(A/N: Sweet merciful fuck, this chapter was a pain in the ass. Seriously, I'm pretty sure some of you will read it and actually see some of the marks left from me fighting with this thing. Totally happy with it, but like some of my other stories, it wanted to be longer than I wanted to write. I almost ended up splitting it into two separate chapters, but I really wanted to just end the story. It's bad enough I do have an idea for a third chapter. Though to be honest, it'll be much more humorous so I probably wouldn't tag it onto this story and just make it a one shot. But between writing block, a page or so of my story just vanishing from the file, forcing me to rewrite the whole part over and all I'd been in a bit of a writing funk. But that seems to be over so here's hoping. I'll be sincerely trying to update TLID next. Anyway, you should know the deal by now. Feel free to review.)

Dave winced slightly as he made his way in the room, rubbing his shoulder. Mindy smirked as she saw him enter, but it immediately fell as she saw him nursing the injury. "Are you alright…?" She muttered under her breath.

"Yeah, I'm good. Unless I can use it not to have to train today." Dave smirked before exaggerating the pain in his shoulder.

Mindy rolled her eyes. "Nice try. Do you not want to train today, then? You want to do something else?" The petite hero's eyes roamed downwards towards Dave's crotch. "Why Dave…what would your…'girlfriend'…say?"

Dave paused, making a face. "Do you really have to do air quotes every single time?"

Mindy grinned widely, flashing her teeth. "For your…'girlfriend'…? Yup."

Dave let out a long sigh and rolled his eyes in reply. "Anyway…do we still even need to do this? You stop me almost all the time now, and I kinda think that most the times I pinned you down, you were letting me." His eyes bulged as he saw the continued smirk on Mindy's face as he made the accusation.

"What?" Mindy muttered, shrugging. "You said I just got one consensual time. I had to get it where I can get it, ya know?"

"That's not cool, Mindy!" Dave growled. "I'm doing this to help you. Taking advantage of that is really fucked up."

Mindy shrank back a bit. "I only did it on purpose like…twice…" When she saw that only irritated Dave more, she exhaled a defeated sigh. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry alright? How about this…we train today and if I win, then I get my…prize…and that's that. We're done with it."

Dave gave her a skeptical expression. "And if I win, we just keep going because you…'need'…it?" He made use of Mindy's infamous air quotes whenever she referred to Katie.

Mindy blinked at the sarcasm and groaned at herself since she did kind of deserve the attitude. "Fine, we're done with it whether I win or not. If you win, you're off the hook since I kinda cheated. Happy?"

Dave still felt a bit used but he nodded. "Deal."

"Alright. Then get the mask on, Chet." Mindy ordered as she stepped to the workout mat. The mask was something they'd started doing a few weeks ago. It was just something to help Mindy differentiate Dave, who was helping her and 'Chet', who was raping her. Dave had initially thought to get one that looked like Chris' Motherfucker mask but it was a bit hard to find those. They weren't being sold legally for obvious reasons and apparently he had a lot of fans who bought them through the illegal means. Idiots. It was probably for the best anyway. She was traumatized enough as it was. Chris didn't need to be tied into that. She didn't even truly enjoy the two times Dave had 'gotten the better of her' once she'd solidly gotten down how to suck up her fear and fight him back. There was that whole sense of guilt which only enhanced all the other negative mental shit that rammed in her brain whenever Dave successfully overpowered her.

As Dave stepped out with the mask on. It gave her a shudder. And she felt it probably always would. It was reminiscent of the comedy side of one of those theatre comedy and tragedy masks only clownized. The smile on it was just so taunting. It drove her mad sometimes. Even so, she was glad that even though she knew it was Dave either way, that there was a separation. The butterflies in her stomach rose up, just as they did every time they did this particular training. Sure, she was more confident about it now, but still, that fear was nagging in the back of her mind.

