Miranda sat huddled down and terrified in the back of a truck that reeked of urine. She and two other girls had been snatched up and tossed into the back of what looked to her like a cattle truck, the big semis used to haul cows from one farm to another.

On the opposite side of the truck were eight other girls chattering like nothing had happened. The young girl sitting beside Miranda started to cry, and she slipped an arm around her.

"It will be ok."

"Where are they taking us?" She whispered.

Miranda shook her head and hugged the girl close. "I have no idea.

Miranda must have nodded off. The truck bucked and shifted, startling her. She tried hard to see where they might be, but it was pitch black dark, and she couldn't see a thing.

The truck finally stopped and the back was lifted up. There were three very good looking muscular guys standing on the ground to help the girls out. One caught Miranda's eye. She smiled shyly as he helped her down.

"Ok." One of the men shut the back of the truck, "strip and line up against that wall."

The eight girls that sat on the opposite side of them seemed unbothered by the instructions and started stripping down to their undies.

"You three better get your clothes off." The blue eyed doll said softly, "mother will be down here soon, and she will be pissed if you are not lined up for inspection."

Miranda slipped out of her jeans and blazer, and slid her underwear down. She tossed her socks and boots to the side and pulled her shirt off. Two of the men who had put her into the back of the truck stood across the room, arms folded over their chests watching her. She pulled her bra off and heard a groan come from one of them as her huge 44hh tits came tumbling out.

The girls were put against the wall. The were weighed and measured, and put back against the wall in a line. The door flew open and a woman with short dark hair came walking in. She eyed Miranda, licking her lips.

"Now, who here was traded from Lassiters?" The eight girls on the end raised their hands. "boys, take them to the pens." she looked at the remaining three girls. "you three have never been on a farm, I take it?" Miranda shook her head no, "Well," she nodded to the only man left, who looked like he was no more than twenty, "Jake, go and get Matthew and Michael, these girls will need injections."

Injections, for what. Miranda raised her hand and the woman nodded.

"Can I ask, what are we getting injections for?"

"Lactation." the woman eyed her, "the boys didn't tell you?"


"This is Stratton Farm honey."

"A Dairy Farm?" one of the other girls spoke up.

"Yes, a human dairy farm. You girls are my hucows. You will be given injections, and oral medication three times a day, and have your nipples stimulated until you start to produce milk."

"Then what will happen?" Miranda was shaking.

"You will be milked, and bred."


"Yes, by my bulls." She nodded to Jake, "I have six."


"Yes, my husband Hampton, and my boys, "Matthew, Michael, Paul, Neal, and Jake." she smiled, "They have to take injections too." she clapped her hands, "Michael, you take that one, Matthew, you take her." She pointed to Miranda, "and Jake, you take her." she gestured with her hand, "Well, lets get on with it, its after midnight."

Jake took Miranda by the arm and led her into a small room. He told her to get onto a type of examining table and he slipped on a pair of gloves. Miranda was nervous and scared. He must have sensed it as he drew up a vial of medication.

"You don't have to be afraid, I wont hurt you."

"Where.. where does that have to go?"

"Into your milk duct."

"H.. how do you know where..."

He laid the syringe down onto the counter and started to squeeze and paw her nipple. He pulled her nipple taut with one hand and picked up the syringe. Just then, Miranda heard a blood curdling scream come from the next room. She gave Jake a terrified look.

"This may sting.. but.. I am not rough like they are... it wont hurt."

Miranda closed her eyes and gripped the side of the table as she felt the needle go in. Jake found the duct in her other breast and drew up another vial of medication.

"There," He tossed the needles into a Sharps container.

"Are we done?" Just then, she heard a series of moans and "oh god's" coming from across the hall. "Is she... "

"Cumming, probably." He slipped on a pair of clean gloves and got onto a stool in front of her, "your nipples become really sensitive after the injections, so having an orgasm isn't out of the ordinary."

Miranda watched as he started to pull on her nipples, and he was right. She could feel her pussy start to dampen, and began moving her hips.

"You have colostrum already." He whispered, continuing with the action on her nipples. Miranda felt something against her leg and looked down to see that Jake was sporting an enormous erection. She could faintly detect a wet spot on the front of the scrub pants he was wearing.

"Well." The door flew open and Mrs Stratton, accompanied by who Miranda assumed to be Mr Stratton, walked in, "how are things going in here?"

