Hey guys it's me again!

I know that I need a lot of time for a small update lately. (But don't worry this book ends with this chapter.) Sorry but this book was supposed to end with this chapter but I couldn't get my motiviation up to the level of writing that much and I felt bad for not updating for three months so I split the last chapter up into two. I am really sorry for those who liked this story.

And before the (final) chapter starts, I want to say a few words.

Maaann! Writing this book was kind of an awesome experience! I was so motivated when I wrote the first two chapters. I finished both of them in one week. I also asked a few to proofread it. But in the end I wrote from chapter 2 onwards everything on my own. But you know, I slowly lost my interest in Pokémon and Amourshipping with each disappointing episode. So this Story will be my last Story about Amourshipping. But maybe one day I'll somehow get my interest back. I don't know if this will be my last story ever. I already I have enough fandoms for one but I don't know if I can.
And since a reader suggested that I should use P.o.V for this chapter, I did it in order to make the final Chapter feel really special for 'ya. But still, most of the chapter is 3rd person narrating since I think that I'm much better at that.

Anyway, this is the )final) eighth chapter and I hope you'll enjoy it!

Last time the lemon siblings & co group regained their spirit, completely, after something unexpected happened. So right now they're walking, no better said, racing to the next town.
And our other group is heading towards the notorious Lac d'Amour.

On the path leading to Lac d'Amour
Ash's P.o.V.

Here I am now, walking besides Serena towards that lake whose name I can't remember again. I can't remember the name but I know that there's a really romantic atmosphere. So does it mean that it is a really good opportunity for me to confess? Clemont never said how it has to be. So I guess I should just follow my instincts. But how do I confess? He only said that I have to tell her about my feelings but do I really have to tell her that I love her? Only that?
So I just tell her 'I love you Serena' And that's it? Can't be! He said that it isn't that easy to confess to somebody. Especially when the certain someone is Serena. So how am supposed to do that?

"Ash!" I heard someone yelling my name.


The next things I knew were that my head, especially my forehead, hurt and that I was lying on the ground.
"Ouch!" I moaned out aloud. I rubbed my forehead a bit, feeling slightly dizzy. My vision was blurry so I didn't realize that Serena was standing in front of me until…

"Ash are you okay?" Serena asked me, bending down so that her eyes could meet mine.

There she was now, standing in front of me asking if I'm okay. And myself couldn't help but stare at her. I am still lying on the ground without saying nor doing something except staring.
Her clothes were ragged but Serena still looked beautiful. As my eyes wandered around her body, I noticed that her ribbon was still missing.
Even though it is just a small ribbon, Serena sure looks different without it. I mean I always see her with the ribbon when she wears this outfit.

But I guess that being just an accessory isn't the only thing it w—

"Ash!? Are you really okay? Please answer" Serena said, snapping me out of my inner discussion

"Huh? Oh sorry, Serena. I just spaced out. I'm okay. Thanks for worrying about me." I answered her, scratching the back of my head and feeling kind of embarrassed. Probably because she was the reason why I spaced out.
Hmm… Now that I think about it, the more I think about this romance stuff, the harder it gets to stop thinking about it. And since Clemont told me everything he knew about it, I am more nervous and embarrassed when I'm around Serena.

"What were you thinking about" Serena asked me while I was having an inner monologue once again.

"About you" I answered absent mindedly.
"…" It took me about two and a half second to realize my mistake. So it was too late to find any excuse to cover it up. Besides, as I looked at her face, I knew that it was definitely too late for it.
She was blushing. In contrast, the reddest (don't know if that word exists) isn't a match for her blush. Her full face was red. Something like this °/° / °/°

"Uhmm… A-a-abou-t meee…?" Serena stuttered with her index finger pointing at her. She looked totally shocked and surprised.

Oh Arceus! What have I done? Please help me!
What should I do now? But before I knew it my mouth moved on its own

"Y-yesss" Now it was over… Was what I thought but the next question surprised me

"Anddd… What were you th-thinkinggg about meeee…?" I could see that it was really nerve wracking for her to ask that. She closed her eyes and stuttered a lot while asking me that. (/ How it would look like in an anime)

"Uhh …" You know my mouth can always talk on its own when the time is definitely not right. But it won't talk if it is supposed to do it. What should I do? I looked around and noticed that I was still lying on the ground. So without thinking I stood up, all of a sudden.