The spar portion quickly started. It had been quite some time since she actually needed to urge Dave on. He knew what was expected of him and after the first time, he did it with no problem. Of course, knowing what he was going for made it easier, once Mindy had a clear mind, to head him off at the point. Even so, Dave was very good and he did know how to use his strength to his advantage. The air was momentarily driven out of Mindy as she was slammed to the ground and Dave started maneuvering her so that he could solidly pin her down.

This is where Mindy's flexibility came in very handy. Dave could pin her down but he couldn't keep her down. She squirmed away, found the right place to apply pressure and fucked up nerve endings or not, Dave let her go. They dulled the pain, but they didn't stop it completely, which was also good for training since most likely anyone trying to rape her wouldn't have anywhere close to Dave's pain tolerance. The more she looked at that fucking mask, the more that fear she felt turned into anger and soon enough, Dave was flipped over and Mindy's hands were on his throat. They both knew if it had been anyone who meant her any actual harm, they'd most likely be dead and missing some essential protrusions on their body, not necessarily in that order.

Mindy grinned with victory, ripping off the 'Chet' mask, waiting for Dave's confirmation of his loss.

"Fine, fine. You got me." He couldn't help himself as a warm smile came across his face as he reminded himself what the training was actually for and how far Mindy had come since the first time. It was like an equation that was finally balanced.

"Annnnd?" Mindy probed.

"And I'll fuck the Hell out of you as promised." Dave responded.

"Nicely." She corrected.

"Right. I'll fuck the Hell out of you, nicely." Dave teased, only to have Mindy's lips seize upon his. A small moan instinctively escaped his lips as he became keenly aware that despite their 'training', they'd never actually kissed before. His face was growing redder than the roof of your mouth after eating Cap'n Crunch. That was when a particularly weird thought crossed his mind as Mindy made herself comfortable in his lap. He was making out with her and it somehow felt significantly more intimate than any of the times they'd had sex, semi-consensual or not. She was apparently feeling the same way with how she was squirming in his lap. His bigger than average friend was definitely responding to her movements.

He couldn't help but to lose himself in the moment. Nothing existed but Mindy's lips and her body subtly grinding against his. Mindy trembled as she felt Dave's hands exploring her body as they continued making out. It wasn't like something she'd seen in a movie. It was…sloppy…and something about that made it even sexier. Dave's hands were so eager. It was amazing how different this was to 'Chet'.

Mindy found herself becoming more and more needy. Dave's hands over her clothing just wasn't enough anymore. Even when they slipped under her clothes, it just seemed like way too much effort, especially when his hands drifted lower. Never before had clothes seemed like so much more trouble than they were worth. She impatiently unzipped her top and shimmied it down. Immediately she felt the difference as Dave's hands and even his lips pounced on the bare skin. Her cheeks burned as she realized she wanted that same attention on her lower half. It was the worst kind of torture. She loved what Dave was doing, but her costume had pants under the skirt. There was no way to take them off while she was straddling him.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked with a chuckle. He could sense the neediness in her, and as much as he apparently loved teasing her, he was getting curious.

Mindy found herself blushing again as she murmured, "Is it…okay if I get down for a bit?" Dave released his hold on her curiously, as she slipped off of him, and with the same impatience shown on her top, took off the rest of her clothes. Just as they'd never kissed before now, there was a certain intimacy about being completely naked that made Mindy especially vulnerable. This was not helped at all when she looked up and saw the complete horror that Dave was trying to hide from his face. The fear of Dave not finding her attractive was first and foremost in her mind until it triggered that this was not the first time Dave had seen her naked, and then his fear made complete sense.

"Goddammit, Dave…" Mindy growled. "Once…that happened once…I'm not going to put my clothes back on so we can bone. That's fucking ridiculous."

"I know…" Dave muttered back, "I know, I wasn't going to ask you to."

"I have enough sex trauma going on right now without you looking at me like I turned into the fucking Chupacabra. How many times do I have to apologize for that?"

Dave sighed. "I know…I get it, okay?"

"But…?" Mindy pushed.

"The safety word was your idea. That's all."

Mindy pinched the bridge of her nose. "For fuck's sake…" Yeah, he was right, but that was besides the point.

