A/N: It is Saturday! Yay! That means an update! I want to thank everyone for favoriting, following and reviewing! You all are so sweet! :D And to the Guest reviewer on Dec 5th, thank you for your lovely comment. I don't have any plans to abandon this fic. Well, any in the near future.

And now we meet our foster family! So exciting!

Happy reading!

Henny, that lucky Penny!

Midnight on the 21st of June, 1971



It exploded into her mind and it forced itself into every cell of her being. Pain was everything that she was at that precise moment. It was the only thing that defined her. White, hot blades were cutting into her flesh and her organs. Electricity stimulated her nerves and sent them over the edge of reason. Hermione could only concentrate on the heated pinpricks in her mind and her eyes as her slight form writhed on the hard floor of the Malfoy Manor drawing room. Her pristine prison of evil and anguish.

It ended abruptly.

"Tell me, Mudblood. Where did you get the sword?" The unholy shrieks of the madwoman, Bellatrix were slightly muffled by the blood pounding in her ear drums.

"We didn't. We found it! Please!" Hermione begged, her throat already feeling raw from screaming, "It's not real! I swear!"

"LIAR!" The volume had Hermione wincing, "CRUCIO!"

The screams of agony were sharp and long. The world was turning on its head the longer that Hermione endured through the pain. One little image came forth into her mind's eye and it was Harry. Her Harry. He was like she was at present. Screaming, writhing, crying and grimacing. She could clearly see Harry in her position and that image alone gave Hermione the fortitude to answer Bellatrix Lestange's questions with lies. Seeing her Harry on the drawing room floor under this witch's wand was enough strength that she needed to keep saying that it was fake. It was fake. It was fake.


It was the sound of her name that brought her through the surface, violently. Cold sweat beaded on her forehead and her limbs were shaking with the phantom twitches of the crucio curse. Coughing and gasping, Hermione scrambled to the head of her bed. When her eyes focused, they focused on the soft grey of an eleven year old Sirius Black.

11:00 am on the 20th of June, 1971

"Twelve Family Library!"

The words felt familiar in her mouth, but Hermione didn't have any time to contemplate them as she was spinning through fireplaces and catching glimpses of dens, offices and libraries. Vertigo had her really wishing she hadn't followed the Headmaster through the fireplace. Having to travel through the floo network was just plain awful. But, without her wand and also being an eleven year old again, Hermione had no choice. And when she felt herself slowing down, she threw her arms out and tripped over the grate on her exit.

"Careful, Hermione." The soft timbre of Professor Dumbledore's voice eased the churning of her stomach. It was foolish, but she didn't like not knowing where she was going. It unnerved her.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Uncle." Hermione responded as she brushed soot from her clothing onto the hearth. She never managed to stay clean through floo travel.

A small gasp brought to attention that other people were in the room along with her and the Headmaster.

"Oh, Orion, she is precious!" a higher pitch made a woman's presence known. Hermione swiveled her head around and fear flooded her veins.

Standing off to the side were the infamous Orion and Walburga Black. Shouts of slurs and deep seated prejudice filled her memories. A portrait of a severely aged witch, hatred so profound in grey eyes, flashed across her eyes. It was so different from the vision that was standing in front of Hermione that it threw her for a loop. Backing away from the couple was Hermione's only defense and it was such a weak one.

"No." fell from her lips in a weak protest, "No. No."

"Hermione, this is Orion and Walburga Black. They are very good friends of mine and they have opened their home to you." Dumbledore ignored the girl's distress and calmly introduced the occupants of the library.

With a dry mouth, Hermione tore her eyes away from the couple standing expectantly to assess her surroundings. This was Number 12 Grimmauld Place library. This was a familiar room. But it really wasn't. Hermione had never seen it so bright and clean. When she had started coming to Sirius' childhood home, it had been ravaged by time and neglect. This was almost new and well cared for. It was lively. It was unsettling and mind boggling.

"Hermione, is it?" a deep voice interrupted the young witch's examination. Orion Black was handsome with sharp angles and sparkling grey eyes. A gentle smile on his lips made his features soft and welcoming. He reminded Hermione of Sirius after Azkaban. Without the crazed look in his pupils.

