As it seems the cross over is forming into an X over I thought it would be right to add a disclaimer since multliple medias are now involvedDisclaimer: I do not own the rights to starwars,call of duty, rainbow six, metal gear, or Ghost recon all rights reserved to Diseny,Activision, Ubi soft, and Kojima/Konami.Now with enjoy chapter 11 of Goliath

Planet: VC

Twelve months before the battle of Yavin

Goliath battalion

LAATs rained from orbit carrying new equipment for the insurgency. Nomad and Mute were over seeing the ships coming in for landing. The LAATs landed very quickly men on the inside unloaded crates full of weaponry and new uniforms. Then a New operator hopped off one a polish female with green hair.

"Names Ela, Mute you probably remember me from operation blood orchid." The new rainbow operator replied.

"Yeah I recall," Mute replied, "Welcome to the new team."

Quickly Ela, Mute, and Nomad got to work grabbing one of the unloaded crates and moving it into a hangar bay. Numerous insurgents moved out as well to grab and unload the rest of the equipment. They then began cracking them open. Nomad's good grew wide as he took out one of the rifles. It was a M4A1 shiny and new.

"Damn this must've just come off the assembly line." He remarked examining the weapon. He turned to an insurgent he had conversed with earlier, "Hera you and your friends are pretty god damn lucky if commands sending these."

He threw the rifle to twi'lek who caught. Price had instructed everyone on how to use AK47s in the past since that use to be all they had. However the AK was crude compared to this fine piece of machinery.

"I'm sure we'll make good use of these." She replied making sure the safety was still on.

Nomad cracked open another crate to see the new uniforms model after the US military after getting it all out it resembled spec ops gear even came with helmets and masks. Again this was pretty solid gear to be gifting insurgents.

"Good now you guys don't look like the bloody Taliban." Mute joked as everyone stared at the new gear.

"What's the Taliban?" Questioned Hera.

Before that conversation everyone saw Sandman enter the hanger. He had just come from a critical meeting with Soap and Price. Over critical information.

"Everyone in the conference room we have missions to complete." The delta operator said.

Minutes later everyone was grouped around the holo table. Soap stood their prepared with today's briefing.

"The rebel alliance as you know is very influential and getting closer to them would greatly expand our operations," Soap started getting everyone's attention, "The rebels have a contact who managed to infiltrate an imperial facility and extract critical information including the inner workings of their weapons facility. This man is currently stuck on Christosis evading imperial detection. We need to find him and get him off world before imperial forces kill him then get him to the alliance as a symbol of friendship."

"Why not use the information for ourselves?" Questioned Gaz.

"Because it would be nice to have an army of trained rebels backing us for the eventual conquest of Corellia." Soap replied.

"I'm sorry did you say conquest what are we the Roman empire?" Questioned Nomad jokingly.

"No we're better unlike those Italian pricks we'll actually succeed in managing all of our territory." Sandman butted in getting a few laughs.

"What's the Roman empire?" Questioned trained insurgent Sabine who like all the other natives who had a very limited knowledge of earth history.

"We're moving off topic there's a second mission that needs to be executed it's smaller and needs to be kept quite to big a group might blow the secrecy of it." Price continued, "We tracked narco terrorist friends threw a mole in the hutt cartel. There's a meeting taking place in tatooine a senior member will be present you need to kidnap him and bring him here for interrogation. Now it's between the Narcs and the Hutts and we do not need to make an enemy of the Hutts. Last thing we need is to be planning something then Boba Fett leading a taskforce of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy breaking in shooting the place up. So you will be under the guise of mercenaries hired by the black sun."

"And you don't feel that could cause a gang war?" Questioned Sabine questioned.

"It definitely will but that's not our problem now is it." Price replied dismissing the possible ripple effects of of a war between the black sun and the Hutt clan.

"You know what we need," Frost questioned, "Jordan and Marksman those guys were from the CIA's special activities division they could kill this op."

