AN: So I have come to the end of my journey and I am so thankful for all of you who have read and reviewed. Please let me know what you thought of this first effort!

"This is silly," Penelope remarked as she shimmied the corset over her head and down around her waist.

"Nope. This is fun," she heard Bryce call from beyond the fitting room door. He was beaming she was sure. "Besides free cake and free champagne, I don't see a downside."

"You're not the one drowning in tulle, mister!" She huffed trying to find the bottom, the top, heck any way out of this dress.

"You're both wrong," JJ piped in. "This is sweet revenge! Perhaps next time you will let me in on your scheme right away." Penelope could hear the laughter behind the words.

"There wasn't any time," she half whined as she stepped out into the bridal shop exterior. Looking like some metallic 80's Little Bo Peep, she added, "Satisfied yet?"

Snorting JJ replied, "Yep, this definitely makes me feel better."

Snapping a photo Bryce said, "New wallpaper for my phone."

"I will erase you from existence and you will wish you were dead, but you can't die because you don't exist!" she declared lunging for the phone.

"I hear this look is very in the year," he replied dodging and snapping another photo.

"I still don't know why you aren't being punished here," she said still chasing the little bugger around the room.

"Because he isn't my best friend," JJ said laughing at them both.

"I am so sorry I lied to you sugar! It will never happen again." Stopping at JJ's feet she sighed defeated, "Can we please admit I have suffered enough?"

Leaning back, JJ grabbed a garment bag behind her and smiled, "Indulge me one more and I'm done."

Penelope groaned and begrudgingly took the bag. Thankfully it was lighter, significantly lighter, then the one she currently had on.

Several minutes of cursing and fighting she wrangled out of the dress she had had on and opened the bag. Penelope gasped.

Unlike every other garment she had tried on today, this one looked beautiful. It literally took her breath away. It was as if JJ had found the one dress she had dreamed of wearing all her life.

She shook as she put it on, taking extra time and care not to tear the soft silk and lace fabric. Stepping out she realized both her companions had stepped out. She was alone when she stepped on the dais and finally looked at herself.

Several seconds passed and she stared transfixed. She knew she could love clothing, but this dress was beyond anything she had ever put on.

"You look beautiful, baby girl." She heard him say behind her.

She smiled at Derek and turned, a little of the magic diminishing as reality crashed back into her.

"You missed the real fun," she whispered trying to calm her breathing. "But despite my best efforts Bryce has pictures, so you really didn't miss much."

Derek stood awkwardly silent, seemly transfixed. She'd expected at least a chuckle, but then again, things really had changed so much between them. So much she wanted to say, and yet so much she just couldn't anymore.

"I should change," she said finally.

"How long have you loved me?" he blurted out.

Penelope missed the dais with her foot and about fell face forward but Derek caught her.

He looked her straight in the eye, "I need to know how long I have missed out on you, baby girl." He said seriously, but then chuckled, his whole composure relaxing.

"That's not funny," Penelope said stiffening up and turning from him. This was too much, she'd hurt too much. She couldn't bring herself to face him but instead spoke to the reflection before them. "What if I said I have always loved you Derek? That I've always felt that deep down there was a place in my heart that belonged only to you. That every time you tell me you love me or call me your solace a part of me dies inside because I know that the love I have for you goes far deeper than mere friendship."

He tried to speak but she closed her eyes over tears and continued, "I thought I could be your baby girl, your best friend. I thought I could swallow those feelings because I was happy in our friendship and though it killed me I could love you alone. But then you kissed me…drunk or not it was real for me and it shattered any wall…any barrier I had built. I tried to pretend it didn't happen, but it haunted me and now I know the truth. No matter what you think of me, I can't pretend anymore. I can't pretend I'm just your friend. "

Derek silently turned her to face him, but her eyes with shut tight.

"I'm so sorry." He said solemnly caressing her tear stained cheeks.

"You were drunk, you didn't even know what you were doing," she laughed half hysterically.

"No sweet baby girl. I'm so sorry I never told you what you truly mean to me. How much I have always loved you and how much I have always needed you."

"I know, I just can't be that girl anymore. It hurts too much."

"Hush, you don't know. I'm telling you I love you. Not as my best friend, but as so much more. I have wanted you Penelope since the moment I laid eyes on you, and have loved you so deeply ever since. I thought I could never be the man you deserved or that you would never take me seriously. I had a million reasons to keep my heart closed from you, but I only need one thing from you and you can have it, me, whatever, for as long as you'll have me.

"What?" she asked meekly.

"Look at me baby girl."

Her heart was pounding, terrified, but she couldn't help herself. She slowly opened her big blue eyes and she was completely unprepared for the look on his face. It reminded her of the first time he told her he loved her.

"I want to kiss you now Penelope Garcia. No alcohol, no pain meds, no fiancés, no reservations. I want to kiss you as I always should have."

When his lips met hers any fear, any doubt melted. She melded to his body and he wove his fingers in her hair. All thoughts drifted from her as she tasted the truth in his words and felt the years of suppressed desire in his touch.

"Baby girl," he murmured against her skin.

"Hmm," she replied unsure she'd ever be able to form real words again.

"Bryce bought you the dress you're wearing," he whispered, smiling conspiratorially. "He said something about having a feeling you will need it in the near future."