WEll HEeLlllOoooOO! Long time no see?! Miss me? I really have no excuse as to why i didn't update sooner. Writers block, a lack of interest, life events, work, social shit, Etc. Etc. I hope this chapter will make up for my terribly long absence.


Chapter 7: Sacrifice

The wind blew against the castle sides. For August, it was a chilly; one that spoke of the winter a few months ahead. The air was heavy with moisture, as if it were about to rain, but the clouds refused to yield their liquid. It had been a wet year, and the harvest would be late. With a whistle, the wind thrashed itself against the turrets and towers, making red and gold banners whip and snap. It rolled over the thatched rooving and stonewalls, dipping into the cracks and crevices there as it raced up its heights. With a gust, it poured in through the open balcony door and flooded the room. What was left of the lit candles, were extinguished with the ferocity of the air. The stream of smoke left in the wake of the flame twisted and turned about on the breeze as it fluttered about the room. Strands of the wind caught in curtains and bed sheets, causing ripples. Of the bits of parchment and paper about, it tossed them carelessly to the floor. In blue satin sashes and tangerine skirts, it fisted itself into oceanic locks and danced across tear ridden black lashes. Fingers of the breeze ghosted over stained blotchy cheeks and puckered lips that were stuck in a frown. It then returned around the room and carrying bits of the candle smoke, out the open doors and to the wilds beyond.

She hadn't slept. What time she had attempted too, resulted in a nightmare that prevented any further slumber. It was more that the nightmare had been a memory of the past hours than the fact that it was a dream. It would haunt her for the rest of her life. She laid there a while longer as the wind blew across her face once more. The smell of smoke filled her nostrils and with it the icy smell of rain that threatened just beyond the castle grounds. It was just after dawn, but the skies betrayed the time and grew darker rather than lighter, cracking and growling with the blustering wind at its front.

Her head rolled to the side, dead eyes looking out beyond into nothingness. She could feel the soft bedding against the now scabbed cut to her face. The physical reminder that the night before had been real. Those events still stuck in her mind, replaying as vividly as actuality when she closed her eyes. How could she have slept? With the weight of what she now must do on her soul, there was no room for sleep. No room for emotion, but that was all she felt. Pure, raw, animalistic, torturing emotion. Unable to express it, but it bubbled just behind her skin.

She was stuck. Forced into the corner to do the exact thing she had been trying to avoid. She was going to marry Laxus. The thought of it made her nauseous. Or was that the morning sickness? Either way, she was going to throw up. She could taste the acid in her mouth. But her body didn't move. She couldn't yet. She thought of Gajeel. He had said he would come to visit her that night. He hadn't. The feeling grew stronger with the thought. With a lurch, she rose and stumbled across to the adjoining room to rid herself of the bile in her throat. It didn't take much, as there wasn't much to remove from her system.

She was going to have to tell someone, everyone, of her betrayal and sin. She had to do it today. She sank to the floor on her knees, gripping the stone before her with pale shaking hands. She had told Laxus what he had wanted to hear, but she didn't want to really do it. He had said for her to tell the Council that day, and she dared not delay longer than that for fear of what he might do. The Council had been gathered in the few days past, quite a feat as members hailed from all corners of the kingdom. The Council was only called in times of great need. The passing of the thrown and thus her marriage to a proper suitor, being of utmost importance and necessity immediately. She scoffed drily. Well, a suitor had been found, though he was not appropriate in any sense. It didn't really matter anymore however. Laxus was strong, so strong. He had kept a following still even after his dethronement, and they were fierce and loyal Knights. Even if she had been dethroned herself, and the position was up for the taking, Laxus was strong enough to overcome all that might fight for it. He should have been banished. He should have been killed. She whimpered, tears stinging her eyes suddenly. The King was too kind. He had allowed such a foul beast to stay within the Kingdom, The Castle to be damned. He had lost and son and daughter in one day, and to lose a grandchild was too much. But why keep him so close? Why didn't he lock Laxus in some Keep in the far corner of the realm!? Where he didn't have to hurt anyone! Where he could be forgotten and waste away without anyone ever knowing! Where he didn't have to torment and intrude in her life, he could turn to dust and on one would have to know the difference. She choked back the sobs as they raked her frame. She hadn't realized she was crying so violently.

She was going to have to do something. She was going to expose herself, and her lies. She was going to make the worst possible pile of filth the King of her beloved lands. She was going to betray the people that loved her so much, both in the Castle and in the Kingdom. She was going to doom them all to pain and suffering under his impure hands. She was going to live in misery for the reminder of her days alongside them.

And what of the child? The one she carried now? Was it going to be allowed to live? Bastard born children weren't allowed life in the Castle, much less the Royal Family. She was an exception. It would be killed then. Her heart clenched and her hands came to rest over her stomach. She had started to become attached to the life that grew inside her.

And what of Gajeel? What was to become of him? She knew her visits with him were over. He would be captured upon his next attempt to see her she just knew it. And what then? Would Laxus kill him? Torture him? Lock him in the dungeons to wither away? What would she tell him if she did see him again? The answer was easy, the easiest thing in her mind. The truth. Everything. She would tell him everything. And then what? Would she take him up on his offer? Would they really be able to leave and live together on some mountain in some far-off place, away from everything? It was what he had always wanted, his own family. She looked down at her hands now, and at the swell beneath them. Family. That's what was growing inside her. A family. Could she sacrifice all the people of the Kingdom for this one life that had been cultivated between her and the Dragon?

What of her? Would she be able to leave everything she had known, everything she had loved, and everything she had ever desired? Would she be able to leave it all behind for the one life that was not yet truly started? If she left, she left everything that made her who she was. The people that loved her and she them, the books that filled her with life, her friends, Moonlight, Lucy, the King. Everything would be gone. For the promise of what? One life? What was one life? What was her own? What of her? What was she to become? The wife of her own half-brother, the barer of his children. The thought made her gag. She would be Queen yes, but Queen of what? The Queen of Fiore? Would there be a Fiore after Laxus took control? He was unfit to lead, unfit to rule. Unfit to live. Then what?

It was too much. There were too many unknowns, too much happening in such a short time, there were too many decisions that needed her answer immediately, too much pressure and responsibility. It was just too much.

She slumped over on the floor, the cold stone pressing against her cheek, soothing to the wound there. She paid it no mind and stared without sight into the void of blackness that was taking her mind. Sleep. She needed sleep. Her eyes fluttered, then closed. Her breath slowed and became rhythmic. Her body relaxed on the floor. The wind howled outside and raced through the open balcony doors, filling the room behind her. Its now icy fingers clawing at anything it could as it cried of the rain to come in its wake. And so it came, crashing against the earth and stone like a wave to the shore. The heavens opened in one awesome feet and drenched the world below in an onslaught of water. With it the wind screamed, and with the wind came another scream.

She woke from the nightmare that was now her reality clutching at her face and screaming for the pain to stop. But it wouldn't, she knew that. There was nothing that was going to stop this from coming, but she screamed in spitefulness.

Slowly the noise stopped. Her voice horse, she shook on the floor, clutching her head still. Nothing was going to change what was happening. Nothing was going to get better. Nothing was going to save her from this. She was alone. She was doomed.

"Gajeel." The word fell from her lips with a pleading that headed no answer.

It was done. Levy made her announcement to the Council that there would be a King on the Throne by weeks' end. She had dressed in a high-collared gown, one that hid the hand-like bruises on her neck, appropriate for the official calling of the Council. She had made sure to powder her face a little extra on the one side to cover the scab there. Each dab of the brush a stabbing jeer of what she might expect from now of were she to displease the new King. The wedding was to happen quickly, what with her birthday a mere fortnight away, the sooner the better. There was a buzz of excitement and relief that filled the chamber at her words. The Council would have normally gathered in the throne room, but with the King bedridden, they had made due with his bedchambers. They were all strangers to her from distant cities, ones she had met maybe once in her life, and they did not see the pain in her eyes as she spoke. The King did, with Jellal at his bedside, he made motions to his advisor and Jellal asked whom the future King might be. Levy and he exchanged looks. Jellal knew. The King new. Now the world would know. The whispers changed to fear and shock. There was no other way, but the acceptance was hard to swallow. Shortly after the name fell from her lips, the King closed his eye and let out a breath. He seemed not to regain it. With the mass of people now buzzing around it was missed by all until the Princess raised her eyes from the floor to the man in his bed. The buzzing hushed instantly as she rushed to his side and called out to him. He didn't respond. Jellal bent to the King as well, a hand on his head. There was moment when no one moved.

"Clear the room." Came Jellal's clear demand. Still no one moved. "Do as I say!" He barked, his eyes not leaving the man before him.

Levy caught her breath, this was not happening, not now, not when they needed him most!

The aura on the far side of the bed changed and rippled. Jellal was summoning his Magic and it grew around him in a royal blue haze that was slowly taking solid form. "I said, CLEAR THE ROOM NOW!" His voice had changed; the order was harsh and demonic sounding. Like the Magic had possessed him and was speaking through him. The people in the room scattered. Only Levy stayed at the Kings side.

Tears streamed down her face as she reached for the King's hand, "Don't touch him. Lest it affect you too." Though softer, the Sorcerers voice still sounded demonic. She recoiled. Looking up, she saw that his eyes had been taken over with the same blue as the aura around him, filling from lid to lid. The sorcerer raised both hands over the body on the bed and began mumbling inaudibly, not that she could have understood the language if she had tried. She watched in fear as some of the aura that dripped from his fingertips, change to a blisteringly bright white, and descend into the Kings body. After a moment, Jellal's hands lowered, now glowing white, and he placed one on the King's forehead, the other over his heart. A moment more…

The King took a shuddering breath.

Levy gasped.

Light filled the room for an instant, then faded and with it the aura around Jellal. Now fully human again, Jellal removed his hands from the King, who was taking regular steady breaths now, and slumped to the floor.

"Jellal!" Standing from where she had fallen against the bed, Levy hurried to his side. He was sitting on the floor panting, "My apologies Princess, that took more energy than I thought it would. I didn't mean to frighte-!"

He was cut off mid-sentence by her throwing her arms round his neck and wrapping him up in a hug. Her tears flowed freely and she sobbed into his robes. He sat perfectly still a moment, before easing an arm around her and holding her close as she cried. They stayed that way a time before she was able to regain herself.

She sat back and began to wipe her face, still blubbering a little, "Thank you Jellal! Thank you! You've saved him!" The sorcerer smiled at her, but shook his head slowly, "No, not really. He will sleep peacefully now, but I haven't saved him."

She gazed at him in confusion, "But he stopped breathing, I thought he died! I thought you brought him back?"

"No, the Magic to bring those back from the realm of the dead has been lost centuries ago. He stopped breathing, yes, but his heart nor brain had stopped functioning. He will sleep now, and only in sleep will he be well. There is nothing more my powers can do."

"What-what are you saying? I don't understand."

He looked at her with a somber expression. The arm still around her tightened and he frowned, "The only thing now keeping his Majesty alive, is the very powerful Sleeping Spell he is under. If I were to lift it – his body is not strong enough to survive on its own. My Magic is the only thing keeping him alive now."

She stared at him as he spoke, understanding the words, but not accepting the facts before her, "But how? What is even causing this!? He was so healthy for so long!"

Jellal retraced his arm from her side and ran in trough his ocean locks, exposing the Mark of the Mage over his eye, "It's Old magic, from the Dark Arts. A Death Spell. I had suspected it for some time, but I know not to counter it." He sighed. They slipped into silence.

Something stirred in her memory, she had heard that term before. But where? She didn't remember Jellal saying anything about it, and nothing that Freed had taught her about magical history would be relevant. She thought harder, her brow furrowing with the effort. There was no one in the Castle, besides Jellal and maybe Mest, that could use Magic. Mest. Cana? Had Cana said something about it in her meetings with her? No, she didn't think so. And for such an old spell, there was no one alive that would know about it. She stopped in her musings at that thought. No one alive… it's too old… but there is someone that would remember when Magic was still plentiful…

Hadn't Gajeel said something about a Death spell on one of her adventures with him? She searched her mind for the memory. Yes… it was vague, but she remembered…

She felt fingers ghost her cheek, pulling her from her thoughts. Fingertips like butterfly's wings over her pale cheek, just where she had been cut. She flushed. He could see right through the cover now that he was so close to her. Slowly she met his gaze. It was hard and knowing. He knew what had happened. He could have guessed rather easily. No one hated Laxus more than her in the Castle, and her decision to marry him would have obviously been coerced. She looked away from the too knowing eyes, she hated the feeling of being bullied, and admitting that it had happened not only made it real to her, but confirmed that her decision was not her own.

She felt a sudden sting against her injury but didn't shy away. She had been healed by magic before and was familiar with the feeling. It was that of the skin sowing itself back together and it was a painful as it sounded. Thankfully, it was only a small cut, and it was over quickly. She offered him a smile in thanks, one that he returned.

The silence stretched before them once again and she fidgeted uncomfortably. Her previous thoughts still blaring in her mind. Suddenly embarrassed, she hung her heed, one thought in particular standing out above the rest. She was stupid, why hadn't she thought of it before!? So much could have been changed if only she had acted at the time. She felt her heart tighten and twist painfully in her chest. How much pain might the King have been spared if she had acted sooner? How different the present situation would be if she had paid more attention! She wondered if it was too late now…

"Jellal… IF there were something to counter act the Spell, I meant to say, in theory, if we were to come across something, I mean, well…" she took a breath, but wasn't able to get it out before her answer came, "It wouldn't help." She let the air out of her lungs, "He's too far gone at this point, it wouldn't be affective. It's too late."

She felt defeated. The pain worse in her chest now. Lowering her gaze to the floor between them she felt resigned to the fate hanging over them, "If it had been caught earlier…" her voice was small and not more than whisper, "The Magic is strong, it's an old Dark Arts technique. The counteraction magic would have to be just as powerful if not more so." He placed a hand on her shoulder and she tentatively met his gaze, "There is nothing we can do, even before, this is Magic beyond my abilities, I cannot do anything more. I'm sorry."

She looked away once more, "If… If there was someone. Someone with knowledge of the Old Magic, would they be able to help?"

