A/N - LAST CHAPTER! Sorry for taking a while to get it done! Enjoy! =)

"This is just too good!" Tails giggled along with Knuckles and Sticks as he snapped more pics. It was one thing for Amy to be all flustered with the jokes of liking the blue blur the day before. It was another thing for the two to be nowhere in site for the rest of the day. But for his overconfident best friend to be caught like this with her? Let's just say the two lovehogs weren't going to live this down for at LEAST a year!

The blanket (that eventually covered the both of them as the night went by) had been kicked away from the heat of the sun. Sonic laid there fullway on his chair with his arm wrapped around Amy's hip. The pink hedgehog's body was also completely on the chair as her hands laid softly on her crush's chest. The three friends giggled and squealed quietly, not sure what was better – The fact that Amy's left leg rested high upon Sonic's, or the fact that his scarf was practically wrapped around her neck. The two looked more relaxed than the three friends have ever seen.

"Maybe we should wake them up now," Sticks sighed happily, although she didn't really want this to end.

"Noooo, this is too perfect!" Knuckles yelled filled with excitement.

"Just one more picture!" Shouted Tails after him, snapping a lot more than one.

The dudes must have been too loud, since the two started to move a bit. The three friends were so excited, they couldn't even speak! Instantly, the twin-tailed fox put the camera in video-mode to record what would become one of the greatest moments in history. As if on cue, Sonic yawned, stretching his free arm out, while Amy stretched out her right leg. Green met jade as they fluttered their eyes open. It only took two seconds for reality to hit them.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" The hedgehogs screamed as they fell off of either side of the chair. Before they could even question each other, they saw their friends dying of laughter beside them. Their appearances only made the two shriek again.

"So now that we're all awake," Sticks started still giggling, "wanna explain what happened to you two yesterday afternoon?"

"Or more importantly, explain why you two were cuddling?" Tails teased, wiping away tears from his eyes.

The two got up in unison and stuttered as they tried to come up with an answer, blushing from the thought of them possibly cuddling just now.

"Somebody call FedEx, cause I'm SHIPPING THEM!" Knuckles roared, killing the poor Badger and Fox beside him. They were all in tears watching the speechless red hedgehogs in front of them. The two couldn't help but smile after awhile. They knew there was nothing either of them could say that would get them out of this, so they just accepted their fate.

"Alright," Sonic sighed with his eyes closed, hands on hips. "You got us."

"Oh, DO we!" Tails exhaled, trying to calm down, holding the camera up.

"Did you have to film it?" Groaned Amy as she brought a hand over her face.

"...YES?" Yelled the three friends before busting out in laughter again, causing the hedgehogs to join them this time.

"Alright," Sticks breathed, beginning to relax. "All this excitement is making me hungry. How 'bout we hear the story over at Meh Burger?"

"You all go ahead," said Amy. "I'll meet you there after I clean up."

"Want me to walk with you?" Sonic asked casually.

"Awwwwwww!" The three friends cooed, making goo goo eyes at the hogs. Sonic rolled his eyes, slapping himself on the inside for not thinking of how he'd sound for asking.

"Sure...if you want to," Amy said, putting her arms behind her back, looking away.

"OKAY!" Tails yelled, killing the moment. "We're gonna head off to Meh Burger! Actually join us this time, will ya?" The three friends then left the hedgehogs alone, squealing once more over the pictures and video on their way to their fave restaurant.

Sonic and Amy took a deep breath at the same time, and laughed when they realized they've done so.

"Sooo," Sonic let out while scratching his head. "This isn't awkward."

"Nope!" Amy giggled. "Shall we get going?"

The two didn't even walk a whole minute before the silence became painful. Craving to be home alone and annoyed at the fact that SONIC was walking, she urged him to run them there. With that, he lifted her in her arms, and sped his way to her home.

"You don't have to wait for me," said Amy while walking towards her door. "I'm gonna be a while."

Just as she was about to grab her door handle, she felt a hand gently grab her own.

"Sonic?" She asked with a face full of worry. He looked down, closed his eyes, and inhale before letting her hand go.

"Shut that stupid thing off," he exhaled, "before it tells Sonic that I love – Love what?"

Amy's heart dropped and butterflies filled her stomach badly. You'd think after all that time with him, she'd have the guts to tell him the truth.

'You', she wanted to say. She dreamed of the day she could tell him all the time. But she wasn't ready... It just wasn't the time.

"Sonic," she sighed, trying to appear annoyed. "It's honestly noth-"

"Come on, Amy!" Sonic pushed gently. "It's just me and you here. Spill it!"

"Love..." She started – holding her arm shyly as an idea, came to mind. "Love painting you more than anything.."

"Huh?" Sonic asked genuinely confused, unsure about whether she was being honest or not. "THAT's what you were scared of me knowing?

"Of course!" Exclaimed Amy. "As much as I enjoy painting all of your quills, I wouldn't want your ego to get in the way of me showing you my work."

"So lemme get this straight," Sonic waved his hands in front of her, failing to hold back his smirk. "All of this time, you were embarrassed of the thought of me finding out you were painting the most awesome dude in the world?"

"Point proven," Amy groaned, bringing a hand to her face.

"And the picture in your purse was like a reference or something?"

"Y-yeah!" She squeaked, followed by an awkward giggle. Maybe she was luckier than she thought.

"I see," Sonic giggled knowingly. "Well, I'll had on to Meh Burger now."

"Alright, meet you there!"

"Oh, and Amy?"


"Lemme know when you when you're gonna paint again," Sonic smirked. "I know having your hot hero posing for you would be a dream come true." With a quick wink at her, he sped off.

Amy rolled her eyes and laughed at the speeding hedgehog's remark.

"A letter for Miss Rose?" Said the voice of Leroy The Turtle.

"Thanks, sir!" Amy said she took the letter from him. She went inside her house and immediately opened the envelope.

"Huh?" She questioned before reading the letter aloud:

To my FPBFF,

You & that pineapple of yours should praise me for the ride. AND for putting the anchor down on my boat after you fell off by your own clumsiness and not because I thought it would be funny. AND for providing you room to sit!

Your pleasure,

King Eggman, Evil Ruler Of All

P.S - By the time you read this, I'll already be at a hotel on the other side of the island! You'll have to kill me later, but I'm sure you'll be grateful for the pictures. ;)

"Pictures?" Amy asked. She grabbed the envelope and sure enough, there were photos. She gasped seeing what the sneaky doctor sent her. Pictures of the love her life laughing with her, smiling at her as she slept on him, carrying her in his arms – The Eggster got it all.

Amy walked over to her couch, grabbed her purse, and pulled out the photograph that started it all.

"My hot hero, huh?" Amy chuckled, recalling the previous day's events. "I agree."

The pink hedgehog then proceeded to squeal over the cuteness of the photos. Sonic had to hold back his giggles over how adorable it was. After running home to grab his communicator that fell off, he also received an envelope from his arch nemesis. Figuring she'd get a copy as well, he sped over there in time to see her read the letter. Watching her reaction from the window brought a feeling that was indefinable to any.

Would he confront the girl for it all? Nope. He wasn't going to say a single word. Teasing the lady hog was going to be a LOT more thrilling now! Plus, the scarfed-hero would be going on a new, unique adventure of his own. Was he ready for it? Would things even turn out sweet in the end? Well, only time could tell him as he faced it. As he sped to Meh Burger to join his friends again, there was only one thing that Sonic knew for sure.

It was too late...to deny his fall for her.