This is a one shot. Maybe I'll continue it, maybe not. It depends if I have any ideas for this other than just a plot bunny.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything I write

"Interesting, how interesting…" A man in with a gigantic scarf covering the lower of half of his face and a bandanna. All in all, he was dressed like a nomad. He was staring at thin air, as though he was looking at himself. He was in a forest with trees bearing purple fruits

"Sagara, what are you doing?" Asked a man with white hair, a red right eye, sliver armor and a white cape

"Ah, Kazuraba Kouta. It has been quite some time hasn't it, a hundred, a thousand?" Sagara noticing the questioning look on Kouta's face. "Tell, me what do you see in this world?" He opened a tear, revealing a skyscraper, Kouta recognizing it as the Empire State building

"This world has been touched by you." Kouta stated flatly, using his powers as the Man of Beginning. He saw a world filled with Gods, Goddess, Demi-Gods, monsters and humans with unusual powers.

"Yes, it has. Chaos, one of the few women who have eaten the Golden Fruit. With her powers, she birth numerous immortals with great power. But enough about her." The tear showed a boy with green eyes and black hair, standing in front of a monster, a Minotaur.

"He has a great destiny. One to save his world, multiple times in fact. What of it?"

Sagara smirked dangerously, "Kinda boring isn't it?"

Kouta glared at Sagara, "You can't be thinking of…"

"Normally I won't do anything. The boy is suppose to feel great anger and with that anger kill the Minotaur. But, Kazuraba Kouta, what does he feel now?"


"Yes, now he does not have the will to fight back. Destiny is not unchangeable Kouta. Now he will die, leaving this world in the hand of the Titans .The fate of Humanity of that world look quite grim huh?" Sagara looked at Kouta, "Tell me, what will you do?"

Kouta wanted to help, even though it has been hundreds of years since he became the Man of Beginning, he still wanted to save anyone and everyone he could. Despite becoming a God, he is still a Kamen Rider at heart

"How about I help you make this decision," Sagara said, manifesting an object from thin air.

"A Sengoku driver…"

"Yes," Sagara said as he fiddled with the driver, "I must admit, it is an ingenious weapon. One of the best, if not the best, I have ever seen used in the battle for the Golden Fruit. With this, he will feel empowered to battle the monster. What about it?"

Saying nothing, Kouta approached a tree and picked a fruit. He changed the purple fruit to something that resembled a lock with a blue fruit on it. He handed the lock to Sagara

"A Blueberry lockseed? How fitting." Sagara stood up from the lock he was sitting on, "I'll give this to him. Don't worry, I'll send your regards to him. Maybe, even add some surprises for him…"

Hearing the last part, Kouta turned to face him, only to see him alone. "Damn it you snake." He was worried that he may have just cursed a world with a worse fate.

Kouta returned back to his world. He sees a woman with blonde hair, a red right eye and dressed in white. The woman saw the troubling look on Kouta's face. "Kouta, what's wrong?"

Kouta explain everything to the lady, her name being Mai. He even opened a tear to show the boy and the world he many have a curse. Mai observed the boy, holding Kouta hands, "I believe that the boy will surely prevail over any trials that Sagara has planned for him. He even remains me of you all those years ago. Believe in him, Kouta."

Kouta smiled at Mai, he looked over the beautiful kingdom he had build with his and Mai's power, "Yes, yes he will…"


Percy was on his knees, he felt hopeless. The rain beating down o him, some might even say that the rain represented his feelings, bleak and depressed. He just saw his mother get turned into golden dust by some mythological monster, something that shouldn't even exist. The only one to show him any care for his pass 12 years, gone just like that. He was ready to join his mother on the other side.

"Are you just going to give up just like that, Percy Jackson?" Percy looked up, seeing Sagara. He noticed that time seemed to have stopped, the rain floating in the air the bull man just standing in front of him, unmoving.

"What can I do? Mom is dead…"

"You can take revenge. You can get your mother back."

Percy looked up, "Get Mom back?"

