Lucy's POV

Shit... My head...

I rub my forehead, my brain pounding against my skull, quite painfully I must say. I let out a small groan, massaging my temples... I'll need a lot of water...I shake my head slightly and open my eyes very slowly, the morning sun unfortunately burning my eyes. I let out a small yawn, I rub my eye softly with my hand. I sit up, and look around the room, but my vision is blurred in a mixture of black white and black with some dark blue. I squint a little, trying to focus. Then I proceed to blink, my vision becoming more clear, yet still a bit blurry. I wait a second and let my eyes focus, I let out a satisfied sigh when I see the room... The room is full of black and white furniture, with dark blue decorations. While the walls are smooth and grey... But something clicks in my head... This is not my room...


I look hysterically around the room, irrational thoughts swimming around my head. I shake my head violently, laughing slightly at the ridiculous thoughts.

Okay I wouldn't allow those things to happen even if I was drunk.

I let out another pained groan, as another huge headache waves over me. I let out a thread of beautiful words to leave out of my mouth, while rubbing my temples like a maniac.

I swear I won't drink agai-

I let out a yelp as strong muscular arm swings over my abdomen, pushing me into the bed and causing me to crash into a naked chest. My body is firmly squashed against it, so with a bit of wiggling about I'm able to free my hands. My hands go over the bare chest...and OMFG those abs are some piece of art... They feel so good, it's like I'm having a private athlete here, so I can 'experiment' with his body.

Okaaaayyyy... That was a bit weird... Let's get the perverted Lucy out of here... Now back to work.

Whoever that is they seriously have a lot of strength. With all my might I try to push off from the chest, but to my luck every time the grip gets stronger. I try to look up, but unfortunately the grip is so tight I can't even look up.I let out a low whine come out of my mouth, and rest my forehead on the chest. I can sense small movement, the person was fidgeting slightly. A energetic smile spreads across my face, a small cheer of ecstacy leaves my mouth.

They're fidgeting maybe he'll move and let me go

The person moves more roughly, pulling the cover slightly down. Revealing my long milky white legs, and the guys pajama shorts. I ignore the fact that I'm not wearing any type of shorts, but focus on the guy's v line. Just pure mouth watering, I try to keep my mouth shut so I don't dribble. It's like God has sent me a guy from 'Magic Mike', has my 25th Birthday present come early? This guys so sexy, all the girls probably fall at his feet when he's around, and all the men worship him. Plus, if he was a cookie I would probably eat him first.

Just like those two boys you always think about?... Who is this guy anyway?!

And as if my thoughts were answered, the dude pulls me closer and turns over so he's facing the ceiling... making me in a really 'naughty' position... I'm... I'm straddling the guy... And it's not some random guy... It's Sting fucking Eucliffe... Well, it looks like it's one of the two boys I think about... Holy fucking shit...

Shit, what do I do? What do I do? AAAHHHH!

My face heats up like a radiator, giving me a slight shade of rosy pink to be spread around my face. My breath hitches up in my throat, giving me the sense that if I'll breath I'll wake him up. My body frozen and stiff, thousands of theories dancing around in my head of what will happen if I move. This. Is. Not. Good.


I try to pry my eyes away from his half naked body, but it feels like a magnetic force field was emitting out of him and I was highly attracted to him. I try to look around the room, so I don't eye rape him. I notice the amount of pictures he has, each of them neatly hanged on the wall. Many of them are his basketball tournaments, which are accompanied by Rouge. All filled with him smiling and laughing, but there's this glint in his eye that's full of pride and determination. It's really glorious to see someone so passionate about their hobbies, it brings a smile to my face to see someone enjoy their life by doing things they love.

One particular photo catches my eye, it's Sting when he was little maybe about six? Holding a trophy with a basketball on top of it, which was rather large. It's very cute his tiny little body trying to hold something so large and heavy. He didn't mind it though, he looked proud, as if he just won the Olympics. I giggle slightly at his enthusiasm, it's just such a heart warming picture.

I let out sigh, and look at my sleeping knight in shining armour.

YOUR knight in shining armour?

I look at his face, it looks so peaceful and adorable. His usual azure eyes, locked up and hidden. Yet, even if I can't see them I still feel like they're attracting me closer. I bow my head down and shake it slightly, the things this stupid boy can do to me... I look back up biting my lip, he looks so cute. His hair is all over the place, and so messy. In other words hot. I reach my hand out to get his disheveled hair from his forehead. His hair is really soft, like really soft, like really really soft.

What kind of hair products does he use?!

