I do not own Transformers, sorry for the long wait hope you enjoy!

Juliet couldn't believe what she was hearing, she thought it was truly impossible. "Wait, so your telling me Mikayla just decided she didn't want to be with you anymore!"

She could hear Sam sigh on the other side of the phone. "Yeah she just said one day that she was done, she couldn't handle all the weird alien stuff and she packed up and left."

Juliet shook her head still unable to wrap her mind around it, Sam and Mikayla just seemed so well perfect for each other. "How are you handling everything?"

Sam was silent for a moment before responding. "Well it happened a few months ago and I've moved on I guess, I met this new girl her names Carly and we've been hitting it off."

Juliet was happy that her brother was able to move on she grinned nodding then realized he couldn't see her. "That's awesome Sammy! But seriously you should have told me sooner!"

"I didn't want to put that kind of stress on you, you already had enough going on with the twin being in robot coma's and then there was that trouble with their last liaison, you need a break sis, maybe you should come stay with me for a few give you some time to cool down."

Juliet was distracted when she saw a woman enter the hangar. "Uh hold that thought Sammy, I'll get back to you in a few bye bye love you!"

She hung up before hearing what he was going to say. Juliet made her way over to the bots, Optimus had been brooding since he got back from his mission and Juliet was making it her mission not to get on his bad side.

Sunstreaker made his way over to Juliet standing behind her while Sideswipe stood closer to Optimus. Ironhide hit the top of the truck. "Come on Prime."

Optimus transformed and slammed his hands on the floor leaning closer to the woman. "You lied! You told me you shared all earths intelligence about our race with me."

The woman looked nervous and stuttered before trying to explain. "Wait it's not like that, before the only people who knew anything were the sector seven directors but it's not like that now!"

Optimus slammed his hands into the ground around while pointing at the weird object on the table. "Then tell me why this was in human hands!"

The woman again floundered to answer before looking back at her assistant. "Give me the bag!"

After a few moments of unorganized mess the woman brought out a small envelope like box, before she turned to the entrance. "Allow me to introduce to you two of NASA's founding directors."

Juliet stopped listening to their conversation and turned to Sunstreaker. "Hey Sunny you think you could drive me to Sam's I think I'm going to stay with him for a few days until all this stuff blows over."

Sunstreaker frowned shaking his head. "No you should stay here where I know you'll be safe if you're out there I can't protect you."

Juliet rolled her eyes and sighed. "Come on Sunny you know I can take care of myself or did you forget I have robot parts too."

Sunstreaker shook his head he wasn't budging on it and Juliet knew he wouldn't she frowned as they had a stare off, both glaring at each other. Juliet relented first and groaned loudly throwing her hands up. "Ugh fine!"

The yellow bot smirked smugly seeing as he won their little argument. They both tuned back into what was going on around them when someone cleared their throat loudly.

The blonde woman stood arms crossed looking down at them. "If you two are quite done with your little lovers spat I need the yellow one to go on a mission with Prime."

Juliet light up hearing that and looked to Sideswipe smiling sweetly. Sunstreaker let out a noise of annoyance and picked Juliet up to keep her from running off to his twin. "Fine I'll go but Side's comes with."

They started at each other before the woman nodded relenting. "Fine the both of you will go with Prime to search the downed vessel."

Juliet pouted at the yellow mech. "That is not playing fair Sunny! I was going to 'convince' Side's to take me to Sam's."

Sunstreaker chuckled nodding. "I know that's why I made him come with, that way there will be no 'convincing' without me."

Sideswipe laughed and grabbed Juliet from Sunny pulling her close. "Don't worry sweetspark we'll be back before you know it and when we get back you can convince to your sparks content!"

Sideswipe set Juliet back on the ground and both bots brought of their holoforms as they each gave the young woman a peck on the cheek before following their fearless leader out of the hangar.

The director lady walked up next to Juliet as they watched them get ready to leave. "You know one day you're going to have to say goodbye to them, they'll leave earth and leave you behind…I mean your only human."

Before Juliet could say anything back the woman walked away. Juliet frowned watching her leave and couldn't stop herself from wondering if she was telling the truth, if one day Sunny and Side's would leave her.


Juliet had to cover her mouth to stop from laughing her ass off. Bee had come to her saying that Sam was outside, so she rode with him to go get him and her brother was pissed.

His car had been beat up and he was currently guilt tripping Bee. As Sam made his way towards her she waved chuckling. "Oh you think this is all funny do you? Well hate to burst your bubble sis but the decepticons are back! I was just attacked and then I had to deal with these assholes who destroyed my car!"

Juliet felt a little worried then knowing her brother had once again been attacked by decepticons. "Are you okay Sammy? You didn't get hurt or anything did you?"

He shook his head and Juliet decided she would ask her brother about what's been bothering her so much lately. "Hey um Sammy d-do you think Sunny and Sides would ever leave me, like leave earth and leave me behind?"

At the sound of vulnerability in her voice Sam turned to her giving her, his full attention. He looked confused and a little suspicious by her question. "Would the obsessed twins ever leave you? A-Are you really asking me this right now? What did they do? Did they hurt you?"

Juliet's eyes widened in shock and she shook her head quickly. "N-No! That's not it, they didn't do anything it's just something this lady said to me and it's been bothering me lately that's all."

Sam seemed to cool down with those words and he nodded. "Well then I'd say don't listen to other people, those two are crazy in love with you, there's no way they'd ever leave you."

Juliet smiled slightly feeling relieved by her brother's words. He was right Sunny and Side's would never do anything to hurt her like that, she just needed to trust in her twins.