Author's Note: Welcome to Sweet Dreems, and thank you so much for contributing to my plan. I made this fanfic in order to help out a brave little hero from the game that we know as Undertale. If the title didn't make it obvious, I'm talking about Asriel Dreemurr. This fanfic is slightly AU but includes the characters and events of Undertale, but in a way you probably aren't expecting. This fanfic will also involve a LOT of fourth-wall breaking at times, particularly… well, read on and you'll see what I mean. Stick around after the chapter for a note from me, and I hope that you enjoy Sweet Dreems.

Soul Interface Module V. 1 Iteration 1

Alright, here goes nothing. By the stretch of the human imagination, and taking into account the fourth wall and the many quantum theories, along with the theory of infinite universes, then somewhere, some when, this is ACTUALLY working. Oh right, and of course I'm also doing this with determination, can't forget that.

A small garden comprised mostly of soft green grass and a few bird-feeders, with two benches surrounding the centerpiece. Said centerpiece is a bed of beautiful sunflowers, marigolds and buttercups. The garden is contained within a small greenhouse, one with a single door at the back. Beyond the greenhouse there are (literally) endless flat fields of green grass with an occasional hill or two thrown in, along with oak trees here and there. The sky is a magnificent shade of blue and contains enormous white clouds at varying altitudes. The sun is warm, there is a pleasant breeze, and birdsong can be heard.

Setting: check. It'd be cruel to drop him into a blank space. Okay, now to put him in it…

Within the very center of the garden, nestled among the yellow flowers was a child. This child wore a green shirt with yellow stripes and black pants, and from his appearance could have been either eight or ten years of age. This was no human child though: he was covered head to toe in a coat of soft white fur, his mouth was a soft maw, his ears were long, hanging down either side of his head like a goat's, and he had two tiny horns growing out of the top of his head. His face bore a peaceful expression as he seemed to sleep without a care in the world.

I imagine a place. In this place, I imagine a child. I imagine that this child… is Asriel Dreemurr. And I imagine that he has a SOUL.

Little prince Asriel, can you hear my voice?

Asriel's face scrunched up slightly as he stirred in his sleep. He sat up with a great yawn and sleepily rubbed his eyes, not yet registering his surroundings. Slowly his expression changed from one of drowsiness to one of confusion.

"Huh? What is this place? Am I dreaming?"

Don't be afraid, but this isn't a dream.

Asriel sat up straighter and looked around alertly. "H-hello? Who's there?"

I'm sorry, I'm trying really hard not to scare you. You won't be able to find me, because I'm in a place that's… above you? Sorry, there's no way for me to explain it that will make any sense at all. Let's just say for now that I can see and hear you, but you can only hear me.

"O-kay?" Asriel said uncertainly as he slowly climbed to his feet. Examining his surroundings more closely he found that he was in a tiny garden of some sort… on the surface!

"The surface!? How'd I get here?"

I brought you here, young prince. What you see isn't actually your reality: it's a world I created and am continuing to create.

Asriel's brow wrinkled in puzzlement. "Huh?"

This is going to sound super weird and unbelievable, but… I am, at this moment, writing a story, and as I write it, things happen in the world I brought you into. In other words, you are inside my story, and by writing new parts of the story I cause things to happen in the world you are inside of.

Asriel's eyes widened in amazement. "W-w-wait a second, are you saying that I'm inside a make-believe story?!"

In a way, yes. I used my determination and imagination to imagine that Asriel Dreemurr is waking up inside a small greenhouse on the surface, and here you are.

"Whoa…" Asriel mumbled. "But… why?"

Because… I have nothing better to do.

That confused Asriel thoroughly. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

Didn't you say "Don't you have anything better to do?" to Frisk?

Asriel gasped. "H-how do you know about that? About Frisk?" His heart skipped a beat when he realized something. "Wait… how… how am I not a flower?! How is it I have a SOUL?"

Because I want you to have one, Asriel. Because it's just not fair that you were the only one who couldn't leave the Underground. You see, in the world I live in, Frisk's adventures in the Underground is a computer game called Undertale. In it, players can guide Frisk through the Underground to return to the surface… and they can choose to kill monsters to gain LOVE and Exp, or spare them all and make friends with everyone.

Asriel sank onto one of the benches, his thoughts whirling. "So you mean… people in your world see into our world like it's a game..? And they…" He grit his teeth in anger. "They can make Frisk kill?"

Technically, they can make Chara take control of Frisk to kill.

Asriel gasped. "Chara?! I…" His face slowly fell. "…oh. So that means… you guys know everything, don't you?"

Yes Asriel. And so many of us hate what we call playing a "Genocide" route, so most of us prefer to see the timeline where Frisk doesn't kill anyone… and you break the barrier in the end. But… we all also feel so strongly the desire to do something for you. We all feel so awful that you get left behind in the dark, doomed to turn back into a soulless flower.

Asriel shook his head slowly. "So… I'm an Asriel that got drawn into this… 'world' that you're making with your writing?"

Exactly. I've given you your SOUL back no strings attached, because I—and so many of Undertale's "players," want you to be in the "best ending" too, Asriel. So when I say that I've got nothing better to do than this, I mean it. I'm doing for you what we can't do yet with the "game" of Undertale: using my imagination to create a world in which you aren't left behind. To be honest, I haven't really made the world yet: everything you see now is all that there is for the moment, but I just wanted to reach out to you, make sure you were okay and let you know what's going on.