Mindy woke up groggy. It was way too much effort to open her eyes. That immediately let her know something was wrong. As her mind went through the options, her being drugged is what came to mind first. Her ears were the next things to wake up enough to really capture what was going on. There was a lot of cheering going on, and she was cold. Her eyes finally shot wide as her mind finally put together what was so off about how cold she was. She was naked. And as soon as she realized that, she felt the resistance on her wrists and looked down to see that she was tied down.

"UGH!" She groaned as he hair was roughly pulled back, forcing her to look at her captor.

"Looks like the little slut's finally awake." He chuckled. The cheers seemed to get louder.

Recognition flared inside of Mindy's mind as she saw the mask. She knew what that mask meant and the fear immediately justified in her brain for her own self preservation. This was really Dave. She wasn't in any actual danger. This was her idea of a worst case scenario. There weren't even other people around. It must be a tape of guys cheering that he was blasting to make the scenario even more fucked up. But as soon as these thoughts calmed her down, she remembered that it was exactly what she didn't want to happen. That's why she wanted him to actually drug her. He was supposed to start raping her before she woke up but maybe he miscalculated or something. Either way, she had to force her brain to reset so that she felt in danger again or this whole thing was pointless.

Dave had become exceptionally good at reading the situation because one slam of her head into the table she was bent over and his verbal taunting with that…fucking smiling mask…the times she'd lost to that mask rang true in her head. She was scared again, and now she had to use that fear to get out of this. She started pulling against the ropes. In the back of her mind, she thought Dave should have used handcuffs instead. Of course if he had, she'd have just been fucked in every sense. She was naked. It's not like she carries a lockpick in her teeth. Though maybe she should find some way to do that.

The present. She needed to focus on the present. Her mind had a tendency of drifting when she knew the inevitability of what was about to happen. There was always the temptation to just…go somewhere else in her mind until he was done. She needed to use that exact strategy to focus instead. Knots can be undone. That's what she needed to focus on. Block out the taunts. Block out the laughs. Ignore Chet's smiling face, always smiling. Put the entirety of her focus on undoing those ropes. She forced herself to bite back the scream as she felt the intruder in her most private of places. Ignore it. Ignore it all. Ignore the way he triumphantly pounds into her over and over. Ignore the pain of her thighs slamming hard into the table from the force of his thrusts. Ignore him pulling her hair and choking her and demeaning her in every possible way. All that exists is the rope. Undo the rope. Undo the fucking rope. Undo the motherfucking rope!

She was getting frantic. She hated…despised…the pain and the forced pleasure put upon her like this. Mindy took a deep breath and forced herself to use that hate with her fear and focus it on the rope. Her concentration broke when her body once more betrayed her. Why did she have to cum so damn easily all the time?! She knew that was supposed to be a good thing and all but it was extremely frustrating in this situation. As soon as Mindy could move again, she started working the rope again. She only stopped when Chet did. She almost couldn't make out the words because she was trying so hard to ignore them but then he pulled his dick out of her and walked away. What was going on?

Her focus was broken so when a hand smacked her ass very hard. And her body liked it, causing another shudder to go through her. Then she was suddenly getting pounded again. In the back of her mind, she knew this was still Dave, but it was still screaming at her that she was being fucked by someone else. These guys were just going to pass her around like a fuck doll. There was something about that, that was so much worse than getting it from just one person. Mindy gritted her teeth and focused on the rope again. She needed to get free. She needed to get free. She needed to get free. The ropes were loosening now. The knot was almost undone. She came again. Focus. She needed to get free.

The tears were streaming down her eyes uncontrollably as her wrists were finally freed. There was only one thing on her mind right now. Vengeance. He was going to pay. They were all going to pay. This was going to hurt very, very badly. Her mind was just chanting pain, pain, pain, over and over again as she threw her body back and slammed her head hard into the face of her attacker. It shook him off and she turned around to see that fucking smile.

Pain. Pain. Pain.

"Uh…Mindy…? Pineapple."

Pain. Pain. Pain.