Jellal frowned at her, his look hard. Suddenly he grabbed her chin is soft but firm fingers and lifted her head, forcing her to look him in the eye. "What do you know?" She felt like he was burrowing into her brain through her eyes and digging around there with a stick, "I, there might be some way… I, I think I was put under the same spell… at one point… but it was lifted… by a… a… Friend…" His look intensified, "What 'Friend' would that be."

She swallowed before continuing, choosing her words with extreme caution, "I know of someone who has knowledge of Lost Magic…" His gaze was becoming physically painful now, "They might be able to help..." He looked at her for a long time without saying a word. She couldn't break his stare, and he never blinked the entire time. Her head ached and eventually her vision became blurry around the edges. She was getting dizzy and nauseous; there was a ringing in her ears. All she could see were his dark blue eyes boring into her very soul.

He looked away, his hand lowering. The world righted itself and she was suddenly fine, all physical affects nullified as soon as his eyes left hers. He sighed and took a deep breath.

"Your Dragon cannot help us now. Whatever magic he may know… It's too late."

She gapped at him. How!? How did he know!? I never said anything! He glanced at her awestruck face and smirked, "I do apologize Princess, I have not read anyone's mind in quite a long time. I'm sure you felt the effects of it, and I regret any pain I might have caused you in the process." Her jaw dropped further, and his smirk grew little, "Did you not know of that special ability? Well, then that would be surprising I'm sure." He chuckled a moment and she closed her mouth still staring at him in awe, "But you're full of surprises too Princess…" his voice was quiet and reserved now. A stark contrast to a moment before. Her brow furrowed and she followed his gaze to her stomach…

Her hands settled over her core, a flush creeping up her neck. Of course… He would have learned about that too… Slowly she met his gaze. It was a hard look, but also understanding. Something she hadn't expected.

"You're not very far along, just enough to experience the symptoms I take it?" she nodded, "Well…That will be something…" she just nodded again, not sure what to say. Jellal slowly rose to his feet. Looking at the peacefully sleeping King at his side a moment, before turning back to her and offering her his hand. She took it gratefully and rose with his assistance. She too looked over the King. It was the first time in weeks that she could remember him sleeping so well. He looked so innocent and free of worry. There was not pain in his brow, and his mouth relaxed as he slumbered. If only he could stay this way forever, asleep, but alive.

"How long can he stay like this?" she whispered the question.

"A two weeks at best." Came the somber reply.

She nodded, "That's all we need. Just until the… marriage…"

He gave her a sideways look. Her hands were fisting at her sides and she was trembling a little. He reached out and closed his fingers over one of her small fists causing her to look at him. There was a fire in her eyes he hadn't seen before. A rage fueled by pain and hatred. He felt as if he were looking in to the eyes of a powerful Queen.

"You are so brave Princess, and so strong. None of us wants to see Laxus take the throne, and none of us will follow him. But you. We all love you. And the life you now carry, we will love it too. We will fight for you Princess. We will fight for the life of your child. We will fallow you wherever you take us. We will follow you into death. You have this as my pledge to you… My Queen…"

After leaving the Kings bedside, Levy returned to her chambers immediately as to avoid as many people as possible. She didn't want to talk to anyone about anything at this point. The events that had just transpired still bouncing around in her brain. Jellal had made the suggestion that no one be informed of the spell the King was under, least it lead to further worry and panic. The fact that Laxus was taking the Throne was enough…Jellal had called Mest just as she was leaving, the man appearing as if out of thin air. Mest was tasked with making sure messengers were sent to all cities, stating the wedding would be held at the end of the week. Both relief and worry filled the hearts of the kingdom. The land would have its King, the Princess would be married, life would continue, but nothing would be the same.

She remained alone until late in the afternoon when a soft rapping came at her door. She didn't answer. She sat on the edge of her bed facing the windows, watching the rain pelt against the glass. The wind howled and raged just beyond the thin sheets of glass. It was so fragile, yet it held back such a tempest. The wind was so strong that the water fell almost sideways, striking the earth and walls with a force not know before. The noise it made was nearly deafening, and covered the sound of the rapping at her back. Again, she ignored the rapping, a little louder this time, and stared intently at the mess of the outside world. She was searching among the darkness for a familiar shape, one she had been waiting for since last night. One that hadn't come. Was it because of the rain?

In the back of her mind, she registered the door opening, closing, and someone walking across the room to her bedside. Lucy stood on the far side of the bed, a tray of food in her hands, her eyes taking in the back before her. For a long moment neither moved. Lucy sighed, and set the tray down on the small table at the head of the bed and came to sit at her friend's side. Together they sat and watched the rain in the darkness that should have been day. It seemed it was an omen of the news now spreading like wild fire across the Kingdom. Even the skies were crying.

Levy didn't know how long they sat together, it could have been a few seconds or a few hours. It didn't really matter. She was stuck in her own mind, thinking of the King, the impending wedding and hoping to see that familiar shape of the Dragon flying through the skies to her. She had ben naïve, thinking that in her time of need he would come to her. Like the time in the Black Forest with the wolf. How she needed him now, for guidance, for comfort, for reprieve from the strain that was on her shoulders now. A strain that had always been there, but only now seemed to carry weight.

A soft touch on her cheek stirred her from her thoughts. Lucy's fingers stroked lightly over the pink mark that was the remainder of the wound from Laxus' strike. Even with the healing magic from Jellal, there was still a small reminder of the incident.

"What happened?" her voice was soft, and sounded distant. Maybe she wasn't as far from her mind as she thought.

"Laxus." Levy's voice was horse.

"He hit you." It was a statement, "Oh Levy…"

Levy nodded, a hand subconsciously going to her neck where the bruises were still hidden by the high collar of her gown, "We had a fight about Gajeel."


Again, she nodded her hand falling away. She had a forlorn look in her eyes as the words tumbled from her mouth, like the rain outside. "He knows. About Gajeel. He has for a while I think. He followed us yesterday, I know not how, but he heard us outside. When we returned, he cornered me here in my rooms. We argued, and he struck me." Her hand touched her cheek at the memory, "He was going to tell. Tell everyone about Gajeel, about the pregnancy… he knows about that too. He knows everything! He's used that against me. He's forcing me to marry him. He knows where Gajeel lives now, if I don't comply, I'm putting Gajeel in danger." She was shaking her head now, her arms wrapping around herself, "He is a powerful person Lucy, and I don't doubt he can make good on his threats. He said he can make my life miserable, and he has, Gods only know how he can make it worse. I fear for Gajeel. I want to talk to him again. I need to talk to him, to see him, to know that he's alright… to know that I will be alright. I'm frightened Lu…"

Lucy wrapped her arms around her friend in a tight embrace. One that Levy clung to as she rested her head on the fair chest of her companion. "He was supposed to come to me with his decision… about the pregnancy, but he hasn't." The Princesses voice was small, "I don't know whether he went away or not, like he was planning. He said he would come here first. I fear Laxus may have gotten to him if he had. I just don't know."

"Oh Levy… I wish I knew what to do! It's not like we can go to him again… Gods know it was hard enough last time, now it'd be near impossible." There was despair in the blonde's voice.

Levy was in agreement. There was no way to warn the Dragon at this point. There was no way of knowing where he was, or if he was all right. It was always him that came to her, contacted her; the one that brought comfort and peace of mind. The times she had gone to him had both ended in disaster. There was silence between them. It stretched for some time, the only sound being the whistling wind and the tapping of the rain on the window. Each woman lost in her own thoughts.

"What are you going to do?" Lucy's voice was but a whisper, and Levy almost missed it, if not for her head on the others chest.


"The baby I mean."

"What about it?"

"Well. What are you going to do? You know the fate of bastard children. You were the only exception. Do you really think Laxus will let you keep it?" Lucy was fidgeting now, and Levy sat up. She took a deep breath. She knew the answer to that. It was painful to think about, but it was the truth, "No, I know he'll want to get rid of it as soon as it's born."

They looked at each other a moment, "What… what will it look like?" Lucy's question was hesitant, almost as if she didn't want to ask, but it was something that Levy had been wondering herself. She simply shrugged, "I don't know. I don't know if it will look like Gajeel, or if it would be more Dragon… or Human? It is one of the things I want to ask Gajeel. I have so many questions to ask him…" There was another that was due to have a child, though sooner than herself. That baby was planned however. They had been trying for a while. Her baby was an accident, unwanted. A Mistake. She thought of how happy the other couple was going to be when their child came; how their lives were going to be better because of it. But her baby was bringing despair to both mother and father. She thought of the other baby's father. Jellal. It reminded her of the things he had said to her that morning.

"Jellal." Lucy looked up, confused, "He said something to me today that gave me great hope." A small smile graced her lips, "He touched my soul with his words. He pledged himself to me, as a servant of his Magic, he pledged himself to my bidding. He called me 'Queen'." She grinned now, despite herself, "He said he would fight for this child that I carry, irregardless that it may be a bastard. He said that he would follow me into death, if it came to that. He spoke such kind words to me I was moved to tears. Oh Lucy. He gave me hope."

Lucy smiled back at the Princess, "What wonderful things to say. He may not converse much, but when he does speak, he knows exactly what to say. We are blessed to have such a man at our sides. The King chose well when he made him his Advisor."

Levy's smile fell and what little light had filled her eyes, darkened again, "The King… Jellal and I think there is a Death Spell on the King. Gajeel thinks so too. It is old Dark Magic, from the ancient times. We don't know who the caster is. But it's done its job." She took a breath, Lucy staring at her as if she had just sprouted a second head, "I didn't say anything before because, well, I was distracted by all the other things that have happened. I feel so terrible for not saying something sooner!" She wrung her hands a moment before fisting them in her skirts. She chewed her lip, "You mustn't say anything to anyone about this, not even Natsu. Jellal says there is nothing we could have done anyway… that form of Magic is a Lost Art, and not even he would be able to counteract it. He has placed a sleeping spell on the King, to ease him of his pain. But that, is the best he can do. If the spell is lifted now, he thinks the King's body is too weak, he'll die. He'll die without Jellal's magic holding him to us." Tears were brimming her eyes now, threatening to fall, but she held them at bay.

Silence enveloped them again, Levy having run out of breath and Lucy not having any words. Lucy had come straight from the kitchens to the Princesses side, after she had learned she was awake. Not seeing her about the castle she knew she had to being her chambers, and knowing Levy as she did, she wouldn't have eaten yet. She hadn't stopped to listen to the whispers floating about as she had made her trek. Now she wished she had. Slowly the blonde turned away from the woman at her side and let her head hang. This was too much all at once. The news about the King, the acceptance that Levy really was going to be marrying Laxus and the things he had done to make that happen, the baby… Everyone knew the King was in bad health, but to be so far gone in such little time. Who was powerful enough to cast such a spell anyway? And what did they have to gain by throwing the Kingdom into turmoil? Somehow Laxus had to be connected, He was the only one to gain by the King dying before Levy was married. But he was no sorcerer. He had dabbled in Magic some as a youth yes, but nothing of this magnitude.

She shook her head in frustration and beat her fists against her legs, "Why is all this happening?" she exclaimed suddenly, making her companion jump, "What have we done to anger the Gods so!? It's not fair! There has to be another way, there has to be a way to save the King, and there has to be someone other than Laxus that can take your hand and the thrown with it!? There has to be!"

"But…There isn't" Levy stared at Lucy, who seemed to be close to tears now, "But there has to be something, something we can do Levy! Something!"

Levy took one of Lucy's hands, "Even if there was an answer, we don't have time Lucy, we're out of time." Lucy retracted her hand and stood up beginning to pace between the window and the bed, "No, I refuse to accept this. I refuse to accept Laxus as King, much less your husband… that's wrong on so many levels… no one will accept him as King, I cannot. This isn't right! We've tried so hard to keep Laxus from the Throne, and now we're handing it to him." She threw up her hands at her last statement.

"I know! But there isn't a choice to be had here. I don't want to do this… I HATE him… I so very much hate him… I don't' have a choice Lucy. It will happen." Levy let her head fall again, glaring at her hands in her lap.

Suddenly, "The Council! We have the Council here! Why can't we change the law? That way you don't have to marry Laxus! We could change the law to state something more agreeable to this situation!" Lucy had stopped pacing now and had a fist held in her open pal as if stamping her approval. She had a triumphant look on her face, as if she had solved all the world's problems.

"We'd need the King for that, and if he wakes, he'll die… we can't take that chance. It's not as easy as just changing the laws…" Levy sighed.

"Desperate times call for despite measures!" She wasn't going to give up so easily, "Lucy." The Princesses' voice was almost pleading now, "We have no choices left. I'm just afraid of what's going to happen."

Lucy turned to her friend and placed her hands on her hips, her classic 'I'm going to lecture you now' pose, the one Levy had received so many times when they were younger and had gotten in trouble. It was all a ruse then, Lucy trying to appear as if she hadn't been involved in whatever mischief they had been caught in, "Why are you so defeated Levy? This isn't like you! The Levy I know fights for what is right! I know things look bleak and hopeless, but we cannot give in, we cannot let the darkness win in our hearts! It is not the Fairy Tail way. We don't let ourselves be concurred by our fears. I know you feel alone and that you are scared. We all are. No one knows what will happen now, but we will overcome whatever is thrown at us. You have to stand tall and lead us! You are going to be our Queen, you always were going to be our leader, you have to show us all, that even in this darkness, there is light. You are our light! You always have been. You are the thing we are all fighting for at this point, because we believe in you. We know how strong you are; you just have to be a strong a little longer. I'm sorry Levy, I know this is hard, but you cannot give up hope yet!"

Levy had enough.

