Disclaimer : Castle is not mine.

This is set sometime during season 3 and Alexis is 17 and Kevin is 25 or 26.

Kevin Ryan loved winter. He loved how cold the air could be and he loved how when it snowed everything can look like a fairy tale. As he was talking along the New York streets he had time to go through his thoughts. What was he doing with his life ? Was he just destined to be a homicide detective until he was forced to retire or did the universe have a bigger plan for him. Ryan was tired of being single and doing the same thing he done everyday, he woke up and went to work, he went home and went to sleep and then he would repeat this the next day. Not only was he tired of his single life style but apparently his family was to. According to his Ma "Son you have till the family reunion before I set you up with someone." Kevin Ryan could honestly say he was terrified of the person she would set him up with.

The last relationship Ryan had been in was Jenny and that lasted nearly a year, nearly long enough for her to meet his family but apparently to her it was "too much dating a cop." And then she soon walked away from him. Kevin let out a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his hair as he continued to walk.

Kevin rounded another corner on his walk to nowhere in particular, he had a half day at the precinct and he couldn't have gotten out of there fast enough. All he could think about was feeling so much stress. He had to do his job right and that put pressure on him. He had to find a nice person for his family reunion in exactly a year dating from today January 2nd. He knew it wasn't anything big but it was enough for him to definitely feel the stress of it all.

Kevin rounded another corner and almost bumped into someone who wasn't looking where they were going and they didn't stop to apologize either which definitely got to Kevin. Kevin turned around and saw the person who was walking away and they had red hair and a plain black back back and Kevin thought he recognized her and so he called out her name "Alexis !"

The red head stopped walking and turned around and looked around trying to find the person who called her name and when she saw Kevin stood there he could visibly see her relax and he frowned at that. Kevin walked up to her and as he got closer he could see how tired she truly looked. She had dark circles under her eyes that stood out against her pale skin. Her hair was messy most probably from her running her hands through it so many times during the day and as she went to do that motion Kevin saw that her nails were all chipped and he put this down to her biting them.

"Hey Detective Ryan whats up ?" Alexis asked looking around.

"Uhh nothing you just bumped into me and when I realized it was you I just thought I would say hello." Kevin said and at the end he waved his hand so emphasis his point.

Alexis smiled "Well hello but not to be rude Detective I'm in a rush I need to get to the library." Alexis said and went to walk away.

Kevin stopped her with a hand on her elbow and she quickly turned back her eyes curious and filled with questions. Kevin couldn't help but think how adorable she looked when she done that but he quickly shook off that train of thought. "Why don't I walk with you I was just thinking about a book they might have." Ryan lied but what else was he meant to do when Alexis didn't look like Alexis and he was stressed and urghhh he was just having bad ideas today wasn't he ?

Alexis looked around nervously and nodded her head quickly and the she simply turned around and began speed walking off again.

"So hows school ?" Kevin asked when he caught up to her."

"Why ?" Alexis asked quickly her eyes wide and suspicious.

"Just trying to make conversation, why ?"

"No reason. School is good, life is good, everything is just good." Alexis said averting her eyes from him.

Kevin looked at Alexis and thought about what she had just said, "You know when someone says good three times in such a short amount of time people might start to think they are lying." Kevin said and looked at Alexis. Her step faltered but only slightly and her eyes grew just a bit wider and her gaze still refused to lock onto his. Kevin was starting to get worried about her and as the passed an alley he gently shoved her into the entrance.

"What are you doing ?" Alexis asked and Kevin noticed her wild eyes.

"Alexis whats wrong ?" Kevin asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all I said I'm good." Alexis said trying to shrug her shoulders in casualness but failed.

"Alexis no offence but your a terrible liar now you can either tell me or I can talk to Castle about this." Kevin said and Alexis' eyes went wide.

Alexis began to speak albeit a bit reluctantly "Some kids at my school found out about my A's and during lunch when I was walking past them they tripped me up and now I have to do their English homework, so I really need to go to the library." Alexis said and went to walk out back onto the street and Kevin followed her.

"Why didn't you tell somebody ?" He asked.

Alexis stopped in her track and turned to look at him "Because I'm not a snitch. I can handle myself." Alexis said with a puff of air.

When they reached the library Alexis went to walk inside but as she realized she wasn't being followed she turned around and pointed behind her "Don't you wonna see if they have that book ?" Alexis asked confused.

Kevin looked at the ground and ran a hand through his hair. "What if I said that I didn't actually need a book ?" Ryan confessed.

Alexis took a few steps towards him and smirked "I would say that was kinda creepy." Alexis said.

Ryan had a guilty look on his face and Alexis snorted a little and as she walked into the library she called over her shoulder with a wave of her hand "see ya creep."

Kevin smiled and felt his chest tighten. "Ahhh crap" he thought "this shouldn't be happening."

Kevin walked off with two more worries on his mind. What was Alexis going to do about being picked on and what is he going to do if he starts falling for Castle's kid.

A/N: What do you guys think ? Is it worth continuing ?