Author's Note: This picks up from the finale where in my opinion PerSalle became canon :D Just another snippet in the story. Please R&R. Thanks!

She groaned inwardly when she saw who was standing on her porch. A part of her wanted to pretend that she wasn't home, even though her car was in the driveway, but she knew he'd never fall for it or actually leave.

"LaSalle," She spoke out as she pulled the door open. "What are you doing here? You do understand the concept of a 2 week vacation from work right? It means we don't have to see our co-workers during that time." Percy said around a forced smile as she stood partially hidden behind the slightly opened door.

"Oh so dat's how it is, we just 'co-workers' now?" LaSalle questioned as his brow bunched a bit, and Percy grew very nervous as she thought about what had almost happened between them before she left headquarters, fearing he wanted to talk about it. "Ah thought we were friends too, was ah wrong? If ah was my bad…Ah'll leave you alone then," He added as he turned dramatically as if to walk away. She quickly reached out the door and grasped his arm and tugged him back to face her.

"Christopher, get in here." She commanded and then rolled her eyes at the way he was smiling at her as she realized he had just played her. She closed the door after he entered and made his way into the kitchen. She followed and watched as he moved to her fridge, opened it, and grabbed a beer as if were an everyday occurrence. He looked back at her where she now sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen and waved the beer bottle at her. She shook her head no and he shrugged a bit, closed the fridge door, twisted the cap off the beer, and took a deep swig. "So what's up LaSalle? I know you didn't come all the way here because you're thirsty. 'Sides you buy the better beer."

"Very true," LaSalle agreed as he frowned up a bit at the overly bitter tasting beer, before he sat the bottle atop the counter. "Ah came by 'cause ah thought we shud finish our earlier conversation." Percy grew nervous once more.

"I thought we did…we both agreed that you're an ass, we said see you later and I left, so I'm pretty sure the conversation was finished."

"Oh there was a part in there dat we did'n get ta finish." LaSalle stated and Percy remained silent as she stared at him with a baffled looked, hoping it came across as genuine. "Ya know tha part where we almost kissed."

"Oh no," She vehemently shook her head as she hopped from the stool she had been seated on. "'We' didn't almost kiss. That did not happen."

"Awright, well I was gon kiss you and ah'm pretty sure you were gon kiss me back." LaSalle stated as he moved around the island and stood just before her.

"But you didn't kiss me…we didn't kiss. That can never happen and you know it LaSalle."

"Why can't it? Wot you ain't attracted ta me, or is it 'cause I'm white?" He asked the two questioned that he had been wondering for a while, ever since he realized he had more than just friendly feelings for her.

"What? No!" She proclaimed very offended by the last bit and that he thought she would be so close minded. "You are not the first white boy that I've been attrac…You know what there's really no point to this conversation," Percy proclaimed as she raised her hands a bit as if to surrender, silently cursing herself for letting on that she was in fact attracted to him, very much so.

"Point is we're consent'n adults. Ah wanna kiss you and you wanna kiss me too," LaSalle replied as he stepped closer into Percy's space and she had to crane her neck to look up at him. "And ain't nut'n wrong 'bout dat." When she opened her mouth to protest again he swooped in quickly, kissed her gently, and then released her just as quickly. It was a simple rubbing together of their lips, no tongues involved. Still it was enough to make them both crave more, but LaSalle fought the urge to kiss her again, making his probe deeper. Instead he stood staring down at her and waited for her to take the lead. If she rebuffed him he'd be disappointed but respectful, and he wouldn't broach the subject again with her.

"We really shouldn't be doing this," Percy insisted just before she reached up and grasped at the black t-shirt he wore. She then yanked him downward and reconnected to his mouth. She did deepen the kiss causing their teeth to scrape and tongues to duel. "Mmmm…this…hmm…won't work…mmm," She spoke all while suckling LaSalle's tongue and lips as they both clutched at the other. Without breaking their kiss LaSalle lowered his hands and gripped her about her tiny waist, hoisted her up, and Percy instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips. He then turned them and settled her backside on the island top, as he nestled himself between her open legs. He then pulled back from the kiss and smirked a bit at her glazed over eyes and slightly swollen lips, she looked like she had been thoroughly kissed and was dying for more. At that moment he was positive he had never seen a more beautiful sight.

"It's work'n for me," He declared as he placed a brief kiss on her lips and then moved down to her neck where he kissed, licked, and nibbled. Percy's eyes rolled closed, and her mouth fell open as she turned her head to give him more access. Her entire body hummed from the sensations LaSalle's hands and mouth were causing.

"I'm talking…uhnnn…about our jobs," She panted out as she raked her fingers across his scalp and gripped at his hair to pull him back. LaSalle lifted his head and gave her his full attention.

"Dis ain't got nut'n ta do with work," He said.

"We already spent so much time working closely together, if we do…this…it's going to start blurring lines."

"Wot lines you talk'n 'bout?"

"Professional and personal lines," She answered. "Like today treating me like I can't do my job."

"Ah already explained…" LaSalle spoke out as his demeanor became defensive.

"Yeah I know you acted that way because you care about me," Percy quickly interjected as she reached up and stroked his cheek to soothe him. "I feel the same way I'm just not vocal about it like you are. I was scared getting on that boat knowing that I might die, but…the thought of you getting on that boat instead of me…that terrified me." She admitted as she dropped her head a bit and avoided his eyes. He reached out and gently hooked his right thumb under her chin and lifted her head until her eyes locked back onto his.

"And you think those feel'n are jus gon go away? Even if ah leave right now and we pretend like none of this ever happ'ned, ah'm still gonna be scared by tha thought of los'n you, and ah'm still gon want ta protect chu."

"I'm ok with that but you have to learn to respect that I'm good at my job, same as you. We can't let our personal feelings get in the way when it comes to us doing our jobs." He nodded his head as he let her words sink in.

"Awright, ah promise dat ah'll try to be…"

"…Less of an ass at work?" Percy added with a smile, one that LaSalle matched. "If you can do that then I'll…"

"Be my gurl?" LaSalle chimed in his smile widening.

"Whoa there Forrest," Percy spoke around giggles as she held up a hand as if to say stop. "How about we, you know, go on a date or two first and see how things go. Maybe take things a little slow…er than this," She said as she looked down at their current position with her atop the counter, him between her legs, and his very erect member pressed against her hot, throbbing center.

"Okay, we can court," LaSalle said as he reluctantly moved back from her body. He grasped her around her waist, lifted her from the counter, and settled her back onto the floor. "And we can take things as slow as you want, but can we still kiss?"

"Yes…please," Percy replied as she once again tugged at his shirt and pulled him down into another long sensual kiss.