AN: This takes place during Order of the Phoenix. It's pretty much completely AU for Danny Phantom, what with the ghost portal not being the standard ghost portal and all, so expect that time-line to be a bit... eccentric. I'm generally trying to keep ghosts closer to HP canon than DP.

Edited version: I decided to go back to this fic and expand scenes where possible, since the chapters (especially in the beginning) are so short. While at it, I added some filler scenes where Danny gets to interact with Harry Potter characters that I missed the first time around. Also, I fixed all spelling errors I came across. FFnet has a nasty habit of removing spaces.

Moving In

Danny Fenton was not sulking, thank you very much.

But if he had been, he would have had good reason to.

Their brooms dropped down in front of an old wooden building. Danny got off, feeling a bit sore, and looked over at the area with disdain. The house was almost organic, like it had grown out of the earth together with the surrounding oak trees. Some time long ago, it might have been painted yellow. The whole thing was very wizard, and very much not the red bricks and city life of FentonWorks.

He half expected it to start raining, to match his mood. It was England, after all. Instead, bright sunshine illuminated overgrown rose bushes.

Danny picked up his duffel bag and walked towards the house. His parents were close at his heels, chatting excitedly. He tuned them out. For them this might be some exciting adventure, but Danny wasn't convinced. (Even if it was nice to see his parents finally get the recognition they deserved.)

Even Jazz was smiling about something, which only made Danny want to scowl at her.

"Cheer up, little brother. We might as well make the best of the situation."


"Easy for you to say, you're not getting shipped off to boarding school." He raised his voice slightly at the end, so that his parents would overhear.

They, probably wisely, declined to comment. They had argued about the same thing since they'd decided to move, and nothing good would come from continuing.

"I still don't see why I couldn't just stay with Tucker. His parents would have allowed it."

"Danny!" His mother's voice was firm. "We're a family, we stay together."

Danny bit back a comment about how Tucker's family being muggles played into things, because his mother wasn't dragging him to England because of racism. (Besides, his dad was muggleborn.) Still, the thought to say something about it occurred to him, if only because he knew it would get their attention.

"I'd believe you, if you weren't sending me off to boarding school."

He was, once again, ignored.

The inside of the house appeared less run down than the outside. Maybe the previous owner simply hadn't been into gardening.

His parents wasted no time in unpacking, removing the shrinking spells from the furniture stuffed into their bags. Danny slumped down gratefully in the sofa, even though he'd done nothing but sit down the entire day. Flying across the Atlantic on a broom wasn't exactly relaxing. Especially since they'd gotten lost when they finally arrived in Europe. Turns out, you get to Ireland before you get to England. Who would have thought? (Not his dad, apparently. The man was smart enough when he wanted to be, but apparently geography had never interested him.)

Somewhere behind him, his mother was fuzzing over the fireplace. Likely trying to connect it properly it to the Floo Network.

"I'm gonna tell Tuck we finally arrived."

"You do that, sweetie, but don't bother Spooky. I don't think he has it in him to fly across the Atlantic again so soon."

Danny nodded. The family's barn owl was old and cranky. Any excuse to not go near him was a good one.

Instead, he pulled out the muggle cell phone Tucker had forced on him.

Danny stared at the device. Tucker had explained how it worked. There was... something about pressing the buttons? Yes, definitely. He needed to press the buttons in the right order. Or something.

Muggle technology was weird.

Danny pressed a button, deciding which one randomly. The small screen plastic device started to glow. That was... good? He vaguely remembered it doing that when Tucker had shown him how it worked.

Tucker would tease him so much if he could see Danny right now.

After a few tries, he discovered that Tucker's name was already in the phone. Making the thing choose that option, Danny pulled it to his ear and waited.

"Tucker? It's Danny."

"Dude, I know it's you. And you sound weird, so I think you're holding your phone upside-down."

Danny quickly turned the device around, fighting back a blush. "Better?"

"Much." There were hints of a smug laugh in the voice. "So, how's it going?"