"Pineapple, Mindy! Pineapple! MOTHERFUCKING PINEAPPLE!"

Pain. Pain. Pain. Screams.

"I'm sorry…" Mindy grit through her teeth. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I paid for the hospital bill and everything…" She probably would have been able to take care of it herself and therefore wouldn't have needed to falsify an earlier visit to the hospital so that there were less questions about the nature of the injuries if she hadn't literally bent the metal parts of his bones in the beating. He could take a lot of punishment and boy did he. She would have felt so bad if she'd actually killed him, which was kind of her goal at the time until she snapped out of her crazed bloodlust. She wasn't sure if there was a Guinness record for the worst beating a naked girl had given a guy with his dick out without killing him or severing said dick but she was pretty sure she had it in the bag.

Dave shuddered again. He'd seen Mindy angry before. Many times in fact. But the homicidal rage she had directed at him had a lasting effect, as much as he tried to bite it down. There was something about his reaction that really honked Mindy off. She was fighting through her trauma and he could fight through his. Man the fuck up. Mindy glared as she stepped up to him. "Touch me."

Dave gulped and moved his hands to her hips and left them there.

"More." Mindy urged. "I'm naked for you, Dave. I'm here for you to fuck me. I'm here for you to use me. To do anything you want to me. Within reason. To shove your dick in my pussy until you cum inside me. You understand? I want you to make me cum over and over. I want you to fill me pussy. I want to feel all of it, all of you. No condoms like your…'girlfriend'…" Mindy smirked as the taunt got a glare that momentarily cut off the growing arousal her words were obviously rising up in Dave. "Touch me, Dave. Kiss me. Fuck. Me."

The pep talk apparently worked as this time Dave was the one who seized her lips. And she kissed him back, her tongue discovering more and more ways to taste his. Dave's hands were setting her body on fire. She could feel the desire in every kiss, every grope of places that she'd kill people for even looking at too long. She said that he could use her and that was exactly what it felt like. And she didn't mind. It was Dave, not some asshole grinning and taunting her the whole time. She had to remind herself of that sometimes but on the whole it was nice to accept the way her body responded to his touch.

A guttural moan escaped Mindy's lips as she felt Dave's fingers started to probe her. "Stop laughing, you asshole."

Dave chuckled to himself a little more before regaining his focus on making Mindy squirm, and squirm she did. He claimed her lips once more as her body shook with her building orgasm before the release rocked through her. Mindy had to swat Dave's hand away to stop the stimulation he insisted on continuing.

"Hey, you said I could play with you all I wanted. Well, you said 'use', same difference." Dave teased, grinning widely.

"Dave…could you not smile at me like that?" Mindy muttered, the humor on her face suddenly gone.

Dave looked confused for a little before the lightbulb went off in his head. "Right, right. Sorry about that." He apologized, sheepishly. "No big smiles. Do you need a break?"

Mindy shook her head, becoming keenly aware that she was the only naked one and roughly remedying the situation with Dave's pants. With a puckish smirk on her lips, she returned the favor, wrapping her fingers around his shaft, reveling in the reactions her movements were causing. It was another first, she realized. Mindy had never touched it on her own before. She found she rather liked it. It took her mind off the momentary fear she'd felt. Such simple movements were causing such big reactions from Dave. He looked like a caged animal about to pounce.

"Hey! Why am I the only one completely naked here?" Mindy taunted. Dave responded by quickly pulling off his top, which was a bit more of a chore than it should have been since Mindy didn't stop jerking him off the whole time, including when he pulled his pants the rest of the way down. Mindy slowly licked her lips as she took in Dave's body in all of its glory. Her vision was suddenly obscured when Dave kissed her again, moaning loudly as he did. She could actually feel his patience running short. As much as he was enjoying her hand treatment, her hand wasn't what he wanted.

Dave started leaning her down on the mat. Mindy let out a slight yelp at the sudden movement before going with it, slowly spreading her legs enough to give him plenty entrance. Dave's lips were on her neck, kissing and nibbling as he positioned himself.

