Discovering Secrets Chapter 11: The Secret is Out!

Well folks this is the last chapter, I'm sorry for the delay, going back to work has been a bit of a trying time. Thanks for all the follows and the reviews they have really kept me going. I hope that this conclusion works for you all. Thanks to my beta who solved a tricky issue at the end. Now on with the show…..

"So, Jacob understood?" Jack asked Sam who was now sitting up in bed.

"Yeah. He was a little shocked..." Seeing Jack's raised eyebrows, Sam hesitated before continuing. "Okay, a lot shocked, but Annie reminded him so much of me that he fell in love pretty quickly."

"I can see why. She really looks like you."

Doctor Warner took the opportunity to look around the curtain to check on his patient. "How are you feeling, Colonel Carter?" he asked while studying her chart.

"Like I could go home. Maybe?" Sam asked.

"Well, I'm not sure about that." Dr Warner shook his head. "How about we try getting you into a wheelchair, first, then we'll see. But you're going to need a lot of help with even the simplest things for a while, having both an arm and a leg in plaster."

Sam looked at herself, one leg in plaster and one arm. Any trip out of bed was going to be difficult. She nodded to the doctor. She knew the drill; she wouldn't be allowed anywhere if she couldn't get to the loo. "Okay. But I want to get out of this bed as soon as possible."

"We'll see how you feel tomorrow, how the pain's going. Then we'll see about getting you up out of that bed."

Sam watched the doctor leave then turned to Jack. "Jack, did you really get permission for me to tell my family everything? The Stargate, other planets, Dad?"

"Everything, Sam. The President signed the order this afternoon. But just the adults. Sorry, he was worried that it would end up as part of a homework assignment if the kids were told," Jack quipped. "Look, get some sleep and I'll come back later. It can wait a few days. Once you're able to get up and around we can get you to the briefing room to give your spiel to Mark and Chloe."

A few days later saw Mark and Chloe, the original SG-1, and General Landry sitting waiting for Sam's video to start, explaining what happened under the mountain. Mark and Chloe had both signed the agreement and were ready to find out what Sam and Jacob had been involved in all these years, what the big secret was.

Stunned was a good word to describe the look on their faces when Daniel switched the lights on again.

"So…." Jack began, grinning at the two visitors, "A bit mind blowing, isn't it?"

"Yeah... um... you could say that," Mark managed to say, still in shock, then looked directly at his sister. "Are you serious? Aliens?! Other planets?! Really?!"

"Yeah… surprise!" Sam finished lamely.

"Wow!" Chloe finally spoke. "I know you said your job was important but... wow!"

"I know."

"And you've been doing this since you were pregnant?" Mark asked.

"Yeah," Sam answered her brother.

"And where did Dad fit in to all this?"

Sam cleared her throat. This she was going to have to do without a script and she looked to Jack for support. At his slight nod she began. "Dad was going to die from cancer 5 years ago and a race we met called the Tok'ra could help him, so he agreed to join them. They cured his cancer and then he started working for them."

"So he didn't have a heart attack then?" Chloe asked.

"No… you see, to cure him a Tok'ra had to live inside him..." Sam started to explain when Mark interrupted her.

"Inside him? What the heck does that mean?"

"Well, you see, the Tok'ra are a race of symbiotes who are blended with humans..."

"Symbiotes? Blended?" Mark was trying to understand the totally foreign concept.

"Yeah. How can I explain it?" Sam thought for a moment. "The Tok'ra are an intelligent race of beings who need a host to survive. They can't live without a host. They're not very big and so blend with a human..." Sam could see that Mark was about to interrupt her again and so put up her hand to stop him before he could say anything. "I know it's hard to understand and I know you have questions but just let me finish, okay?" At Mark's nod Sam continued.

"Both the host and the Tok'ra have a symbiotic relationship. The host isn't harmed and can actually be helped by the Tok'ra. For example, they can be healed, just like Dad's Tok'ra, Selmak, cured his cancer. They remain as separate identities with their own thoughts and emotions and you can talk to either of them, although not at the same time. Dad and Selmak became best friends and it was actually Selmak who encouraged Dad to go and see you that time and it was she who made him more compassionate, I guess you could say."