"Hope? She shouted, her head snapping up, angry tears brimming her eyes again, "What hope do we have? Laxus is the sworn enemy of the Throne, and now I have no choice, no choice but to place him on it! What am I to do Lucy? If I admit my sins, reveal Gajeel to the world, he will be killed! And I will be stripped as Laxus was. If that happens then he has the ability to take the thrown completely unchecked. You say you understand, but you don't, you can't. You don't carry the weight of this Kingdom, you don't have the responsibility I carry. You don't know what it's like!" She looked away, the tears streaming down her face, "I've been given my freedoms yes, I've been given a good life yes, I was saved from certain death the moment I was born, yes I have much to be grateful for… I have one responsibility, and only one." She took a breath, "To rule this Kingdom, and provide an heir to rule after me. The law states I cannot rule alone because I am a woman, there has to be a King, I have to provide a King. I have to serve the entire Kingdom for the rest of my life. I have to do what's best for my people. We cannot change the law. The law is absolute." She shook her head but continued,

"If I could I would run away. Gajeel asked me if I would and I told him no… but now, now if he asked me again I would run into his arms and no one would see us ever again! We would raise our child with love and joy. We would be happy! That's all I have ever wanted Lucy, to be happy. To be truly and wholeheartedly happy. Like you! I want to be you! All my life I have envied you. You have the freedom to do anything you want, to go anywhere, to love and marry whomever you please! You are marring Natsu because you love each other, because he makes you happy. Happy Lucy! If I had one wish, it would be to be like you. So that I can be happy too." She gave the stunned blonde a withering glare, something very unlike her,

"I cannot have that. I cannot be happy. I cannot be you. I was given the life of a Queen. I have a duty, one that will cost me everything I have ever wanted. The only thing that I have wanted. I have to throw my needs aside for the good of the people I serve. I have to sacrifice everything for them." She was shouting again, "I HATE LAXUS, I HATE HIM! But I have to do what I have to do. He will be King, and I will suffer for it. I will NEVER see Gajeel again. Our child will not be allowed to take more than a few breaths before he is murdered. I will never be happy again! That is why I have surrendered. That is why I have given up. I have nothing to fight for. I have no reason to. I wasn't given a choice like you were. I was assigned a roll, and I will fulfill it." She was standing now, her shoulders rising and falling with the effort of her speech. The tears had stopped but they left their marks on her cheeks. The two woman looked at each other a long moment.

"It terrifies me." With all of her yelling, Levy seemed to have lost most of her voice again, "I'm not strong like you Lucy. I am not. I am weak and afraid." She hugged herself at the confessions. Lucy instinctively came forward and embraced her. "And there is more." Levy said, muffled against Lucy's chest once more, "There's something else I haven't told you about yet." Lucy pulled away and looked at her friend with concern. What else could there be? "I shouldn't have kept it from you, but I didn't understand it at the time, but now I do. At least I think I do. And it frightens me. The Gypsy, Cana, the one I had Mest bring to the Castle?"

Lucy nodded dumbly, "I met her at the Festival of Flowers. Cana said there is a great evil close to me… a powerful individual with secrets. I thought at the time it was Cobra, but now I believe that it is Laxus. I know he's evil. I don't know what his secrets are, but they cannot be good things. I have suspected that somehow it was Laxus that placed the curse on the King. I don't know how he would have, but it's a feeling I have in my gut. Laxus is the Evil Cana talked about, I just know it. He'll do whatever he can to get what he wants. Even learning Dark Magic." Her voice was dark now, and her eyes were dull.

Lucy set them both down on the bed again and gripped Levy tightly, "But how could he have? The magic was lost, only a few possess it, and it can only be passed through blood. There are no scrolls nor books that would teach one, they were destroyed years and years ago! Sure he dabbled in harmless magic, the same that the healers use, but that's not powerful enough to do this sort of damage!"

"Freed." The name fell from Levy's lips almost instantly, "Freed knew of the Dark Arts. Freed would have known."

Lucy looked taken aback at the readiness of her response, "You don't think he would have helped Laxus? I know he renounced his ties with Laxus after the whole affair with King Ivan, but he was so loyal to Laxus, they were inseparable as children. There were rumors that he helped Laxus in his plot to kill his father. Makarov only kept him around because they were just talk and there was no evidence, not only that, but Freed was so quick to pledge himself to Makarov after Laxus was dethroned!"

"What if that was it though!" Some of the light had returned to Levy's eyes, and she gripped Lucy's arms, "What if that was a play by Laxus and Freed – to gain the King's trust and fool him into thinking that he was on our side!"

Lucy gasped, "A double agent?" Levy turned to face her, her face somber, "Who was it that was tasked with destroying the Dark Scrolls?


"We need to talk to Freed."

"I'll go find him now! The sooner we get to the bottom of this the better!" She made for the door but Levy grabbed her arm once more and held her back, "Lucy wait! There is one more thing."

Exasperated, Lucy rolled her eyes, "Levy! This better be the last of your secrets!"

Levy couldn't help the tug of her mouth at the ease at which Lucy brushed off their little argument. It was just like her, always the positive one, always the problem solver, always the one with the brilliant ideas that somehow always got them in trouble. But she was always the one to get the out of trouble too. She should have been Queen. How different things would have been then, "It is Lu I promise, I'm sorry for keeping so much from you. I've just been so afraid of what might happen if it fell on the wrong ears."

Lucy gave her friend a soft and reassuring smile, she understood, "Well what is it then."

Levy looked to her feet, "There's more to what Cana saw…she said there is to be a battle and that I might not like the outcome. She said there is a great force that will come for me, and that there are hardships for the ones I love and care about. She said I was special, and to keep close to Gajeel when the time comes. I don't know what all of it means…"

Lucy took a deep breath, "I don't know Levy… I don't know. But I do know this." She took her friends chin in her hand and forced her to look her in the eye, "We will endure. We will overcome whatever is waiting for us. You are not alone in this fight. You are not alone! Jellal is right. We, your friends, will protect you. Natsu, Gray, Erza! All of the Kingdom is on your side. We won't let anything happen to you. Laxus is an asshole, but he cannot separate us, he cannot keep you from us. We are all together and we will be strong. There's one thing he can't take from you – your friends! I will always be by your side! No matter what!"

Levy's eyes ran with tears at the brave and inspiring words spoken to her. Lucy was right, she was always right. "Thanks Lucy, I'll need someone to count on I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm' sorry for the things I said. I'm so sorry!" She was sobbing now and Lucy embrace her tightly, stroking her hair and humming to her. Levy cried for several minutes before being able to regain her composure a little, "Don't' worry about it Levy. I'm sorry I pushed you."

"No its ok. I needed it." She smiled at her and it was returned with vigor. Then Lucy exclaimed, "Now come, you must eat! I'm quite sure you have not recently, and you must keep your strength. You are eating for two you know!" She tossed her a playful wink that had Levy laughing despite herself, before adding, "We can look for Freed after you've eaten something."

What a roller coaster of emotions that had transpired that day, it was exhausting. But food did sound appetizing, and she really was hungry.

"Thank you Lucy, for everything. You really are an amazing person, and the best friend I could have asked for."

"Of course Levy. Of course!

Their plans were foiled almost immediately, for when they made to leave the Princesses chambers they came face to face with a snake.

Cobra greeted them with a grin, his one eye glowing like an ember in the darkness. He bowed deeply in a mocking way. The two women stopped in the doorway, the heavy oak standing open at their back. The man before them was flanked by two Royal Guards blocking the exit route. Cobra rose from his bow before stepping forward,

"Good evening Ladies, I bring a message form our future King." His voice was smooth and alluring, but there was something menacing behind it, "The King requests that, and I quote: 'The princess is to remain in her chambers until the time I see fit for her to leave.' My apologies Princess, but you won't be going anywhere." He grinned evilly at them. Levy and Lucy stared open mouthed and unnerved. The two Guards behind Cobra stepped forward as if to add emphasis to the snake's words.

"This - this is completely absurd! As the Princess she can go wherever whenever she pleases! And Laxus isn't King yet, so mind your tongue!" Lucy boldly stepped toward the grinning man, but her actions only made his face split wider and his eye stretched as he did. Cobra chuckled darkly, "Orders are orders Missy, don't interfere where ya' ain't meant to."

"That sounded like a threat!" Lucy was glaring now, "Aye, don't make me act on it." He chuckled again, almost as if he wanted her to…

"How dare you!" Levy stepped forward now, "Laxus has not right to make such orders, especially to me! And you! You mind your place! I am still the Princess and MY word holds more weight than anyone's but the current King! I order you to stand down now!"

"Ha! Laxus is my only master! I take orders from no one but him; and there are plenty of things I dare do now." And suddenly he grabbed Lucy by the arm and tossed her behind him. A guard easily wrapped an arm around her much smaller frame and held her firm to him. Levy gasped and reached out for the startled blonde, but Cobra stepped in front of her and, with a solid push to her chest, forced Levy back through the doorway with relative ease. The momentum caused her to lose her balance and she crashed to the floor with a cry.

"Levy!" Lucy called out as she struggled against her captor, he was much taller than she was and she wasn't gaining any ground. Levy looked up back through the doorway where Cobra now stood between them.

"Beggin' your pardon Princessss." He hissed the last word before reaching forward and slammed the door shut. Levy quickly scrambled to her feet and fell against the door reaching for the handle. She could ear Lucy yelling and fighting on the others side, and her fingers had just closed around the cold metal, before the sickening sound of the key turning in the lock popped in her ears. She tried the door anyway, her stomach falling. It was locked solidly. She heard Cobra laugh on the other side as she beat her fists against the door.

"No! LUCY!"

"LEVY!" There were sounds of the three men moving off down the hall and Lucy's struggles and cries were becoming fainter, "LUCY!?" There was no response.

"LUCY!? LUCY!" She kept banging on the door to no avail. Hot tears streamed down her face once more, as she called out repeatedly, each time her voice becoming weaker and more laden with sobs. There came no answer.

It had been three days. She'd had no visitors. The rain had persisted all but this morning when it had finally broken.

Levy paced the floor at the foot of her bed. After only three days she was wearing a track in the wood there from her constant weight. Barefoot, her feet had red marks and hurt some, but she ignored the pain and lost herself in her mind.

The first day she had pressed her ear to the door and heard nothing. Peeping through the keyhole she saw nothing. She had tried the handle and it was still firmly locked. She pulled against it in vain, wiling it to open though it was solidly in place. It was only after the rattling of the door had ceased that she noticed the shadows cast of the torchlight from the hallway appearing under the door, that she knew there were people there. She was being guarded. This was confirmed later that evening when the door and opened and – springing to her feet words hot on her tongue – a Royal guard had entered with a try of food and pitcher of drink. He simply set it a few paces in and then retreated, ignoring her questions and demands before shutting and locking the door once more. This was the only interaction she had for the past several days. Meals twice a day, each time the guard ignored her, refusing to even look at her, before leaving her in solitude once more.

She felt like a prisoner – locked in a room, no contact or interactions with the outside world, fed only twice a day, and she was starting to go stir crazy. The only thing missing was the physical ball and chain around her leg. This however, was represented fugitively in the looming marriage just a few days ahead. As she paced, she wondered if this was what she had to look forward too for the rest of life; locked in some tower far away from everything, imprisoned and enslaved. It reminded her of the fairy tales she loved to read so much. Funny how in the books the princess was locked up by a Dragon, and a Prince came to rescue her for them then to live happily ever after. Here, it was the other way around, she was longing for the Dragon to come and whisk her off to some far-off land, away from everything that was left in this Fairy Tale Kingdom.

She truly hated the thought of leaving. This place was her only home. This is where she and Lucy and all the others had grown up and played together. They had laughed and cried, been on so many adventures and fallen in love. They had all been happy here. It was home. It was the only home she had known. Yes, she had been to other towns and cities in the Kingdom, but this was always the place she returned to. This was where she belonged. This was home. She couldn't imagine anything else. But with Laxus practically on the throne, things were going to change. No one knew what to expect from him as King, but it couldn't be anything good – given his reputation. This was enough for her to want to fly off with Gajeel. To leave it all behind and start over. To make a new home somewhere else, somewhere fresh. The thought was becoming more appealing by the hour

Unable to ignore her feet any longer that day, she made her way over to the lavish couches and day beds by the fireplace on the far side of the room, the untrodden wood feeling strange to her now numb feet. In exasperation, she flopped backwards onto one of the lounging couches and let out a long groan. Besides being stressed and worried, she was board out of her mind. She didn't have any books or scrolls to keep her otherwise entertained, besides musing in the depressing state of things, and she was starting to go crazy with the lack of stimulation.

Levy rammed her fists into her eyes and rubbed furiously. She was so tired. With the lack of entertainment sleep would have been the most obvious choice, next to finding an escape perhaps, but with the state of things she wasn't able to catch more than a few winks each night. She was too involved in the events of late, and her lack of communication as to what was really happening didn't help the matter. Was Lucy ok? Did Laxus have Cobra lock her up somewhere too? Where was Gajeel!? Had he left for his hunting trip as he had planned instead of coming to her like he said he would? Did she really make him so angry that he would up and leave her like that? Was he perhaps captured? Had Laxus gone to his cave and taken him prisoner? Or was he holed up in his cave sulking? How was the King? Was Jellal's sleeping spell still working? Had he passed in his sleep? Or had Laxus ordered Jellal to release the spell? She had fretted about this in particular for some time.

Laxus's assured ascendance to the throne seemed to have some accepting him as King already. The Royal Guards surly seemed to have done so, evidence of that was standing outside her door. It would only make sense that others would follow. Was Gray still the Commander of the Royal Guard? Or had Laxus replaced him? Would Laxus overthrow the Court? If so, how long before the Court fell? Or were they strong enough to hold together? Jellal was loyal to Makarov, and as he had stated – to her also, and he would not succumb to Laxus no matter how was pressured. Jellal was powerful, and although Laxus would never admit it – he was afraid of the sorcerer's abilities. Levy lifted her hands from her face and held them up above her. She spread her fingers and watched the afternoon light filter through them. Jellal was strong. Jellal would not allow Makarov to die before the right time. Whatever that might be.

She frowned; and Jellal was not the only strong one against Laxus. Gray, even if he was no longer in charge of the Guard, he was still a strong companion and friend on her side. With him Juvia would follow, and if Gray was with her, so was Juvia. She might not know the woman as well as she would have liked, but Levy knew she could count on her when the time came. Natsu, he was the strongest Knight next to Lady Erza and Laxus himself. There was no question in her mind where his loyalties lay. Erza would fight for her. Even if she was with child now. This brought a hint of a smile to Levy's face. Erza and Jellal had been trying for so long to start their family, and now their prayers seemed to have been answered. Levy guessed she was only a month or two behind Erza at this point. Her hands fell to her stomach as she continued on her mental check list. Jellal, Erza Gray and Natsu… Lucy, her best friend, she didn't even have to think it. Lucy would follow her to the farthest traces of the Kingdom if Levy asked. Elfman the Knight, he had always taken an older-brother stance with the girls of the Court, and he had covered for her and Lucy on a few occasions when they were caught sneaking in places they should not have been. Council members Lord Macco and Lord Wakaba had always spoken out against Laxus, and had put him in his place on a few occasions. They would be on her side, and would keep Laxus at bay before he was coordinated. Yes, there were those that would stand at her side, all she needed was to ask.