"Yes." she replied in a whisper.

"Welcome to our home. When your uncle contacted us yesterday, we knew that we would be delighted to have you here." The wizard continued. Disbelief and confusion were pounding in her chest. This was not right.

"Uncle?" Hermione began and then caught herself, "Oh, right."

It was that feeling of being cornered that fogged her brain. It was almost like an out of body experience for her. These people taught their children hate and segregation. They were not warm and caring people. For them to be smiling her way was the opposite of what Hermione had been taught. They should be spitting and yelling for her and her filth to begone. It was nauseating and disorienting. Hermione had to find purchase in the robes of Uncle Albus. She gripped his sleeve like a vice. If he felt it, he didn't pay any mind to her reaction.

"Walburga, I have brought letters for the two eleven year old in the house. Seeing as they will be arriving in a few short weeks, I decided to drop them off now and save an owl a trip. I hope you don't mind." With the hand that was not being seized by a nervous young girl, Albus reached into his robe pocket and fished out two thick letters. He presented them to Hermione.

"Oh, we don't mind. We can get a jump on shopping before the horde this way. Next week sound appropriate, dear?" Walburga looked to Orion at the question. His smile grew a little bigger and he nodded adoringly at his wife.

"Hermione, take these please." The command was veiled under the 'please'. With a weak nod, she grasped the envelopes without releasing the sleeve.

Suddenly, loud and quick footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs and the hall. Before Hermione could react, a much younger Sirius appeared beside his mother. Eyes bright with wonder and silky hair swinging back into place, he caught sight of the new comer and smiled broadly.

"Sorry mum! I was in my room and didn't hear the floo- Woah! Look at that hair!" he exclaimed loudly. A sharp slap on the back of his head from his mother didn't deter the grin plastered on his face, but it did have him rubbing the spot gingerly.

"That is not polite." Walburga chided with a small smile on her lips, "Sirius, this is Albus Dumbledore's niece, Hermione Dumbledore."

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, Miss Dumbledore!" Sirius said with a bend at his waist. Hermione was taken aback by the interaction.

It was a curious thing. This was not the mannerisms of his family that Sirius described, very briefly, to Harry, Ron and Hermione. This was a loving family. And a happy family. Sirius was a happy, smiling child. And where was Regulus? The inconsistencies were driving the young witch mad. Dumbledore trusted these people? He had complete faith in them that he would send her to their house to live before attending Hogwarts. What the hell was going on?

"Sir, I need to speak with you." Hermione whispered. Her tone was almost frantic. Albus glanced down at her and then brought his gaze to the Black couple.

"It seems that Hermione is a bit nervous. Please excuse us while I try to comfort her before leaving." Albus quirked the corners of his lips up and Orion and Walburga nodded.

"Come, you little miscreant. Let us see what Kreacher is making for lunch." Walburga Black put a gentle hand on Sirius' shoulder to guide him to the kitchen.

"Yes, mother." the young boy replied before following his parents from the library.

"Sir, are you sure you trust these people?" Hermione pressed. She was not sure if the professor had all of his mental capabilities.

"With my life, child." the wizened man replied.

"Something is amiss here. These are not the people that I knew from my time. They were horrible people and treated their oldest son poorly. I spent two summers here, having that woman's portrait screaming at me about being a filthy mudblood. This isn't right!" Hermione's volume control was slipping. Her speech ended shrilly. Albus just looked down at her panicked features and posture and smiled sweetly.

"I find it odd that you know they have a second son. A son they currently are not raising. Cygnus and Druella are raising Regulus Black as they have deemed Orion and Walburga incompetent and unfit parents. They were only allowed to keep Sirius because he was hidden with me at Hogwarts for a month or two while they waited out the storm of Walburga's brother." That maddening twinkle was back in his eyes at Hermione's knowledge. It made her shift uncomfortably, "Come now, child. You have nothing to fear here. You are safe."

"I am not safe anywhere! I was supposed to be safe after that vile creature was destroyed-!" Hermione stopped and paled. She was starting to talk about the future. A future that was considerably grayer because of this new development.