"Gently, remember?" There was something about the wild look in Dave's eyes that made Mindy feel ridiculously desirable but simultaneously scared. She really wanted to enjoy this. It was their only time after all.

"Right…" Dave murmured, "…gentle…" He took a very deep breath and began to ease himself into her bit by bit. Mindy's petite body tensed as she was slowly penetrated, Dave's small thrusts sliding more and more of his cock into her waiting cunt.

"Fuuuuuuck…" Mindy exhaled, relaxing her body as her pussy was filled deeper and deeper.

"You okay?" Dave asked. It was a weird question when he thought about it since technically speaking, this was far from the first time they'd had sex. There was a massive difference though.

Mindy let out a sharp gasp, feeling her pussy tightly squeezing the welcome intrusion. "Okay? Holy fuck, this is awesome…"

Dave chuckled, his thrusts getting deeper. "Glad you're enjoying yourself."

"Aren't you?" Mindy moaned, her legs instinctively wrapping around him.

Dave let out a low groan. "You're kidding, right? What do you think?"

"I think…" Mindy's body went into almost uncontrollable shudders as she felt Dave's entire girth filling her so deep. "I think I really like you fucking me."

Dave continued his slow pace, his cock sliding all the way in and almost all the way out before thrusting again. Mindy's hips moved opposite his, grinding into him, her nails lightly raking his back. The feel of his skin against hers was almost addictive. She moved her hands from his back to grab his hair and pull him into a deep kiss.

To Dave's surprise, Mindy quickly ended the kiss like he shocked her and asked. "What's wrong?"

Dave's eyes bulged in his head. "N-nothing. What makes you think something is wrong?"

Mindy suddenly blushed. "I dunno…I just felt…I don't know…"

Dave pushed his hips, thrusting his cock into Mindy again, coaxing a raspy gasp from her lips. "Relax…you know I won't hurt you. You trust me right? "

"More than anyone." Mindy sighed, a small moan escaping. "Duh." The young hero threw her head back, feeling her ass rubbing along the mat with each thrust of Dave's hips. Another kiss and Dave was surprised again.

"Okay…stop." Mindy grumbled in frustration. To Dave's credit, he did immediately stop. "Seriously, Dave…where are you?"

Dave's expression was a blend of surprise and confusion. "I'm…right here. What do you mean?"

Mindy violently shook her head. "I can feel it, Dave. Wherever you are it isn't with me… Am I that bad?

"No!" He protested.

"If you really didn't want to do this, just say so.. I'm a big girl. I can take the hit. Whatever. " The blush currently running its way through Mindy's face seemed significantly less playful that the others.

"Mindy, seriously, I don't know where this is coming from but-"

"Are you enjoying it? Fucking me?" Mindy's question had a ring of accusation in its tone.

"Of course!"

Mindy's expression immediately changed into one of unbridled fury. "This was a mistake. Get your dick out of me."

Dave pulled out but kept his position. "Mindy, talk to me. I'm a guy. Dumb it down for me."

"Why should I when you lie to my fucking face?! If you didn't want to fuck me, you should have said something! Now I feel like a total selfish ass!" Mindy covered Dave's mouth, muffling his response. "Dave…you get one more warning. Lie to me again and you'll piss me off."

"I'm not lying! I was enjoying myself!" A loud crack echoed through the room, Dave's head turning with the recoil of the slap.

"What the fuck was that for?" Dave roared.

"I told you not to lie to me!" Mindy went for another slap but Dave blocked this one and held her down.

"Would you stop that?!"

Mindy let out an audible growl that was only quelled because Dave's dick was knocking at an entrance it was quite familiar with. It wasn't on purpose, it just happened because they were both naked and Dave was pinning her down. There was a slight pause between both of them as they realized the situation and then Mindy went to glare again until she saw what she'd been expecting since Dave started fucking her before. She could feel the difference, the connection. Mindy looked suddenly confused, which only confused Dave in turn.

That was when the lightbulb went on. Mindy gasped inwardly as she spoke her realization out loud. "You want to rape me!"