A sudden rapping at a window drew her attention from her musings. Sitting bolt upright her head whipped around to her balcony. Her heart leapt into her throat and she was suddenly unable to breathe. Finally!

Natsu was grinning triumphantly at her from behind the balcony doors.

An array of emotions flooded through her immediately. Disappointment filled her heart. She had wanted for it to be Gajeel so badly. Who else had ever tapped at that door before? But really she couldn't think like that, not with the situation she was in now. It had been three days since she had any form of human interaction, save for her meal delivery. So she was glad for his company. But, how had he managed to get on her balcony in the first place? He couldn't fly! And last she checked that was the only way to get there. Quickly she scampered up and trotted to the balcony doors, throwing them open for the pink haired Knight.


"Hi'ya Levy!"

"Natsu, how on earth!? How did you get up here?"

"Easy!" He grinned at her and jerked a thumb over his shoulder. Looking around him she saw a large grappling hook stuck over the edge of the balcony wall, rope attached at one end and trailing down the wall to the ground below. She gasped, "You climbed up here!?"

"Well yeah! You're about a million stories up, and the doors barred, how else was I supposed to come see ya? Was kinda hard though… what with all this rain we've been having, it makes the stones slippery!"

"Oh Natsu!" She threw her arms around his middle and hugged him tightly. He didn't miss a beat and scooped her up just as tightly, letting out a laugh.

After a moment, they parted and Levy let out a sigh, "Oh Natsu I'm so glad you're here! You have no idea how lonely I've been! And worried! How is everyone? What's been happening? Is Lucy alright? How's the King?" she was so excited to finally have someone to talk to, she was blurting everything out at record speed.

Natsu chuckled, raising a hand to scratch the back of his head, "Easy there Levy, easy, we're all alright… for the most part." His face fell a little.

Worry gripped her heart at his falling expression, "What's happened?"

"Well… Come on let's go inside and sit down." The light that had been in his eyes just a moment ago was gone. He looked tired now, and worn down. Nothing like the Natsu she knew, he was always so full of life and energy, it was unnerving to see this from him.

Anxiety pooled in her stomach, as they walked back inside and sat down across from each other on the couches before the grand fireplace. She sat tentatively on the edge of the cushion, where Natsu flopped down almost gratefully to be off his feet, the light leather armor he normally adorned creaking some with his movement. He leaned back against the soft sofa and rubbed his shoulder some.

"Natsu, what's happened?"

"Welp," Natsu sighed, "Laxus has kind of taken over – guess you figured that out – and that doesn't mean anything good for all of us."

"Yes… I figured that… but there's more than that…"

"Well I mean, he's got everyone running everywhere doing the stupidest things. Everyone has one thing they are to do and that's all they do. Like me – I'm a gate guard! A gate guard! Pah! I should be out doing… Quests and things… ya know, adventure stuff! But a gate guard? UGH." He threw up his hands, collapsing back against the couch form where he had sat up in his exclamations, "What a boring, waste of time. Oh! Speaking of guards, when I saw the two lackeys outside your door I had a few words with them! They're right assholes ya know?! Talking back to me and such… well whatever I went and had a few words with Gray then! Well I tried too…" his face fell and he crossed his arms, a dark expression marring his usually joyous face.

"Gray? What's happened to him!?"

Natsu sighed again, "Well, when I was going to talk to him, he and Laxus were arguing and then they got into it really good."

She gasped and covered her mouth, "Like a battle?!"

"Yeah, and I man Grays a good swordsman, but damn. Laxus is just brutal. He didn't stand a chance. Laxus beat him good, and then had him hauled off. No one has seen him since."


"He's 'prolly in the dungeons, but we don't know. Juvia is frantic; she tried to go to the dungeons but was forcibly removed. No one is allowed down there now and it is heavily guarded – according to Juvia – and now the corridor leading down there is blocked off to! Its like he's hiding something!"

"Oh no… How terrible! This is terrible. Was Gray hurt badly!?"

"I don't think so, Laxus just knocked him out before hauling him off to Gods know where."

"But what will become of his post? You can't just replace the Commander of the Royal Army?!

"Lyon's in his post for now. I never liked him really…" Natsu shook his head adding emphasis to his words.

Levy was taken aback by this, "Lyon? Really? I mean it's only natural I suppose, being as he is next in command. But he's always been so loyal to Gray and the King! It's hard for me to believe he's following Laxus' orders?!"

He shrugged, "Doesn't really have a choice, none of us do. It's treason if we talk against him. Especially to his face. No one wants to end up like Gray."

"Treason!?" she barked, "But he's not King yet!"

"I Know! But he's sure acting like it!" Natsu was barking back now, both caught up in the moment, "And everyone's afraid of him so they do what he says! GAH! It's so frustrating!" He was tugging at his hair now, "There's something different about him too. He smells funny now. I mean he was stinky before, but something's different. He literally smells evil."

A shiver ran up her spine, someone so evil you could smell it? Dread and misery filled her,
"Oh… what have I done!" she wailed, holding her face in her hands and rocking back and forth, "This is all my fault! Gray! Oh I hope he's alright, I would be beside myself if something happened to him! Ohh!"

Natsu came to her side now, sitting next to her and putting an arm around her shoulders as she shook, "Hey, awe come on Levy, don't fret, we'll manage!" He had done a complete 180, something he was known for, form angry and frustrated, to calm and comforting, "We can always have your Dragon come bite his head off! That would be something wouldn't it!?" She could practically feel his characteristic grin aimed her way. But his last words only made her hear tighten more.

"Oh Natsu… I haven't seen Gajeel since we visited him in the Forest… Besides he wouldn't do that…

"Not even to Laxus?"

"Well… maybe." A small smile tugged at her mouth, but it fell away quickly.

"Huh… So, ya haven't heard from him huh?" She shook her head. "Ah, well..."

They fell into silence for a moment each reflecting on their own thoughts. Levy was startled suddenly when Natsu sat at up with force, "OH! Hey, Lucy wanted me to give you this." He reached into his pocket at his side above the hilt of his sword, taking his arm from around her to do so. Levy took her hands form her face and looked at him as he struggled a bit trying to get at whatever it was.

Her brows knit together, "From Lucy?"

"AH HA! Oh, yeah! She said it was a secret though." He had finally gotten whatever it was from his pocket and handed it to her. It was a letter.

Levy took it with slightly trembling fingers and broke the seal immediately. Natsu looked over her shoulder as she read the note.

Dear Levy,

Burn this when you're done with it.

I'm doing fine, don't worry about me. The King is still alive and Jellal is keeping a close watch on him. He and Mest are the only one's allowed in his chambers. We aren't allowed to know more than that.

Natsu might have told you some of this already but it bears repeating if so.

After finding out about your imprisonment – which is what it is really – Gray challenged Laxus to a duel and lost. Laxus had him taken away somewhere and we don't know where he is or if he's alright. Juvia has lost her mind with worry. She tried to go to the dungeons to see if he was there and was forced away. No one is allowed in the corridor there now.

Laxus is acting King and has everyone running around doing stupid things. I'm currently writing invitations for the wedding…. Ugh. New people are flooding in daily. Natsu can't stand all the new smells and people. Laxus throws a party every night. Last night he was so drunk he somehow set fire to a tapestry! You know the one, brown with the gold oak leaves – about Makarov uniting the states and making the Kingdom. I'm sorry to say its' beyond repair. I know it was your favorite…

I haven't found Freed, and no one seems to know where he is. We wonder if he's in the dungeons with Gray? What time I can spare I've been looking in the library for anything about a "death spell." No luck so far.

I'm sorry this is so short! I think Cobra is watching me, I get the feeling that is. I hope you are doing all right, and I wish I could come and see you! You must be bored! I hope Natsu gets this too you soon!

Stay strong Levy, we are all still counting on you!

Love, Lucy.

PS Don't forget to burn this!

Levy read the note three times before holding it to her chest. Lucy really was amazing. Even if she hadn't found Freed, just her note was enough to lift Levy's spirits. A tear slipped own her cheek.

The action was not missed by her companion, "Hey, don't worry about us, we'll make it through. We'll manage!"

"I know I know," she wiped at her face still holding the note tightly, "I'm just tried of being strong!"

Natsu was hugging her again, "I know Levy. I know. There are so many things I want to do to Laxus, bad things that shouldn't be for ladies' ears, but I have to think about Lucy… I have to protect her, and you! I'm a Knight after all! It just sucks, not being able to do anything!"

"Thanks Natsu, I know the feeling." They sat in silence for a moment longer.

Levy sighed and gave Natsu's arm a little squeeze, "I'm going to miss this…"

"Miss what?"

"This," she gestured in front of her and between them. "This leisurely conversation, casual interactions, you being able to call me Levy, the ease of life. So much is changing, and will continue to do so. I'm going to miss how simple things are."

"Ah, don't' sweat it, we'll still be able to hang out like this! You being the Queen doesn't change the fact that we're still friends! You'll always have your friends Levy!" he was grinning again, she could hear it.

She was smiling now too, "Thanks Natsu, I needed to hear that"

"Of course 'Your Majesty' Hehe!"

It was another three days before she had another visitor. This time it was Lisanna. The interaction was brief and nearly silent, as the handmaid was only present to assist Levy in dressing for the wedding. The usually chatty handmaid was somber as she attending to the final small fittings of the wedding gown to Levy. It had been specially made for this occasion, as was tradition.

The gown was gorgeous. It was a modest but slim fitting dress of the highest fashion and quality of the modern era. The under fabric was from the finest silk, the over layer of patterned lace. Glass and diamond beads adorn the bodice and sleeves, hand sown into the lace, shining and sparkling with every movement. The high collar and train of the dress were trimmed in white fox fur, adding an element of elegance to the already spectacular gown. It was a radiant gown, befitting a Queen, and it fit her perfectly.

She hated it. She hated everything it stood for, what it meant to wear it. The things it symbolized. It was reality that thing was really happening. She was going to marry Laxus. The wave of depression she had been fighting the past week finally took root in her heart as the last of the pearl buttons were fastened at the back of her neck. Sealing her fate with its solidarity.

Levy looked herself over in the mirror before her. Her hair had been pulled back into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. The characteristic long strands that framed her face, which usually fell free from her favorite bandannas, were braided and looped along the side of her head, pinned in place with diamond pins. She gazed down her body at the lavish gown, raising her hands before her and looking at the paleness of her skin against the white fabric. Her fingers were trembling slightly. She didn't know which was lighter, the fabric of her flesh.

Oh Gods, how she didn't want to do this! There was nothing more in the world that she hated more at this moment than the garment she was wearing, and that which it meant to wear it. She hated it. She thought of Jet and Droy. How appealing they seemed now. If she had simply been able to pick one, either would have been fine, they wouldn't be in this mess. Where before emotions had risen at the thought of a wedding, now nothing filled her heart. She was overcome with apathy. Her gaze turned from her hands to her face. She looked like a ghost, pale and lost. Her hair and eyes stood out from her face in stark contrast to the whiteness, the blue of her hair and the golden brown of her eyes. The depths of her gaze was not, for her eyes had lost their spark. They were as dull as her heart now felt. The darkness that had taken its place closed a little more about her soul.

"You look lovely," Levy jumped at the soft sound, it was the first time Lisanna had spoken since entering the chambers. "You will make us great queen, Ma'am."

Levy looked sharply at the handmaid in the mirror, who hastily bowed and made for the door.

A guard entered as Lisanna exited. "Whenever you're ready M'lady." He was stiff in voice and movement, and hastily turned back to the door, leaving it open behind him as he exited.

What if I'm never ready? What if I just stay in here forever?

Slowly she turned away from the ghost in the mirror, making her way to the door with near silent steps that echoed in her own mind. The guards that had stood outside her door now escorted her through the castle to the main entrance. It seemed like a long walk, each step taking an agonizing amount of strength. The castle doors were opened and the morning sunlight poured in, momentarily blinding her. A cheer rose to her unwilling ears. Nearly the whole of Fiore was crammed into the castle grounds to share in the celebration as she descended the stone steps strewn with flower petals to the cobblestones below, where a carriage of white horses waited for her. The noise was deafening but she only heard the beat of her own heart as she entered the carriage. The ride was short, just to the other end of the grounds to the Temple of the Gods. The roadways were packed with people, all cheering and throwing flowers under the horse's hooves as they pranced along. Levy hadn't he heart to look at them, the sorrow that gripped her prevented her from taking enjoyment. How could she? She was dooming them all.

At the end of the short ride, she slowly ascended the stairs to the Temple. The doors there were open wide to accommodate the masses of people that lined the flower-carpeted walkway. Somewhere inside a choir sang, their musical accompaniment playing a sweet weeding tune. It was the song that she and Lucy would sing together when they were little and dreaming of some prince that would one day come and sweep them off their feet. How innocent and pure they were then. Now it washed over her ears without meaning, simple noise amongst noise that pounded against her ears.

In a few short steps, she had entered the Temple Chapel where nearly a hundred rows of benches stood, each filled with people dressed in their absolute best. The song ended as she stood in the doorway facing the room. Trumpets blasted and the musicians started a march. A few feet from her stood Laxus.

He was dressed in white robes spattered with golden threaded patterns. A stark contrast to the usual green or purple garments he usually wore. He stood at the end of the long aisle waiting for her, a sneer plastered on his face. She paused a moment before reaching out and placed her hand every so lightly in his outstretched palm. His hand dwarfed hers as his long fingers closed around it. He dwarfed her. Much as Gajeel did. But in Gajeel's shadow she felt warmth and comfort, safety and love. Laxus brought her fear and misery. He bowed to her, before he turned and, on the musical cue, led them down the aisle to the altar.