"Notice how she turned into golden dust? Your mother isn't dead, she was taken."

"By who?"

"That's for you to find out," Sagara said smiling, "And I have just the tool to help you."

Sagara brought out a black colored item and a lock with a blue front. Percy noticed that there was some kind of cutting knife on the right side of the object and the blue front looked like a berry of some kind

"This is the Sengoku driver, will help you if your little quest. I offer you power at a price, what that price is? That is something you will have to find out yourself."

Percy, determined to save his mother, reached out for Sengoku driver. As he touched it, he had a vision of a man of a man with a blue shirt, black hair and a lock with an orange front, he pressed the button on the side


Placing the lock on the slot that the belt, the Sengoku driver, he yelled "Henshin!"

Soiya! Orange Arms: Hanamichi on Stage!

A giant orange appeared from a zip and transformed him into an orange colored Samurai. He then moved to fight a monster

"Now go on and fulfill your destiny, Percy Jackson!" With that Sagara disappeared, time resuming

Percy saw all the functions that the Sengoku driver had. He placed the driver on his waist, forming a belt. He pressed the button on the side



Whoa! Blueberry Arms: Will of the Swordsman, Loyalty of a Hero

Transforming into a blue warrior that resembled a ancient Greek warrior (just search for one on the internet, minus the skirt). A blue colored, medium length xiphos appeared in his right hand.

The Minotaur was surprised by the transformation, he roared at the blue rider.

Anger replaced the hopelessness that Percy once felt. Newfound strength burned in his limbs-the same rush of energy he had when Mrs. Dodds grew talons.

"You want an enemy! Well you have one you ground beef!"

The Minotaur charged like the bull he is, Percy grabbed him by the horns. His heels dig a trench that was a meter long. He threw the bull a over him

The Minotaur got up, he shook his head to get rid of the dizziness that the toss gave him. He saw red, this is the first time that a puny mortal threw him around like that. Not even gods could so that! He charged again

Percy seeing that tensed his legs. He didn't want jump sideways, he wanted to go for the head. So he leaped straight up, kicking off from the creature's head, using it as a springboard, turning in midair, and landing on his neck. How he did that, Percy didn't care. He lifted his weapon to stab the Minotaur's head. The Minotaur staggered around, trying to shake Percy off. This caused him to miss and slice of a horn. The furious shaking managed to buck Percy of him.

As Percy landed, he heard Grover moaning about food or something along the line. The Minotaur lowered his head and charged again. Percy flicked the cutting knife up once.

Blueberry Squash!

Percy's sword glow blue, he slide under the Minotaur's charge, he thrust his sword in the area underneath the monster's neck and continue to slide, slicing the beast in half. This caused the Minotaur to explode and turn into golden dust

Lock off

The monster that caused him so much grief was

The rain had stopped. The storm still rumbled, but only in the distance. The adrenaline wore off. Percy smelled like livestock, which was weird since he was covered in armor, and his knees were shaking. His head felt like it was splitting open. He wanted to just lie there for a while and relax but there was Grover, needing his help, so he managed to haul him up and stagger down into the valley, toward the lights of the farm-house.

The last thing he remember is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan circling above him, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a familiar-looking bearded man and a pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess's. They both looked down at me, and the girl said, "He's the one. He must be."

"Silence, Annabeth," the man said. "He's still conscious. Bring him inside."

I promise mom, I'll get you back. I'll get you back as Kamen Rider Ocean. Was Percy's last thought before he went unconscious.

Line Break

Sagara hum thoughtfully to himself, "That was quite a battle for someone who never fought before." He turned around and walked off, "Now, to set up a few challenges."

I have a few ideas, even a few forms to give Percy, maybe I'll continue this maybe not.

If you are asking about the amazing show of strength, well he is in a rider form which is shown incredible feats of strengths before and it is raining, which will increase Percy's already impressive strength, being Poseidon's demi-god and all

What do you guys think? I hope you have enjoyed and please review.