"Just fine mother," Jake rolled Miranda's nipples between his fingers, and she started to move her hips faster. Her breathing was coming in short puffs. "Oh please Lord" She silently prayed, "Don't let me cum in front of these people."

"Hampton, look." Annie Stratton ran her finger over Miranda's erect nipple, "She already has liquid."

"Yeah, I see that." Jake's dad laid his hand on his son's shoulder. "Pull on them son, and twist them, not too hard."

Annie brushed Miranda's hair back, "Hampton, I think I want this one to be mine."

"Whatever you wish princess." Hampton smiled at his wife.

"My own personal hucow" she kissed Miranda's cheek, "You can come up to the house with us, as soon as Jake finishes with you."

Mr and Mrs Stratton left, thankfully. Jake, to Miranda's shock, stood up and laid the table she was resting on back some, and then bent and started to suck her breast.

Miranda couldn't take it anymore and bucked her hips up, cumming hard. Jake wasn't finished, and sucked the other breast for what felt like an eternity.

"It tastes like you have milk." He reached behind him and picked up two metal tubes.

"What are those things?"

"Its part of a milking machine." He rubbed some type of lube onto her already sensitive nipples and slid the tubes on. He turned on the machine and Miranda felt her nipples pulled, hard, then the machine let go and started to pump. It hurt at first, but then the sensation felt like Jake's mouth had, mixed with what felt like a feather going over her nipples really fast.

"Yeah, you have milk." He picked up a small bottle attached to the machine and to Miranda's shock, white milk was pouring out of her.

"You will still have the injections." he turned the machine off and picked up two warm rags and laid them over her breasts. "Just lay there for a second."

"Jake, your mom said that you guys had to take injections too."

He nodded, "We do."

"What for."

"To make our sperm more potent. It also makes our cocks and balls bigger."

"Can I see?"

Jake hesitated for a second, and then looked out the window of the exam room to be sure that no one was looking. He turned to Miranda and slid his scrub pants down revealing the biggest cock she'd ever seen. His balls were huge too. Miranda reached out her hand and he stopped her.

"Don't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because, I am already pretty aroused, and if you touch me, well, I wont be responsible for what happens." He pulled his pants back up, "and mother has already claimed you as hers."

"I don't understand what that means."

"You will be her personal cow." He busied himself counting vials of medication. "she wants you to stay up at the house, and... "

"What?" Miranda was starting to get pissed, "I deserve to know Jake."

"My mother, has a fetish, I guess you could say." he sat on the end of the table, "she loves women's breasts, and their milk, and I guess, when she saw your tits, well that was that."

"Has she ever had a woman like that before?"

"She has. They were traded to other farms."


"Because, my dad wasn't permitted to breed them" He reached for her hand, "we should get you on down to the pens."

Jake led her down a long hallway to a room filled with cots. There had to be at least fifty women in there. Miranda looked over at Jake and he pointed to a bed by the door. "You take that one." He handed her a blanket, "and get plenty of sleep, the days start pretty early around here."

The woman in the cot beside Miranda propped her self up on her arm, "This the first farm you have ever been on?"

Miranda nodded.

"Well, this one isn't bad at all."

"How many have you been on?"

"This will be number five for me." she sighed, "this one is a lot better than the last farm I was on."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh honey, we didn't sleep in beds, like this. we slept in a stall. We had no bathroom, no way to get clean. It was horrid." She rolled her eyes, "And those milking machines they had hurt like hell."

Miranda noticed a table in the corner of the room.

"What is that?"

"That is a breeding table." the woman laughed, "this really is your first time isn't it?"

Miranda nodded.

"The table is slanted, so that the bulls sperm doesn't run out of you. There are holes in the table where your breasts go, then they attach the milking machine to you. Sometimes the bulls fuck us while we are milked, and other times, there is a stimulator, you know, that you can hump, to rub your clit while you are milked." She smiled, "it feels really good."

Miranda laid back and pulled the blankets up over her.


Miranda squinted as the overhead lights came on. The boys walked in carrying platters of steaming food. The girls sat down at the long tables in the next room and ate breakfast. Miranda wondered what was in store for her.

"Well, good morning." Mrs Stratton walked in dressed in a tight red leather suit. "how did my angels sleep."

Mutters of fine and great filled the room.

"Well, the breeding will begin as soon as your food settles." She pointed to Miranda and the other two girls, "you three need to come with me, its time for your injections and stimulation."