Better said, I jumped up. So as I was trying to stand up I bumped into Serena who was standing in front of me. Serena was falling backwards. I instantly grabbed her hand and tried to pull her back. And for a split second, I thought that I succeeded because I could feel Serena's body getting pressed against mine. But instantly, I realized that I pulled myself down with her. There was no time left for preparing for the fall so…

But I didn't hit the ground. I felt something warm and soft underneath me. I already knew what it could have been. So I slowly opened my eyes and prayed to Arceus that it wasn't the thing I think it was. But I was wrong. As my eyes were finally open and my vision got back to normal, I could see blue eyes which were wide open and stared into mines. My heart skipped a beat and I looked into them without thinking about anything. With each passing second, my heart raced more and more. Then with both of my arms which were on either side of Serena's head, I pushed myself a little up. subconsciously. Then I could feel something soft and warm under my right hand. I didn't break eye contact with Serena but anyway it didn't take too long until I realized that it was Serena's hand which I grabbed to 'prevent' her fall.

Serena's P.o.V.

Ash suddenly got up and then… The only thing I knew was that I was lying on the ground. Nothing hurt and I could feel something on top of me. I opened my eyes… The first thing I saw was Ash's face. His eyes were still closed. I could feel my body and especially my face temperature abnormally increasing. But suddenly Ash's eyes shot open. Without any shyness, I kept on looking into his amber or hazel eyes. Then Ash slowly got a little up. I could feel the weight getting off of my body. But at the same time I felt something pressing against my left hand. In an instant, I knew that it was Ash's hand. My heart was racing and I hoped that Ash couldn't hear it.

No one's P.o.V. (just 3rd person narration.)

There they were, somewhere in a forest they've never been to, on their way to a so called Lac d'Amour, and on top of that… or better said on top of Serena was her childhood crush, of course due to Ash's thoughtlessness. That was the reason why it happened and this is how it happened, Serena stumbled backwards and fell. Serena instinctively stretched her hand out which Ash instantly grabbed, of course thoughtlessly again. With Ash being just a normal young teenager who just grabbed a falling person's hand, Ash basically dug his own 'grave' , Serena pulled him down with her and Ash ended up lying on top of Serena. And since he didn't let go of her hand, he pressed her hand into the ground, of course without hurting her. So his right hand was on top of her left. His left hand was left to her head.

Both of them needed a few seconds to regain full consciousness. The moment they did, was the moment when they blushed and saw the another's red face before their eyes.
Ash's mind was saying that he should get off of her but he didn't listen to it. He felt something warm and soft under his right hand, of course he knew it was Serena's hand. He squeezed her hand gently and then intertwined his fingers with hers.
He looked into her eyes. They were as sparkling and magnificent as ever. He squeezed her hand again, this time lighter than the time before and Serena responded with a squeeze of hers.
Then Ash lowered his head slowly.
Serena closed her eyes leaving only a little slit wide enough for the light to come in. Ash's eyes were still open so he observed her face a little. Her face calmed down a little. Her full face blush turned into a pink reddish mild to full blush which covered her cheeks. Her eyes were almost closed. He could see some sparkling through the small slit. But the most striking feature was her lips. He just couldn't stop looking at them. These were just Serena's lips which Ash sees every day. But he just couldn't help but stare at them. They never look dry, at that time too although she hadn't drank anything at all recently. Maybe it was just the way they were formed. Her relatively small mouth wasn't completely open nor closed. Just like her eyes, it was opened a bit.
He kept on looking at her lips as he slowly got nearer and nearer to her face. He closed his eyes slowly until the only thing he could see was her lips. He had to lower his completely body too because he wasn't lying directly on her to begin with. His body was so near to hers so that he could feel her body heat. Of course he wasn't lying directly on her this time too due to several reasons. (Narrator: I mean he's around 14, I guess, don't know it myself and this is supposed to be readable for Kids).
Her lips were so close to his right now, he could feel her warm breath against his lips. So he decided, or better he wanted because both of them weren't really completely conscious, to close the gap between them.


But then, suddenly, a loud roar could be heard and in an instant the two of them stopped their current action and they felt chills running down their spines.