"What're you talking about CIA's always present I bet half of everyone here's secretly CIA spies." Said Outlaw.

"Shut up FNG we don't have time for your ludicrous conspiracy theories." Soap shot back,"Also give me three days I can track our ex CIA friends down."

"That won't be necessary I can execute this single handedly just give me a blaster and a disguise it'll be down just like that and they'll never even guess it was us." Gaz advertised.

"I know you work Gaz we all know your work you're one of our best," Price replied, "Which is exactly sending you alone is risky we lose you it's not just a lost we can shrug off."

"Boss we're SAS I'm not doing this because I expect to come back alive quite the opposite in fact and as you said you know my work so you know I'll get it down."

"Yes if you come back alive if you don't this insurgency will be dealt a serious blow."

"Then who else are you going to send your most skilled would all deal serious losses to this insurgency if they were compromised. If anything I'm the least valuable of the most valuable."

"Gaz one informant just isn't worth it."

"Really that's not what you would've said years ago on earth," Gaz said starting to get combative, "You've changed I don't it's because I'm actually that tactically valuable you just can't bare the thought of losing your friends again being left alone for eternity."

"You arrogant bastard can't just sit your arse down and let someone else handle it?" Price replied his voice steaming with anger.

"I could tag along," Ash said the two stopped their confrontation between one another which had seemingly isolated them from the rest of the room. The two turned to look at rainbow operative, "As Gaz pointed out he can execute this and sending anyone else could deal a more serious blow if things go south. As you pointed out executing this alone is near suicide which is why he won't be alone. I'll tag along tactically expendable and skilled increasing the chances of mission success."

"I'll accept that." Price said, "And as the commanding officer I'm ordering you to do it as well."

"Soap's technically in charge but I'll accept these terms," Gaz replied backing off.

"Both of you head to the armory trade your guns for blaster and dress in anything that can't be associated with us." Price continued.

Both operatives nodded then exited the room. Though the conversation was brief it was tense for a moment Price didn't exactly say anything.

"The rescue mission?" Questioned Soap getting everything back on track.

"Right, Frost you're in charge of the operation select your operatives wisely I want Venom Snake here he's more useful building an army then trying to make us look good so he's. Same goes for Sandman, Ghost and Soap I need them to help plan out the next campaign."

"Right but can we at least see a picture of who were rescuing?" Questioned Frost accepting his duties.

"Right." Price replied and began pressing buttons in the holo table.

Then everyone from earth gasped at the sight of the person the would be assigned to rescue. He was an infamous man from their world. Branded a rogue agent and criminal by the government how he got here was unknown and shocked them to the core.

"Jesus Christ it's Jason Bourne." Remarked Frost his jaw dropped seeing the holographic image of one of the deadliest men alive.


Vladimir Makarov had gone from dead terrorist to living space terrorist to imperial intelligence operative. The job itself hadn't really changed in it always involved violence and terror. Those were to things he was skilled it at.

He arrived on Christosis where someone needed to be cleaned up. He was given very little information on the target for the imperials had very little information. Now that was a first. However he had a picture and though the figure reminded him of someone he'd seen appear in the news he dismissed the thought of the man making it all the way out here.

He and a group of black hole troopers moved threw the streets unchallenged no even dare look one of them in the eye. This man had been spotted only minutes ago entering a tavern. Makarov had the place surrounded. The ex terrorist himself drawing an E-11 blaster rifle. He opened the door to see his target passing something to another alien a rodian it looked like. Makarov quickly opened fire blasting the rodian in the head turning his face black from the heat he fell over dead. His target moved quickly drawing a pistol. Five shots went off two of the black hole stormtroopers who entered were shot dead instantly.

Makarov moved in squeezing the trigger gunning down numerous patrons who were in the way as he tried to kill his target. The black hole stormtroopers stationed outside the bar had strict orders not to allow anyone to escape. Patrons who made it outside only did so to be gunned down by a shadow trooper with a heavy blaster. Their bodies lined the floor.

