Hello! I wrote this after 3x07 and all of the amazing acting from everyone. I really wanted a scene between Jay and Erin though, so I wrote it. I hope you all like it and review!

Disclaimer: I clearly own nothing.


Jay sat alone at Molly's sipping away at only his second beer of the night. The rest of his typical group was over by the bar but they knew he wanted to be alone so with minimal interruptions they left him alone. After he had gotten off work he had gone over to Ethan's, to help in what had become the hardest conversation any of them had had in their lives. Ethan's mom didn't press for many details, at least at the time, but the conversation was just as painful, especially for Ethan. He knew that Ethan wasn't just going to be a case for him, and he didn't want it to be. Jay wanted to be a positive influence in his life, especially because of how hard it was going to get.

After finishing all of the paperwork Erin went to Molly's, needing more than a few beers. Anything with kids was always difficult to deal with, especially when it was a bad as what had happened to Ethan and Collin. When she walked in she scanned the bar; the second she laid her eyes on him she knew Jay needed a friend, so she walked over to him.

"Hey Halstead." She sat down, trying to make it clear she wasn't leaving.

"Hey Erin thanks for checking in-" Jay couldn't even get a sentence in.

"Sorry. Not leaving." Erin wanted to be there for him but she knew she would have a hard time convincing him he needed it, at least at first.

"Just a hard case. I'm fine." Jay didn't want to make eye contact with her fearing she'd see right through him.

"That's a lie and you don't have to be ok right now." When Jay finally looked up at her she could feel the pain in his eyes. She reached out and put her hand in his. "Do you want to go back to my place?"

Jay could only nod so remaining hand in hand he and Erin left. Together.


As Erin was unlocking her door she knew things were about to get 10 times harder but she knew things were already there for Jay and she wanted to be there with him and for him. They both stayed quiet as they entered and sat down on the couch. "Do you want anything to drink?" She broke the silence.

"I'm good thanks." Jay was back to not making eye contact.

"You were really good with Ethan." Erin knew Jay wouldn't approach the topic on his own. Jay just shrugged in response. "Hey, don't doubt yourself here, you were incredible. You changed his life- for the better. I promise." She drew his chin so he was looking at her while with the other she began to rub up and down his arm. "You are allowed to be upset. I know it doesn't always feel like it but you are. Especially with me. I will always be here for you just like you've been for me. If you want to talk I want to listen." Both of their eyes watered slightly as she spoke.

"His mom was heartbroken." Erin knew that Jay had told Ethan that he would help talk with her. Jay pulled back trying to gain some composure.

"I bet." Erin nodded grimly and was hoping he kept talking because she genuinely had no idea what else to say.

"They both have my phone number so I hope they call or text." Jay was back to not making eye contact. "I want to stay in Ethan's life. I want to try to help."

"You are helping so much already Jay. More than either one of us probably know." Erin hoped that he at least saw a little bit of what she was saying.

"I just really want him to have someone. You know?" Erin sensed that they were getting closer to the core issue, Jay wasn't only talking about Ethan. "I need him to think that things will be ok." Jay really didn't want to talk about any of this. He had never had it brought up so vividly before by anyone and it scared him.

"Jay you are doing so well with him. You did so well in conversations with him at the station. You can stay in his life. You are making a difference and you can keep doing it. You can and you will stay in his life. You will be his someone. You can show him that things will be ok. You have a whole squad that will help you and him whenever. Day or night. I can promise you that. Talk to me Jay. I'm right here for you, always." Erin pleaded with him to hear her. She knew he needed to hear her. She pulled him into her embrace but didn't push him to make eye contact with her. "Let me be here for you like you've been for me."

"I know that nothing I can do will make it go away." Jay paused for a second. "But I want to make it easier to deal with."

"Jay when you told Voight you used to be Ethan what did you mean?" Erin didn't want to ask but she knew she had to.

"Exactly that." Jay swallowed hard before continuing. "I was a great student before I joined the basketball team. No one put it together. Why all of the sudden I changed so drastically, I didn't know what else to do, how else to cope. But I couldn't tell anyone. I was so scared." Jay tried as hard as he could but he couldn't stop a few tears from slipping. "I felt like I was falling apart."

Erin could feel her heart ripping at the seams as she pulled Jay in closer and started rubbing his back, still unable to see his face. "I'm so sorry Jay. I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry that happened to you." Jay drew some comfort from the familiarity of her voice. "What are you thinking right now? You can talk to me. That is always ok."

"You're the second person I've ever told. Will knows and I only told him a couple years after it had finished." Erin didn't know her heart could break any further as Jay kept talking. "I'm so happy that Ethan has people. Even if it was a bit too late he has people now and that's all I can do."

"Hey. You have people now too, Will and I are your people. Everyone in the squad room will put their life on the line for you, they are your people." Erin wasn't sure she was making any progress in convincing him of anything but she had to try.

"Thank you." Jay's words weren't coming to him. He had too many thoughts and feelings he couldn't seem to vocalize.

"Always." Erin smiled as Jay seemed to calm down. "What can I do?" Jay was finally able to look up at Erin.

"Does this change anything between us?" Jay was genuinely scared for her answer. He wasn't really sure what a romantic partner would think of it, he knew his brother was alright with it.

"No way. Never. It only makes me prouder of you. That is it. I promise you." Erin was struggling to keep it together at this point.

"Thank you." Jay didn't know what else to say.

"I always want to be here for you Jay. No matter what. Through thick and thin I'm there for you." Erin felt relieved Jay was finally looking at her and she could read his face again.

Jay yawned, it finally hit him how tired he was. He needed to swallow his pride on this one. "Can I stay here tonight?" He couldn't leave so upset and hoped she realized that.

"Of course. You look exhausted. Let's go to bed and we can talk more tomorrow if you want to." Erin, with his hand in hers, stood up and led him to the bedroom to get some well deserved sleep.