Hello! I am back! Sorry for this, but here is a new story for you all to enjoy!

The crowd gathered, the ballerinas got in place as their teacher watched them with her piercing gaze, the band got together to play the music; practice for the new production. Everyone in the opera house sensed the excitement from their beloved manager; three girls were nearly late with their places. The first violinist, Emilie, and the two ballerinas, Christine and Meg, were all in excitement of the buzz of the opera house. The practicing stopped when M. Lefevre announced his presence with two other gentlemen, "as you all know, there have been rumors of my imminent retirement, I came to tell you, they are all true," a lot of the cast looked sad. "These two gentlemen are M. Richard Firmin and M. Gilles Andre, from the junk business," everyone gave a short round of applause, some girls whispered, no doubt about their money, while Andre gave a little huff, "scrap metal," he mumbled, others were introduced but the girls ignored them. "We are also deeply honored to introduce our new Patron," Richard started; when Andre piped up, "the Viscount DeChaugney," another round of applause was given. Emilie looked to her friends, and she barely heard what Christine said, not doubting for a second that Meg would tell her later. "My parents and I are deeply honored to support all the arts, especially the world renowned Opera Populaire," some more applause. Carlotta, acting like she owned everything, walked up with her hand held out, "gentleman, Signora Carlotta Guidecelli, our leading soprano for five seasons," Piangi gave a sort of girly cough to turn some attention to him. "Signor Ubaldo Piangi," again applause. "An honor, Signor, I believe that I'm keeping you from your rehearsal, I will be here this evening to share in your great triumph, my apologies monsieur," everyone said their goodbyes.

Practice started up again and Mme. Giry gave the gentlemen a tour. "Who's that little blonde angel?" Andre asked pointing to Meg, "my daughter Meg Giry," Mme. Giry stated, "what about that beautiful brunette? No relation I trust," Firmin chuckled. "Christine Daae, I think of her as a daughter as well," Giry said, "Daae, that's a curious name, any relation to the Swedish violinist?" Giry turned, "his only child, orphaned at seven," she informed. "Who's the girl in the violinist section? A curious little beauty, but why is she sitting in the band?" the two men were in agreement at the raven haired girl. "Emilie Grey, our best violinist in the opera house, also an orphan, but at the age of two," Giry gave the last bit of information she wanted to, "now gentlemen if you'd be so kind as to move to one side," she said before the dancers came their way. Carlotta tried to get the two managers attention, and when the music stopped, Carlotta started up again. Emilie looked up, the managers trying to get her to stay with their pitiful groveling, a shadow crossing the path of the chandelier lights, getting up, she heard Madame Giry clear her throat. "It is not wise to be in the clouds, mademoiselle Grey," Emilie sat down, "yes, Madam Giry," Emilie said, her eyes flitting up to their previous position as Madame Giry continued.

Time passed and next thing she knew, Emilie was helping Christine get ready into costume, "Emilie, the angel has brought me so far," Emilie looked at Christine's happy face in the mirror. The girls have both been visited by the angel of music, ever since they could remember; Christine's angelic voice and Emilie's heavenly violin. Emilie had overheard the singing lessons, in hiding and left to the cemetery to practice, the lessons herself. It had all started when Emilie was late to a lesson, and as she came down to the room, she had heard her angel's words, 'your voice, Christine, will be more beautiful than any instrument that could create the most heavenly sound.' As a little girl, it struck her pretty hard, and then it haunted her. Emilie smiled at Christine, "let us make him proud then, Christine," at Emilie's words, Christine turned and hugged her friend that shred in her secret. Playing the notes and singing the words, the two girls had made him proud, as he listened from below the stage. Christine was crowded with praise from the rich while Emilie sat with her friends in the pit, "Emilie, let us hear you play," William said, "no! She's friends with that Daae girl! Let us hear you sing!" another yelled, "it is time to retire," Madame Giry interrupted, the men awed and decided to leave. When Emilie went to leave, she heard Giry's voice, "wait a moment Emilie, a letter, from your angel," Emilie looked down and nodded, taking the note gently. As she looked at it, she was left alone on the stage.


You have made me proud tonight, your violin was astounding!

But I am sad to announce, that while I enjoyed your music, I

cannot be your angel of music anymore, I have chosen her to take with me.

Christine has stolen my heart with her lovely voice.

-Your Angel