A/N Im so sorry for disappearing for so long, life's been one shit thing after another. I'm not gonna make any promises on release dates, but I am going to try to be more active about this.

As they ran back, Dipper wondered what they were gonna do.

"Ford, do you have any idea, since he destroyed your gun." Dipper asked.

"I have one more idea, but it's going to be tough. I'll speak more once we're back at the Mystery Shack. Ford replied.

As they approached the Mystery Shack, Soos and Wendy came outside.

"Doods! I was worried that you guys got turned to stone!" Soos said.

"Hey everyone! I knew you'd make it back. Robbie and Old Man McGucket are back inside."

Dipper hears Ford sigh, and they all walk inside.

"I need to go talk to Fiddleford for a little bit, I'll be back." Ford said.

"It's not like we have the end of the world to deal with." Stan said once Ford was out of earshot.

"What is Pacifica doing here?" Wendy asked.

"Her father was disfigured by Bill and she's become a good friend of mine ever since the party at Northwest Mansion." Dipper replied.

"Well, that's good." Wendy said.

"Wait, so Pacifica is a good person now?" Soos asked.

"Pacifica was always a good person, just extremely pressured by her family." Dipper replied.

Dipper looks at a picture that Stan, Mabel, and he was in.

"I hope we can get Mabel back." Dipper said.

"I do too, kid." Stan replied. "And we ARE getting her back, even if I have to fight through every single monster in this town."

"Wendy, get Robbie in here. I have something to say to you all."

A little bit later, Wendy and Robbie come back into the room.

"Now, I don't know what Ford has planned for us to do, but something I do know is that we more than likely are going to have to fight. You all have dealt with a lot of the weird shit that's gone on in this town, but I think that this will be the hardest thing we'll ever have to do. We need to be as ready as we can."

"It's weird seeing Stan so serious sounding." Wendy whispers to Dipper.

"Yeah, but I know why. I'll explain once he's done." Dipper whispers back.
"And if I don't want to fight?" Robbie said.

"Either you do, you help hold things, or don't come at all." Stan replied.

"And you WILL come. All of you need to." Ford said as he walked into the room, McGucket next to him.

"How much of that speech did you hear?" Stan asked

"I heard every word, and unfortunately, you're right. We're going to need to pack weapons and food, and probably sleeping equipment, as I don't think we'll be able to do this in one day. Everyone will be carrying something. It'd be easier if we could go by car, but due to the monsters, being in a car would be extremely dangerous. Are you all in?" Ford said.

Everyone but Robbie said "I'm in"

"If you don't come I will never speak to you again." Wendy said.

"Fine, fine, I'm in" Robbie said.

"Now, let me explain what we need to do." Ford said while showing a picture.

"This is a wheel that has appeared around Bill, but other than that, it's also a prophecy on how to beat him. Each symbol correlates to a person. Out of the 10 symbols, 8 are here. The only two missing are Mabel, symbolized by the shooting star, and Gideon-" Ford said

"Well, that's probably going to be impossible, unless we can convince the weirdo." Stan interuppted.

"No harm in trying. Everyone needs to try to get some shuteye, we've got a big day tomorrow." Ford said.

After that, everyone went their seperate ways to bed.

No one slept very well that night