When Gibbs was sanding the legs of the rocking chair he was working on, he was surprised to hear someone arrive at the house. He wasn't expecting anyone in the middle of the week since he knew Tony had a date with Abby to go to a concert, McGee had a computer date with Delilah and the others usually called first. He heard the person hesitate outside the basement.

"Come on in, I don't bite." The door opens and to Gibbs' surprise Jimmy's there. "Palmer, come on down. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah … Tony told me I could come over if I ever needed to talk to you and I kind of do but then I thought I might be disturbing you. I just wanted to ask you something but if you're busy I can go."

"Nope, I'm just working on a project. Come pull up a stool, my door's always open. How's Breena?"

"She's good; we went shopping for the baby stuff today. She's making a list of the stuff she wants for the shower." Gibbs looks at him oddly and Jimmy shrugs. "She says it's so she doesn't have to keep repeating what she wants."

"I guess that makes sense. If you're asking me to check the list …"

"No, it's nothing like that. I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"Sure, are you looking for something for Breena?" Jimmy looks at him in confusion and Gibbs chuckles. "You wouldn't be the first person to ask. Tell me what you're looking for."

"Her granddad made her mom a rocking chair when she was expecting Breena and it's what Breena wants. The newer rocking chairs aren't the same way and the used ones we find aren't very safe looking. I don't know if we could buy one and just fix it up but you're the one who knows that type of stuff." Gibbs nods wiping his hands wondering what Jimmy thought he was working on.

"Well do you have a picture of it so we could get an idea?" Jimmy nods,

"I made a copy to see if Abby could help me find one. Breena would rather do without one then use one of the newer ones." Gibbs looks at the rocking chair and the design.

"Well that's easy enough to do. Have you ever done wood work Jimmy?'

"No and I don't think I would be very good at it. I know there wasn't enough time the baby's coming in two weeks and I just thought I'd give it a shot. I'm sorry for bothering you Agent Gibbs." Jimmy goes to leave the basement.

"Hey Jimmy,"


"What does this look like?" Jimmy turns to Gibbs confused and Gibbs motions to the rocking chair. "I don't like the new rockers either. I was just waiting for word from Abby on the theme on how to decorate it." Jimmy got a rare smile Gibbs rarely saw on him.

"Wow … really? Why?"

"I'm not for going with those lists of baby items and I prefer to make gifts when I can. I made one for my Goddaughter and I thought Breena might like it. Can I keep the picture? I should be able to come close to matching it." It had a fairy tail painting on it but Gibbs knew someone who did the work by hand. He was more interested in the carving.

"Yeah of course and it doesn't have to be exact. She'll appreciate the effort to make her a rocking chair like her moms."

"Don't worry about it and it'll be ready by the time the baby gets here." By the time, Jimmy and Breena brought Victoria home Jimmy forgot about the rocking chair but Tony offered to bring dinner by so Gibbs went with him.

"That's a nice chair boss but they do sell them." Gibbs rolls his eyes showing Tony the picture. "Is that her mom?"

"Yes, it's almost the exact one her mom had when she was born. I just made it the same. They don't like the new rockers."

"That's nice of you boss. It does look the same." At the house, Breena looked tired but smiles to see them.

"Thank you for coming. Jimmy's walking with Vicki, she doesn't like when we sit still." Jimmy nods,

"I'm going to look for a rocking chair tomorrow. We didn't think we would need one yet but …" Breena nods,

"She loved the one in the hospital." Gibbs slips from the house to get the rocking chair from the truck. "What's this?"

"My gift to both of you. I didn't know how to wrap it though." Breena took off the cover and was stunned.

"Where did you find it? How did you know?"

"I was making one and Jimmy gave me a picture to get the match. A friend painted the characters with safe paint and I did the carving myself." Breena hugs him.

"I don't know how to thank you Agent Gibbs. It's exactly what I imagined but …"

"It's sturdy and safe for her and will last you a few years. No thanks needed I'm glad you like it." Jimmy follows Gibbs and Tony out.

"How much do I owe you Gibbs? I forgot to ask that night."

"Nothing it's my gift to you three. If you guys need anything let me know though."

"Okay I will and thanks." Tony didn't say anything but he knew Gibbs was planning the next baby project for Victoria.