Sam stopped and looked at her friend and brother. "Look, I know this is very odd and you have every right to ask lots of questions, but just know that Dad was happy and enjoyed his time with the Tok'ra."

"Ok," Mark whispered, with a shocked look on his face. "I don't know what to think about it all. But that's why he was different, wasn't it? He was changed."

"Yeah, partly," Sam replied quietly, then watched her brother as he mulled over everything he'd heard.

After a few minutes Mark looked back at Sam. "So what happened? Why couldn't... Selmak, was it?... save him at the end?" he finally asked.

"Selmak was old and she was dying. Dad could've survived without Selmak but he waited too long. We needed his help to defeat some really bad things and so he died with Selmak when she died."

"Did he suffer?"

"No, it was quite quick at the end. He was only disappointed that he couldn't see you guys and the kids one last time."

Sam watched as both Mark and Chloe took the information on board. "I wanted to tell you before, at the funeral, but I didn't have permission then. I'm glad you know now." Sam waited for any response. "Are you okay? Mark? Chloe?"

Chloe looked at Mark before saying quietly, "It's just a lot to take in."

Mark took Chloe's hand before adding, "I knew you kept secrets but this is… huge."

"I know, guys, and you didn't ask for this but you're my family and it's been horrible having to keep my life secret from you. Please tell me this won't change anything between us."

Chloe quickly jumped in. "Of course not. It just makes sense, now when you say something has come up, you mean something very big."

Mark smiled at his sister. "Yeah, we can see why you don't have time to learn how to cook."

Everyone around the table laughed, the tension now eased.

"Ow!" Sam exclaimed, her sore ribs not appreciating her laughter.

Landry cleared his throat, calling the room to order. "Colonel Carter, I have spoken to the base in Nevada and you're on medical leave effective immediately. Depending on where you are planning to convalesce and once you're given the okay to go home you'll need to check in with a security cleared doctor on a regular basis. Teal'c, it is good that you have time off from your duties and you are welcome to stay and Daniel, you can take some time off to help Colonel Carter. Jack, you need a higher authority than me to get time off."

"No problem. Already done." Jack sat back, smirking until Sam looked at him.

"You didn't! Please tell me you didn't take your stars for a walk again?"

"Uh… well..." Jack looked sheepishly at Sam.

"Jack O'Neill, you promised!"

"Look, there's a lot to handle here at the SGC, lots of brand new information that I need to process so I can work from here. But I'm entitled to time off, too, you know!"

"That's no excuse!"

"Hey, you're gonna need somebody to boss around here before you are on your feet again, I figured I'm the best person for the job." He tried smiling at her and received a slight smile back.

Sam turned to her brother, "How long can you guys stay?" Sam asked him.

Mark turned to look at Chloe, "You tell her." He said nudging his wife.

Sam turned to her best friend. "Well, I'm on summer vacation for the next six weeks, so are the kids and we called Mark's work and they said as long as he had a secure computer to work on he could have some vacation time and then work here for a few weeks and I think you have a secure computer or two..."

Sam beamed at them, this was what she had hoped for, time to spend with all her family, even if she had plaster on one half of her body.

"So" Sam turned towards Jack, "General O'Neill, since you have already taken your stars for a walk already, maybe you could sort that for us and as you also have a large house here in Colorado, where, say, I and other members of my family could have a small vacation together you could maybe make that happen too?" Sam batted her eyelids at Jack, very un-military like, and Jack was a goner, he nodded furiously in confirmation that he would do exactly as she asked.

"It's a good job she's on our side Jack or you would be blabbing all to the enemy, and to think you are special ops trained." Daniel said in his singsong voice.

"Can it Daniel" Jack growled.

"So, what'cha say, guys you all up for a bit of Colorado vacation?" Sam asked her family around the table.

"Excellent plan, Sam," Daniel said. "I think Jack's house is the perfect place for you to rest and there's room for all of you. Teal'c and I can stay on base and visit when you feel up to it."

"Indeed," Teal'c added.

Jack stood, ready to get behind Sam's wheelchair and push her from the table. "Actually, it's already organised." He stated casually.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked curiously.

"Well I knew you would need a lot of help while you're getting better so the beds are already made up..."