"What?! No!" Dave protested.

Mindy's eyes bulged even more. "Just stop, Dave! You are the worst liar on the face of this planet! What. The. FUCK?! You were actually enjoying it all those times?!"

"No I-…" Dave stopped as he saw the fury on Mindy's face. A sigh of defeat escaped his lips. "It's your fault…"

"My f-? What the fuck are you talking about?! How is any of this my fault?!"

"You conditioned me!" Dave exclaimed.

"You weren't supposed to enjoy it, Dave!" Mindy let out a frustrated yell before another realization hit her. "Wait…have you not been fucking your…'girlfriend'…this entire time?"

Dave suddenly blushed, turning away to try and hide the sudden pigment rushing to his face. "Um…actually…it turns out Katie likes it rough. Who knew, right?"

Mindy blinked. "Wait…so…you just want to be rough with me? You don't want all the crying and fighting and shit?"

"Er…" Dave's eyes bulged. "I…wouldn't mind a little struggling…"

"Oh…well fuck, Dave…I can do that." Mindy rolled her eyes. "Just start out easy and you can pound the shit out of me. It's not like we don't both know I can take it."

Dave's eyes widened once more before he suddenly claimed Mindy's lips again. That was apparently all the invitation he needed. Mindy moaned back, her tongue tasting his once more feeling the passion that she could sense waning earlier now in full force. It was Mindy's turn for her eyes to bulge as she felt Dave's cock about to enter her again.

"Wait!" Mindy protested.

Dave's chest rumbled with a deep growl. Mindy could literally feel how tense his body was over hers. Sure she knew from experience how vicious Dave could be, but there was something about him holding it all back and knowing that she was the cause. That he wanted her so badly he could barely stand it. It was driving her crazy in her own right, as the young hero bit her bottom lip.

"What…?" Dave rumbled.

Mindy took a deep breath to regain her composure. "You know this whole situation could have been avoided if you'd just been honest with me. You're going to do that from now on, right? I don't like you lying to me, and you suck at it anyway."

"Yeah…I'm sorry, okay?" It was so hard for Mindy not to giggle at Dave's frustration. He wanted in. Quite literally. So close but until Mindy gave him the green light, he had to wait. Mindy kind of liked teasing him like this. A not so small factor to this was probably because she knew he was going to get her back for it.

"And you're going to start off slow." She reminded him again, getting almost a sense of déjà vu.

Dave growled again. "Do I even really need to start out slow again by this point?"

Mindy beamed back at her vigilante partner. "Probably not. But that's what you get for lying to me."

The message was received and the atmosphere just felt almost…primal…as Dave begrudgingly agreed. Mindy spread her legs wider, finally giving him the sign that he wanted. Dave's cock slowly eased into her again. Once more, Mindy was practically purring with pleasure as Dave's hips ground into hers. She could understand the restraint this time. It didn't feel like such a disconnect anymore. Just a promise of more to come. Mindy tested it again with another kiss. A low moan escaped from her lips along Dave's as he gradually filled her. He was absolutely in the moment this time and she could feel every bit of it. This was what she wanted. The polar opposite of all of the other times they'd had sex. Dave was focusing as much on her pleasure as he was his own. She didn't feel quite as…used. It made it much easier to enjoy it without feeling like it was wrong and that she was everything that Chet called her when he'd attack her.

All of this, plus the fun of knowing what Dave wanted to do to her and what she wasn't letting him do. With every thrust Mindy could sense his need. With every kiss she could feel his lust. There was a little bit of fear in her of what would happen when she uncaged the beast, but her curiosity won out. How would this differ from the other times? Mindy leaned up, nipping Dave's earlobe with her teeth, loving the shudder that went through him as a result. "What are you waiting for? Fuck me, you bastard!"

Mindy's world quite literally began to spin as Dave flipped her over. By the time she realized she was in doggy, Dave's hands were gripping her hips like her life depended on it and she was reminded about exactly how much he could fill her up when he wanted to. "FUCK!" She cried out as Dave started pounding her. Then just as quickly it stopped.