Makarov quickly learned the hard way it was indeed the man from earth. He felt a hard fist strike him across the face breaking his jaw. His gun was stolen from his hands as he then felt the metal strike him across the head throwing him to the ground. Then Jason Bourne turned the gun on two shadow troopers blasting both of them dead. He then moved to one of the bodies and grabbed a thermal detonator off one man and went to the door way. He clicked the button down and threw it,

The explosive device landed near three elite troopers exploding killing them. Bourne then charged out rifle aimed he pulled the trigger quickly shooting out all the other troopers. He then jumped in his own land speeder and flew off.


Gaz and Ash arrived planetside on tatooine dressed like galactic natives. Gaz very carefully took out an E11 blaster rifle primed and ready to get the job done. Ash an EE3 carbine preferring the range advantage over the high fire rate. A speeder was made ready and the target building wasn't to far off.

"Alright remember we need to move fast don't give'em time to think." Gaz replied, "We're treading in very dangerous waters."

"Don't have to tell me twice," Ash replied, "If missions weren't dangerous there'd be no reason to call it special operations would there."

"I suppose not." Gaz replied.

The two then jumped in the speeder and drove off. On tatooine they noticed it was a lot easier to carry weapons out the open as they entered mos eisley nobody questioned the fact they were packing heavy weaponry. Maybe that was just life here on tatooine maybe they assumed they were bounty hunters.

Gaz drove the speeder near the targets apartment complex to see it had stormtroopers guarding it. Corruption ran deep in the empire it seemed and this further complicated things. Gaz looked around to find a way in however the imperials covered just about every angle.

"Alright follow my lead." Gaz said reaching for a thermal detonator.

Ash simply nodded. Gaz jumped out of the vehicle Ash following behind blaster ready as he lined up against the gate. He then clicked a button on the detonator it began to tick. Swiftly he slid threw the entrance under the feet of a group of unsuspecting stormtroopers.

The troopers looked down and flinched trying to evade but it was to late. The grenade exploded a few dead troopers flying past them. Then Gaz moved in first Ash behind him. They were quick entering the gate the stormtroopers remaining were shaken up from the ordeal. Gaz was quick to let off a few shots from his blaster the bolts striking the commanding officer in the chest and two of his men in the head. Ash then used her carbine to very accurately blast the remaining three in the neck and face quickly.

They then moved towards the entrance of the target building. Gaz kicked down the door as Ash then moved in. Several thugs working for the Hutts pulled blaster pistols Ash was quick to blast each one in the chest. Their target had his men pull various SMGs Gaz was quick to blast each one of them in the head. Ash quickly set the blaster for stun and neutralized their target. She then grabbed the man throwing him over her shoulder.

Gaz then charged back outside blaster raised as he maneuvered towards the speeder. Quickly the target was thrown in the trunk. Gaz jumped in the driver's seat Ash next to him and they took off down the streets. However thugs pursued them in their own speeders as they were on guard near the building. Blaster fire struck their vehicle numerous times. Ash fired from the back striking one of the fierce gun men in the chest throwing him out of his vehicle.

They rounded a corner as more problems occured. Swiftly a red hit blaster bolt struck the blaster that was in Ash's hand the operator moved back into the vehicle as on speeder bike chasing them down the streets was Boba Fett. Gaz saw him in his rear view mirror and increased in speed the bounty hunter did the exact same thing.

Gaz then squeezed the break and swerved around the bounty hunter Boba did the same the two went in a circle before stopping with ten meters between them facing each other. Gaz fever his engine the galaxy's deadliest bounty hunter did the same. This guy had guts.

"What are you doing Gaz?" Ash questioned.

"We're about to find out just how brave this guy is." Gaz replied.