I carry on combing his hair, because its somewhat comforting? I guess? Well, it is rather relaxing... I must admit it, does this seem weird?.. Well, anyway it's just nice to see him relax even more at my touch, it seems like all his troubles are melting away.

I can't help, but notice that his mouth is parted slightly. I kind of get this feeling that it's beckoning me to come closer and try them. I stop combing him for a moment, I take a closer look at his lips. I bit my lip anxiously, I must resist, but it's so hard.

"Why did you stop, Blondie? I was enjoying it." Says Stings rough voice, he clears his throat "You should do it more often" He teases, pinching my cheeks.

"Sting!" I shriek, pulling his hands away. My loud voice only making the headache come back, I moan loudly pinching the bridge of my nose.

"You know your headache isn't the only thing that could make you moan today" He smirks at me his eyes sparkling deviously, I glare back at him " I don't know what your glaring for, anything can happen in the position we're in" He points at his waist which I'm sitting on, and winks at me. Suddenly my face gets over heated and I yelp falling on the floor.

"Ouch" I hiss, rubbing my head. The fall has caused my hangover to be worse than it should be, while I'm in pain Sting is howling with laughter on the bed with tears pooling in his eyes.

This is going to be a long day...

"I still can't believe you fell" Teases Sting, getting out the jam and nutella out of the cupboard.

"Not funny, I could have hurt myself" I mumble, pouting while pouring the pancake mixture into the pan.

"Yeah, right" Snorts Sting, putting all the toppings on the counter.

"Get some fruits out if you want them on your pancakes" I state, flipping the pancake over. I hear things being moved around and placed down. I put the pancake on a plate and pure some more batter on the pan.

I start humming 'Hey, soul sister' silently, gently swaying my hips to the tune. Suddenly a pair of arms surrounds my waist and a chest is resting against my back. The body heat, making me hotter than I already am. His chin resting on my shoulder and staring at the food. I let out a small chuckle, rolling my eyes.

Stupid boy, he knows it's distracting

"How many times do I have to tell you? It's really annoying and disturbing, Natsu." I say flipping the pancake over. Suddenly the arms leave my waist in a instant move, and the chins lifts up from my shoulder... A pissed growl is emitted from behind me, and I feel the air go thick.

"What did you call me?" Hisses Sting, my eyes widen in realisation and a small gasp leaves my mouth.

Shit, I called him Natsu...

I turn around to the male, his jaw is tightened together. His arms folded, and his eyes look cold and irritated... he's pretty pissed... I can hear him grinding his teeth, a silent snarl coming from in between the teeth. He looks very intimidating...

"Uhh... I called you... Natsu..." I say slowly, being very careful. Because, really I don't know if the bomb will go off or not.

"May, I ask why?" He says calmly, but it's not the 'your safe I won't do nothing' calm, but the 'I might explode, if I don't like your answer. Be prepared' calm... Yeah I might, be a bit... Screwed...

I take a small inhale of air, clear my throat, because a small lump has formed in my throne "Well, umm... How should I put this..." I mumble, rubbing my neck sheepishly " Well, when Natsu comes uninvited to mine...for a sleepover... He... Ummm... Tends to... do t-that.." I look at his face which turned into stone, and his face looks blank and expressionless "And he sleeps over so often... I kinda... got used to it... I guess..." I inhale after my explanation, biting my lip.

It's terribly scary, not knowing what reaction Sting will have. I look at his face which is still hard, and blank as paper, he turns towards the window on his right and looks thoughtfully at it. All he says is a small 'Aha', his eyes piercing through the window. I turn around awkwardly towards the stove, to carry on with the pancakes.

After a few minutes of awkward and intense silence, I'm on the last pancake. I slightly turn my head right, and look at him from the corner of my eye. He's still looking at the window, I look back at the pan and flip over the pancake again.

I hear a tired sigh, and the noise of shuffling. After a few seconds, a pair of arms is surrounding my waist again.

"I'm not angry at you, but it doesn't mean I won't question you further on this later on. Plus don't compare me to Natsu I'm out of his League." He says lightly "And make sure this is only my thing, a dick like Natsu doesn't deserve someone like you in his arms." He whispers, planting a soft kiss on my rosy cheek.

"Wow, those pancakes were amazing!" Chimes Sting, cleaning a plate while I'm drying another one to put it in the cupboard.

"I know, I know. I'm great" I hum, winking at him. He just snorts and passes the plate to me.

"Now, now. Don't be so full of yourself" He says, with mocking tone. Ruffling up my hair.