"Are you alright?" Dave asked, the concern clear in his voice.

Mindy's eyes bulged at the question. If there was anything that separated this from the other times is was this. She still had the same control that she'd had a few minutes earlier, she was just getting fucked harder. The words were out of her mouth before she realized she was saying them. "I didn't tell you to stop, asshole! FUCK ME!"

There was an almost imperceptible pause, before Mindy felt Dave's hand slapping her ass hard, something she enjoyed way too much, which was immediately followed by his hips slamming into hers, harder and harder, faster and faster.

Mindy tried to get words out but she couldn't talk. The words were just mutated into grunts and moans and weird little embarrassing squeaks. Not that she needed to talk. Her body let Dave know what she was trying to tell him as it shuddered violently, bucking hard against him. Dave's pace didn't slow down from her orgasm which just drove her into another one. Her arms weren't able to hold her up anymore. Not that it mattered. Dave's hands kept her hips right where he needed them. Mindy put the effort to turn her head and look back at him. As soon as they locked eyes, she could see how crazy she was driving him, and just like that she heard him yell as the warm cum shot deep into her cunt. A few more thrusts later Dave finally slowed down, his grip loosening as raspy pants forced themselves out of his lungs.

Mindy's body adjusted to the lack of jolting thrusts and she found she didn't like it. She wanted more. She needed more. She felt like such a slut. Once more she was reminded of all the things Chet would say about her. How much she loved his dick. How bad she wanted it. She found it was at least partially true. She was Dave's slut, but only his. He was the only one who got to see that side of her.

It was Dave's turn to have his world spin as she flipped him on his back and mounted him. It was amazing the difference a change in position could do. Dave's cock was hitting so many different spots now. Bracing her body with her arms, Mindy really went to town, bouncing up and down on his dick, grinding him hard.

Dave suddenly found himself to be the one almost unable to speak. He was still a little sensitive from his previous orgasm, but he didn't completely care. His hands explored every inch of Mindy's body that he could reach. Her skin was becoming more addictive to him by the minute. As soon as his fingers found a particularly sensitive part of her, Mindy's pace slowed making it easier for him. Throwing her head back, Mindy rolled her hips, moving against Dave's fingers, trembling in ecstasy.

This turned out to be another change from the 'norm' that she rather liked. She'd never actually been completely in charge of the sex before. She rather liked being able to control the tempo when she wanted, grinding her clit against him when Dave wasn't fingering it himself. Her body gave into the pleasure once again and she could barely remember a time when she was angry at her ability to cum so easily. Awesome didn't even do it justice. She was on Cloud 9.

As soon as she caught her breath, Mindy felt her body leaning forward as Dave bent his knees. Before it triggered completely why he was adjusting himself like that, he'd grabbed her hips and started driving himself into her tight, little pussy all over again. As much as she loved the sensation of being in charge, she wasn't exactly complaining when Dave would reassert his dominance. As Mindy's body jolted with the frantic slamming, she grabbed Dave's face and kissed him once more. It was probably another really sloppy kiss, but she didn't give a shit and neither did Dave. The only thing that existed right now was the two of them in this room and the pleasure that they were giving to each other. It was a rotating circle of pleasure.

Shortly after Mindy's next orgasm, Dave followed suit, filling her up once more with his cum before the two laid next to each other panting, enjoying the afterglow. As Mindy turned her head and looked into Dave's eyes he almost visibly winced.

"You can't be serious…" Dave complained, exhaustively.

"But Dave…" Mindy protested, grabbing his cock. "…this is the only time I'll be having any sex anytime soon. If we stop for too long, that'll be that."

Dave started to give a rebuttal but then he had to think about it, looking back and forth. "Okay…okay, fine. This doesn't have to be the last time, alright?"

"Thank GOD!" Mindy collapsed next to him, a transparent look of relief on her face.

With much effort, Dave was able to get his body to sit up. "What? Really, Mindy?"