Jake gave her the injections and then was told by his mother that she and Mr Stratton would take care of the stimulation. Jake nodded and left the room.

"We will take you up to the house now Miranda." Annie Stratton smiled at her.

Miranda climbed into the back seat of the truck and listened to Mrs Stratton chattering away about nothing imparticular. Mr Stratton parked the truck in front of a huge mansion and walked to the back of the truck to open the door for Miranda.

"Now." Annie Stratton led her up a huge staircase. The whole house reminded her of Gone With The Wind. "you will sleep in here," She opened the door, "this room gives me access to you, and the two older boys sleep on the other side."

Miranda nodded.

"In the closet, you will find the outfits that I have picked for you to wear." she pulled a pair of purple and black leather pants out of the closet, "all of the pants have zippers in he crotch, for easy access, and the tops have hooks, so that I can un hook your shirt and milk you anytime I want."

Miranda nodded.

"I will leave and give you some privacy, and then Mr Stratton and I will be back to stimulate your breasts."

Miranda sat on the bed and picked up the top. It looked more like a tank top that a nursing mother would wear. She slipped the outfit on and stood in front of the mirror. To her shock, she looked incredibly sexy.

There was a tap at the door and Mrs Stratton stuck her head in.

"OH, Hampton, you have got to see this." She clapped her hands together. "you are so sexy."

"Yes, she is." Hampton Stratton smiled at her, "may I breed her my love?"

Annie Stratton gave her husband an up and down look, "Perhaps."

"Now." Annie laid Miranda back onto the bed and unhooked the top. "I don't want you to be nervous, you wont produce milk if you are." she started rolling Miranda's nipples between her fingers, "Oh you have nice, fat suckable nipples."

Miranda sat back on her palms and tilted her head back. She remembered a bi sexual friend of hers saying how different it felt for a woman to make love to you than a man. Miranda was getting turned on, fast. Annie laid her back on the bed, straddling her, continuing to play with her nipples.

"How does that feel?"

"Good." Miranda panted.

"Hampton, why don't you come up here and play with her tits for a while."

Annie unzipped the crotch of the pants Miranda was wearing and squealed when she parted her pussy lips.

"Oh my gosh, her clit is so big." Annie slid her finger over it, "it almost looks like a little penis."

Annie slid the pants off Miranda and started to lick her pussy, taking the swollen clit between her lips.

"OH Hampton, you simply must taste her, she is delicious."

"I will darling." He looked down at Miranda, tossing her sweaty head back and forth on the pillow and smiled, "you are driving her wild honey."

"Hamp, you have to taste her." Annie slid down the end of the bed, "she tastes so sweet."

Hampton took the swollen clit between his lips as Annie sucked Miranda's tits. "OH honey, her milk is delicious too."

"I want to fuck her." Hampton lifted his head from Miranda's pussy, "My cock is about to bust."

"Not today." Annie smiled, "Oh Hamp, don't leave her there like that," she shook her head, "Make her cum."

Annie reached across the bed and grabbed a huge something unlike Miranda had ever seen.

"What is that?"

"Its a bull cock." Annie laughed, "Oh don't look like that, Hampton uses this thing on me all the time. It has ridges all over it, oh it feels so good, much better than a man. " she ran her hand up and down it, "You are not a virgin are you?"

Miranda shook her head no.

Annie handed the bull cock to Hampton and went to work on Miranda's huge breasts. While she sucked Miranda's tits, she began to finger herself.

Hampton eased the cock into Miranda, an inch at the time, rubbing her clit the whole time.

"OH.. OH GOD." Miranda grabbed a handful of the sheet, lifting her hips, her pussy taking in the huge bull dildo. "Fuck me harder."

"Oh I like this girl" Hampton laughed, rubbing her clit faster, "you made a good choice with this one Annie."

"Your tits, are magnificent, aren't they Hamp?"

He nodded. 'Yes they are sweetie."

"Oh.. it.. it feels so good." Miranda panted.

"Are we going to breed her lover?" Hampton kept slowly pushing the bull cock in and out of her.

"OH, I don't know, we may." Annie sucked and licked Miranda's nipples, "would you like that Miranda? To be fucked eight or nine times a day by my bulls?"

"Yes." She nodded.

"Well, we will put you in a private breeding room, not out in the open like the other girls."

Miranda bucked her hips. her body jerking and vibrating and had the most powerful orgasm she could ever remember.

"Oh my... I have never had sex like that before."