"Excuse me? I'm pretty sure you're the one who gets full of themselves." I retort, puffing my cheeks up and glaring at him. He just chuckles and pinches my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway how did you learn to cook like that?" He asks, raking his hand through his hair. Making it more messy... And so fucking hot...

"Secret" I whisper, putting my index finger on my lip. I wink at him, and he just rolls his eye.

"Right, okay" He laughs cheerfully, he stretches his arms out and yawns "Well, today's a really busy day. Have to get prepared before school"

Prepared before school... shit!..

I can't get to my house without normal clothing, but the only clothing I have is my Halloween costume. I look down at myself and notice that for the whole morning I've only been wearing the T-shirt that only reached midway down my thigh. Suddenly my face is boiling like a heater, and my palms get sweaty... all this morning... I've been walking around the house like this... with a guy around... Not good. I lose the sense of speech, and start gaping like a fish.

Not only have I been wearing this for the whole morning, but I can't even go out like this to get home!..

Sting stares at me weirdly, raising his eyebrow at my action "Are yooouuu, okkkaayy?" He drawls the question.

I just facepalm, and let out a irritated groan out "Dude, you're going to have to pick up my clothes..."

"Uhhh...why?" He asks dumbfounded, scratching his cheek.

"Just do it... I'll give you the keys to my house..." I say, a irked tone to my voice.

"Right... I'll just get changed" He pipes, still highly confused with a eyebrow cocked up.

Sting's POV

I start putting the keys into the lock, in one smooth turn to the right the door unlocks. I grab the handle and push the door ajar. I take a cautious step inside, and close the door behind me. I start heading for the stairs, but as soon as my land falls on the first step something feels wrong. It's pretty weird...

Something, odd is happening... This may not be good...

I climb the rest of the staircase, and head for Lucy's bedroom door. I open the door, and suddenly my blood boils.

"What. The. Fuck. Are . You. Doing. Here?" I growl, with gritted teeth. My hand starts to itch, wanting to throw the first punch.

"Now, Now Sting." He eyes me, his eyes full of hatred and raging with anger " That's not how to talk to people, that are far more superior than you." He smirk, only giving me more reasons to punch him to a pulp.

Not in Lucy's house contain yourself.

"You? Superior? Don't make me laugh, Dragneel. You're just low life shit" I snarl, drilling holes through his head. A vein throbs in his forehead, and I can hear his grip on his fists tightening...

"Where's Luce?" He asks coldly, his eyes dangerously dark.

"She stayed at my house, because she wanted to" I retort, smirking as his jaw clenches.

"How low, using Lucy just because she's drunk" He scolds, his nose scrunched up in disgusted.

I laugh darkly, shaking my head "Natsu, I don't need girls to be drunk to have my way with them. Plus I don't use girls like you" Now it was my turn to have my face scrunched up, eyes glaring at the salmon haired boy "What are you doing here anyway?" I spit, voice full of irritation.

Natsu smirks, with a devilish glint in his eye making them more darker "Well, I was planning to pay Lucy a visit. The way I always do on the holidays" Something about his voice was really uncanny "I was planning to jump in her bed at night, the way I always do. You know pull my self under the covers, and watch her little from cuddle up to me..." He licks his dry lips and proceeds " Wake up with her in my arms in the morning, with her all surprised and everything... You know happens, a lot over the holiday... You never know what might happen..." My blood heats up and all of it rushes to my fists, which are shaking with fury.

But then something clicks in my head and I start laughing hysterically... I'm scoring this round salmon idiot...

'when natsu come uninvited to mine...'


"Natsu..." I laugh my voice dripping with poison "You said YOU come into HER bed... So you're practically uninvited and do everything by yourself to get her" I smirk, as he looks a little taken a back.

He actually thought he's going to win this one...

"Where as I was asked , to come and share the bed with her. I was actually invited...wanted... But you forced yourself into it... Isn't it sweet to know she actually wants me to do those kind of things with her?" I smirk, mocking his presence. He looks at me coldly, growling showing his sharp canine teeth " You should have seen what she was doing to me this morning... The amount of affection she was showing... Real cute you know. The things she did was something any man, would wish for... Now does she do that to you?"

As I thought I broke him, and won this round... I didn't know... That just one sentence... could twist the table around...