"Oh don't get me wrong," Mindy defended. "I wasn't trying to trick you. If you'd said no, we'd be fucking until I passed out from exhaustion. I'm just…really glad I can go the fuck to sleep right now… If you're still horny, you can just go to the …'girlfriend'…"

"Goddammit, Mindy!" Dave tiredly growled. "Why do you have to do that every time? Seriously?"

Mindy shrugged, lazily. "I dunno. I've never really seen her as a threat I guess. If I wanted you for myself then you'd be mine. I don't think she'd actually be a problem."

Dave blinked, trying to think of a reply. "Oh…? And what makes you so sure of that?"

Mindy shrugged again. "I've seen the two of you together, man. You're not exactly in love with the bitch. She's just really hot and you think she's out of your league so you stay with her. And if that's the case, shit, I'm way more out of your league than she is. I'm a fucking superhero."

There was so much going on in those few sentences that Dave needed a minute to decide which one he needed to tackle first. "So…you think you could steal me from her…but you don't…"

Mindy could make out the question that Dave hadn't technically asked yet and shrugged. "I don't know. You seem happy enough with her, she's not cheating on you or anything and it's more convenient, I guess."

Once again, a lot to process there. "How do you know she's not cheating on me?"

"Duh, I started following her as soon as I knew there was a good chance you'd be fucking me." Mindy shrugged again, beating Dave to the next question. "I needed to be sure she wasn't bringing any diseases into the situation."

Dave groaned. Her logic was sound. Kind of fucked up but sound. It was Mindy after all. He had to give her a little psycho bitch leeway. He decided he didn't want to know how she knew that Katie wasn't already bringing any diseases into the situation to begin with.

"What's your damage?" Mindy asked. "We get to fuck, which you like. You get to fuck your…'girlfriend'…which you also like. You have a legitimate excuse to be spending so much time with me and I don't give a shit about you having a girlfriend. Wins all around."

Once again, he couldn't fault her logic. Even though from a moral standpoint he didn't like the idea of cheating on Katie.

Mindy reached out into a stretch before she spoke almost reading his mind. "You've been cheating on her for weeks, dude. Get over it."

"Why are you so fine with sharing me?"

Mindy chuckled at the question. "Because it's easier that way. You want your dick sucked, get your girlfriend to do that shit. You want anal? UNLEASH THE GIRLFRIEND!"

Dave immediately blushed and mumbled, "I told you that was an accident…"

"Uh huh. Sure it was."

"It was! I legitimately missed!" Dave defended. "Besides, you were the one who told me to keep going."

Mindy rolled her eyes. "Your dick was already in my ass, Dave. I wasn't going to let you stick it anywhere else. Besides, making you stop would have ruined the scene, so whatever."

"I'm so glad you didn't make us add that to the training. "

"Ha!" Mindy scoffed. "No point. If they have a dick like yours and shove it up my ass, I'm screwed. Done deal. If anyone even threatens that shit, I'm castrating them."

There was an awkward pause as Dave instinctively covered the jewels.

Mindy let out a puff of air. "Not yours, dumbass. I'm still using it. As I said, you have a girlfriend for that shit. Really don't mind being the side bitch."

Dave took the most important information of conversation. "So you're not going to blow me? Ever?"

"Girlfriend." Mindy replied.

"So the only way you'll suck my dick is if I dump Katie for you?"

Mindy's eyes bulged, obviously not figuring that part of the equation. "Anal's off the table regardless. Why? You want a blowjob that bad?"

Dave looked up thoughtfully. "Working through my options…"

"Stop overcomplicating shit. Dave fucks Katie, Kick Ass fucks Hit Girl. Done deal. I can stay in costume if it makes it easier for you." Mindy started getting comfortable, closing her eyes.

Dave turned to face her and then looked at the ceiling. "I'm going to Hell…"

"Good." Mindy yawned. "Bring me some cookies."

Dave groaned. "You're such a bitch…"

Mindy smiled lazily, "And you're a pussy."

Dave scowled as he tried to think of a retort before he realized it was a moot point. "And you snore like an elephant." He huffed as he closed his eyes as well. "A baby elephant…"