Cap. 16

The ship Ghost was landed in the golden grasslands of Lothal, a little bit away of the town. The sun was setting, announcing the beginning of the night, and the end of the day. The wind whistled softly, making a natural music that somehow relaxed everyone.

Kanan was in his cabin, sitting on a chair at his padwan's side, while the rest of the crew were in the control room.

What would happen if the kid never awaked?

After a few minutes, the padawan began to open his electric blue eyes and was surprised when he saw where he was. He saw his master sitting on a chair and asked:

"Kanan?" asked Ezra. He didn't realized how weak his voice was, but his master reacted and opened his eyes. He turned around and saw his padawan awake.

"I'm here" said Kanan with relief.

"What happened? Where's everybody? Are they Ok? What happened to…?" asked the kid beginning to hyperventilate.

"Calm down" said his master "Everyone is fine and they are in the command room"

Ezra hugged his master, which who was surprised of his padawan's reaction.

"Kanan, I need to tell you something" said the kid.

"Tell me" said Kanan.

Ezra slowly began to explain everything, this time, without hiding the truth. He explained about his nightmares, that he heard his parent's shouting when he awaked, he explained about his visions, he explained about his brother, and he explained about his plan.

"Ezra, I don't want you to hide me anything, ok?" said the Jedi.

"Yes master" obeyed Ezra "I'm in trouble?"

"Yep, and in a big one" answered his master.

"Karabast" complained the kid.

Kanan chuckled.

The padawan began to stand up, but his master stopped him.

"What do you need?" asked Kanan.

"I want to see them…" answered Ezra.

"I can call them" suggested the Jedi.

"No thank's" said the kid. The idea of all the crew entering to that little room gave him claustrophobia… especially with Zeb.

"Ezra, you're injured" pointed Kanan.

"So?" asked the padawan. He really didn't think about his little fight with his brother, and he really didn't want to think about it.

"That you need to rest" answered his master.

"Yeah right" said Ezra stubbornly.

"I'm not kidding" said Kanan "Now lay down or all the treatment don't work. I'll go get the others. And don't even think on standing up"

Ezra (without knowing why) obeyed his master, when he suddenly remembered something.

"Ummm, Kanan?" asked the kid.

"Yes?" asked the Jedi.

"Umm, when I was unconscious, I appeared in a white space and well, I saw my parents" explained the padawan.

The leader stood there astonished, but soon he recuperated himself.

"Thanks for letting me know" said Kanan while he went for the others.

When the crew reunited in the cabin, all of them wanted an explanation. The padawan explained everything and apologized. All of the members accepted his apologies and decided that after a long day, it would be a better idea to get some rest, but before they could go, the kid stopped them.

"Wait, I'm not the only one that needs to give an explanation" said Ezra, looking at Sabine.

"What do you want me to explain?" asked the artist.

"How did you know my brother?" asked the kid.

The Mandalorian stood there in silence.

"Is a long story" admitted the artist after a while.

"We have time" said Hera.

"Well, everything began when I was in the academy in Mandalore" began Sabine "He was my partner, I helped him and he usually made all the hard work. The point is that he wanted me to be more than a partner, which I refused because he was a disciplinarian, so when somebody failed, he punished them… One time I made a mistake and that was the time of my punishment and… Ag! That's enough!" said the girl while she leaved the room.

Everyone gazed at each other in silence. Nobody was expecting that…

In the early morning, Ezra began to feel pretty bad, so he decided to stand up. He checked if his master was sleep, and when he saw him sleeping, he went out of the cabin. He decided to go to the nose gun… but it was occupied.

"Sabine?" asked the kid when he saw the Mandalorian sitting in the chair, gazing through the window.

Sabine saw him and said:

"You're supposed to be laying on bed" said the artist.

"I only wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have asked you anything" admitted Ezra shyly.

The girl gazed at him in a shock state.

"It's ok Ezra, I'm sorry too" said Sabine, when she saw a person at Ezra's back "And I'm also sorry of what would happen after this"

"Wait, what?" asked the padawan confused.

"Ezra Bridger!" scolded his master.

"Karabast" murmured the kid while he turned around to see his master.

Kanan pointed to his cabin, indicating him to go to it. While they walked in the hallway, the Jedi said:

"If you go out of bed one more time you will be in serious problems!" said Kanan.

"As you say Master" answered the kid, when he suddenly felt a deep pain in his stomach.

"Auch!" complained the kid in low voice.

"Ezra?" asked his master worried.

"Is nothing" said the padawan while he covered his stomach.

The Jedi ignored him and set aside his padawan's hands when he saw what he feared: blood.

"I'll need to stitch you again" sighed Kanan.

Meanwhile in another part of the Galaxy…

"You know what happen to the ones that fail me Brais" said coldly the Sith Lord.

"But Master" replied Brais.

"There's no 'but'. You will be punished, and then you'll continue your job" interrupted Darth Vader.

"Yes Master" said the boy.

"Soon, the padawan will be a Sith Lord and I have the perfect method" thought Darth Vader.


Kanan's thoughts:

The time has come. They are here. What would happen if he decides to leave me and go with them? I should not feel this way, I just don't want him to leave me… I have no idea of what I'm going to do.


Hi rebels!

Wow! Another story completed, I'm so happy!

Purpalz Miner – Maybe (coughs) in another story… (coughs again)…

So now, let me know if you want me to translate my third story: "Decisions"

"Decisions" : Kanan decides to leave Ezra for the kid's sake, but the results are quite the opposite…

Now, the greetings:

Thanks to:

Sammy c pink



Sw lover


Chiibe The Rebel



Starlight Moon Midnight


Brianna Mirres

Purpalz Miner


Emily Bridger (guest)

Jessie K.I

Paint the Fangirling UniWolf


Brooke Vengence

Force Sensitive




Revanus Xaxas





I'll never would get to say "Thanks" enough. You guys are very especial to me and I don't have the words to express how happy I am, in fact I'll never find them. You guys are awesome and I don't want to sound like the poor girl or something, but you are one of the reasons of why I still alive… Thank you. Thank you so much.

Love you all

-Sabine Wren 857