Rise of the Straw Hat Armada Chapter 8: Curiosity Didn't Kill the Cat Part 2

"OUT OF THE BACK ATTACK"! Kuro roared before he suddenly vanished. To the untrained eye it looked like he was teleporting, but to those trained with Haki, such as Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Nami and even Kaya. Kuro was simply running around the bluff at a less than impressive speed. Though Luffy had to admit that it was similar to Soru, but more like the beginning stages. Luffy simply stood there impassively with his arms crossed waiting. As the minutes ticked by he saw Kuro rushing towards him and the Straw Hatted Captain suddenly smirked however.

Just as Kuro was about to stab Luffy with his claws, the teen, shockingly tilted his head to the side and smashed the stunned Kuro into the rocky wall to the left, causing the wall to crack slightly. Jango and the rest of the Black Cat crew stared in shock at the display of power but Luffy simply crossed his arms again. "Come out of there Kuro, I didn't hit you that hard and I know you can do better than that". Luffy said. There was nothing but silence for a full minute before, Luffy felt a slight shift in the wind and leaned his body to the right just Kuro appeared right in front of him with his left claw just inches away from the Straw Hat's shoulder. The two captains stared at each-other for a long minute before Kuro's claws and arms became a blur as he tried in vain to pierce Luffy with his claws but younger captain would have none of that and was easily able to dodge every single strike thanks in part to his observation haki.

Jango and the rest of the Black Cat Crew stared in awe at the speed of the two combatants, and they were even further awed by how easily Luffy was able to dodge their captain's attacks. As far as they knew, Kuro was the fastest and most powerful pirate they knew and to see someone who was even faster and quite possibly even stronger than their own captain, was enough to cause their jaws to drop to the floor in utter disbelief. A finally after several minutes of dodging, Luffy smirked as he saw an opening in Kuro's defense before he gave the man a solid punch in the face sending skidding down the bluff. Kuro growled and forced himself to stand up straight as blood dribbled down his mouth. While Kuro was calm on the outside, he was in shock and some rage at the state of the battle.

How the hell can someone move as fast this brat?! No one should be able to move that fast, and those last two attacks felt like god damned wrecking balls! This is no, ordinary pirate that's for sure… Kuro thought to himself, before he noticed Luffy slip into a boxer like stance with both his arms moved forward in a bent position with his legs slightly bent. Kuro growled slightly before he shifted into his own stance with both his claws and arms at his sides. The two captains stared at each other before Luffy suddenly made the first move and seemingly vanished before he suddenly appeared inches away from Kuro and gave him a powerful kick to the chin causing the man to yell out in pain as he was again sent down the slope before he managed to land on his feet and used his claws to slow down his momentum.

Kuro stood up and glared at Luffy before he suddenly launched forward at his full speed catching Luffy off guard and finally managing to cut Luffy with his claws which all drew blood. Luffy winced slightly as he forgot how much the claws actually hurt last time before he shook himself and jumped over Kuro as the man attempted to the teen again. At the apex of his jump brought in his legs as far in as his new rubbery physique would allow. "Well Kuro, it's been fun but it's time to end this. Gum-Gum…Stamp"! Luffy called out before he shot his legs out at, an insane speed towards the shocked Black Cat Captain. Maybe….it won't be so bad…serving under this boy… were what Kuro's last thoughts were before he felt the full force of Luffy's attack, which was like getting hit with the force of a cannon ball. The attack successfully knocked Kuro out as he went flying down the slope and right in front of his stunned crew. Luffy nimbly landed on his feet letting out a deep breath before crossing his arms.

"Alright. Your captain lost the bet so that means that you guys, are now part of the Straw Hat Armada, which means that you and your captain are collectively under my command got it"? Luffy stated. The Black Cat crew looked at each other in shock. They remembered the bet made between Luffy and Kuro but they were still in shock that, their captain still lost and to a teenager no less. It was there that the crew thought it was in their best interest to not make an enemy of the young captain, unless they wanted to get their asses handed to them on a silver platter.

Finally, all was said and done and Kuro was resting in the infirmary of the Mansion, while Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Usopp and Kaya were following Merry out to the dock planted right behind the mansion. "Now then, I have spoken to both Kaya and Usopp and since I know I can't convince either of them to change their minds, on any level and as thanks for defeating and now agreeing to contain Kuro, several of the employees and I have decided to present you with a gift. Here it is"! Merry declared proudly before swiftly removing the cover revealing something that caused the four Straw Hats to break out into massive grins, for there sitting in front of them, in all her glory, was the Going Merry. Merry…we're all finally together again. I promise to make this second journey last…I know we most likely won't be able to keep you from leaving us after Water 7…but I'll be damned before I let you leave us early… Luffy thought to himself as he smiled at Merry. He looked towards his crewmates and couldn't help but chuckle. Nami and Usopp both had a few stray tears in their eyes, and Zoro stood there with a large smile with intense will, to keep himself from openly crying.

"I'm glad you're here". Luffy suddenly stiffened along with his crew mates before shaking their heads. However, Luffy looked back at Merry with hidden shock. Merry…is that you? Luffy thought in shock. Of course he also wasn't really expecting an answer so when Merry did answer Luffy, clenched his fists tightly to keep himself from running over and hugging the figurehead of the ship. "Yes! I know I probably won't survive until Water 7 again…but I'll do my best to take you across the sea"! Merry declared. Luffy gave a subtle nod before turning to Kaya's ward Merry. "Thank you so much for this and everything. I promise we'll take good care of her, on my honor as a pirate". Luffy declared. Nami, Zoro and Usopp expressed similar sentiments, before the Buggy Pirates and the newly added Black Cat pirates were called. Once they were all set up the three ships were now ready to set sail.

"Take care of yourself Miss Kaya! Always think about home and never give up your dream"! Merry said, getting a nod from the girl. "I will Merry! Thank you for everything you've done for me! I'll never forget you"! Kaya stated.

Luffy smirked and stepped onto Going Merry's figure head and firmly gripped his hat. "Alright! Hoist the anchor, unfurl the sails! It's time for us to set our heading to the home of our cook! Next stop: The Baratie!"

AN: I'm back Bitches! *Gets Brick'd* …Writers Block's a bitch you guys. Just plain and simple. Anyway yes I'm back and we're finally done with the Syrup Island Arc and moving on the Baratie Arc. I'm so greatfull for all your reviews you guys and the poll is really kicking off. I'm kinda surprised that no one wants Ace and Sabo to have their own crews, but hey. I won't judge . Anyway I've decided to keep the poll up until end of the East Blue Saga and not a single Arc or Saga more. Because by the end of the East Blue Arcs Luffy, finally made a name for himself and people start hearing about him. So yeah, after the last arc of East Blue which is LogueTown, then the poll will be closed and I might start a new one. Next chapter is coming up real soon so hope you enjoy!

The poll so far:

Ace and Sabo join their Canon groups: 11

Ace and Sabo join Luffy: 7

Ace and Sabo form their own crews: 0

Remember everyone, the fates of Ace and Sabo are in your hands! Vote through East Blue to decided their fate!