"Hey Connie, come on in" Annie closed the door.

"You feeling any better?"

"Some," Annie climbed the stairs, "having Randi here to talk to really helps."

"How is she?"

"She's fine, and horny as hell." Annie laughed, "she almost wore poor Hamp out last night."

Annie opened the bedroom door and smiled at Randi, who was sitting on the bed.

"Well." Connie sat her bag on the dresser, "how are we feeling?"

"Enormous." Randi struggled to sit up, "She's never coming out."

"Well, you know what they say you need to do a lot of to make a baby come don't you?" Connie looked at Annie and winked.

"No." Randi looked from one to the other, "what?"

"Have sex." Connie smiled and slid Randi's nightgown up, "line on your stomach is getting darker," Connie pressed closer to her pelvis, "Yep, head down." she smiled, "wont be long now." Connie stood up, "you have any names picked out?"

"Yeah, a few."

"Well, I need to go and check on mother." Annie looked up at the clock, "the nurse is suppose to be here in like minutes." She pointed her finger at Randi, "you call if you need anything."

Jack climbed out of his truck and walked into the barn. To his shock, the girls walking from the breeding room to the back of the building were dressed. He knocked on the door of Hamp's office.

"Well." Hamp stood up, "Jack.. what brings you by?"

Jack shook hands with him, 'Well, thought I would take you up on your offer, come by and see how you do things."


The two men walked down to the holding room, that looked more like a huge bedroom. There were three 70 inch TV's on the walls, beds, and a small kitchenette in the back.

"This doesn't look like a barn." Jack folded his arms over his chest, "Where are your milking stations?"

Hamp pointed to a room to the left of the makeshift kitchen, "Right back here" He led Jack to the room where a girl was about to be milked. Hamp kissed her and patted her back, "How you doin Sallie?"

"Fine Mr Stratton."

She leaned over the PVC frame and Michael hooked her up to the machine. Jack nudged Hamp.

"Where are the arm shackles and..."

"We don't use those, no ball gags, no collars, these are humans not animals." Hamp grinned, "Good job Sally, keep that milk coming."

Michael started to rub her clit and she started to moan. Jack felt his cock stirring, and tried hard to get his mind on something else.

"Uh.. I uh was gonna ask you.. where did you get those machines?"

"I had them special made." Hamp walked him over to the machine that Jake was cleaning. Hamp praised the girl named Tiffany, for giving him sixty gallons. "This is not a goat or cow milking machine, like most of the farmers use." Hamp held the tube up, "this is designed to feel more like a human's mouth, and it feels a lot better for the girls."

"How much did you give for it, if you don't mind me asking."


Jack snorted, 'Two hundred and fifty dollars.. where.."

"No.. two hundred fifty thousand.."

Jack let out a whistle. "Damn, and you have how many"



"They pay for themselves Jack." Hamp pointed. "Just from Tiffany.. I made almost thirty grand.. "

"Well, yeah."

"Tell you what, bring your guys over here, me and the boys will show them how we do things around here, and if after a month, of trying it my way, you don't see a big difference in your bank account.. I will give you three of my machines."

"You got a deal.'

Randi steadied herself on the dresser and opened the bedroom door. She saw Jake coming up the stairs and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where is your mother?"

"I think she is in grandmother's room." Jake took her hand, "You ok?"

"No.. I.. " she grabbed her belly, "Shit."

"OH damn, you are in labor.. come on, let me help you get into bed."

Paul walked up behind him, "Whats going on?"

"Go get mother." Jake helped Randi into bed. In seconds, Annie was bolting through the door.

"Jake, go get your father." She pointed to Paul, "you stay with her, I am going to grab some clean towels and blankets."

Randi grabbed Paul's hand, and bit her lip.

"Mother, we should take her to the hospital."

Hampton walked into the room and washed his hands in the bathroom sink. He walked back into the room rolling his sleeves up.

"No, we don't." He sat on the bed beside Randi, "I delivered every one of you boys, right here."

"You did?" Randi laid her head on Paul's shoulder.

"Yeah, I sure did." He stood up, "So.. you boys go downstairs, Jake, give Connie a call." He held the door, "We will let you know when she's here."

Matthew stood up when he heard a yelp come from upstairs.

"I wish they'd taken her to the hospital." Paul walked to the bar and poured a drink, "At least then she could get that epidural thing."

"You know Randi, she'd never take drugs like that." Neal propped his feet up on the table, "She wouldn't even take a Tylenol when she had a headache."

"Ok." Hamp rubbed Randi's legs "she's ready to meet her mama."

"I..." Randi sobbed, "I cant do this, I changed my mind.. I.. I don't want to..."

"You cant change your mind. "Hampton laughed, "Besides, you keep this one in there how are we gonna make another one?" He winked at Annie, "Ok next contraction you feel, you push as hard as you can."

"Ok.. but one more.. THAT'S IT."

Randi pushed hard, and collapsed against the pillows. She smiled when she heard her baby girl cry.

"Well now." Hamp wiped her off, "Arent you a beauty, just like your mama."

"Is she ok?" Randi picked her head up.

"She sure is." Hamp laid her in Randi's arms. "Here baby, say Hello to your daughter."

"What's her name going to be?" Annie kissed the top of the baby's head.

"Addison." Randi ran her finger down the baby's cheek, "Addison Rae Stratton."

Annie walked down the stairs holding the newborn baby girl. She walked into the living room and smiled.

"Boys, say hello to your baby sister," Annie handed her to Michael. "Addison Rae."

"Oh, she's so teeny." Michael gently patted her, "Hey there Addie."

"Is Randi ok?" Paul peeked over Michael's shoulder.

"Randi is just fine."

Annie went to answer the door and welcomed Connie inside.

"How is our girl?"

"Exhausted, but she's fine."

"Connie, could I speak with you for a moment." Paul walked into the library.

"What is it?"

"I.. how do I go about getting a DNA test done?"

"On who?"

"The baby."