself getting so close. She hums, the sensation sending me over the edge. "Clary, I'm gonna cum," I say, a low and long noise following it. She doesn't move away though, and I gasp and call out her name, shooting semen into her mouth. My eyes squeeze shut tightly as I ride out my orgasm, breaths of air escaping in pants. Shuddering, I let my head fall back as waves of pleasure rush through me.

Drunk off ecstasy, I sit limply in the chair, muscles still shuddering every other second. Swallowing, I force my eyes open to look down at her. Green eyes. Red hair. And pale, freckled skin, that has a thick and white substance dribbling down from those soft lips. Clary smiles shyly, cheeks pink as she reaches up to wipe her chin with her thumb, before sticking the digit into her mouth and sucking it off. Another noise escapes me, and I automatically reach down to grasp her chin, and pull. She comes to me. I lean forward, kissing the lips, tasting the minty gum and a trace of saltiness. I smile into the kiss before pulling away.

"I love you, Clary," I whisper softly. She smiles back, the corners of her eyes crinkling in a way that is familiar to me.

"I love you too, Jace," she whispers back before kissing me again, one hand lifting up and touching my cheek, fingers tracing my jaw, then cheekbone. I close my eyes briefly, suddenly wondering if that was fifteen minutes as I hear a set of a familiar footsteps approaching. Not high heels, so not Izzy, but-

"Magnus isn't home, so I need money for- by the angel," Alec says loudly, stumbling back out the doorway, turning away quickly. Clary pulls away from me, and both of us flinch when we hear a crash, the tell-tale sound of cracking wood and breaking glass, then a thump followed by a string of curses. Which lets me know that I've really blinded my brother, he never curses. I snort, immediately standing up and pulling my sweats back on, glad little Jace is satisfied and has chosen this moment to go down. I laugh again at that thought, little Jace, and kiss Clary's temple. Me and her have an apology to make to a certain badly-timed brother.