This was about the 10th time April caught 'The Look' going on between Leo and Raph. It wasn't the fact that she was able to keep track of all the times she caught 'The Look', but more look who was doing it. Lifting up her cup of coffee to her lips she took slow and deep drinks. It was currently 7 and she didn't have to open the store until 9, and with Casey still asleep, she stood in the kitchen. If anything she would expect the flirtatious looks to be passed between Mikey and Don since they seem to be the one who shows more emotion.

The first time she caught it was at the Christmas party. April was helping Mikey, Angel, and Raph hang up some decorations. Then Leo walked passed and watched, navigation them on how high it should be or if it needs to be moved more to right and down. While Angel was busy hanging up the tree ornament on the beams. April was walking back from across the room after getting some more streamers. She looked up and saw Leo and Raph staring deeply into each other's eyes, even if there was 20 feet of space between them. April passed if off as sibling powers, just like how some twins are able to feel the other pain, April made it go unnoticed.

Until…. Raphael winked, April blinked, and Leo blushed beet red. Shoving his face in his cup of eggnog he turned and walked away. Drinking until he cup was empty, April ever since then kept close eyes on them.

The second time was when Leo woke up after his battle with the Elite Soldiers, and a couple of days had passed. April had fresh towels to deliver to Leo, was currently in the bath. When she walked up the stairs and to the bathroom she opened the door a smidge then froze. Leo sat in the tub, but he was over the edge, with Raph in his arms sitting outside the tub. April could see Leo's hand move up and down slowly on Raph's shoulders as Leo kissed his cheeks, neck and forehead. Moving back and closing the door the smidged she opened, she took a deep breath and knocked.

"Coming" April took a step back and smiled when Raph opened the door with a sad smile. Holding out a nicely folded stack of towels.

"How is he?" April asked as she placed the towels in Raph's awaiting hands.

"He's fine" Raph signed April smiled and then walked off. April made sure to walk slowly until she heard the bathroom close did she turn around back to the bathroom. Peaking back in she saw Leo wrapped in the towel pressed against Raph in a tight embrace. Smiling April slide back and away going back to getting lunch ready.

The third time she caught it, and finally knew for real, they had something. Was her wedding day Mikey and Don went to go help in barn, Casey kicked Leo and Raph out for some reason, and everyone was out in the barn conversation and or taking a seat.

"So are you gonna help or are you gonna keep eating?" Leo asked as he pulled out the tray of food from the oven and set it down on the counter. Raph paused and stared down at the sandwich in his hand before opening his mouth and throwing it in there.

"You better stop before April kills you" Leo smiled as he removed the oven gloves, Raph shrugged and took another mini sandwich.

"I'll find a way to pin it on Casey" Raph smirked and reach for another before Leo smacked his hand away and removed the tray of tiny sandwiches.

"No, no focus Raph" Leo playfully scolded, Raph pouted and leaned back in the stool chair. Leo had his back to Raph fixing the cupcakes, cookies and other sweet treats, by the stove and on the counter island in between sat in silence before Raph broke the silence.

"I never thought we'd be here" Raph admitted, Leo fixed the last of the 3 tray of cupcakes and turned to Raph.

"What do you mean?, here?" Leo questioned

"You know here, at a wedding" Raph shrugged Leo snickered

"You sound as if you were expecting us to marry first" Leo said jokingly then paused when he saw the sudden sympathetic look on Raph's face.

"Oh, Raph" Leo whispered and turned to Raph leaning forward on the island counter after moving the sandwiches and the wings over. They both brought their hand together and interned their fingers.

"I know, i know" Raph pouted pushing his forehead against Leo's, "It's just..."

"Yeah i know how you feel" Leo leaned forward and pecked Raph's lips.

"How about a promise?" Raph instantly brightened and smiled


"You know how crazy our life gets and so whenever it gets calm and when come across some sanity!" they both laughed at that part "I think we should get married!" Raph smirked as Leo smiled and laughed, muttering a 'what?'. "Ok Leo hear me out" Raph let go of Leo's hands to reaching his tux and behind his plastron digging around he pulled out 2 small sliver rings.

"Do you always carry those around?" Leo asked as Raph handed him one ring.

"Never know the chance you might get hitched" Raph smirked and he pulled out his left sai from his pocked, and signaled that Leo should do the same with his Swords.

"Ok so which arm is more graceful?" Raph asked as he held Leo's hands in his. Leo thought about it they both were good, well… his left was lacking a little.

"My right….why?" Raph let go of Leo's right and picked up his left.

"The arm that is not the strongest is where we'll put the ring, so where we fail we'll have the other to lean on" Raph slide the small ring on his sword's handle until it reached the tops fitting snuggly, Leo took Raph's ring and did the same with his sai.

"Wow, i didn't take you as the romantic type" Leo snickered as Raph rolled his eyes and stood up and move away from Leo. Raph slide his sai back in his pocket, Leo followed and place his sword back in his home. They both laughed and shared a quick kiss before they both walked out the door.

April continued to walk down the stairs, until she got to the island counter leaning against it she smiled. Sure they were opposites just as night and day, but they balanced each other out. April reached out and grabbed a tiny sandwich, let her find out there's gonna be another wedding today.

April: 3

Everyone else: 0