It was the longest walk of her life – longer than the walk through the castle, each step seeming to be in slow motion. It took a lifetime to pass the throngs of people, each now in silence as the horribly mismatched pair passed them in time to the music. Laxus had to walk at half speed to match the pace, and his slowed movement didn't help the feeling of eternity passing. Finally, they reached the end of the aisle, where it widened and rose a few more steps to the altar, and a wide and impressive wall of stained glass windows beyond. The final notes of the march rose and paraded around the room before fading into silence.

The Temple's Holy Priest stepped forward so that he was at the altar from behind, with the expanse of the Temple before him. He opened his arms and made motion for all to be seated. With that he addressed the two before him,

"Kneel." He was old, but his voice powerful, having spent his life speaking with the Gods, he sounded like one. After she and Laxus had taken their knees, he extended the same command to the masses of people behind them, to which they complied. He then turned to the windows and began a lengthy prayer to the Gods; each behind him bowing their heads as he spoke. She listed to the Priest without really hearing him. The words washed over her like a cold rain – each chilling her with their touch. Eventually, the Priest turned back to them and came from around the altar. There he picked up four colored cords of different materials.

"Take hands." He ordered. Again, she slowly placed her small fingers in his, left in right, and together they raised their intertwined fingers to the man before them.

"Now I place these ropes upon your hands, may they bind you to each other before the Gods."

The Priest first draped a red cord over their entwined fingers, "Crimson for the fire that does burn in our hearts, made of leather for strength, and flexibility. Ivory for peace and purity in connection, made of cotton for the work that it requires to make the unity hole. Gold, for unity and prosperity, made of wool for the reminder of what wealth is, and is not. Black, until death do ye part, made of silk for the softness of surrender into the afterlife."

He tied the cords in a knot around their hands, "I bind them together and with it you to each other." He took a step back from the bound pair, raising his hands to the gathering before him, he spoke to them, "Here in the presence of the Gods, we humbly ask for your blessing as these two lives become one. Bone of your bone, blood of your blood. Sprits divided shall again become one. For the people we serve, ye also serve us. Bless this pair in their contention."

"We bless you." A dull roar from the throngs of people behind them.

He looked down to the two kneeling before him, "Repeat the vows together."

In unison Levy and Laxus spoke, "Ye shall feel no rain, for I will be thy shelter; Ye shall feel no cold for I shall be thy warmth. With these cords of life and ceremony, we are bound to the other, for eternity. I will bring ye happiness, relieve thy worry, praise thy glory, and lift thy heart. I take ye in hand before the Gods and all gathered here, this my vow to ye." Her voice was barely audible. It shook and cracked with lack of use and desire to form the words. She didn't want to say them, they weren't true and they never would be.

"Rise, a bonded pair!" They did, and with it, the crowds erupted in a cheer that shook dust from the rafters. Music started and the choir sang again. Laxus raised their bound hands together as high as her comparatively short arm would allow. The noise rose with the action. Carefully, they turned, still tied, and retreated down the aisle, music, blessings, and flower petals raining down on them as they made their way back through the Temple to the larger masses beyond. At the top of the steps to the courtyard, Laxus again rose their bound hands, and the crowds roared their approval.

Levy was silent. Where Laxus laughed and beamed, she remained stony and quiet. They were such opposites and now it was more apparent than ever. For the first time since the early hours when Lisanna had come for her fitting, Levy saw the world around her for what it was. The color. The overwhelming about of people. She heard the music loud and clear, the gayety of the tune, the notes bouncing off the skies themselves. The weather had held out and sunlight punctured through the clouds illuminating all it touched. It sparkled and danced across the water in the fountain, reflected and shone off the Knights polished armor and glinted in their weapons – drawn in a salute as she and Laxus descended the Temple steps.

The breeze raced across the courtyard, weaving through the grass, and twirling through the people in its path to her. It struck her with a supple ferocity of a kitten batting a ball of yarn. She closed her eyes against the air, its fingers dragging on her skin and toying with a few loose strands of her hair. The sweet smell of it filled her lungs with strength, her body with life and her soul with courage. When again she opened her eyes to the world, it was with new sight. It was a beautiful day, it was a beautiful wedding, it was a beautiful life she had been granted. She had to stand tall, she had to be strong. She was of Fairy Tail, she was to be the Queen. She took a deep steadying breath. She would overcome this.

It really was amazing the power of something as simple as the wind.

She was snapped from momentary reprieve, by hands around her middle. With one still bound, it was quite the feet. As Laxus plucked her from the ground as father would a small child, and rather unceremoniously clambered into the waiting carriage.

As the carriage rolled forward Levy took her hand from the loose knot of the cords that bound her to Laxus, flattening her skirts and trying to look anywhere but at his smug face across from her. The sudden jostling had brought her rudely back to reality. Laxus sat with one leg over the other, his chin resting on his palm, cold blue eyes watching her with mirth. She glared at him.

"Well my dear, we are one, how about a kiss for your husband." He grinned. She wrinkled her nose at his request, "Don't you touch me, you may be my husband by legality, but I will never love you!" Energy was returning to her body, now that the hard part was over. Though the depression still held her, she was able to fight this demon before her.

Laxus chuckled, "You don't have to love me, hate me for all I care. I'm not doing this for you. It was never about you."

"You're just after the throne." She spat at him. His hand snapped out like the strike of a snake, grabbing her chin and cheeks in one. He yanked her forward, her small protest muffled against his palm. He pulled her up to his face, so close she could feel his breath on her nose. He regarded her through half lidded eyes that burned with a sinister flare. A lazy smile on his mouth he simply looked at her, head cocked to the side, chin in his palm still.

"And now… it's mine!" With his words he slipped his hand down to hold the underside of her chin, fingers curling around her cheek still as his mouth slammed over hers. Her eyes popped and she struggled against him, but his fingers dug deeper into her skin. Finally he broke the kiss and leaned back with a laugh, "Pity, you don't taste as innocent as you look. I'm sure that Dragon of yours had something to do with that!" His eyes flashed knowingly and he tossed her backwards against the seat.

Grabbing her jaw where he had held her, she looked at him sharply, then away. She knew what he meant.

"Remember, my precious flower, the weeds I have saved you from." With a smirk that sent shivers down her spine, he exited the carriage.

The wedding party was loud in volume and color. Red and yellow silks adorn with the Fairy Tail Crest were hanging about from every pillar and beam, over every doorway and arch. Banners of gold and black twisted in the breeze of the open doors to the patios and gardens beyond. Bouquets of grand flowers were set at every table and great vases were strategically placed to herd guests to the open floor of the throne room where at one end the musicians huddled – a constant stream of music keeping rhythm with the voices of the crowed.

There were so many people. Most Levy didn't recognize. All were dressed in their finest clothing and gowns. Jewels and pearls and gold and silver sparkled from every neck and finger, enough value simply hung about to pay off all the debts of all the countries in the world. There were many fine ladies and handsome gents and Kings of all aspects of the realm she was so soon to rule.

She and Laxus were placed on the Throne, at the top of a small rise so that they might see all of the room and the entire room might see them. There were half a dozen stairs separating the party form where they sat. There was a place for her on the Queen's Chair. Laxus looked like a proud peacock, what with his flowing robes and smug grin. He overflowed the Throne, dwarfing it with ego and arrogance, he was defiling the very gold on which he sat. The precious metal losing its value by the minute. She wrinkled her nose at him. He was grinning and laughing at something that she paid no mind too. In one hand he held a golden goblet filled with wine, the other was stroking the arm of the Thorne in an absent yet adoring way. He was completely ignoring the page that stood off his side holding a great plate of food that he might pick off of as he pleased. The poor lad was struggling under the weight of that which he carried, only for Laxus to disregard his existence completely. Eating on the Throne. The Chair was a place of power and divinity, not simplistic manners as eating… There were so many things that Laxus did that were improper, and he was to be King!?

Sighing she sat quietly in her place. She was too succumbed to reality to pay much attention now, and there was a twisting in her gut that made her unable to eat much. She had dismissed the maid that held a plate for her, thanking the girl – who couldn't have been over the age of eight – and sending her back to the kitchens. Now she scanned the crowds, a sea of faces of which she only knew a few.

There of course was Lucy and Natsu, both who didn't stray too far from her side, even now they were at the closest table to them. Juvia and Erza were with them. A few tables back was the hulking figure of the Knight Elfman, with his older sister Lady Mira's as well as Lisanna. The three of them were joined by Lord Macco and Lord Wakaba with their ladies whom she didn't remember their names. Farther out she recognized the famed Rufus Lore entertaining a group of ladies. He was known for his grand stories and theatrical performances, though court jester he was not. His ever present body guard just behind him. She didn't know the name of the green haired man with the many face tattoos, and frankly she didn't care. Lore was from Bosco, the neighboring Kingdom, and was rumored to be a spy.

Duke Jose Prola was present as well. She flat out despised the man, as he was as crude and evil as Laxus. With him sat the Duchess Minerva of the Northern Tribes from far past the northern reaches of the Mountains of Fire. Her olive skin and ebony black hair were catching more than one eye across the room. Next to her was Countess Yukino of the Southern Ports. It was rare to have a woman in charge of such a large industry as the trades of the Ports, but Yukino was a strong woman, even with her soft voice, and Levy liked her a lot.

She scanned the rest of the crowd. The Knight Alzack and his Lady Bisca were present, and still a few more that she recognized, though forgot their names. In total, the individuals she did know, were far outnumbered by the many Ladies, Knights and Lords that filled the Throne Room almost too bursting point. With all the people in the room, the chatter and noise was near deafening.

She wanted to cover her ears, but refrained. She sighed again, taking another look around the room, this time noticing who wasn't present. Jellal, the King, Gray and Lyon…Hear heart lurched as she thought of Gray. Where was he? Was he alright? She had prayed to the Gods he was safe and unharmed. She pitted the poor sap that would have to deal with Lady Juvia if he were to turn up injured. She distracted her mind from thinking of another dark haired man that was missing by reminding herself that Jellal would be with the King, and that the King was still under the Sleeping Spell and still well enough. She wondered how much time he really did have left.

Levy was too caught up in her musings to notice that the noise in the hall had reduced to something more manageable. Glancing up she realized that guests were starting to present their gifts to them. How embarrassing to be caught not paying attention when she was to be blessing and thanking patrons for their sacrifices. This was easy enough in itself, as most gifted troves of gold or jewels to the royal treasury. Some pledged loyalties, Knights, lands, or gifted livestock and their finest horses. There were silks from the far lands, and spices from the sea merchants, fruits from the fertile lands of the west and south, and flowers. So many flowers. The room and halls were bursting with the finest and most grand arrangements of flowers. There seemed more than at the Festival of Flowers, and as many people.

The gifting seemed to stretch for what felt like hours. There was only a small moment of excitement when her friends blessed her with their gifts. Books, so many books. Lucy knew her so well. She had been able to acquire some ancient toms from across the seas! The two friends exchanged more than looks when Lucy had presented her gift. It was strength and reassurement that passed between them.

Lastly it was Laxus that stood. The crowds quieted as he stretched his arms out wide, as if to embrace the whole room in his arms, "My friends!" his voice rang out clear and cold. It sent shivers down Levy's spine, "My honored guests! My humble servants and brave soldiers! Thank you! Thank you for all that you have given."

He picked up his goblet of wine and raised it in the air before them all, "I bless you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart."

You don't have a heart you animal… the thought was bitter but true. Levy shared a look with Lucy and her eye roll told Levy the thought had been mutual between them.

Laxus toasted the crowed, and they intern raised their drinks back with a cheer. Levy simply looked in her goblet, the red liquid seeming most unappealing presently. After he had wetted his lips Laxus grinned at the gathering before him.

"With all the grandeur, there is one thing missing…There is one last gift that must be presented. I and I must say, the best has been saved for last." A gleam in his eye, he quartered to Levy. Her eyes met his, and in that moment her blood ran cold. The look of pure malicious hatred that held in his icy stare took her breath.

There was a vile tint to his words as he spoke now, "I was a little lost as to what I should give someone who has everything they could have ever wanted, material things just didn't seem up to par…" He began to pace before the Throne, fingering a Lilly from one of the lavish bouquets of flowers as he passed, "Flowers die," he smirked, the statement have more than one meaning, "Cloth fades and wares, gold is spent, jewels lose their shine, sentimental things sit on shelves and collect dust, books-" his eyes fell on Lucy, "-lose their wonder over time… so I thought, and I thought," he emphasized each word with a step, coming to stand now at Levy's side, "What to do, oh what to do…" his voice dropped an octave as he stood behind her, his hands gripping the back of the chair.

She remained firm in her posture, but having him behind her like that was unnerving, "And then!" She jumped at the sudden raise in volume, "I discovered the one thing that would be absolutely perfect! Something that has so very much been longed for, for many, many days now." He strode forward again, coming to stand at the edge of the steps leading to the Thrones, "Yes, I found it, deep in the Black Forest, where no man dare go, and I plucked the perfect gift for her… for my bride…"

Levy's throat tightened suddenly as Laxus glanced at her over his shoulder, his cold blue eyes flashed and he snapped his fingers. The noise echoing around the room.

Almost instantly from the hallway there came the sounds of a struggle and voices that grew louder each second. There was the clink of chains and the most terrifying sound ever to reach her ears. One she had heard only a few times before…


The castle shook with the sound and dust fell from the rafters high above them, the windows rattled though no one heard it for the noise. Ladies screamed, men shouted. Knights jumped to positions of defense their hands on their sword hilts. The great doors leading to the Throne Room were thrown open, causing the people around them to scatter away. Nearly a dozen Royal Guards staggered into the crowded room their shouts adding more color to the noise now filling the space. Each was holding onto a thick black chain, attached to something in the center of the mass of men. Their cries were soon drowned by a second roar that shook the foundation once more. People shrank back like shadows from torchlight, forcing tables and chairs out of their way in the hysteria to escape whatever was being dragged into the room. The precession halted momentarily, the Guards struggling again, as massive black wings snapped open and The Black Dragon rose up from the center of the mass of men.