At Sam and Daniel's sceptical looks Jack said before continuing, "Don't worry, I didn't make them! I got a company in to get the house all set up ready for you all. Anyway, as I was saying, the beds are already made up and there's some special equipment there for you, Carter. I checked with Doc Warner what you'd need. A nurse from the SGC will also come every day to help you get up, help you bathe, things like that, until you can take care of things yourself, which, knowing you, won't be long." He smiled at Sam.

Everyone looked at Jack with various forms of shock on their faces.

"What?" Jack asked innocently as he looked around at everyone.

Daniel grinned. "Nothing, Jack, nothing."

Teal'c just raised an eyebrow.

Landry stood and looked at Sam. "Doctor Warner has let me know that you should be able to go home in a few days, as long as you have help which it looks like you will." He looked around at the others. "Well, I have work to do. Mark, Chloe, nice to see you again. I'm sure you have a lot to think about." He smiled at Sam and then headed back to his office.

Jack looked at Mark and Chloe. "So, guys, you and the kids can move into my house and get settled ready for when Carter can go home."

"Thanks, General," Mark said. "I was wondering what Sam was going to do because she obviously can't do much on her own at the moment."

Chloe looked at Sam. "And don't worry, Sam, we'll take care of everything until you're back on your feet."

They made their way through the SGC to return Sam to the infirmary where a nurse was occupying Dylan and Annie. They all collected their belongings ready for Jack to take them home.

"I wish I were going with you," Sam said longingly.

"Don't worry, Carter. You just take it easy and do everything Doctor Warner tells you to do and you'll be able to leave before you know it. This will give us a few days to get everything ready for you."

She wiped her sudden tears and nodded, the group all gave her a hug, Annie waiting until last so she could hold her mom for the longest time.

"I'll be there in a couple of days sweetie. I promise."

"Ok mom, it will be fun to have a vacation with you, we haven't one in a couple of years."

"Yeah, shame I will not be able to do much."

Annie smiled. "You can still hug me, that's all I need, and some DVD's to watch with you."

"And maybe some popcorn or cake?" Sam added.

Annie burst into a bright smile and stepped away from the bed. "You make sure you behave mom, and get better or you'll have me to answer to."

"Yes Ma'am"

The group left and Sam lay back in the bed drifting off to sleep.

A short time later all Sam's family arrived at Jack's. Daniel and Teal'c, having dropped off the Carter children, left to get food for the next few days, and Mark and Chloe set about organising the sleeping arrangements. Jack wandered outside to check that Dylan was okay exploring the backyard and saw Annie out on the deck. He walked over to join the girl who was looking over his garden in deep contemplation.

He waited for her to start the conversation and after a few minutes she did, "General Jack," Annie asked quietly, "Are you going to marry my mom?"

Jack looked at Annie before replying seriously, "I'd love nothing more. What do you think?"

"I think she loves you and I think you make her happy." Annie thought for a moment. "If you do, can I still come and visit?"

"Of course, Annie, you'll always be welcome. Here, in Washington or in Nevada, you'll always have a home with us."

"I'm glad I got to meet you," Annie said with a grin.

"Me, too," Jack replied, and was surprised when Annie slipped under his arm and hugged him. She looked up at him.

"I know I've been a big secret but I'm really glad that everyone knows about me now, and that I got to meet you all."

"Me too, but there is one thing I still need to know are you a chocolate cake person or a pie person?"

Annie scrunched her nose and thought for a minute, "Can I be both?"

"In this house, absolutely!" Jack boomed. "We just need to call Daniel, he doesn't like either and might not buy any."

"Well c'mon then, they might be passed the cake section already."

Annie pulled into his house and then let his hand go, he watched as she hugged her parents who had arrived in the sitting room from the downstairs bedrooms. He had never suspected that she even existed but now he couldn't wait to be part of her and Sam's family. But first there was the little matter of asking Sam to marry him...


AN: So there is a possibility of an epilogue or more adventures but I haven't written anything yet so I am marking this as complete but in the future this may change. Thanks for reading and supporting me, it has been really great to hear from you. I have some more stories in the computer just needing some brushing up so I hope to post more SG1 soon.