Three months passed, and life went on. Lyanna was a curious baby, and Ephraim was every bit the protective older brother as he could possibly be. Iroh and I loved being back in Republic City, and even though my mother never said it- she was, too. I oversaw what duties I could concerning the Fire Nation to assist Izumi; Iroh commanded the United Forces based in the city, and our children grew. Ephraim was to start school this upcoming fall, and for him it was bittersweet. He was not keen on leaving his sister's side.

Su and her family were on their way from Zaofu to be present for Lyanna's blessing, and we all expected Korra and Asami's return any day now. I was cleaning the house, with Lyanna carefully wrapped to my chest in her sling, when I received the telegram.

Prisoner 100490 requesting visit STOP Visiting hours 1200-1700 STOP United Nations Penitentiary STOP

Someone from the prison wanted to see me? My brow furrowed as I thought about who could possibly want to see me. "Zaheer?" I thought train of thought broke when Lyanna squirmed in her sleep. I looked down to make sure she remained asleep, and then looked at the clock on the wall to check the time. 11:50…If I left now, I could make it to the prison in time.

"Ephraim?" I called out softly.

"What is it, Mum?" he asked, popping his head out of his bedroom.

"Get your shoes on. We are going to grab some lunch, then I am going to drop you off to see Aunt Pema," I instructed, and unpinned my hair from the messy knot at the nape of my neck.

"Okay!" Ephraim trilled, and disappeared inside his room.

I grabbed our coats from by the door, and by the time I turned around Ephraim was waiting behind me. I smiled down at my boy and eased him into his jacket. "Where would you like to grab lunch?" I asked.

"Can we get water tribe noodles?!"

"That sounds delicious," I answered, and held out my hand for him to take.

We were on the Metro leading out of town en route to Air Bender Island. Lyanna had woken sometime during lunch and was currently on her brother's lap as they watched the changing scenery out the windows. I steeled my nerves as I thought about the telegram from the prison.

"Mum? Is something wrong?" Ephraim asked suddenly.

"What makes you say that?" I wondered.

"Your eyes are sad."

"I am just a little tired- that's all," I dismissed softly.

Ephraim's hand fell over one of mine and his topaz eyes shone brightly. "It's okay, Mum, I will protect you. And Lyanna."

"I know you will, and you do a wonderful job. Thank you, sweet boy." I leaned over to press a kiss to the top of his head.

"Kailyn," Pema greeted, "What a surprise! I didn't know you were coming!"

"Can you watch Lynn and Ephraim for me? I got called away unexpectedly that I need to speak with someone," I apologised.

"Of course, it's no trouble at all. When do you think you will be back?"

"A couple hours at most, I am heading through town and into the north," I explained vaguely, knowing that little ears were listening.

Realisation dawned on Pema, but she did not give my errand away to Ephraim. I kissed my children good bye and promised them that I would be home in time for dinner.

The entire ride to the prison, my stomach was in knots and I twisted my wedding band constantly around my finger. The familiar, high walls of the prison came into view as we rounded the mountains. I steeled my nerves as I exited the tram and made my way through the guest entrance. Half a dozen others joined me for what I surmised to be visitation hours, and my nerve faltered when I heard the whispers when a few recognised me. There was no point in anonymity; I was the daughter of Lin Beifong and the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation…there was always going to be someone who knew me.

"Prisoner identification?"

"Prisoner Number 100490," I answered.

At that, the guard looked up and his expression softened when he saw me. "Didn't think you would come – what with what she did to your family," he spoke softly, "Wait here a moment, she's a top security prisoner, so you will be visiting her in a controlled, private room."

As he disappeared into the prison, another guard escorted me to a locked corridor. "Please remove any metal from your person," he instructed.

My hands shook as I removed my wedding ring and the fire opal earrings Iroh had given me shortly after Lyanna was born. After that, I walked into a small room that led to another doorway; to my left, there was what I imagined to be a one-way window. I took a deep breath as the guard unlocked the door and motioned for me to go inside.

Kuvira was seated at the small, wooden table in the middle of the room, and as I walked in, I noticed that there was a guard in each corner of the room. As I made my way to my seat, I took the chance the take in the appearance of the once Great Uniter. There were dark circles under her eyes, but there was still strength in her. It was not the arrogance that led her to conquering the Earth Kingdom and attempting the same with Republic City; no, this was the strength found in recognizing your own faults and trying to overcome them. She looked like she was in hell, but she possessed the determination to keep going.

"I didn't think you would come," she remarked.

"A part of me didn't want to," I confessed, "But I am here to find out why."

"I want to apologise – formally and officially – for what I have done," she began.

"About unlawfully taking my family prisoner? Or threatening my unborn child because I would not kneel to you?" I spat, and I felt the photograph of my family digging in my pocket. I always carried it with me – ever since it had been developed. I pulled out the photograph and slammed it onto the table between us. "Look," I demanded.

Kuvira leaned forward and her eyes widened as she took in Iroh proudly holding Lyanna; Ephraim stood in front of us, and I had an arm around Iroh. "You had a daughter," she observed.

"Have," I corrected stiffly, "Not entirely thanks to your intentions."

"She's beautiful…what have you named her?"

"Lyanna Ursa, after my mother and Iroh's great grandmother. Kuvira, why did you ask me to come here?"

"I want you to truly know that I realise what I did and how I treated you was horrible. You had always been kind to me, and I treated your horribly. I wanted to prevent people from feeling like they didn't have a place to belong – how I was until I found Su and Zaofu…but I went about it in all the wrong way."

"You're right, but what you did was inexcusable…" Kuvira's head bowed as she stared down at her hands shackled to the table. Being a mother changed my stance on how I felt about Kuvira. I had forgotten that she was someone…someone who had lost her way, but would find it again if another outstretched their hand to help her. "But that does not mean what you did was unforgiveable. Show the world – show yourself – that you are willing and capable of change. Start by showing the people you hurt the most," I finished.

"I want to, but Su won't even speak to me."

"Give her time to come to terms with her own pain. She thinks she failed you as a mother. From the brief time I have been one, all I have done is worry that I am failing them somehow. She will speak to you again, Kuvira…"

"Thank you, Kailyn," the woman replied, "Would it be possible for you to come visit me again?"

"I will do what I can. We all need help – whether we realise it or not," I assured her, and watched as the prison guards escorted her back to her cell.

My heart felt lighter as I left the prison; I was filled with a hope in the new age that was becoming before my eyes. A time of peace, prosperity, and transformations that caused a burning in my bosom as I gazed out and saw the portal amidst the centre of Republic City. There was so much still to be done; reparations of the spirit and the body of Republic City loomed before us all. But with Korra's return from the Spirit World, they would begin and we would achieve that which we all yearned for most.