The chains the men were holding were thrown about his body and around his wrists and legs, and a grievous collar of leather chain had been strapped around his neck. Two men were attached to this chain, as it was responsible for the most dangerous part of the Dragon. He was so much larger than the men around him, and now that he was on his feet he pulled against chains as he rose to his full and considerable height. His actions dragging several of the Guards forward, their shouts drowned out by a snarl and cry from the Dragon as he lunged for them, dragging the other half of his captors with him. They were able to stop his assault momentarily by yanking the bindings on his legs, causing him to stumble and fall to his knees. The precession started forward again simply dragging him along.

In their wake were dark smears and spattering of blood. Blood that marred his body, both dried and fresh. His mane was matted and tangled. One of his wings was torn down the middle, the flap of leathery like skin dangling off the bone by a few shreds. His scales were dull and were missing in a few spots – as if he had been burned. Gajeel seemed to regain his feet once more and the struggle for control continued, halted for a moment before the Guards managed to move him stumbling forward again.

Blood red eyes scanned the crowd of people who shrieked and gasped, shoving tables, chairs and whatever else they could between them and the Monster before them. There was a crash as one of the large flower pedestals was knocked over in the panic to get away from the Dragon. Geajeel's head snapped this way and that, his eyes wide, looking for an escape. Finally his gaze fell on Laxus. Gajeel stopped in his struggle and the Guards braced in positions around him, a few panting, others gritting their teeth. The Dragon lowered his arms slowly from where he had held them up and against the tension of his escort. His wings drooped, and he leaned back some twisting his head so that his face was in shadow. The Guards pulled the chains tight and prepared themselves for another lunge. But the Dragon didn't move, save for ragged breaths and the rise and fall of his tattered chest.

No one moved. No one seemed to breathe. The room was filled with shock and fear, the air thick with the foul stench of blood, decay and hatred. It was so thick you could see it. A twisted black haze that emanated from the Dragon and filled the room on the breeze from the still open patio doors. In the chaos no one had recognized that there was an escape form the monster, all were too focused on what was transpiring before them. Red eyes gleamed like lanterns in the pitch blackness of night, burned only to see one person, one thing. His pray.

Laxus grinned.

White fangs bared and a growl rumbled in the Dragons chest. It echoed ominously around the still room. There was a resounding echo of whimpers from the people around him. Even the Knights in the room had withdrawn from the fearsome creature. No one moved for the longest time.
"LAXUS!" With a lunge no one could stop, Gajeel successfully move the men attached to him forward fifteen feet before their combined weight and his fatigue halted his progress once more. A clawed hand outstretched to the blond whose grin winded, his eyes laughing. Shaking fingertips reached for Laxus at the top of the plateau where the Thrones sat. Gajeel whined. Laxus laughed. An unnerving sound given the situation. It filled the hall and echoed around the stunned audience.

Levy's heart had stopped the moment she heard Gajeel's first cry. It was filled with agony and fear, neither of which she had heard from him before. Her breath had left her when she had seen the blood on the Dragon's body. Her eyes followed a bit of red as it fell from the Dragon's mouth as he panted. The only sound she heard now was the splattering of it on the floor. Her eyes followed the trail of blood puddles and smears across the marble floors and out to the hall. Her hands clenched the armrests of her chair, her body shaking with emotion. So this was why Gajeel hadn't come to visit her… Her eyes raked Gajeels body once more, taking in the wounds. Some were days old, others fresh. There was a particularly nasty cut above his eye that had a dark red, almost black, color staining the side of his face and neck. He looked as if he had been tortured.

Laxus's laughter died to that of a demented giggle as he took in the panting Dragon before him. He made to move down the stairs but stopped as another stepped forward.

Natsu pushed his way from the crowed, Lucy close behind him. Gray eyes shook with barely controlled rage as Natsu took a long hard look at the Dragon. His hands were clenched into fists at his sides so tightly they were trembling. Turning to face the Thrones, the hard stare fell on the blond. They looked at each other for a long moment.

Natsu drew his sword. The slow, clear ringing of it granting attention from all around him. Gajeel looked the man over once before his mouth set in a grim line, his arm falling with the pressure of his captors. Natsu pointed his weapon at Laxus, his gray eyes becoming dark and menacing,

"LAXUS!" His voice defied the eerie stillness of the room, barking out as Gajeel's had. "What is the meaning of this!?"

Laxus turned his grin to the Knight, "This? This!? This is my gift to my bride!" The blonde's voice was higher than normal and cracked a little. He was smiling, but it was not friendly nor humorous, no, his teeth were sparkling as he bared them in a sadistic grin. His eyes were bright with a light that had not been there before, they were wide and crazed; he looked like a madman. Turning with a flourish of his white robes, he bore down on Levy. She recoiled in her seat but he grabbed her arm and dragged her forward. His grip was hard and she cried out in pain and surprise as he did so.

Gajeel's eyes snapped to the action and a snarl tore from his throat at Laxus' movements. "Don't you touch her!" But is words only seemed to encourage the blond and he chuckled as he dragged a protesting Levy closer to the steps.

"This is what you have been longing for, for days is it not!? This, this… Monster!?" He shook her, causing more snarls from Gajeel and causing Natsu to take a few steps forward toward them, "Pray tell… how long have you and this beast been sneaking around? How long have you willingly gone into his arms and allow him to violate you night after night? Is this not your LOVER!? A DRAGON, A DRAGON! Pray tell that I am mistaken!?" His voice rose with each jabbed question. With each sentence he shook her again. He was on the verge of absolute hysteria, spitting in his fury.

His voice dropped several octaves as he gave her a devilish grin. The whole room could hear every letter he spat in her face, "Or is that thing in your belly not a cementation of your time together!?" Once more she recoiled from him as some of his saliva hit her, eyes wide she stared at him.

"LAXUS!" Natsu's voice rang out once more. The blond now rounded on him, Levy still in his grip, "Stop this madness!"

"Madness?" he barked, "I didn't start this! She did! She lied, and hid her adultery with a monster. No, Ha! No, I am not the mad one. She is the mad one!" and with force he shoved Levy down the short stairs before him.


Levy cried out as she threw out her arms and braced for the sudden impact. The cold marble greeted her with a WHACK and she gritted her teeth against the solidness of it on her cheek. Gasps rippled through the crowed at the action and murmurs rose up from more than one. Now a few more Knights stepped to the front of the masses, hands on their hilts ready to draw and defend. Natsu hadn't been expecting Laxus' actions and even if his hands had been empty, he would have missed catching her by a few feet. Now he stared down at Levy whimpering on the ground before him. His sword betraying his shaking hand. His eyes were growing wilder and a growl fierce enough to match Gajeels sounded in his throat.

As Lucy rushed forward to Levy's side as Natsu stepped forward and shoved a few Guards away from Gajeel. The Guards protests fell on deaf ears as they fell to the side, Natsu taking a stand in line with Gajeel. The chains the Guards had been holding falling limply to the ground. The Dragon and Knight exchanged looks, before turning to face the cackling man above them. In Natsu's vacated place now stood Erza with Elfman, Alzack and a few other Knights behind her.

Lucy helped Levy sit up as the exchanges happened, "Levy! Are you alright!?" her voice a harsh whisper. Levy flinched, but nodded dumbly, "Yes, I think so."

Her eyes rose to the Dragon. He was still glaring at Laxus above them, but sensed her eyes on him. He looked down at her, his gaze full of emotions; pain, rage, hatred, and… fear. His shoulders drooped slightly, his face taking the extra tension. He looked so concerned and scared, red eyes still burning…"Levy…" his voice was tired and horse, it seemed like it took too much effort for him to say just the one word. Her lips quivered but no sound came out. At her side, her hand twitched, she wanted to reach for him...

Laxus strode triumphantly down the stairs. Lucy grabbed Levy close and pulled her back some, but Laxus wasn't coming towards the women. Instead, he stepped to the Dragon, ignoring Natsu at his side. Gajeel turned his bloodied face to the man, hatred spreading over his features. Gajeel's teeth bared as long slender fingers adorn by many rich jewels and gold reached for and closed around the chain attached to his collar. The men holding it released it into the Prince's grip before scurrying out of the way and picking up the end of a discarded chain behind Natsu. Laxus sneered at Gajeel who glared right back at him.

Laxus suddenly snapped the chain upwards, yanking the Dragon's head up, causing a snarl from him. Like a snake, Laxus' other hand rose up and he snapped his wrist outward. His fingers twitched inches from the Dragons face, "The last time we met… I wasn't able to touch you…No matter, no matter… things have changed…" he licked his lips, "I can touch you now!" and his fingers closed around the Dragon's jaw, nails digging into his flesh. Gajeel snarled at the impact. A moment passed where the two just glared at each other. The room was still all the while the two stared the other down.

"I remember the last time we were this close Dragon. You left me with a nasty mark." Laxus' right eye twitched, "I made a promise to you that day. Do you remember?" He grinned and dropped the chain, only holding Gajeel to him with his right hand. Slowly Laxus reached inside his robes, "I do." He withdrew a dagger form the fabrics, the metal glinting in the light of the room, "I owe you a scar!"

"NO!" But the cry fell without weight.

Laxus slashed the dagger across Gajeels face, sending blood splattering across his own. The blade flashing as it cut a gash over the bridge of the Dragons' nose. Levy screamed. Natsu lunged forward, but a kick form Laxus sent him crashing into another Guard. Gajeel howled in pain as the blade bit into his flesh. Gasps echoed around the room and a few shrieks as Laxus brought the back of his fist, still wrapped around the dagger hilt, across Gajeels face in a backhanded blow. . Hilt and fist made a sickening CRUNCH as they made contact with flesh, snapping the Dragons head to the side and his jaw open in the process. This time it was Laxus that exclaimed as he withdrew his hand close to his body. There atop the back of his hand was a long open cut, one of Gajeel's fangs had caught him when he had struck and torn the skin open like wet paper. His blood dribbled down the dagger hilt and dripped on to the floor, mixing with the Dragons.

"Ah, it seems even when I strike you a blow you're still able to make me bleed. Well then…" and again he slashed Gajeel's face, this time down the left side, temple to jaw.

Levy covered her mouth with her hands, tears filling her eyes, as she watched trails of blood puddle on the marble floor. Laxus sneered as he wiped the Dragon's blood from his face, only causing it to smear and not actually removing it. Laxus turned to Levy, a dark chuckle in his chest, "Do you like your gift… my dear?"

"Laxus… You're vile!" her voice was horse, and choked with a sob.

He grinned that evil twisted grin, "You have no idea." There was a giggle behind his teeth as he turned once more to the crowed standing in shock around them still. With the Dragon's blood still smeared on his features, and blade in his hand, he addressed the shocked onlookers with the same evil grin, taking a few steps away from the moaning and bleeding Dragon, "And now I have a gift to all of you!"

Murmurs raked the onlookers. If his gift to the Princess had been a Dragon, what would their gift be? Laxus raised his palms to face the heavens, the dagger clattering to the ground, and there grew a rumble from the earth. Like the Dragon's roar, the room began to shake and dust fell from the beams above. Slowly there came a sickly purple aura that formed in the Prince's hands. It balled and grew, engulfing his whole being in a violet glow. Levy recognized the Magic Aura, as she had seen the same, but blue, light around Jellal when he had placed Makarov under his Spell.

The crowd gasped and yelled as the Magic fell from Laxus' fingers like a waterfall. It pooled at his feet and floated up around him. The light of the room dimed, the flames of the torches flickering low, the very sun that was filtering in, darkening. But still there was light, it came from Laxus himself, his Magic filling the room with its dark glow.

"For many, many years now I have studied the great Lost Magic's. You may call them Dark Magic's, but I see them for what they really are. Power. The power to make dreams come true. And my dream is finally being realized! You all are here to pay witness to this moment. The moment of true divinity!" And his fists closed as the glow intensified. His hands turned toward the Guards holding Gajeel's chains and they opened with a snap.

A purple bullet of Magic shot from each finger and struck each of the Guards. Instantly they screamed and gasped, writhing and dropping the chains they held. About them, small trails of smoke began to rise, and with it the foul stench of burning flesh. The Magic took form in purple flames that licked at their skin and clothing as it began to burn flesh from bone. The Guards screamed, pleaded and begged for help, their voices mixing with the horror of the on lookers. In a vain attempt to try to rid themselves of Magic flames, they attempted to scrape the flames from them. Others threw themselves to the floor crying out in agony, and pleading for relief. The crowds drew back in sheer horror, more so than when the Dragon had been brought in. As the flames covered their faces, their cries died, snuffed out in a second. The men were transformed. Now where men had been, were great suits of black armor – fashioned from the charred cloth, flesh, and bone that had been burned and reformed. Beneath the helmets were not faces, but glowing green eyes and nothing more.

Laxus's fingers twitched and like a puppeteer and the Dark Knights brokenly rose and marched into a formation around the Dragon. They each stood at attention and drew long, black, broad swords – saluting their Master.

Laxus threw back his head and Laughed, "YES! YES! THE POWER!" His voice boomed over the shrieks of the people around him.

Hysteria broke loose and people turned and raced for the exits. So many clashed against the doors that they refused to open. People beat themselves against the exits, willing them to open. Finally, they did, but they did not release freedom, but an army of the same Dark Knights as stood in formation about the Dragon. At each exit point more and more of the Knights poured into the room, pushing the scared people into corners. As the flow halted, with guards at each door, a final Knight entered.

The Black Knight Bixlow stepped forward, a grin evil enough to rival Laxus' smeared on his face, twisting the black tattoo across his features. As he stepped forward he dragged a body. In the other hand he held the Crown of Fiore.

The room quieted as the Black Knight walked past them, a slow wave of silence overcoming the hall. Bixlow walked around the far side of the Knights surrounding the Dragon and came to a stop just shy of Laxus.

"Finally…" Laxus' face didn't move as he spoke, and he stepped back again as Bixlow heaved the body he was dragging to the Prince's feet.

"Jellal!" Erza rushed forward and fell to her knees next to the Sorcerer, "Jellal!" grabbing him by the shoulders she shook him slightly, "Jellal answer me!"

"He ain't dead so don't fret too much woman." Bixlow sneered down at her. Erza rounded on him, her eyes blazing, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?"

"Easy babe! He's just unconscious. We had a little bout and he lost. Hehehe!"

