In Amegakure people fell into two categories, greedy or stupidly heroic. Ever since he was little Yahiko's been surrounded by these type of people. These are the type of people he stole from whenever he needed to.

Yahiko wasn't sure in which category Konan fell into.

The girl in question tilted her head to the side, "A cave?" she questioned him.

She was too cautious to be naïve.

"Yeah, found it a while don't mind, do you?" He asked.

"Not really." She mumbled.

She was too unambigious to be greedy.

"Follow me." He ordered turning his back to her.

She didn't walk behind him, and instead walked side by side. She treated him like her equal.

Yahiko was still confused.

"S-so…how long have you been living in this town?"

"Two weeks." It was a lie, he's only been there for a she didn't need to know, did she?

"A-ah, I just got h-here…"

I didn't ask, he wanted to tell her. But he did want to know more about her. She was different from the other kids he's seen around. Even the look in her eyes were different. Hopeful. Different from the despair he saw in everyone else's eyes.

"How did you get food?" He asked.

She gave her an odd look, as if he asked something odd. "My parents."

"You have parents?" Yahiko asked in surprise.

He didn't have parents. He didn't even remember them. He only remembered this older boy taking care of him. The boy died some years back. And aside from him Yahiko didn't have anything remotely close to family. So it was a surprise to hear that Konan has parents.

"I had parents." She corrected him.

His mouth dropped open in an O-shape, and suddenly he felt bad for asking. He also felt stupid, why would a girl be wandering the streets alone if she had parents?


"Don't worry! I-it's alright r-really." She assured him.

"You're weird." He informed her.

"R-really?" She asked.

"Yes."He bluntly said.

She smiled a bit, "Oh."

"Why do you have that in your hair?" Yahiko decided to ask pointing at the flower made out of paper in Konan's hair.

Her small fingers played with the flower as she flickered her eyes to meet his blue ones. "I…think it's pretty."

"Really?" Yahiko scrunched up his nose at the word.


Yahiko sighed, "Girls are weird."

"I-I am not weird." Konan protested.

He gave her a playful look. "You're the queen of weirdos."

Konan sputtered something at him, but she was stuttering too much that he couldn't really make out the words. He guessed that it was a protest.

"Let's get going before the rain picks up." He ordered picking up the pace.

"H-hai!" She heard him say from behind him before catching up with him.

It was odd speaking to a kid his age, he reflected, but it's fun. And he hasn't had genuine fun in…in how long? He really can't remember. Time wasn't important when it came to living on the streets. Only night and day matters, because they told him when to steal and when to hide away to rest.

"Y-y-you're going too fast for me."

Yahiko sighed and grabbed Konan's hands. They felt warm. "Just try and keep up." He told her pulling her along.

'Nii-chan was right,girls are kind of slow compared to boys.' Yahiko thought to himself.

"Wait!" He heard Konan yell.

Slightly annoyed he abruptly stopped. Aside from muttering ouch under her breath, Konan didn't say anything else. Instead she crouched down and took off her wooden sandles.

She then stored them away in her backpack.

"D-done." She said standing back up.

They continued walking to the outskirts of the town.

'Or maybe nii-chan was wrong. Girls are pretty fast too.' Yahiko realized as Konan kept up with him even when he sped up, though he did notice her panting more due to her efforts.

When they reached the outskirts of the town Yahiko took a look around, making sure no one aside from Konan and him would know where the cave is.

At the same time the rain started pouring down heavily.

"Stupid crybaby!" Yahiko hissed under his breath before grabbing Konan's hand.

He started running.

He didn't really need to think about where the cave was. He practically had it memorized in his head. He eventually stopped at a clearing.

"There." He pointed to the cave.

"H-how did you find this?" Konan asked as they entered.

"Just stumbled upon it." Yahiko lied.

He knew she knew he was lying, but she didn't call him out on it.

"Take off your clothes." Yahiko ordered taking off his own shirt.

"E-e-eh?" Konan stuttered out, "Why?" she asked.

"Want to get sick?" He retorted.

"I don't get sick easily." Konan quietly said.

He turned his back on her. "Your problem."

She gasped.

He immediately realized his mistake.