"Nooo…" Atlanta can't help but whine as she pushes away Archie's hand, which was holding a spoonful of dark purple liquid.

"Oh-Atlanta!" Archie cries as he spills the medicine on his jeans.

She snorts. "Sorry."

He rolls his eyes as she laughs as he mops it up as best as he can with a napkin. "Stop being a baby."

"It's gross." She complains as she rolls away from him, tucked underneath her blankets. She sneezes again. Damn Cronus and his stupid monsters, if she hadn't been forced to chase after one in the snow she wouldn't have gotten sick.

"But it'll help you get over this flu faster." Archie points out, for once the voice of reason.

Reluctantly Atlanta turns back and stares at the spoon, which once again held the vile substance. For some reason Archie had taken on the role of nurse, again.

Archie and Atlanta have a stare down, until Atlanta sighs and takes a deep breath. She quickly slurps the medicine down, giving a shiver of disgust.

"Now I feel worse!" She groans, kicking her legs out as she throws the sheets off.

Chuckling Archie pulls the covers back over her. "You're such a kid."

"So are you!" She argues.

"I'm older." He points out smugly.

"By two months." Atlanta huffs.

"Still counts." He smirks as he leans down and brushes away Atlanta's bands as he lightly kisses his girlfriend on the forehead.

Atlanta's face is slightly red, but she pretends it's from the fever.

Archie stands up, stretching his arms behind his head as he prepares to leave. "Alright, you should get some rest."

He turns to walk out the door, and Atlanta suddenly feels a pit of fear in her stomach as her mind flashes to the nightmare she had last time she fell asleep. In their line of work a few nightmares here and there were a given, but since she was a child whenever Atlanta got sick her fevered brain would create nightmares, vivid ones, to greet her when she went to sleep.

Before Archie can take a step he feels a small hand suddenly grab his own. He sends a confused glance down at Atlanta, who was half sitting up, shyly staring at his shoes.


His breath leaves him as she looks up at him through her eyelashes, her usual fiery hazel eyes were sad, her cheeks flushed. In that moment she was so unlike her usual snarky self that Archie swore he felt his heart skip a beat.

He quickly sits back down on the chair next to her bed. "Um, actually I've been meaning to catch up on some of my writing…" He murmurs, referring to his poetry. With one hand he takes out the small black book from his pocket, and his pencil, and balances it on the arm chair rest. " And I bet the others will be too loud to concentrate, so I'll just stay here, if that's okay with you."

She sniffles as she lies back down on her pillow, smiling softly. "Okay."

Archie doesn't let go of her hand as Atlanta falls asleep to the sound of pencil on paper. For the first time in a long time no nightmares bother her.