He then squeezed the accelerator Fett doing the same. The two charged at the other their speeds increasing the longer they went. Both remained undaunted ready for a head on collision. However right before collision could take place Ash grabbed the wheel swerving Gaz out of the way the bounty hunter found himself headed right for the wall of a building. Unable to turn he activated his jet pack allowing the bike to collide with the building. He then shot himself right on the roof of the speeder holding on to it.

"This guys relentless." Ash said, "He's fucking insane."

"I don't know I kind of like him." Gaz replied as blaster bolts flew threw the roof from Fett his gauntlet. Ash drew a DC17 pistol and returned fire threw the roof.

Then Gaz slammed hard on the breaks throwing Fett off the vehicle in front of them. Gaz quickly slammed the accelerator about to ram the bounty hunter who jumped out of the way right before being hit. Gaz then turned and flew off leaving Fett in the dust.

The skilled hunter stood up. While his prey had escaped it was hardly over in fact it had just begun no target evaded him for so long. No he hadn't jumped on the roof of the speeder because he thought he had them. He did it to plant a homing device on its hood which he was now using.

Orbit of Christosis

Frost had brought along with him Mute and Nomad to get this mission down along with an insurgent air team under instruction from Nikolai. Frost was tasked with leading this operation he held in his hands an M4A1 assault rifle silenced with ACOG scope attached. Mute had himself running with the MPK5 with a holographic sight. Nomad was running with an ACR with a grip and ACOG attacked while carrying a backup MP5 on his back. Alongside two other drop ships with insurgent commandos trained by Captain Price himself.

"Alright our primary objective is to locate Jason Bourne." Frost started off the briefing.

"And how do we manage the combined efforts of the CIA and NSA failed to do it over the course of ten years. And you want us to do it in a matter of hours this is mission impossible." Nomad replied, "Not to forget imperials are hunting him as well."

"I wouldn't say we're that limited." Mute replied, "After all imperial intelligence just volunteered to help us."

Mute then reveal on a tablet the communications expert had tapped in to the enemy common is and surveillance systems on Christosis.

"Patch that threw." Frost replied.

On the ground with absolutely no clue all their communications were being monitored by the enemy Makarov had resumed his search after some time in a bacta tank.

"City on lock down?" Questioned Makarov to one of the black hole troopers.

"Yes sir anyone caught outside has been shot as are your orders." The trooper replied, "No sign of Bourne yet."

"Keep searching and when you find him place him siege until I arrive do not engage him if you value your life."

"I'll inform the men agent Makarov."

Now that caught Frost's attention a confirmed presence of Vladimir Makarov taking him out would be his second goal.

"Alright add kill Makarov if possible to your objectives." Frost replied as he then continued to monitor enemy com links.

However very soon imperial intelligence picked something up. Mute had tapped into the helmet camera of one of the shadow troopers as they began to surround a warehouse with assistance from normal stormtroopers.

"Spotted born entering warehouse." A shadow trooper said over the com link, "We got his position surrounded waiting on you sir."

Frost heard this and stood up feeling pride they had accomplished the impossible even though it was technically the empires accomplishment.

"Track that and pilot move us in we're going to paradrop not to far from his location and secure the area." Frost replied everything he said was done extremely quickly.

Jason Bourne found himself pinned in a warehouse that he knew the imperials had surrounded. He could see there searchlights outside and hear them moving around. They weren't breaching yet that was smart since they hadn't known what he was capable of. Though he had to admit he didn't know how to get out of this one. At least on earth the people he ran from weren't wearing full solid body armor and carrying energy rifles.

He still had his pistol with a few rounds in it. He could do alot with that he didn't have to kill them all he just had to escape.

The Uwings came over head stopping there doors flew open. Frost didn't hesitate to jump out out Mute and Nomad behind him. The insurgent air commandos followed all around. Carefully they landed inserting themselves around the enemy.