"Jellal NEVER loses, especially to the likes of you!"

Bixlow's face contorted at her words, "Hey! Watch your mouth! Ain't no one talks to me like that! Not anymore!" But Erza's glare held strong, making Bixlow snarl, "Wipe that look off your face before I make you!"

He never gave her time to react, instead his free hand flew out and blue streaks of Magic snapped across Erza's face like a whip. She cried out as the Magic forced her head to the side with its viciousness. Holding her face she collapsed to the floor.

With a roar to rival Gajeel's, Natsu sprang forward, his sword thrusting forward at the Black Knight. Bixlow easily stepped back and in a fluid motion drew is own blade, parrying the blow. But he had underestimated Natsu's speed and The Great Red Dragon locked hilts with the Black Knight in a counterattack, their weapons ringing like bells in the hall.

"When did you learn Magic?" Natsu growled, his fists shaking with the effort of holding the much larger Knight at bay.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Bixlow too was struggling, Natsu was stronger than he looked.

"That's Jellals Magic! How did you get Jellal's Magic?! Erza was picking herself up from the floor. There were three cut marks on her cheek where the Magic had snapped her face. A trickle of blood ran down her chin but she paid it no mind, her eyes burning into the Black Knight.

Despite his situation, Bixlow grinned, "That's right babe, the fight wasn't the only thing he lost HA! I took his Magic from him, and it's mine now baby!"

A thought hit Levy like a bull at full speed. But that means! "The sleeping spell!? The King!? What's happened to the King?!" She looked from Jellals unconscious frame to Bixlow. If he really had taken Jellal's magic, then was the Sleeping Spell broken?

"Eh? What spell?" The Black Knight looked confused.

Stupid, only she, Jellal and Mest were granted that information, so of course Bixlow didn't know. Her blood ran cold, "Jellal had the King under a sleeping spell to-"

"ENOUGH!" Laxus' bark drowned out Levy's whisper. He stalked forward and grabbed Natsu by the shoulder, ripping him away from Bixlow. Natsu stumbled backwards but managed to stay on his feet. He slapped Laxus' hand away from him and glared at the blond.

"Everyone listen to me." Blue eyes scanned the room. Falling first on Natsu, then to Erza, Levy and Lucy, before scanning the crowed to Bixlow and lastly – Gajeel, "All of you take heed to my words. King Makarov is dead." He didn't wait for the words to sink in before continuing, "And thus my gift I am presenting to you. Life. I am King now; and I have but a simple choice for all of you. You might accept my gift, and live, or you may join my grandfather in the afterlife!"

Bixlow sneered, resting his sword over his shoulder, looking around, almost daring someone to retaliate. He seemed the perfect executioner. The room was dead quiet. No one moved as Laxus' words were absorbed and understood. The atmosphere changed – fear and panic mixing with sorrow and grief. Then from one corner and then another came sniffling, a whimper and a wail. Soon many let their emotions flow. The stress of the events that had transpired in such a short time had worn down on the souls of those present. The enemy of the Throne had positioned himself to take it, a monster thought to be extinct had been exposed – tortured and bloodied – ten men sworn to the Kingdom had been eradicated before their very eyes – not to mention the countless more that stood about the room now as Dark Knights – and now their beloved King was dead. The room filled with emotion in the form of sobs, wails, and mutterings of concern and worry. The level of noise rose to shout and the crowed seemed to turn mob-like once more.

Lucy stood from where she had been behind Levy, her eyes blazing "No." The word fell like a hammer ringing out to silence the crowed, "Even if Makarov is… You're not King until coordinated!"

All eyes turned to Lucy, and Laxus' face split in a wide grin, "Oh, you foolish little girl. I have been!" and he reached a hand out to Bixlow, his eyes not leaving Lucy's defiant glare. Bixlow produced the Crown of Fiore and handed it to Laxus, "I AM King now!"

Laxus placed the golden crown upon his head. True to its' nature the Crown changed. It twisted and turned, changing to black metal that was cracked. It resembled now a Crown of Thorns. The Crown of Fiore had always been something special to the Kings of the nation since the dawn of time. Each King represented something different to the nation, and the Crown reflected that. For Makarov it had been strong and noble, it shown even in dim light, a beacon of hope and a banner of pride. Now it displayed Laxus' true colors. It was a prediction of things to come. The change was proof that Laxus was the King of Fiore.

Laxus threw back his head and laughed. High pitched and manic sounding, his laugh drowned out all other noise in the hall. He laughed and laughed, and when he seemed to get a hold of himself again, he was wiping tears from his eyes.

"We will never fallow you." Natsu turned to glare at Laxus, "We would rather die!"

"You stupid boy! That can be arranged." His demonic grin was back and he reached out for the pink haired Knight before him.

But Levy took to her feet and intercepted the action, her glare as fearsome as Gajeels had been, "No." Laxus' grin faltered, "Don't you touch him. I won't let you hurt anyone anymore!"

"Levy…" She could feel Natsu's breath on the back of her neck, it was warm and reassuring.

Laxus gazed at her a moment, before his face twisted into something evil, a snarl mixed with utter disgust, "Fine." The word fell like a dead bird from the skies. The air in the room changed, the suddenness of it leaving many gasping for breath. Electricity snapped in the empty spaces, the torches all but went out and outside a roll of thunder sounded. Again the blond moved, too fast for anyone to react, only just being seen by the sharpest of eyes in the room.

Bolts of lightning flew from the King's fingertips, aimed right at the Queen. Seen to late Levy had no time to defend herself. In a vain attempt at protection her arms flew up to her face and her eyes slammed shut. There was the CRACK of the lightning making contact and a scream tore from her throat.


Levy winced and opened an eye. She was face to face with the golden Fairy Tail emblem of a Knights breastplate. Her other eye opened in surprise as the sturdy arms wrapped around her shook some. She looked up. Natsu's face was in shadow, but she could see he was wincing from the pain. His teeth were bared and his lip was bleeding from where he had bit it to keep from crying out. In the second before the lightning left Laxus' fingers, Natsu had pulled her around to him, taking the blow with his armor clad back. The lightning had seared through the armor and burned away the cloth and a layer or so of flesh, leaving nasty black marks.


Hearing his name, the Knight looked up. His gaze held pure hatred and determination. A look she hadn't seen on his face before. Slowly he removed his arms from her and, wincing, turned to look at Laxus over his charred shoulder. Laxus was staring at him with a mixed expression of surprise and amusement. Natsu turned stiffly to once again to face the man before him.

"Knights of Fairy Tail," His voice was dark and commanding it rang in the hall, echoing off the walls and ceiling, filling ears with its mandate. The Knights in the room seemed struck into action hearing his tone and they sprang forward. Elfman standing now at Lucy's side and Erza taking to her feet, "Defend your Queen!" and with his order he sprang forward, his sword flashing as he struck out with a sharp jab.

Laxus dodged, stumbling back, his heals against the stairs of the Throne. Instead Bixlow intercepted Natsu, blocking his advancement and returned with a strike of his own.

The Knights of Fairy Tail about the room engaged the Dark Knights with clangs and cries. The battle filled the hall in a second, Lords drawing swords to defend their Ladies, Knights clashing against Knights, and the roar of The Great Red Dragon as he engaged the Black Knight in an attempt to get to Laxus.

With the others now engaged in combat, Laxus turned his blue eyes on Levy. He advanced on her. Panic rose in her throat and she whipped around, her feet starting to flee, her eyes searching around the mass of Dark Knights for the one thing that had saved her so many times. Her eyes had just fallen on the Dragon – he hadn't moved an inch – when she felt a hand fist into her hair and yank her backwards.


The Dragon didn't move.

Laxus laughed as he dragged her backwards by her hair. She cried out in pain. Her hands grabbing at the fist in her hair, trying to alleviate the pain, her feet kicking wildly.


"Levy!" Lucy jumped forward and attached herself to the arm that had Levy in its grip. Laxus barked a protest and, as he had done with Natsu, landed a kick into Lucy's stomach, sending her reeling backwards with a gasp.

"LUCY!" Natsu had seen his fiancé fly backwards from the blond. He overthrew Bixlow's attack and lunged for where Lucy was sprawled on the floor, He wasn't fast enough, for Bixlow grabbed him by the arm and heaved the much smaller Knight over his shoulder. Natsu skidded a few paces on his already injured back, crying out as he came to a stop. Wincing, he regained his feet and with a roar, he reengaged the Black Knight.

Laxus laughed again, one foot at the top of the short staircase, standing with Levy on the stairs below him, her hair still wrapped up in his fist, the train of her gown flared out around them.

"Laxus! Let me go!"

"Nah, I'm not through with you yet!"

"GAJEEEEL! Help me!"

"Stupid woman! Can't you see your Dragon has been defeated!? He is nothing now. He cannot save you!" He pulled her up to his level, her hands gripping his wrist in order to release some of the pressure on her head; her feet dangling limply off the steps. His voice dropped to a whisper as his wide eyes bore into hers, "No one can save you now."

His lips crashed onto hers. Instantly her teeth sank into his lower lip and she bit down hard. Laxus yelled against her mouth in surprise and pain. He tried pulling away from her but her grip was strong. Instead he drew his free hand and struck her across the temple with his fist. The impact was enough to cause her to gasp and let go of his lip. He released her hair and let her fall to the ground for the second time, grabbing his bleeding lip. Levy crumpled at his feet, sliding down the few steps to the floor, her world spinning from the blow. There was noise all around her, clashing swords, screams, shouts, the scrape of boots on the marble, blades colliding against shields and armor, and a ringing in her ears that told her she now had a concussion.

Darkness was filling her eyesight, blurring the edges of her vision and clouding her brain. The noise in the room making the ringing in her ears much worse, to the point that all she heard was the deafening ringing. The world slowed down, movements becoming like molasses. With what vision she had, she was able to make out the shape of Laxus standing over her once more. She watched his hand reach out for her in slow motion. She felt his fingers grab her throat and squeeze. The sudden lack of oxygen to her brain made everything worse. She gasped in vein, unable to bring air into her lungs. She hadn't the ability to resist. She was too weak. The darkness was closing in faster now. All she could see was the crystal blue of his eyes.

This was it.

This was the end. He was going to kill her here and now. She was going to die. Levy closed her eyes. This was how it was going to be. She sighed feeling the last of her breath empting from her body.

Air flooded into her lungs as the hand around her neck was ripped away from her.

Light burst into her brain, chasing the darkness away. The ringing in her ears was gone, now replaced with a roar. It was the most terrifying sound ever to reach her ears. The most welcome.

Her vision was improving rapidly and she fought to focus on what was before her. Black and white shapes danced and wove into her sight, moving at speed faster than what normal would have been.

Her pleas had been answered.

Gajeel had broken his chains, and through his Guard to tare Laxus off of her. With a roar Gajeel threw the King back up the steps colliding with the golden chairs. Laxus crumped around Levy's seat – the golden adorn wood splintering and breaking under the sudden impact. Laxus rolled over the wreckage of the chair, regaining his feet and turning back to face the Dragon just in time as he bore down on him. Raising his hands at the last second Laxus caught the Dragons fist, throwing a punch of his own which Gajeel caught, the two now locked together in a struggle for dominance. It was apparent the size difference between them now, as Gajeel towered over the blond - easily forcing Laxus to the ground with his sheer size. Blue eyes widened with shock and fear.

Red eyes flashed with rage as his teeth bared, muscles in his arms and back bulging as he pushed harder against the man beneath him. Blood spirted from the cuts in his face, speckling the King with dark red dots. Laxus cried out in desperation as he was slowly overpowered and forced to take a knee. The two locked eyes, red to blue, fearsome predator and would be hunter. Gajeel's lips twisted into a snarling smile as it appeared that he had the upper hand, but it didn't last. With a yelp Gajeel withdrew his thrown fist, smoke twisting up from his knuckles. Gajeel looked from his singed fingers, to the purple flames licking between Laxus'. The same flames that had overtaken the Guards previously. The flames in his hand began to shine brighter, and from the center of his palm came forth the tip of a blade. As if it were being drawn in reverse from its scabbard, a broad sword grew and started taking form. Snarling once more Gajeel drew back his injured hand into a fist, making to strike Laxus down with one blow. He had to end this quickly.

Laxus smirked, drawing back his own hand with the weapon still coming forth.

The world slowed before Levy's eyes as the two forces moved toward each other. All that she saw were the Dragon and King locked in battle as each closed in on the other, Gajeel striking down, and Laxus coming up to meet him. But were Gajeel aimed for his face, Laxus' aimed lower. The sword buried itself into the Dragon's stomach, Laxus' hand going flat against the flesh there. The Dragon froze as the blade pierced him, his eyes widening with the impact, mouth ajar and surprise dashed across his face.

And still the blade came forth, tearing its way fully through the Dragons body, erupting upwards between the wings on his back.

Time stood still as all around them fell away. Blood fell from the wound in the Dragon's back, and he coughed spraying dark red across the King's chest.

Slowly, painfully slowly, Laxus stood, taking a step back from the stunned Dragon, a black hilt now where his hand had been on the Dragon's stomach. Gajeel slowly crumpled around his middle, his hands shaking as he reached for the sword buried in his body, blood running down his thighs from the wound. His claws just grazing the leather binding of the hilt, his eyes bulging form his head, his mouth agape as blood trickled down his chin. He wavered where he stood.

"Oh no you don't…" Laxus' voice shattered the stillness of time, rocketing it to full speed once more.

He stepped back to the Dragon, a hand gripping the hilt, a foot stepping on the Dragon's thigh. His arm drew back, sword tearing from the body, the same time his leg kicked forward. Gajeel cried out as he flew backwards, blood flying from his stomach, down the stairs where his body bounced once before sliding across the marble. Thick, hot, red blood smeared across the floor and splattered the marble stairs as the defeated Dragon came to a halt some feet away.


Laxus threw back his head and let loose a roar that filled the hall so much like Gajeel's had, "GAAHHH HAHA! THE DRAGON IS SLAIN!"

But Levy herd it not. The room once again had gone quiet to her ears. Levy saw nothing. Nothing but the Dragon laying some feet away from her, his body twitching as blood pooled around him at an alarming rate.