"We're here. Finally. I'm so sick of flying."

"I thought you loved flying."

"I do." Danny sighed, settling down further in the couch. "But there's a difference between playing Quidditch and crossing an ocean. I knew I should have forced mom and dad to get a portkey. How's things back in Amity?"

Tucker paused. "I think things are going back to normal. Everyone's been on edge since... you know..."

Danny felt his mood sour. Things were only going back to "normal" because the Fentons had left.

"They dropped those charges against Sam." Tucker's voice was carefully calm.

"Good." Danny grumbled. "They had nothing to go on."

"Other than general paranoia and that whole Dark Arts obsession the whole town had."

"They shouldn't have accused her to begin with."

"Danny, practically everyone and their dog was accused of practising Dark Arts. It's not because she's your friend."

"It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for..."

"I know, but you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. Sam doesn't blame you."

Danny mumbled something incoherent, not sure himself of what he was trying to say.

"How's the new house."

"Fine, I guess."

"So you hate it?"

"...Yeah." Danny sighed, again. It was becoming a habit. "Well, at least nobody else is going to move into FentonWorks while we're gone."

"Dude, there were talks about blowing the place up rather than lifting quarantine." Tucker's voice was a horrified whisper.

Danny smirked. "That's a terrible idea. The wards will go haywire." It felt nice to allow himself to be vindictive about it. "Take lots of pictures of it, for me?"

"Sure." Tucker laughed and Danny felt his spirits rise ever so slightly. At least he still had his best friend, even if they were on different sides of the planet.

Danny felt better after talking to Tucker, but his good mood quickly faded. Being able to call his best friend was hardly comparable to going over to his house after dinner. Even with wizarding transportation, he would need to Floo to London, and then to the international Floo in New York, before going to Amity Park. The journey across the ocean meant one hour of falling through fireplaces and having his mouth filled with soot. After that he'd still need to go through customs.

No, the Foley residence was firmly out of his reach at the moment.

He distracted himself by exploring their new house, making sure to grumble loudly whenever his parents were around.

Their old furniture were quickly filling the space, a twisted mockery of their old home. Danny's dad's needlework looked wrong hanging on a wooden wall. The words 'home, sweet home' were an insult.

Jazz had unpacked her books before unpacking her bookshelves, making her room an unorganized mess. She frowned at the piles of literature like they were to blame, rather than her own enthusiasm. Danny left her to it.

He wandered aimlessly, since he didn't want to talk to his parents about where they were planning on putting stuff.

Walking away from Jazz, he found that the door facing her room housed his parents' bed. There were two more doors in the corridor, one of which was a bathroom.

The other had a small hand painted sign that Danny had made when he was five. The oddly shaped letters spelled out 'Danny's room', and were surrounded by stars.

Danny's chest constricted, and he felt an impulse to tear it down.

Instead, he turned the doorknob and entered.

Despite the sign, the room was bare. Hardwood floors and light blue walls greeted him. There was a window facing the forest behind the house, but he could also see down the hill to the nearest town. He wasn't sure of whether there was much of a wizard community there, or whether it was strictly muggle. His parents had mentioned that it was a small town, with one bakery and one pub, but no library. Jazz had disapproved.

There was a knock on Danny's open door.

"Danny, sweetie." His mom smiled at him. "Want to unpack?"


Unlike his genius of a sister, Danny remembered to place his bookshelf by the wall before unpacking his books.

Of course, he also forgot to put his rug on the floor before covering said floor with furniture, so it wasn't like he was that much better.

AN: I'll explain exactly why the Fentons moved to England in a later chapter, so don't worry if you're confused about it. I've given some hints though, so you might be able to figure it out before that.

Yes, flying across the Atlantic Ocean on broom is ridiculous and should not be attempted even in a setting where brooms can fly. I just figured, what with the way Fenton Family Road-trips usually play out, that it would be how the Fentons decided to do things. I imagine they have a big magical raft that they pulled out at night to sleep on.