A few tears began to leak from Asriel's eyes. "All of this… for me? I… I don't…" Asriel sniffled for a few moments as he got his tears under control. "Th-thank you… um, what's your name?"

You can call me "Eltyr," it's a writing name I often use. And it's my supreme pleasure, Asriel. I'm just glad that this actually worked.

Asriel smiled brightly. "I'm glad it worked too. Wow, I knew that humans could do amazing things with determination, but this is incredible!"

Well you have to remember that I'm not just using determination here: I'm mostly using my imagination at this point. Determination's all well and good, but I've always found that some of the best people in the world all possess a fantastic imagination.

Asriel glanced at his surroundings uncertainly. "So um… what happens now?"

I'm still working on that. This is after all a story, and in stories things happen. Often they are exciting things, funny things, sometimes sad or scary things. And unfortunately, as much as I just want to write about you having fun and just… living like you're supposed too, I'm going to have to make something exciting happen eventually.

"Why is that?" Asriel asked. "Er, I mean, I don't mind a little excitement, but why is it important?"

Well… would you believe me if I told you that it's been a day since I told you my name?

Asriel blinked owlishly. "Huh? No it hasn't, it's only been a few seconds!"

Only for you. After I wrote my pen name, I had to get off of the computer I'm using to write your story in order to go to bed. I woke up the next morning and had to work all day, and only just now managed to start writing again. The world you're in right now only really exists either when I write it or someone reads It or thinks about it. Whenever neither is happening, this world just… stops. That's why it didn't seem like any time passed.

"Golly…" Asriel whispered. "That's…"

Disturbing? Weird? Scary?

"All of those, yeah," Asriel answered, rubbing an arm nervously.

So I've come up with a solution: there's a way to put stories that you write onto the internet for millions and millions of other people to read. As long as someone reads this story, or thinks about the story, this little world I've made for you will continue to exist. But in order to get people to read it, something exciting has to happen so that they'll want to read it. Does all of that make any sense?

"I think so," Asriel nodded. "So… does that mean I'll need to go on some kind of adventure?"

That's my plan so far, yes. Don't worry though, I'm not going to make it so that anything bad or sad happens to you—just the opposite in fact. As a matter of fact… I need to do something real quick where you can't see what's going on.

"Oh, umm, okay I guess. But what am I..?"

Don't worry, I've got something for you to do. Let me make you a place to stay. Just watch the space behind the greenhouse door.

As Asriel looked on, a small path paved with flagstones and beds of flowers of many different colors gradually swam into existence, making the young Boss Monster emit noises of amazement and wonder. But that was nothing compared to what appeared at the end: an exact replica of Home, albeit with a second story added on. Asriel slowly opened the greenhouses' screen door and stepped onto the pathway as if in a trance, his eyes riveted to Home and misting up.

I figured you'd like to be in a place you recognize. I added a second floor and a basement for… later on, but I've roped them both off for now. I know that an empty Home won't be as cozy as a full one, but just give me an hour or so, and I'll address that little problem, okay?

"I-I… wow. Thanks Eltyr… I really mean it, thanks for everything."

Hehe, don't thank me yet little prince. I have a big adventure planned for you, and I've yet to show you something… that you'll really be thankful for. One hour: get yourself settled in, and enjoy a little of the snail pie on the living room table. When you hear my voice again, it means that I'm about to… reintroduce you to someone. Well, later.

Asriel was puzzled a bit by Eltyr's last statement, but he found himself smiling at the mention of snail pie. He wasn't looking forward to seeing his old Home empty… but Eltyr hadn't let him down yet, so he decided to trust the well-meaning writer. So resolved, Asriel jogged down the pathway towards home, the scent of freshly baked snail pie filling him with… hope.

(What, did you guys think I was going to say determination? Wrong! ;P Oh and, Asriel can't see or hear anything I put in these little brackets. Now then…)

To be continued…

Author's note: Hey everyone, thanks for keeping the world I made for Asriel afloat! As I told little Asriel, I DO have a plan for an adventure of sorts, and in the next chapter I'll be bringing in plenty of faces that you know and love from Undertale—

Asriel: Really? Oh, oh, oh! Will Frisk be there?

What the..? Asriel, get out of the notes section! Wait, how'd you get in here?

Asriel: I… have no idea. What is this exactly? I thought you went off to do something important?

I did! It'll happen in the next chapter of the story as soon as I write it! Right now you're in a space where I leave a little message to anyone who might be reading this to thank them for reading and supporting the story!

Asriel: Ooooooh… Maybe that's why this space looks white and… what are those boxes and symbols?

? Gee Asriel, I'm honestly not sure ^^; Maybe you're looking at the advertisements of the website I put the story on? Oh, maybe those boxes are the comments section where readers can leave a comment about the story? This isn't part of the story exactly, so I have no idea what you're seeing.

Asriel: Wow…

Hmmm, hey Asriel, mind asking our readers to leave reviews?

Asriel: Huh? I-I guess so, but why me?

They'll like it more if it's you that's asking; trust me, you've got a lot of fans: people think you're cute.

Asriel: *blushes* O-o-okay. U-umm, please leave a review for Eltyr.

You heard the goat-boy, review away and we will both see you in the next chapter!

Asriel: Hey Eltyr? What are those weird arrows and dots for, after you say that 'you're not sure?'

That's an emote, it's when you… WHY IS THE NOTE STILL GOING?!