Gajeel raised his head, one eye closed in pain, the other filled with it. He looked down at his torn middle, hands slowly raising to stop the bleeding, but falling away. His head lowered, chest rising with ragged, lopsided breaths.

Levy willed her numb body forward, lurching up and crawling on her hands and knees. She was shaking so badly that even this was difficult. All she saw was the red pool growing around Gajeel. Her hand fell into something wet and she withdrew it looking at her palm. There was so much blood.

A shadow fell over her. Her pupils dilated and she slowly turned to look up at the man standing over her. Laxus's face was in shadow, only his white teeth and piercing blue eyes illumined. He raised the bloodied sword over his head. She knew what was coming next. He was going to kill her like he had killed Gajeel. She watched the blade swing down. She closed her eyes.

There came a clang of metal on metal, a cry, and a shout. Her eyes snapped open, searching for that which had intervened with her death.

Gray stood over her, locked hilt to hilt with Laxus. It was by his hand that she had been spared.


"Levy, go! Get out of here!"



"Pay attention to what you're doing Commander!" Laxus shouted, the much larger man baring down on Gray, his surprise worn off now, "I know not how you escaped but you will be back shortly, least you be sent to the Afterlife!"

Levy turned away, continuing to Gajeels side. Her knees made contact with the red puddle, the fabric of her gown soaking up the color. He spluttered sending blood spirting everywhere as he gasped. With shaking hands, she reached for him, unsure of what to do. She could feel tears down her cheeks.


His eyes turned to her and he reached a hand out to her face taking it in his palm. The shackles about his wrist clinking softly as he moved. She reminisced in the feeling of his skin on hers, like smooth snakeskin, warm, soft, and sticky. His hand was so covered with his blood she could feel it dripping down her face, mixing with her tears. He reeked of blood and decay as her nose was assaulted with the smell of him. She cared not. She gripped his hand on her face with hers, her fingers wrapping around his. She tried to smile, but the corners of her mouth just quivered.

"Le-vy…" His voice was as broken as his body, the sound of it drawing a sob from her chest, and then another. His fingers tightened against her cheek.

"I'm Sorry! I'm so sorry! This is all my fault. I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I never wanted any of this! Gajeel, I'm so sorry."

Despite his injuries, the Dragon pulled her closer to him, his fingers reaching around her head and pulling her down to him. Levy wrapped her arms around his neck and head sobbing onto his shoulder as his arm slipped around her back. She didn't care that her gown was turning red, or that he reeked of death; there was nothing more she could do for him but cling to him and cry. She felt his arm tighten around her, his claws digging into her side as he held her to him. He turned the uncut cheek to her face, his nose to her cheek and she swore she felt him smile.

"Ya' look beau'ful Shrimp… Just like I though' ya would…"

His voice was gravely and shallow, as if it took all his breath to speak. She pressed her forehead to his, his blood smearing her face. Her eyes were slammed shut against the onslaught of tears and the false hope that if she didn't see it, he would be alright. She felt one of his claws tuck a piece of hair, loosened from it braid, back behind her ear, his palm engulfing her face.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

The battle raged on around them. Sword striking sword or armor, some finding their mark with squelching slices, others being broken or knocked form hands. Battle cries, screams and voices rose and fell all about the hall. People dashed here and there, locked in a fight, rushing to another's aid, or simply to get out of the way. Wreckage of the grandeur of the room strewn about. Banners and ribbon fallen to the ground, or still hung at one end from the rafters and walls, dirt of the flower pots mixing with the blood on the floor in more than one area. Flowers crushed by fleeing feet, shards of broken dishware, tattered and torn cloth and flags; all scattered about as chaos reigned down.

In all the hysteria, no one witnessed the moment between the monster and the maiden, their simple gestures ignored by the world around them. For in that moment all fell away, and it was each of them and nothing more. Even in the last minutes of life there was a simple peace in comfort from their awaited reunion. This was not how she wanted to see him again; never had she wanted to see him like this. Even the vision from all those weeks ago was nothing that could have prepared her for the actual event. Nevertheless, he was here, she was in his arms – they were together. For the moment, it was right.

A moment that came crashing down around them, shattered by a cry that had her reeling back to reality.

The noise around them had reduced to a dull roar, but it didn't hide the sound of a body falling to the marble close at hand. Nor did it mask the sound of someone approaching. Levy raised her head form Gajeel's and turned over her shoulder, not really needing to see who was coming.

In one hand, Laxus dragged his conjured sword, the blade a little bloody; in the other, he dragged the unconscious form of the Commander. His eyes were wild with power and lust, his smile deranged and twisted. The white and gold wedding robes splattered with different shades of blood, the Dragon's darker color and the brighter red of human blood. A few paces from her he tossed the Commander to the floor where he groaned in a broken heap. Laxus was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling with some effort.

When he spoke, it was manic and twisted with something more sinister than ever before, "Out of the way bitch, I'm going to take his head!"

"No you can't, I won't let you!" Desperation was giving her strength, if only fleeting.

"MOVE." Laxus barked.

"NO!" Her grip tightened around Gajeel.

"Levy." It was a whisper from below her, snapping around to him her eyes fell to the smile on the Dragons features, "Levy move, I'm not worth it." His arm around her fell to the side, allowing her room to flee if she chose.

Fresh tears fell from her eyes, and she gripped him tighter, "NO! If you're going to die, then I'll die with you!" Gajeel's smile faltered, his eyes filling with the same desperation she felt.

"Levy, stop. Move." He was pushing her away now.


"Fine." The word fell like an executioner's axe, "I don't need you anymore any way!" With horror, she looked up, only to see the black blade swing high over Laxus's head before it descended down on them. The strike rang clean and true, but never hit the intended target.

"LAXUS!" Natsu's voice rang out amongst the noise, "How dare you!" And with and upward thrust he deflected the black blade to the side with enough force to knock the King back a few steps. Caught off guard, Laxus wheeled wildly, eyes bulging from his face as Natsu leapt nimbly over the pair before him and aimed a kick at the King's head. His strike made contact and sent Laxus to the ground. Raising his own sword as Laxus had Natsu let out a cry and he slammed the tip of his weapon earthward, aiming for the King's chest. But Laxus was faster and rolled away at the last second, springing up and back from the seething Knight.

"What the!? BIXLOW!" Surprise in his voice as Laxus stumbled backwards, the King looked around furiously for the Black Knight, only to see that he had fallen, lying flat out several yards off, "DAMNIT!"

Natsu grinned and barked out a laugh as he lunged forward to engage Laxus once more, "COME ON!"

Levy Watched as the men danced, their blades flashing and ringing against one another in the duel. Natsu hadn't been without his share of injuries however. It looked as if Bixlow had gotten a few good strikes in. There was blood staining the right hip of Natsu's pants, a cut that extended up his side and stomach some. He was bleeding badly, but seemed not to notice for the way he moved. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. Startled, she whorled around to see Jellal kneeling next to her. His face was tight and pained as he looked over the Dragon laying before her.

"Jellal! You're awake!"

"Yes," his voice was tired and strained, "When Natsu defeated Bixlow, I was awakened." He raised a hand over the Dragon's wound. Traces of blue magic fell from his fingers and into the Dragons open stomach. Gajeel whined as the tendrils of Magic perforated his injury, working around the edges of the gaping hole in his body.

"Your Magic! Levy gasped, "But I thought it had been taken from you?" her eyes darted over the blue light that was engulfing Gajeel's stomach now.

"Magic cannot truly be taken from its rightful master; barrowed for a time but never taken completely. Bixlow knocked me out, but didn't kill me. That was his mistake. When Bixlow was defeated, the Magic he 'barrowed' from me returned."

"Jellal… the King-!"

"I know." They shared a look. His eyes were hard and cold, "What's done is done. We cannot let that affect us now. There are more pressing things at hand." They exchanged looks, "Please don't think me harsh, Makarov and I were good friends, and his death does trouble me very much… but I cannot focus on that now…" He looked her square in the face, "You are all that matters to this Kingdom now."

Her lip quivered, he was right, but she hated to think that way. Not given how it had come to be. Especially not now. She turned her gaze to the agonizing Dragon before her,

"Please, Jellal, can you save him?" her voice was small and pleading.

The Sorcerer sighed, the Magic retreating from the blooded mess before him. Levy's eyes widened and she looked at him sharply, "I've stopped the bleeding as best I can, but he's lost so much blood. And these other wounds are too far gone for my Magic to do anything. This wound is deep, even if he were… human… there is nothing more to be done."

"No, Jellal, Please! He's dying!"

"I'm sorry, Levy. There isn't anything more we can do." He sat back on his heels and gave the Dragon a long look before placing his hand on the small of her back.

"Gajeel." His face twisted with pain, a permanent snarl on his lips. She reached out and brushed a bit of his mane from his face, the back of her fingers lingering over the sweaty and bloody flesh there. At her side, the Dragon's hand fisted into her skirts.

Jellal stood suddenly from beside her. From above her came a growl that sounded like thunder, "Move Mage."

There was blood now across Laxus face and shoulder. An attack had found its mark and left his shoulder torn open. But still he stood over them, hands trembling at his side, one still gripping the sword he had summoned.

Jellal met his gaze and stood firm, "No."

"Do as your KING commands." A snarl.

"You are not my king." Defiance rang as clearly as the battle beyond them, still raging strong, "Then you shall be the next to die."


Both Jellal and Laxus raised their hands at the same time. Magic, purple and blue, erupted from their palms and shot toward the other, meeting in the middle that sparked and smoked in a struggle to consume the other. The sound of electrical current and sizzling energy filled the hall, causing all others to stop in their respective battles – captured by the light from the two Sorcerers. The power of the Magic was causing great winds to gust from their impact, whipping up dust and racing about the room. Levy threw up an arm to protect herself, peering through parted fingers to witness the battle.

"You may be a wielder of the Dark Magics, but you are still weak in your control. It will overcome you! It will kill you!" Jellal shouted above the noise.

"You know nothing of what I am capable of!" Laxus countered, his voice strained and high pitched, "You who had the power of the darkness in your control and who gave it up willingly!? Why?! Why would you relinquish your hold on such POWER!?"

"Because it is evil. I saw what hardship and pain the Dark Magics brought upon people and I saw the world that it had created! When Makarov came to me, I more than willingly went to his side, to the light, because I was tired of the despair in the world. I wanted nothing to do with the Magic that had brought such misery to the world!"

"Fool. You only scrapped the surface of the Dark Magics. You know nothing of its powers! I do. I have given myself completely to them. They flow through my veins with my blood. Experience the power!" and the purple Magic surged forward suddenly, over taking Jellals Magic and quickly his body too. In an instant, it was over, with a flash of light and a scream.

The dust settled slowly to the floor, the winds having died. Everyone watch as Laxus stood alone, his hand still out stretched, fingers smoking. He was breathing hard now, the wild and crazy look still burning in his eyes. Jellal was nowhere to be seen. Only scorch marks on the marble where he had been standing remained.

Slowly Laxus retracted his hand and smoothed it over his wild hair, attempting to tame the spiky strands. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly through his nose. His eyes fell on Levy. He approached. She recoiled over Gajeel, flattening herself as close to him as possible. Laxus reached out his free hand and grabbed her by the back of the neck

"No! No, no, no, no NO!" he pulled her up kicking and screaming, "GAJEEL!"

Laxus began to turn away from the body of the Dragon, but he was only able to go a step. For Gajeel's claws were still fisted in the train of Levy's dress. Fury flashed in his blue eyes and he rounded on the Dragon. Blue met red and Laxus sneered, stomping down hard on Gajeel's wrist, snapping the bones with ease. Gajeel howled in pain and Levy screamed once more. But it had worked, and Laxus was able to free the gown from the Dragon's clutches.

Laxus dragged her up the stairs once more, taking a stance on the raised platform where the Golden Throne still stood.

"ENOUGH!" the remaining Dark Knights turned to stand at attention facing him. The Knights around them regrouping.

"If you love your queen, enough." He had the attention of the room again. Shaking Levy a little and getting a whimper out of her, "Lay down your weapons, come quietly. This is over now."

No one moved.

"The battle is over, you – Knights of Fairy Tail – you have lost. You Queen is in my control, do as I say! Lay down your weapons.

There was a pause, the Fairy Tail Sprit still strong in the hearts of the people. Finally, a sword hit the marble. Then another, and another. The room rang with the clattering of weapons falling to the floor.

"Good. Good, now. From now on, things will be different, so different. So much better. Enough blood has been shed, let this be the last. I have defeated you - my enemies. The land has her King. Let's start anew shall we? My foolish grandfather asked that you stand before him, I ask only that you kneel." No one moved. He grinned.

He glanced down at Levy still in his grip, "Let's start with you, missy."

"Never!" she spat at him.

He chuckled, "Oh I think so." His Magic gathered in his hand again, the hand holding her hair. He released her as the Magic struck her. A tingling filled her body, flowing head to toe and she felt herself involuntarily moving. She rose to her feet then fell to one knee. She tried to fight it. But there was nothing she could do against it.

Murmurs traveled around the onlookers.

"Kneel to your King!" and Laxus raised his hand now to the people before him, the Magic flying out and striking them all. Slowly, one by one, they fell to a knee. The Dark Knights saluted him.

It was over. Laxus had won.

In the stillness of the room, a single sound rose. A spluttering cough. A gasp. A final sigh.

If you're confused, no worries. All will be revealed next chapter!

I seriously considered making this two chapters... but nah, one big, action packed, heart breaking, emotionally scaring chapter works too right?

For the wedding i actually did some research on what medieval weddings were like (truly shocking because i never research anything I just throw it all together and say deal with it). I combined Celtic, Slavic and Apache wedding traditions and made it my own thing.

The battle took way longer than I thought, and I struggled HARDCORE with this part. Which is why it still took me 4 MONTHS to update from my original post on my profile.

I actually had this chapter written first out of all the chapters when i first outlined this story, and let me tell you it was WAY different! But the plot changed and developed differently than what i had first come up with, so there was a lot of adaptation to this chapter.

JFF(just for fun) HMU with how many movie references you can catch in this chapter! there are at least 3 and i will be very impressed if you can get them all!

Tell me what you think! tell me how you feel!