"Um… Serena please stay calm. If we don't move an inch, it'll just ignore us." Ash whispered
Ash faced Serena and the loud roar came from somewhere behind him so in order to know more about the Pokémon he had to turn around. But Ash didn't want to or rather he shouldn't turn his head around because it could anger the wild Pokémon even more if it was the aggressive type. So he didn't know how near or what kind of Pokémon it was. But there was one thing he was sure about, the Pokémon sounded angry and according to the loudness, it was near, really near to them.

But Serena on the other hand didn't face the opposite direction of where the roar came from so she could clearly see what Pokémon it was.
And let's say the sight wasn't lovely.

"Ash …." Serena whispered

"Serena, what did you say? I couldn't hear the last part"

"Run. Ash run!" Serena said it louder this time.

"Huh?" Ash was kind of lost right now. So he turned his head towards the origin of the roar, sort of half absentmindedly. And in an instant he knew why Serena said 'run'.

What the two of them saw was really a dreadful sight. Luck wasn't on their side today. First encountering Team Rocket without even having the Chance of fighting them, then falling off of the cliff due to them, immediately after that encountering a swarm of Beedrills in addition fighting them, and if it couldn't get any worse, a wild and for some reasons angry Pangoro appeared out of nowhere before it charged a hyper beam at them.
Instantly, Ash jumped up and he kind of picked up Serena, he still held her hand so he pulled her forcefully up and began running away with Serena or rather dragged her for the first few meters.
They ran in a random direction without caring about the location of Lac d'Amour.
They kept on running for a while. They didn't follow the path which led to the famous lake. They ran through bushes and had to pay attention to the front because they would be totally screwed if they ran against a tree. In addition, the two of them had to dodge the hyper beams which shot past them a few times.

"Hey Ash, do you think it is gone?" Serena asked Ash while the two of them kept on running because they didn't see a hyper beam for a while.

"Umm… Let me see" Ash turned his head around and immediately, he shouted, "Serena jump!"

"Huh?" Serena uttered

Immediately after Ash warned Serena he tackled Serena down without paying attention where they were, at that time.
Serena was totally surprised. She was so surprised so that she didn't even shrieked. Ash was tackling her but what surprised her more was the fact that she saw a hyper beam flying past Ash.
But there was a something that surprised her even more… They still didn't make contact with the ground.

Luck truly wasn't on their side today.

After realizing that they were flying in the air, the two of them decided to look down. And to their suprise, they were hovering one to two meters above the ground. Thereupon Ash and Serena started screaming and held tightly onto each other and still continued screaming.

They were flying in the air for just one two seconds nad then they hit the ground. The Impact wasn't that hard because they were still rolling down. Indeed it seems like they were rolling down a hillside. But things could be much worse than they were for them becuase the hillside was completely free, meaning there's only grass and no trees or other obstacles which could hurt them.

They were rolling and rolling and rolling until...


That was the sound of something entering the water with a high velocity and mass.

So... the two of them landed in the water.

A few seconds later Ash and Serena put their heads out of the water and the two of them took a deep breath.

Knowing that Serena was standing next to him but Ash being Ash asked: "Serena are you okay?" because he always puts others' well being before him

Serena, who was standing next to him, answered: "Yeah I'm fine except for some bruises and you?". The worry is mutual.

Thereupon, he answered: "Me too but man that Pangoro sure was angry. I guess we were lucky that we got away from it with minor injuries. Hehe" while scratching under his nose.

"Yeah we really are...", said Serena before she chuckled a bit.

After a small laugh, which was really necessary, the two of them noticed that they were still standing in the lake.

"Huh?... Could this be the umm..." Ash started but couldn't finish his question because he always forgets the name.

"Do you mean 'Lac d'Amour'?" Serena lightly laughed at him for not being able to remember the name.

"Yeah is this Lac d'Am... Ummm... Ah you know what I mean." Ash... he is just Ash

"Amour. *giggle* Yeaah I suppose so because according to the map, there's just one lake in this area. So I guess we really were lucky."

"Sweet! So let's first get out of the water and do you have your swimsuit with you?" Ash asked

"Jup! So shall we change into our swimwear and let our clothes dry?"

"Yeah and we should let our Pokémon out."

And with that the two of them let their pokémon out and walked into different directions in order to change into their swimwear without anyone peeking.

To be continued in the real last chapter!

So that was the chapter before the last one I hope that you enjoyed it!

(Yeah it was pretty short)

This is Satosere1234 Sayonara!