Xander groaned as Willow launched into another long winded diatribe about her misery. Why couldn't she bother Giles with this? Or Buffy? They were all trapped into the never ending soap opera of her life. Why did it have to be his turn to hear about it again? He got that breaking up with Oz sucked. He understood, but Willow was wallowing in her disappointment. It didn't seem to be easing up any. Time certainly wasn't helping this wound, but Willow had lays picked at her scabs when they were kids. She just didn't get over things.

Buffy hadn't been this awful when Angel ran off to Los Angeles. There had been ice cream and chocolate, but, mostly, she'd been quiet. Quiet was good. Willow's ranting grated on his nerves. He shook his head. Having girls for best friends had its drawbacks. He pasted a smile on his face and nodded, hoping Willow would head out before Anya arrived to spend some quality time.

Willow stared at Xander with derision. He wasn't listening to her. She'd come here seeking comfort, but he just didn't get it. None of them did. Giles and Buffy were both caught up in their own concerns, and Xander was caught up in Anya. No one had time for her anymore. Oz had been her whole world, and he was gone. He had left her all alone. She hadn't been strong enough or brave enough to hold her man. Things were out of control. Her world was insane.

"He left, and he isn't coming back." Willow whined. "If I had been a better girlfriend, he would have stayed."

"You can't think like that. You were a good girlfriend. He didn't leave because you screwed up. Oz did what he had to do. Will, he had to go. He didn't want to hurt you. Didn't want to put you at risk. His wolfy issues complicated things." Xander watched her pacing. None of this was getting through. "You've got to look at it from his perspective. What's that thing? Try walking in his boots?"

"You think I haven't? It's all I think about. He asked about mating months ago, but I was too afraid. I don't want to be an animal." She clenched her hands in front of her body. "But if I had just gotten over it, we'd be happy."

More of the I shoulda, coulda, woulda chorus. Xander resisted the urge to cover his ears. How did she keep this up? It was exhausting just having to listen to it.

"Willow, he didn't ask you to mate with him. You helped him with research. We all did. Giles did the heavy lifting, but we all helped." Xander flopped back on the futon. "I'll admit I was more with the jokes, but that's me."

"If I had been brave enough to go through with the mating, he'd still be here. Buffy would have done it if she'd been with Oz." Willow glared up at the ceiling. "She's so brave, and she isn't afraid of a little pain."

"First, that is so not true. The girl whines about splinters constantly. Second, you can't compare yourself to Buffy. Anyway, it isn't like Buffy's had the best luck with guys. You had a good run with Oz and a lot better relationship with Oz than Buffy's ever had with anyone." Xander sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Yep, these female best friends were going to kill him. Analyzing everything never helped. "Every relationship has issues. I don't think mating would have solved yours."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not Buffy. It's not fair. Buffy has her own issues. If it had been her with Oz, things would be different. They'd be running through the woods, all matey and happy. She wouldn't be afraid to be his. She'd go and make it happen." Willow looked away from Xander. "You know she would."

"I don't know that. Comparing yourself to Buffy isn't productive, Will. You've both had bad break ups. She's been hurt, and you've been hurt. That's life. Right? Relationships aren't always easy. Maybe you just haven't met the right guy." Xander watched her pace.

"I did meet the right guy. I just got it wrong. Oz noticed me. He liked me for me. He liked that I'm smart. He liked that I'm me." Willow glared at the floor. "He was the right guy. I just handled it all wrong."

"The right guy won't have to be handled. He'll hold on to you because he knows you're the one." Xander sighed. "Oz cared about you. He's a great guy. Sure. But, Willow, he's not the only guy. There is somebody out there for you."

"Next you'll tell me if he comes back to me, he's mine." Willow planted her fists on her hips. "Why did I come to you for advice? It's not like you have any experience having a real relationship. When you aren't crushing on Buffy, it's always demons."

"Hey, you came to me." Xander waved his hand between them wildly. "You wanted to talk. I listened to your ranting again. By the way, I'm so tired of it, but I listened. There is no reason to get all nasty."

"I'm not being nasty. I'm being honest. You are a demon magnet." Her eyes flashed blue, and she turned back to face him. "Anya's the closest thing to a real girl you've ever dated. Sure, shes's lived for more than a millennia, but at least she's human now. You'd better hold on to her. Goddess only knows what you'll attract next."