"Well," Annie smiled, brushing her hair back, "there is more where that came from, a lot more."

After lunch, Miranda was given her injections and once again, fucked and stimulated by Mr and Mrs Stratton. Miranda had noticed that Mr Stratton sported quite a bulge, and Annie had noticed her looking at him.

"Hampton has a gorgeous cock, all my bulls do." Annie smiled and sipped her lemonade. She and Miranda were on the back patio, enjoying the sun.

Annie slipped her sunglasses off and looked over at Miranda.

"How do you like it here?"

"Its fine." She nodded.

"Well, I guess I should tell you that, the night you came here, I told my boys to bring me a cow.. with the biggest set of tits they could find." she sighed, "and they did."


"I have always loved women's breasts Miranda, that doesn't make me weird, at least I don't think so. I can remember watching my aunt breast feed her child, and I wondered what a woman's nipple in my mouth would feel like, what her milk would taste like. " she rubbed Miranda's arm and smiled, "you are not the first hucow I have had, personally, but you are the best one so far."

Miranda didn't know whether to be appaled or flattered.

"Well, why don't we walk down to the barn, see how the breeding is going."

"I need to ask you a question Miranda."


"Are you interested, in being bred?"

Miranda shrugged, "I guess so."

"Well, I want you to observe, the breeding process is a lengthy one, and it sometimes takes months for a hucow to become pregnant."

"What happens to the babies, you know, when they are born."

"They stay here. I don't trade to other farms, I will accept hucows from other farms, I guess that is why the herd is so large."

They stepped into the barn and all Miranda could hear were grunts and women cumming. They stopped at an open door and there were four women, laid across breeding tables. Their breasts were hooked to milking machines and the bulls were fucking them as they were milked.

The oldest bull, she thought she'd heard called Matthew, was pumping his cock in and out of a blonde haired hucow. He grabbed her hips and thrust two or three times before tossing his head back and groaning. He withdrew his cock, that was rock hard and huge, and went to the next woman.

"So, that is what they do, all day long? Just go from one girl to the next fucking them?"

"Yes, and its called breeding, not fucking."

Miranda nodded and walked behind Annie into her office.

"So, would you like to be bred?"

"I.. I guess so."

"Well, we wont breed you this way." Annie lit a cigarette and sat back, "We have a private breeding room at the house, we will use it."

"Mrs Stratton, how many times.. "

"They boys will breed until their sperm is spent and their cocks are flaccid, it will take several hours."

Miranda nodded.

"Would you like to be milked?"

Miranda put her hand over her breast. She nodded mechanically.

"Well, lets go back up to the house." she smiled, "we can use the machine there."

Annie hooked Miranda up to the milking machine and turned it on low. The machine started gently pulling her nipples. Annie unzipped the crotch of the pants Miranda was wearing and started rubbing her clit.

"I will be right back, are you going to be ok?"

Miranda nodded and Annie walked out, returning with the bull cock. She kept rubbing Miranda's clit and then slowly inserted the cock.

"Oh.. god that feels good." Miranda closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, lifting her hips up to match Annie's thrusting.

"Have you ever had sex with a woman before Miranda?"

She shook her head no.

"Well." Annie sped up, pushing the cock in and out a little faster, "my girlfriends will be coming over tomorrow. and I cannot wait for them to meet you." She smiled, "We get kind of, well, kinky, and Hamp joins us, so if you don't mind sharing your milk, we will show you one hell of a good time."

Miranda nodded. She grabbed the sides of the table as Annie turned the dial of the machine. "Those injections are working nicely." Annie rubbed Miranda's clit faster "your milk is nice and white."

Annie turned the machine off, and then attached some sort of small tube onto Miranda's clit. She hit a switch on the wall and the tube started to pull Miranda's clit in and out in a slow sucking motion. Annie straddled Miranda on the table and pressed her breasts together, sucking one sensitive nipple and then the other.

"I want you to cum for me, my beautiful hucow" Annie smiled at her, "will you?"

Miranda nodded, begging Annie to suck her tits some more. Before she knew it, a powerful orgasm was coming out of her."

"Oh, I cannot wait to watch the boys with you." Annie smiled, pulling the tube from Miranda's clit. She inserted her fingers into her and pulled them out, licking the juices from her fingers, "and my Bridge club is going to love you."

Annie closed the door and Miranda laid there, staring at the ceiling. Maybe being here wasn't going to be so bad after all.