Hello, hello,

Sorry for this long silence, and sorry I'm not updating Will o' the Wisp. I still have the inspiration for this story, but I have to write it all back because some characters are wrong, and some actions should be put aside in another story with all the idéas that don't sit well with the style of the story.

And in the meantime I've been working on this self-insert and thought the story was structured enough to start posting. I suggest you take a look at This isn't a stage, my new baby for the time being.

I think the reasons most of my stories are in hiatus right now is that I felt the need to post regularly, one chapter each week, even when I hadn't thought the ideas through and when I wasn't inspired. The whole ark with Ino and Yanagi is the proof.

For the curious, I'll now explain most of the changes that will be done in the story when it will be rewritten:

- Sasuke and Yanagi's relationship is wrong, because they should cling to each other more since they are the last of their clan

- Even though she understands there is a deeper meaning behind Itachi's actions, Yanagi should be angry at him for being the murderer of her brother, and given their relationship at the time (she was clinging to Itachi to be remembered of her brother), she shouldn't be too rational about this event (despite her lack of emotions)

- Yanagi's character is too rational. Granted it is fun when she has to rely on emotions, but I hink it's more like she contains her annoyance and hit it well because a ninja shouldn't show her emotions. But she should snap from time to time, for example when Neji gets too close.

- Neji's character isn't well done. I have some extracts where he's getting a little bit to involved with Yanagi, and it doesn't sit well with the real character. In the end, Neji isn't really in love with Yanagi, but values her because she has the same position as him in her own clan (being a cousin to the main family) and yet isn't (she's almost a sister of Sasuke and she should be more protective of him).

- Yanagi should hate physical contact and affection because it's unprofessional but actually yearn for it since she had been denied this affection when little. I'd totally see her cuddling with Sasuke in the intimacy of their house.

- Her mental problems should provoke some more troubles like paranoïa and depression. As you had seen it she gets suspected by Kakashi for being an object of interest for Danzô. But no one suspects her mental health. I had first thought to have her psychiatrist to be involved with the ROOT, but I think it's better to have this person a loyal servant of the leaf. Yanagi's madness would become a leash for Konoha, since a deranged shinobi wouldn't be accepted on the field.

There are other changes I have to make but for now I'll let this story go to the back of my mind for a while.

Again sorry for this hiatus.