Summer in El Paso was still hot. Just like it was twenty-nine years ago. That's one year away from thirty. Shit. That made me feel old. Shit.

I stood on the porch and looked out at the desert. The memories. The stars. I sigh.

It began to rain.


Dante throws himself into my arms. I laughed. It's good to laugh on a night like this. Beautiful. Just like him. His smile was huge and his eyes sparkled.

"They did it! They really did it!"

"Did what?" I said.

He didn't answer. He was already off into the desert, running barefoot. Under the stars.


My Dante. He was mine. All mine. He was mine since the day we met. I hadn't known it yet, but he must have. Everyone else seemed to know.

I watched him. I watched him run happily in the rain. I felt my heart jump at the sight of him. Beautiful. I could watch him all day.

We were fit for our age. We didn't look older than thirty-six. We were lucky that way.

I was lost in thought until I heard Dante's voice loud in the distance.


"Dante" I called for him.

I started to run to where he had fallen.

"I'm ok!"

That didn't stop me. I helped him up and pulled him to me.

"What is it?"

"They legalized gay marriage in all states."

I was astonished. I wanted to cry. I didn't. Dante did. I wiped a stray tear from his cheek.

"Am I breaking one of your rules?"

"No. Not this time."

"They did it, Ari."

"They did it." I said.

We were both happy. We could finally be together like that. We could finally be us.

Another secret of the universe was uncovered. Love was and will always be love. And I loved Dante Quintana more than I could ever say.

I pulled him close. I held him, and then I kissed him. I kissed him. I kissed him lovingly. Long and passionate. I kissed him and I kissed him.

"I love you, Dante."

"I love you, too Ari."

My Dante. My beautiful Dante. We did it.