They moved out from the darkness Nomad firing a grenade from the launcher under his barrel. One if the imperial armored transport was struck near it's fuel line causing it to explode. The shadow troopers were quick but not quick enough. Frost moved in quickly placing three shots threw the face of a single trooper piercing his armor and ensuring he was dead. Mute threw rolled in with his MPK5 squeezing the trigger gunning down three guys. The insurgent commandos moved using the element of surprise to their advantage as they opened fire. Every imperial was quickly shot out. Their bodies scattered across the ground and their blood stained everything.

Frost raised his hand up giving the insurgents the signal to surround the area. He then motioned for Mute and Nomad to follow him in. They quickly moved towards the door. Frost then kicked it open Mute and Nomad entered first guns ready.

Then Bourne came from the side unsure why they were here. He grabbed Mute's MPK5 throwing it to the side as he punched him hard in neck. Mute fell to the ground having the wind knocked out of him. Nomad let his gun drop and raised his fists seeking to subdue born and not kill him. He sent the first punch Bourne blocked it grabbed Nomad by his shoulder and slammed him against the wall. He then formed a fist ready to pound Nomad in the face.

"Wow hold it!" Frost yelled, "We are here to extract you and get you to the alliance we are not here to harm you or hand you over to the empire. Please do not break my men."

Bourne thought it out then let Nomad go. Mute then slowly got back to his feet picking up his sub machine gun shaking off his wound.

"Some way to thank the men who killed all the imperials for you." Nomad said sarcastically as he grabbed his gun from the floor.

"I had it handled." Jason Bourne replied, "Now what's your plan of escape?"

"Got U-wings outside waiting for us to exit." Frost said.

An explosion broke causing everyone to flinch. Then the sounds of gunfire sounded outside along with explosions and screams. Then the sound of a large vehicle coming towards the ground wounded before a massive explosion that blew the doors down a fiery blazes coming threw throwing the four men backwards.

Frost slowly got up to see the fiery remains of a u wing and black figures moving around the fire. Mute is quick to start firing three Shadow troopers struck in their necks and chest are thrown backward blood seen shooting from their bodies.

"Nikolai!" Frost shouted over the com link, "What the hell was that?"

"Empire caught on to us we tried to support the insurgents the hit one of our U wings with a rocket launcher. There's to much air resistance clear of city limits then I'll be able to extract you."

"Alright we'll be right on it." Frost replied. He then turned to the small squadron he had left mostly everyone they brought was probably dead, "We gotta get out of the city limits before we can get extracted cause as it is we're down one U wing."

"There's gotta be like five hundred guys out there waiting for us." Nomad replied, "This is insane."

"Let's get to it," Bourne said, "I do not plan to die here with out getting the information I have acquired to the rebel alliance."

"Alright fall on me Bourne I want you in back we need to keep you alive I'll take point let's move out." Frost said unsure what waited for him outside.


The speeder moved into the space port Gaz at wheel. They were almost there the mission almost over. Gaz had a smile on his face. Knowing from the beginning they'd get this done. However that smile disappeared right off his face as he saw a group of stormtroopers waiting along with Boba Fett.

"This guy's good." Ash said, "Must've placed a damn tracker on the hood while he was on us."

"Must've." Gaz said slamming his brakes grabbing his blaster, "Grab and shoot cover me while I grab the prisoner."

The speeder stopped Gaz and Ash getting out at the same time with their blasters quick to open fire three stormtroopers were shot dead before they could react. Ash squeezed the trigger on her blaster going rapid fire. The blaster bolts hammered stormtroopers in the their armor. Gaz went to the back and grabbed their prisoner from the trunk.

Ash moved backwards towards him firing off the blaster as red bolts flew everywhere they used the vehicle as cover. However as a heavy blaster came out the two realized they weren't staying here. They saw a building near by some kind of store. Gaz took out a thermal detonator Ash nodded getting at his plan.