Natsu just stares at me and starts laughing, hysterically. I look at him confused and dumb struck... after he gains back his composure he stands up straight and bows his head. Shaking with small giggles slightly, he looks straight at me. His eyes were cold, distant and the colour of Pitch black. For once I actually found him... intimidating... He looked like if he stood here a bit longer he might commit mass murder, but it looked like something was keeping him at bay... He lowered his head down, his pink hair covering his eyes... a gloomy aura surrounding him... "Sting, I was with her before you... I've done quite a bit of things with her... But just remember this..." He looks me straight in the eye, and it looks like he was digging right into my soul. As if he wanted to give it a clear message... a wicked smile appears on his face "...I've taken things, you will never be able to get... I was here first..."

With that he leaves the room briskly a mischievous smirk playing on his face, the air in the room turning thick and suffocating. I stand there paralyzed, staring at the spot he was standing on, my palms turning clammy from the amount of heat and pressure I put into my fist.

What does he mean?... what did he take?...

"Hey, Blondie have these now go get changed" I say throwing the clothes at her

"Right" she pipes, and heads upstairs

I head over to the kitchen, my thoughts running wild from the previous encounter with the salmon haired boy. I pure myself some black currant juice and take sipis from the cup.

Hmmm... What did he mean?... And was it even true?... Should I tell-

I was so engrossed by my thoughts that I spilled the black currant juice over my shirt... And it was new... Dammit...

"Fuck my shirt" I take it off hastily, and jog up stairs for a new shirt. I come into the room and stop abruptly


But as hard as my mind told me to get out, my body stayed still even stronger. As if I was stapled to the floor. Lucy stood there shining like a star... In just her underwear... She was taken aback, her mouth hanging low and eyes wide. I stood there dumbfounded, growing redder and redder with every passing minute... She also looked at my half naked figure, ogling my bare chest and my defined abs. She looked like her mouth was about to turn into a waterfall... Not going to lie I am rather proud myself, not everyday do I get Lucy checking me out... But then both of us catch each others eye and we become red like the sun.

"Sorry... I better... Err-um.. G-go" I choke on my words, I turn around on my feet to face the door to get out.

"W-Wait!" She yelps, I turn around to see her in the shirt I gave her the day before " I-It's not that b-bad, we can forget about t-this. You would p-probably see m-me like this a-anyway" She stutters, rubbing her cheek. I look at her with my mouth hanging low, she notices what she said and stars waving her hands "No, no,no! Not like that! But in a swim suit I guess or a bikini!" She covers her face with her hands in embarrassment.

She's so cute sometimes

She looks back at me, her cheeks tinted pink. She bits her lip nervously, her eyes twinkling with many emotions. But one emotion stood out the most, it was... affection...

Fuck, I've been holding for too long... It's now or never...

I slowly go up to her, he looks at me her lips slightly parted. I rest my hands on her hips to have a firm but soft grip on her, I can hear her breath hitch... A small smirk rests on my face... I pull her closer to me, our chest resting against each other... I can feel her heartbeat rising, and her sweet scent flowing all around me. I look at those lovely soft pink lips of hers, and I can't help to bite my own... They're just so damn irresistible, it's like they want me to come closer to give into my weakness... Lucy seriously is something else, no other woman ever made me feel this way... It's like she cast a spell on me, and the more I time I spend with her the stronger it gets.

I look back at her eyes, which are now glistening brightly as if one wish of hers is coming true. She seems so happy and cheerful... and I just want to see that glint in those eyes forever... I'll do anything just to see it. I look back at her lips which she's biting right now... and it's making me so insane... so fucking insane... I let out a shaky breath, from just this one particular action... She stops biting her, I put my hand on her cheek inching closer. And as if her body is corresponding to my movement, she puts her hands on my chest lightly. The touch emitting small sparks on my body... We both start leaning into each other, I can feel her hot breath fanning over my cheeks... I twist my head slightly for better access... We're just millimeters apart...

Just a bit closer...

A/N: Guess who's back?! It's me! Wooohhhooo!

Sorry for not updating for so long was busy :P

Thank you all for the birthday wishes :*

Okay, I want to point out something:

Natsu, isn't going mad before anyone asks, he just got really pissed with Sting... Also the whole paragraph that he said that left Sting with, is really true so I want you guys to think about it :)

Should I make them kiss or not? ;)


What do you thinks Natsu meant?

Did the nearly kiss scene seem fine?

Should I make them kiss?

Do you think NaLu will have a comeback?

And do you guys have any concerns or questions? I really like those :3

I actually love answering your questions, you guys are a smart lot

Update in 2-3 weeks :) (Maybe sooner if I'll be nice ;) )

Lots of love,

Ada ( Yep, that's my name :D)