"I already saw that in your memories. The very few that I was able to see before you eradicated me from your mind."

"Well, after he was gone, I was supposed to be safe! Instead, I somehow journeyed here to this time and place." Hermione's tone was harsh. She realized her mistake and sucked in a breathe quickly, "I apologize for my behavior. This is not fitting for someone who owes a lot of gratitude to you for everything you have done."

"Pay no mind, dear girl." the professor waved off her apology, "Just give these people a chance. They may surprise you."

And so Hermione did. She bid the headmaster good day and brought forth her Gryffindor courage. She knew exactly where the kitchen was and so she ventured towards that area. Upon hearing noises of the other occupants, she boldly stepped into their space and silently handed Sirius his letter. It took every ounce of her control to sit down at the wooden table without tripping over chair legs. Whether the family thought her actions were odd or out of place, they didn't comment. They just sat down at the table also and waited for Kreacher to bring out lunch.

Kreacher was also not in his usual state. He looked younger and more full of life. He was almost happy and cleaner. The house elf didn't mutter obscenities or slurs. And Hermione didn't eat much, still trying to become accustomed to heavier fare. And no one commented on the amount of food she didn't consume. Instead, Walburga suggested that Sirius show Hermione to her room and around the house with a quick tour. With enthusiasm, Sirius agreed and after a quick kiss on his mother's cheek, bounded from the dining area with a shout for Hermione to keep up.

The young witch stood slowly from her spot at the table and shuffled her chair back under.

"Thank you for allowing me stay. And lunch was wonderful. I am sorry for the inability to finish it all." the curly haired girl said, her voice quiet and high.

"No need to thank us. We are more than happy to help, darling." Walburga replied with a bright smile, "Now, go run along with Sirius. It will be hard to keep up with him. He has more energy than he needs."

"Yes, ma'am." and she left.

She did catch up with the energetic boy. He was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her. He showed her to her own room. Hermione almost laughed out loud. It was the same room she would stay in with Ginny during summers at Grimmauld Place. She placed her bag on the center of the mattress and followed the ebony haired boy through the house. She took note of the missing Black Family Tree tapestry. Sirius seemed not to notice its absence and continued on until they entered the library again.

"Well, this is where you entered." the young boy said with his arms splayed out, "Now, I need to ask about your name."

"What about it?" Hermione asked absently. She was studying the book titles for something she could read later.

"Is there anything else you like to be called? Because 'Hermione' is a mouthful and it is a dreadful name." A glint appeared in his grey eyes that took Hermione's notice.

"My name is perfectly acceptable. And it is not dreadful." she huffed. She loved her name.

"I'll think of something." Was his only reply.

After choosing a book, Hermione told Sirius she was going to her room to retire. She was exhausted emotionally and psychologically. It was just too much to think about, being back in Sirius' old prison, so she turned to books to occupy her head space. And before she knew it, Sirius was knocking on her door for dinner.

The evening meal with just as quiet as lunch. Hermione didn't offer any small talk and, seeming to sense her discomfort, the Black's didn't make her speak. When she excused herself, everyone bade her goodnight.

Now, being midnight, Hermione found herself looking into Sirius' grey eyes, trying to find comfort in their familiar color. With her chest heaving, her heart racing and nerves on their last strain, Hermione coward against her headboard and gulped down fresh air.

"It's only me, Hermione. It's Sirius." his tone was soft and uncertain, "Let me get mum."

"No!" Hermione exclaimed, "Please, no."

"Alright. Then I will stay here." Sirius answered immediately.

"No, I'll b-be fine. Just a bad dream." her throat was dry, "Please, just go back to sleep. I'll be alright for the rest of the night."

Sirius didn't believe the strange girl. Her eyes were still wide with fear and the pulse point on her neck was beating quickly. She was not fine or alright. She was frightened and that scared the boy. What did an eleven year old girl have to fear so deeply that she had nightmares about it?

"Sure. Go back to sleep then, silly girl. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night, Sirius."

And Hermione was not fine. Hermione was not fine.