They both moved she laid down cover as he threw. The explosion cracked stormtroopers screaming as they were blown away. The heavy blaster man taking the brunt of the impact turned into multiple melted blackened bits.

The two then ran with stormtroopers scattered sprinting for the store to seek cover. Boba Fett saw them and opened fire intentionally wounding Gaz with a blaster bolt to the shoulder blade and another to the keg as they moved into the shop. He knew this would slow them down as he moved towards the store.

Gaz grabbed the wound his shoulder rendered useless. He drew a pistol as he slumped down against the wall. He looked at Ash who was watching the prisoner he knew the enemy was charging. This was the end of the line for them. There was another door to exit threw and keep running into a crowd.

"Grab the prisoner and go I'll hold them off best I can." Gaz said raising his pistol hearing the plastoid boots.

"No, never leave a man behind." Ash replied aiming her blaster at the entrance to the store the people inside ducking for cover.

"Mission comes first." Gaz replied.

Ash didn't seem to listen. Boba allowed a squadron of stormtroopers to breach first Ash went rapid fire on her blaster shooting them down in the chest and head. Then Boba moved in Ash was quick to fire off three shots Fett's armor held as he moved to the right. Ash fired another bolt striking the blaster rifle in his hand.

The mandalorian bounty hunter taken by shock by the accuracy of what he thought was a thug. He stood frozen for a second seeing this as the end. He then heard a click.

"Out if amou." He said. Ash stood their knowing their wasn't time to reload as Fett drew a dagger, "Real shame."

The bounty hunter charged Ash dropping the E11 and dodging a strike from the experienced killer. Her martial arts skills no match. Gaz saw Fett make the mistake of considering him to wounded. He aimed his blaster pistol at a chink in the bounty hunter's upper shoulder. He opened fire striking it causing him to wince in pain. Ash socked him in the neck as Gaz fired again at the hunter's ankle the bounty hunter was then thrown to the floor and swiftly kicked in the head knocking him out.

"Now what it's get me or the prisoner out of here no way you do both. The imperials are probably surrounding this place."

"Watch me." Was Ash's simple reply.

Outside roughly twenty stormtroopers stood surrounding the building. They had hoped Fett had succeeded however the long periods of silence suggested otherwise. The commander raised his hand ready to order his men to move in. However the door came open three thermal detonators all armed flew out.

The stormtroopers tried going for cover but weren't nearly quick enough. The explosion broke it bright fire. Five men were killed instantly there body parts thrown around. The last few all readied their rifles. The R6 operator Ash charged out E11 on rapid fire as she was quick to place blaster bolts threw the chests of three others. She then took out her blaster pistol in one hand and was faster to quickly shoot five others in the head before they could move.

She moved quick as the last seven all unloaded on her position. She took cover behind a speeder. She had one more thermal detonator and took it out the blaster bolts pounding the speeder. She threw it out the explosion killed no one but caused the troopers to flinch. Ash took the opportunity to blast three of them down bolts to the head. She was much too quick for them. However one trooper managed to score a lucky hit on her shoulder blade. Ash felt the blow and went back down for cover narrowly avoiding a hit to the chest.

The last four split up moving in to surround. However a wounded Gaz saw his opportunity peeking out the door with his EE3 rifle. He opened fire striking two troopers down. Ash then came back up the last two caught between the two deadly operators. They were both shot several times in the chest and head. The two troopers crashed into each other and fell to the ground dead.

Ash moved aiding the wounded Gaz with one hand using the other to aim a blaster at their prisoner who willingly complied.

Quickly they moved across the space port to get back to their ship. The prisoner was thrown in the craft first then Ash and Gaz charged in. Ash set Gaz down in the co pilots seat. Didn't take the time to get out the med kit as she set course and pulled the craft up. Stormtroopers charging out last minute opening fire at the flying craft. They quickly broke orbit as coordinates were set and shot off into hyperspace back to VC.

"That was close." Gaz said.


