Authors Note


Salutations everyone. Now I know what you're thinking, 'are they dead?' 'Have they been kidnapped?' And to answer your thoughts no we are in reasonable good health, one more than the other.

We are just writing this note to let you know that, one of us isn't in the best of health at the moment. But fear not the world's greatest medical minds are on the case in order to get us back to writing.

We would also like to take this moment to thank our dear readers who have kept with us and followed/favourite our story as well as reviewed. Your kind, inspirational and sometimes 'WTF' reviews have given us a good chuckle sometimes as well as kept us motivated.

Without you guys/gals we would never have achieved, 250 reviews, 809 followers, 726 favourites and over 200,000 thousand views and counting.

And so onto the bit you're probably wondering about, when will we be updating, and the answer to that question is hopefully sometime after the New Year. We are eager to finish the story for you guys/gals and have lots planned for Perseus/Artemis/Thalia and yes a few more mature scenes for those people asking. And naturally, we still have the epic climax between good and evil to conclude.

If you have any questions or queries drop me a PM and I'll do my best to answer unless it's a spoiler.

And finally, Dogbiscuit and I (Zraqtoi) would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope you have a very Happy New Year.