1. Getting to island

It all started at cloudy, rainy day. Straw Hats were scattered all over ship. Franky was working some of his projects, Usopp was telling to Chopper his stories (other saying lies) in the aquarium bar, Nami was drawing map and in same room at library was Robin, reading book about archaeological foundlings. Sanji was making dinner at kitchen while Brook played his violin, with warm tune. Luffy was lying at sofa, what was next to dining table. Zoro was keeping watch at Crows Nest.

"Oi, Luffy, Brook! Food is ready, get guys here. I go to tell Nami-swan and Robin-chan myself." Sanji smiled and walk away from kitchen, Luffy and Brook followed him, telling everyone that food is ready.

At the kitchen, whole crew was gathered on table. Time when eating, it was mostly keeping eye on Luffy, watching that he doesn't take others food. After a while, they were done with eating.

"By the way, I saw island a head" Zoro said while drinking his water.

"Oi Marimo, why you didn't said earlier? Well knowing you, maybe it looks like a big rock from your lame ONE eye. Oh my Gosh you are so stupid, one eyed Marimo!"

Sanji ask with frustration to Zoro and lighting new cigarette. Zoro answered to Sanji:

"I thought that we can go in that island, AFTER we are done eating, so it doesn't matter if I tell before or after. And if you are cook, you should know that with empty stomach you can't fight stupid Ero-cook? Maybe we can get better cook from that island?"

Sanji and Zoro were burning with anger, so Nami interrupted boys, coming between them.

"Anyway...Maybe we can get more supplies. Chopper, how is the sick bay? Need more bandages or medicines? And we need food too."

Chopper nodded happily to Nami.

Luffy say to Sanji: "Sanjii, don't forget buy meat. Shishishishi"

Robin started smile. "Luffy's requests are always simple."

Usopp say to Franky who was watching from door, ready to go out.

"Franky, who stay guarding a ship? And where we put anchor down?"

Franky take his little hand out from bigger hand, put binoculars front his eyes and started look around.

"Hmm, I don't think that anyone have to stay behind this time. What I can see, island seem to be, SUUPEER really good place just chill." And he started to drink Cola.

Nami look at island and asked from Franky;

"Franky, can you see place where put Sunny Go?"

"Yes there is Nami, under trees, at the left side of island."

Straw Hats get their ship to anchor, and started their supplies gathering. Nami gave to everyone money (expect for Luffy) and say to them what have to get. She also put them in pairs, so unless something happens to them, doesn't come need to search everyone. Pairs were: Sanji & Usopp, Zoro & Chopper, Nami & Franky & Brook and Luffy & Robin (Case Luffy trying doing something stupid, Robin would stop him.) Nami said to everyone use money good way, not to spend it to something useless junk. Everyone seem to understanding point, and so they go into town, shopping food, drink, stuff to sick bay and something else, what they need.

Maybe this is short for first chapter, but I think that if there is too much text, you may loose interest