Makarov had the wreckage surrounded he would not leave until Bourne's body was found. However Frost himself had a plan as Monad quickly slid around in his grenade launcher and peaked from cover. He fired blowing away a small patrol speeder and killing three stormtroopers.

The others moved in. Jason Bourne with both Frost and Mute covering him charged out. He was quick to shoot dead three other men. Then he slid across the hood of a speeder stole the rifle out of a shadow troopers hand then swiftly punched him in the neck. He then kicked the man on the head as he fell knocking him out.

Frost along with Mute and Nomad charged all guns blazing bullets ripping threw several shadow troopers. Makarov pulled out his own imperial issue pistol and fired at them from cover of his own vehicle. He then jumped over as his targets were entering the vehicle.

"Stop them!" Makarov shouted at his men.

Several blaster bolts flew at the speeder which sped off ramming a few troopers along the way. Jason Bourne was at the while as the roared off into the streets. Several scout troopers were quick to get to their bikes taking off. Makarov got in an armored transport and shot off as well.

Bourne kept his foot in the accelerator as he saw the speeder bikes approaching from behind. He swerved right dodging a volley of blaster fire. He then looked at Frost.

"Mind shooting out those bikers?" He questioned, "After all I'm the one who's supposed to be rescued here."

Frost didn't say a word drawing out his pistol he stuck his body out the window as they flew. He opened fire pulling the trigger back several times. One biker was struck in the head and lost control spinning out then exploding. The other was shot right in the shoulder blade he flinched in pain jerking left into a building.

Two more were on them as Frost reloaded. Mute then took aim squeezing the trigger on his MPK5 the bullets flying furiously. One biker took three to the chest throwing him off the bike. The other shot right in the forehead by Nomad who was utilizing his assault rifle.

They all opened fire as Bourne took off down the streets. Makarov was fast to get on their tale with an armored vehicle. He had a shadow trooper firing out the window right back at Bourne's speeder. The blaster bolts struck the exterior of the vehicle as the bullets ricocheted off the imperial armored transport.

"These guys are hard to shake." Bourne said, "So we're not gonna try."

Bourne then slammed the breaks on the speeder coming to a speedy hault. He then drifted around the speeder armored imperial speeder. He fell in right behind it. He looked at Frost who was right next to him.

"Brace yourself." Bourne said increasing in speed.

He rammed right into the back of the speeder throwing both vehicles off. They crashed in to two different buildings. Everyone in Bourne's car was shaken up. The rogue agent then took Frost's gun opened the door cocking it. He raised it up seeing four shadow troopers getting out. He opened fire shooting two troopers in the neck. The other two moved with their E11s ready to open fire. However they're efforts were cut short as Mute shot them up with his MPK5 on full auto.

More stormtroopers moved in to engage their enemy. Bourne was quick to shift his attention as he opened fire several times. He managed to shoot out five of them as he sought cover. Nomad rushed out with his assault rifle as did Frost both opening fire on the remaining stormtroopers.

Then finally Makarov moved quietly drawing out his knife. Bourne saw heard him move and as the rest of the squad engaged the stormtroopers in a firefight Bourne focused solely on Makarov. His pistol empty he moved back dodging a swift strike from Makarov's knife. He then lunged at Makarov and blocked the Russian by stopping his wrist with his own. He then punched Makarov hard in face. Makarov was thrown back but was quick to turn around trying another stab. Jason Bourne was quick to dodge that strike as he brought his knee hard into Makarov's ribs. Then as Makarov caved in from the hit Bourne brought his fists repeatedly smashing into the man's face. Then grabbed him and threw hard against the armored vehicle knocking him out.

Meanwhile Frost and the squad were running low on amou. Nomad had switched to his side arm being a pistol. Mute was on the last clip in his SMG.

"Well some rescue mission this turned out to be." Remarked Mute as he opened fire again gunning down several stormtroopers then drawing his pistol quickly opening fire.

"Can't say we didn't try." Frost said throwing his last grenade as the stormtroopers moved in.

Then from above a single U wing flew in firing a rocket blowing away the stormtroopers. It then landed opening both side doors an insurgent on one end firing away on the turret.

"Let's go!" Frost shouted making sure Bourne jumped in first. He then followed behind a long with the rest off the squad. They all secured their searing as the doors closed and they took off clearing the area.

"I swear it's never easy with you westerners." Nikolai who was piloting grumbled, "Just once I want a clean pick up with out being shot at by hundreds of enemies! Just once!"

"Come on Nikolai where's the fun in that be." Frost joked as they flew off into hyperspace.

"This usually how your rescue missions go?" Bourne questioned.

"Well if we're being totally honest this is my first rescue op since we left earth so it's not really a far comparison." Frost replied, "Back in earth we didn't have guys in white armor shooting at us with laser or whatever it is those red energy beams are."

"I can concur I miss the days when my greatest threat was the CIA and not some totalitarian space empire but then again the CIA guys were a lot better at shooting so it's not all a loss." Bourne replied.

"He's got a point." Nomad replied with a laugh, "These guys got to much tech and not enough skill."

VC hours later

Gaz's mission had gone almost to successfully. On part it was thanks to Ash the two got off their ship and moved their prisoner in front of them. Price stood waiting for them Ghost and Soap a long side. They signaled for the prisoner to be taken away. This was done by Fuze an IQ who grabbed the prisoner halling him away.

"Good work Gaz should've never doubted you for a second," Price replied, "And perhaps your right I am being to cautious."

"Price I should also apologize I over estimated my own skills if I had gone on my own I wouldn't have come back," Gaz replied, "I suppose we both learned something."

"Suppose we did take some leave I'll send someone for you when you're needed." Price replied Gaz nodded as he and Ash departed.

Minutes later one U wing returned. The doors opened Frost exited with way less men then Price had sent out. However they had gotten Jason Bourne out a live.

"Jesus Christ it's actually him." Ghost said in disbelief, "Never thought I'd actually end up in the same room as Jason Bourne."

"You his autograph while he's here bet he'd be totally willing to give you that." Soap said teasing Ghost a little.

"O shut up." Ghost said.

"Sir." Frost said as he approached saluting. It was evident it had not been an easy operation, "We were beaten and battered pretty hard but we got Bourne out alive."

"Good work Frost I'm sure the rebel alliance will be most pleased." Price said, "Your team could probably use a little leave wouldn't you say."

"I'll ask the guys but as for me I can't rest till the empires cleared off the map." Frost said turning around.

Then Jason Bourne approached and while he didn't look all that physically intimidating his record was. The three men stood firm.

"Mr Bourne." Price said extending his hand.

"Captain." Bourne replied shaking his hand, "I hear you'll be able to transfer me to Yavin where I can give the alliance valuable information."

"As soon as Nikolai gets the ship refueled we'll fly you out." Price replied however he could tell threw his voice there was something else, "With all do respect Bourne I find it odd a man of your talents and experience wasn't able to get off Christosis undetected."

"You're correct I intentionally blew my cover," Bourne replied, "I met a man they called Six he's from earth but a very different era. He told me he needed to meet up with you. Currently he's on Ryloth."

"So all this trouble was just to meet us and pass along a message?" Price questioned realizing how many men were lost.

"Sorry Captain." Bourne replied, "But trust me this man is worth all of it his skills and abilities are unlike any I've seen."

Price was silent for a moment. He wanted to know why there was yet another earth man in the galaxy nobody knew was there.

"Bourne I must ask how did you end here off of earth and what was your mission?" Price asked Bourne grinned.

"Sorry Captain but somethings even I have to admit should remain secret."

Do you want Bourne to return. Or perhaps you have another guest star in mind who you think would be perfect for a later chapter. leave that down below in the comments also with any questions or reviews you might have.